the most polarizing media network

In my opinion, the most polarizing source from which to get news in America today is:

  • CBS;

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ABC;

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NBC;

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PBS;

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • CSPAN;

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BBC;

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Gold Member
Jan 6, 2014
hangin' with my bro e.coli
What network is in your opinion the most destructive in terms of bias in how Americans get their news today?

What network doesn't call our leaders, including our president, to task enough for their shortcomings?

What network "stirs the pot" more often than it gives us consistently sound, unbiased news reporting?

What network is more concerned with celebrities and the worship—and, well, stalking—of them than it is with reporting actual news?

What network has too many ties to defense contractors?

What network has too many ties to the prison-industrial complex?

What network has too many ties to the entertainment industry (a.k.a. the CIA)?

What network has too many ties to the judiciary?

What network has too many ties to the federal government itself?

To put it in the words of the band Queensrÿche: "Who do you trust when everyone's a crook?"
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CBS engaged in treason with forged documents intended to influence the results of a presidential election. I'd call that the ultimate in polarization.
I went with the obvious, MSNBC and Fox News. Also. there are just really three prime time 24/7 news channels. The others basically have their Sunday morning news shows, maybe a secondary show on Sunday nights and their regular even news shows.

I'day say both MSNBC and Fox have a more so targeted audience. CNN is looked on as being more main stream (and I'm sure there are ideologues who disagree) but that's their reputation. CBS, ABC, NBC, PBS evening news try to attract Ma & Pa America. In actuality, most folks get their news from their local news stations, followed by network news an then 24 hour news in the television sector.* Most local news are just that, local. They may have a national news segment but in general local news dominates. The evening news aren't laced with bias either.
That leaves the the 24/7 news stations, two which have a very identifying leaning.
As I don't watch much TV, I get my news from sources I see as being pretty much neutral, such as Reuters.
* How Americans get their news - American Press Institute
That's easy, it's the one owned by these two guys:

Correct answer is "all of the above, collectively".

If you go into this question with the assumption that television is a level playing field and all you need to do is identify one of its entities --- then the machine has already vanquished you.
Fox News and MSNBC are the same. I can't vote since I have to pick just one :(

What you say is somewhat correct, but MSNBC makes hardly any effort to present an opposing view, while FNC almost always have one or sometimes more than one liberal on their talk shows.

The straight news programs show less bias on both.

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