The Most Mysterious Right

That, sir, is your Y Pluribus Unum opinion. Go hug up on your death car and spare us your dramatic interpretation of those who support the second amendment.
Eliminate the right to bear arms and watch the crime explosion.

Talk to people who have successfully defended themselves against criminals using personal firearms, then see how comfortable you feel in an anti-gun rant.

The fact is, police cannot be in our homes when crimes occur. We have the right to be able to defend ourselves. It's AFTER a crime that the police come into play. Unless you want a cop in every home (which I've no doubt most of the rabid anti-gun crowd DO want) then having guns should be a right we get to keep.

And I'll tell you this..I know that if it were to become illegal for me to have a gun, I would stockpile as many as possible, and I would learn to make them myself. And I'm a law-abiding citizen at this point. Imagine the cash crop for the criminals if guns become contraband. You think it was crazy when they outlawed ALCOHOL, wait till you see what we get when the only ones armed are the gangs...who will be moving weapons as well as drugs. In much, much bigger numbers. Cities won't be worth living in, and the rural areas will become prime real estate for runners.
Shogun, my bike is kinda skinny, not real good for hugging and not as secure as a 45 and spare me your BS answer if you no like.

Allibaba, the old slippery slope, then arm everyone, what a wonderful world that would be?

Peace and love and my holster at the ready. :rofl:
Arm everyone and crime would be as low as it is in areas where everyone is armed now. Disarm everyone, and get a lovely crime wave that lasts for a decade, like DC experienced when they did it.
Shogun, my bike is kinda skinny, not real good for hugging and not as secure as a 45 and spare me your BS answer if you no like.

Allibaba, the old slippery slope, then arm everyone, what a wonderful world that would be?

Peace and love and my holster at the ready. :rofl:

no one has ever died on a bike? or caused accidental death on a bike? I take it cars are next on your agenda because they tend to run over spandex wearing bikers a lot?
I saw a bicyclist in Eugene get run over by a semi a few blocks from UO. He was between the 2nd/3rd set of wheels, deader than a nit. Nobody wanted to move the truck because they didn't want to see what was left.

Bicyclists can also get DUIs, which is sort of funny, in a sick way.
It is impossible to understand the current Second Amendment debate without lingering over Burger's words.
No its not.

What -is- impossible is to see how the people that wrote the Constitution meant for "the people" to mean individual citizens in everything they wrote, and then. just for the 2nd amendment, changed the meaning of 'the people" to "the states" - without telling anyone.
Most gun huggers and so called rights advocates miss the point that guns are more than a object used to kill, they are part and parcel of our society and as such are the cause of many needless deaths.
Guns cause death like forks cause obesity.
And... more people die from obesity than from guns.

As we have argued often, you can't keep canons in your yard, nor explosives
Sure you can.

there is a good reason to control guns.
Control guns in any way that you want, so long as that controil doesnt infringe on the right to arms.
Why should a court rule on something written in plain English? Laws should stand on their own. Seems to me most precedents are set when someone comes up with some off-the-wall interpretation that defies what the law says. Not always, but most times I've noticed.
Ever notice the only people that claim there is some sort of question or mystery or lack of clarity regarding the 2nd amendment are those that want to restrict/limit/ban guns?

Coincidence? You be the judge... :question:
They're the same people who want to disarm the public so they can ride roughshod over them. For our own good, of course.
imagine there are no handguns it's easy if you try
no reason to hide or cry or die
imagine all the people living for today

Someday a future woman will look back and say, 'in those days they had hand guns everywhere, they argued it was a right, can you imagine...
"And now only the criminals have them. Oh, for the good old days..." is the way she'd finish.
imagine there are no handguns it's easy if you try
no reason to hide or cry or die
imagine all the people living for today

Someday a future woman will look back and say, 'in those days they had hand guns everywhere, they argued it was a right, can you imagine...

yeaaa. i kinda doubt it. They will sooner make the same observation on the first amendment.

hey, ritchie valens died in a plane.. holy SHIT there goes air transportation!
imagine there are no handguns it's easy if you try
no reason to hide or cry or die
imagine all the people living for today

Someday a future woman will look back and say, 'in those days they had hand guns everywhere, they argued it was a right, can you imagine...

Interesting how you post these whimsical farces, rather than addressing the responses to your posts.
Then there should be no reason to remove them.

And the fact is, DC's crime quadrupled when they put restrictive gun laws into place.
M14, and how does one debate the absurd?

FACT: While handguns account for only one-third of all firearms owned in the United States, they account for more than two-thirds of all firearm-related deaths each year. A gun kept in the home is 22 times more likely to be used in a homicide, suicide or unintentional shooting than to be used in self-defense.

- Kellerman AL, Lee RK, Mercy JA, et al. "The Epidemiological Basis for the Prevention of Firearm Injuries." Annu. Rev. Public Health. 1991; 12:17-40

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