The most powerful 911 truther in the known universe!!!!!!

Since none of you treasonous little fucks have any idea what "truth' consists of, I am here for the fun of ridiculing you jerkweeds.

Truth is not being told the distributions of steel and concrete in skyscrapers that could supposedly collapse on themselves.

Truth is whatever the moron majority believes.

Of course it is not possible that the PHYSICS might be something that any individual can TEST FOR HIMSELF.


Now of course various geniuses tell me that the WTC towers were not made of paper. SURPRISE! SURPRISE! You know, they are ABSOLUTELY CORRECT. But the WTC towers didn't weight only 3.5 pounds either. The paper was the weakest support I could come up with to hold the static load but it slowed down and arrested the dynamic load. So why don't the EXPERTS even tell us the TONS of STEEL and TONS of CONCRETE that were on every level of the WTC towers. Didn't the designers have to figure that out in the 60s to make them hold themselves up?

Treason has something to do with physics? Oh yeah, "My country right or wrong." The Laws of Physics don't give a damn about any country. But I think it is truly UNamerican for most of the people in the nation that put men on the Moon to not be able to solve a grade school physics problem.

Why is the CN Tower shaped like this:


Does it have something to do with GRAVITY? Did gravity change in New York on 9/11/01?


There should be a limit to how many times a dumbass can post the same bullshit. I am sure if there was you would have reached the limit by now dumbass.
i got my ass beat but i think I am still having fun.

WE are not here for fun, Slacky! What a turd-wad!:cuckoo:

WE are here for the truth!! You wouldn't know the truth if it ripped off your head, Slacky!

You can jack around here all day long and you will still be seen for the dis-info artist that you have proven to be.

Bravo. well said.:clap2:

I am certain a compliment from a delusional fucktard like rimjob meaqns a lot to a delusional fucktard like bareholly......what a surprise!
There should be a limit to how many times a dumbass can post the same bullshit. I am sure if there was you would have reached the limit by now dumbass.

Yeah, and people too intellectually inadequate to handle grade school physics need to resort to unimaginative derogatory language to advertise their ineptitude while convincing themselves that they know what they are talking about.

How many physics books have been printed with the F=ma formula in the last 100 years? Well they will keep doing it for the next 100 years because physics does not change.

Physics is just the same olde bullsh!t!

There should be a limit to how many times a dumbass can post the same bullshit. I am sure if there was you would have reached the limit by now dumbass.

Yeah, and people too intellectually inadequate to handle grade school physics need to resort to unimaginative derogatory language to advertise their ineptitude while convincing themselves that they know what they are talking about.

How many physics books have been printed with the F=ma formula in the last 100 years? Well they will keep doing it for the next 100 years because physics does not change.

Physics is just the same olde bullsh!t!


So, it is beyond your comprehension that this thread is about adjernut job being a truther, the most powerful truther, and you attack me for intellectual inadequacy?

You have only succeaded in proving what a dumbass you are!
The part of the OP all these dumbass twoofers just do not understand......

I don't want to discuss your anti-semite bullshit, or your looney opinions on world peace, or even your last wet-dream for that matter. I am here to discuss the FACT that President adjernutjob of Iran is the most powerful twoofer in the known universe.
I want to thank the following twoofers for proving me right. You all have the honor of proving that twoofers are really dumb as a box of doorknobs!

and many more to come I'm sure......
i got my ass beat but i think I am still having fun.

WE are not here for fun, Slacky! What a turd-wad!:cuckoo:

WE are here for the truth!! You wouldn't know the truth if it ripped off your head, Slacky!

You can jack around here all day long and you will still be seen for the dis-info artist that you have proven to be.

Somebody needs an whaaaaaambulance.

You are here to provide entertainment or at least I hope so because thats all you do.
i got my ass beat but i think I am still having fun.

WE are not here for fun, Slacky! What a turd-wad!:cuckoo:

WE are here for the truth!! You wouldn't know the truth if it ripped off your head, Slacky!

You can jack around here all day long and you will still be seen for the dis-info artist that you have proven to be.

Somebody needs an whaaaaaambulance.

You are here to provide entertainment or at least I hope so because thats all you do.

I suspect bareholly is rimjob in drag.......
WE are not here for fun, Slacky! What a turd-wad!:cuckoo:

WE are here for the truth!! You wouldn't know the truth if it ripped off your head, Slacky!

You can jack around here all day long and you will still be seen for the dis-info artist that you have proven to be.

Somebody needs an whaaaaaambulance.

You are here to provide entertainment or at least I hope so because thats all you do.

I suspect bareholly is rimjob in drag.......

I disagree.

Too many words spelled correctly and placed in the same order. Rimjob is too soft in the head to pull of a second ID.
so true
and at least it seems like holly does more than just cheerlead for others

Of course I do more than cheerlead for others.

I expose the truth!

Something you idiots seem to find offensive.

You like fairy tales. Do yourselves a favor then, go to Disney World.:tongue:
so true
and at least it seems like holly does more than just cheerlead for others

Of course I do more than cheerlead for others.

I expose the truth!

Something you idiots seem to find offensive.

You like fairy tales. Do yourselves a favor then, go to Disney World.:tongue:
you no more "expose the truth" than you expose your own idiocy
but at least you dont just cheerlead like 911rimjob does
so true
and at least it seems like holly does more than just cheerlead for others

Of course I do more than cheerlead for others.

I expose the truth!

Something you idiots seem to find offensive.

You like fairy tales. Do yourselves a favor then, go to Disney World.:tongue:

...lets hear some truth! Get on with it. Shit or get off the pot!

We all await the secrets revealed by your council!
Kennedy and oswald are still dead

Yep You guessed it, The president of Iran is the most powerful 911 truther in the known universe.
so true
and at least it seems like holly does more than just cheerlead for others

Of course I do more than cheerlead for others.

I expose the truth!

Something you idiots seem to find offensive.

You like fairy tales. Do yourselves a favor then, go to Disney World.:tongue:
So, where's the truth.

We have yet to see any of you clowns provide one shred of thruth.

I'll make it easy for ya'......Do your job for ya'!

Here's the truth:

A BUNCH OF CRAZY TOWELHEADED FUCKS CONSPIRED TO RAM 4 PLANELOADS OF INNOCENT AMERICANS INTO 3 BUILDINGS AND AN EMPTY FIELD. Sadly they succeeded, and now their fellow crazy towelheads are paying a heavy price with their blood.

That is the truth!.....Deal with it, and get a fucking life!
So, where's the truth.

We have yet to see any of you clowns provide one shred of thruth.

I'll make it easy for ya'......Do your job for ya'!

Here's the truth:

A BUNCH OF CRAZY TOWELHEADED FUCKS CONSPIRED TO RAM 4 PLANELOADS OF INNOCENT AMERICANS INTO 3 BUILDINGS AND AN EMPTY FIELD. Sadly they succeeded, and now their fellow crazy towelheads are paying a heavy price with their blood.

That is the truth!.....Deal with it, and get a fucking life!

Let's see...."a bunch of crazy towelheaded fucks" - Of which 11 have found to be ALIVE, "conspired to ram 4 planeloads of innocent Americans into 3 buildings and an empty field" - Let's not mention that NONE of these "towelheads" could fly worth a damn, yet flew planes into buildings in such a way that even EXPERTS could not repeat on simulators. Oh and let's not mention that NONE of their names appeared on any of the 4 flight manifests, yet we have "video" of them going through security and they were let on the planes. (without tickets?)

I could go on and on with your Fantasy Fairy Tale. You are the one who needs to "get a life"!!
So, where's the truth.

We have yet to see any of you clowns provide one shred of thruth.

I'll make it easy for ya'......Do your job for ya'!

Here's the truth:

A BUNCH OF CRAZY TOWELHEADED FUCKS CONSPIRED TO RAM 4 PLANELOADS OF INNOCENT AMERICANS INTO 3 BUILDINGS AND AN EMPTY FIELD. Sadly they succeeded, and now their fellow crazy towelheads are paying a heavy price with their blood.

That is the truth!.....Deal with it, and get a fucking life!

Let's see...."a bunch of crazy towelheaded fucks" - Of which 11 have found to be ALIVE, "conspired to ram 4 planeloads of innocent Americans into 3 buildings and an empty field" - Let's not mention that NONE of these "towelheads" could fly worth a damn, yet flew planes into buildings in such a way that even EXPERTS could not repeat on simulators. Oh and let's not mention that NONE of their names appeared on any of the 4 flight manifests, yet we have "video" of them going through security and they were let on the planes. (without tickets?)

I could go on and on with your Fantasy Fairy Tale.
You are the one who needs to "get a life"!!

Please do, I'm a little bored.:lol::lol::lol:
So, where's the truth.

We have yet to see any of you clowns provide one shred of thruth.

I'll make it easy for ya'......Do your job for ya'!

Here's the truth:

A BUNCH OF CRAZY TOWELHEADED FUCKS CONSPIRED TO RAM 4 PLANELOADS OF INNOCENT AMERICANS INTO 3 BUILDINGS AND AN EMPTY FIELD. Sadly they succeeded, and now their fellow crazy towelheads are paying a heavy price with their blood.

That is the truth!.....Deal with it, and get a fucking life!

Let's see...."a bunch of crazy towelheaded fucks" - Of which 11 have found to be ALIVE, "conspired to ram 4 planeloads of innocent Americans into 3 buildings and an empty field" - Let's not mention that NONE of these "towelheads" could fly worth a damn, yet flew planes into buildings in such a way that even EXPERTS could not repeat on simulators. Oh and let's not mention that NONE of their names appeared on any of the 4 flight manifests, yet we have "video" of them going through security and they were let on the planes. (without tickets?)

I could go on and on with your Fantasy Fairy Tale. You are the one who needs to "get a life"!!
NONE of them have been "found alive" dipshit
So, where's the truth.

We have yet to see any of you clowns provide one shred of thruth.

I'll make it easy for ya'......Do your job for ya'!

Here's the truth:

A BUNCH OF CRAZY TOWELHEADED FUCKS CONSPIRED TO RAM 4 PLANELOADS OF INNOCENT AMERICANS INTO 3 BUILDINGS AND AN EMPTY FIELD. Sadly they succeeded, and now their fellow crazy towelheads are paying a heavy price with their blood.

That is the truth!.....Deal with it, and get a fucking life!

Let's see...."a bunch of crazy towelheaded fucks" - Of which 11 have found to be ALIVE, "conspired to ram 4 planeloads of innocent Americans into 3 buildings and an empty field" - Let's not mention that NONE of these "towelheads" could fly worth a damn, yet flew planes into buildings in such a way that even EXPERTS could not repeat on simulators. Oh and let's not mention that NONE of their names appeared on any of the 4 flight manifests, yet we have "video" of them going through security and they were let on the planes. (without tickets?)

I could go on and on with your Fantasy Fairy Tale. You are the one who needs to "get a life"!!
NONE of them have been "found alive" dipshit
Nor can she provide proof to back up ANY of her claims.

But we know we can damn sure debunk anything these clowns claim.

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