The most powerful 911 truther in the known universe!!!!!!

So, where's the truth.

We have yet to see any of you clowns provide one shred of thruth.

I'll make it easy for ya'......Do your job for ya'!

Here's the truth:

A BUNCH OF CRAZY TOWELHEADED FUCKS CONSPIRED TO RAM 4 PLANELOADS OF INNOCENT AMERICANS INTO 3 BUILDINGS AND AN EMPTY FIELD. Sadly they succeeded, and now their fellow crazy towelheads are paying a heavy price with their blood.

That is the truth!.....Deal with it, and get a fucking life!

Let's see...."a bunch of crazy towelheaded fucks" - Of which 11 have found to be ALIVE, "conspired to ram 4 planeloads of innocent Americans into 3 buildings and an empty field" - Let's not mention that NONE of these "towelheads" could fly worth a damn, yet flew planes into buildings in such a way that even EXPERTS could not repeat on simulators. Oh and let's not mention that NONE of their names appeared on any of the 4 flight manifests, yet we have "video" of them going through security and they were let on the planes. (without tickets?)

I could go on and on with your Fantasy Fairy Tale. You are the one who needs to "get a life"!!

Below are the links to the actual flight manifests from the airlines as used in the Moussaoui trial.
Flight 11 Page 1
Flight 11 Page 2
Flight 175 Page 1
Flight 77 Page 1
Flight 77 Page 2
Flight 93 Page 1

The hijackers appear on all of them. I think you've been getting your information from inferior sources.

So that is debunked.

As for "flying worth a damn"...they all crashed. Not exactly the mark of a great pilot. Three of them hit buildings that were 3 of the largest buildings in the world. Again, not a huge feat.

As for a simulator not replicating the act of flying, would you not allow for the simulator having a degree of unknown built into it. I mean, some people are shot several times and live, others shot once and die. As for aircraft undergoing the tolerances of the flights v. what the simulator says they can do; well, gee aircraft mechanics are not exactly fail proof in terms of precisely tightening bolts to specs...pasts experiences have shown that they don't get everything right--too loose in most cases (engines falling off, other failures,); who is to say that they don't over-tighten v. what the simulator says based on the manual saying how much torque a screw is tightened. Who says the simulator is upgraded to the same precise specs as the planes when they are upgraded. I'm not sure but if it is like most things in this world, specs are great but "good enough" is usually good enough.

Especially for union mechanics.

So we can call that one a push but simulators do crappy jobs of showing what happens in disasters universally. Trusting one and using it as some sort of proof is pretty lame.


As for 11 of them still being alive; it is a profoundly unlikely experience that there would be people spending this much below...

OK00102 Airman Flight School invoice, 03/05/2001, $2500.00
OK00103 Airman Flight School invoice, 05/01/2001, $2495.00
OK00116 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/05/2001, $99.50
OK00117 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/06/2001, $78.50
OK00118 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/07/2001, $141.50
OK00119 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/08/2001, $78.50
OK00120 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/08/2001, $42.00
OK00121 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/09/2001, $131.00
OK00122 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/10/2001, $21.00
OK00123 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/12/2001, $120.50
OK00124 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/13/2001, $63.00
OK00125 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/13/2001, $162.50
OK00126 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/15/2001, $63.00
OK00127 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/16/2001, $194.00
OK00128 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/16/2001, $63.00
OK00129 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/17/2001, $162.50
OK00130 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/19/2001, $63.00
OK00131 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/19/2001, $141.50
OK00132 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/20/2001, $63.00
OK00133 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/20/2001, $131.00
OK00134 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/21/2001, $141.50
OK00135 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/21/2001, $63.00
OK00136 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/22/2001, $152.00
OK00137 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/22/2001, $63.00
OK00138 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/23/2001, $63.00
OK00139 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/23/2001, $21.00
OK00140 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/24/2001, $37.80
OK00141 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/26/2001, $89.00
OK00142 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/29/2001, $37.80
OK00143 Airman Flight School Invoice, 03/30/2001, $110.00
OK00144 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/03/2001, $131.00
OK00145 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/07/2001, $152.00
OK00146 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/09/2001, $152.00
OK00147 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/12/2001, $152.00
OK00148 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/13/2001, $162.50
OK00149 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/17/2001, $152.00
OK00150 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/18/2001, $152.00
OK00151 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/23/2001, $152.00
OK00152 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/24/2001, $131.00
OK00153 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/25/2001, $146.50
OK00154 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/26/2001, $152.00
OK00155 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/27/2001, $141.50
OK00156 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/28/2001, $131.00
OK00157 Airman Flight School Invoice, 04/30/2001, $141.50
OK00158 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/01/2001, $141.50
OK00159 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/02/2001, $42.00
OK00160 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/03/2001, $31.50
OK00161 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/04/2001, $21.00
OK00162 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/07/2001, $183.50
OK00163 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/08/2001, $162.50
OK00164 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/09/2001, $162.50
OK00165 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/10/2001, $133.50
OK00166 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/11/2001, $162.50
OK00167 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/12/2001, $154.50
OK00168 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/14/2001, $154.50
OK00169 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/15/2001, $123.00
OK00170 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/19/2001, $186.00
OK00171 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/22/2001, $165.00
OK00172 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/23/2001, $175.50
OK00173 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/24/2001, $207.00
OK00174 Airman Flight School Invoice, 05/29/2001, $63.00

on intensive flight lessons (much more expenses to follow, much more expenses living so far away from home) and absolutely none, zero, zilch, nada, NONE of these men are flying for any airline anywhere in the world. You can see the invoices for yourself with clickable links at:

U.S.D.C. Eastern District of Virginia

You can also see how thoroughly unlikely it is that anybody other than the 19 men from the middle east pulled this off.

I think you realize how thin your words sound in the light of cold hard facts. I suggest you don't look at the link and go forward in darkness. Or you could try to enlighten yourself.

We both know thats not happening though; don't we?
Just in- The president of Iran is the most powerful twoofer in the known universe.
that is all......
Nor can she provide proof to back up ANY of her claims.

But we know we can damn sure debunk anything these clowns claim.

Think again.....

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

9-11 "Hijackers" Identified by FBI: Seven Are Alive and Well



Furthermore, on the morning of 9/11 on officially released passenger lists provided by the airlines to the media, not one of the alleged hijacker's names appears. In fact, no Arab names appear on any of the four passenger lists. "It has been claimed that the names of the hijackers were on the airlines' flight manifests. However, there is no public evidence of this. Researchers who have attempted to obtain this information from the airlines have been rebuffed."
September 11 - Flight Manifests and Passenger Lists

Oh and here.....I am sure you wil tell these EXPERTS that they are wrong:

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

I am quite sure you have more experience than they do, right??:cuckoo:

There's your proof!! Now I supposed you'll want jam on it.

"Debunking" with tainted Fairy Tale sites just makes you look like the pitiful idiot that you are.
NONE of them are alive, moron
those are DIFFERENT people with the same name
you are a fucking idiot to believe this nonsense
Nor can she provide proof to back up ANY of her claims.

But we know we can damn sure debunk anything these clowns claim.

Think again.....

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

9-11 "Hijackers" Identified by FBI: Seven Are Alive and Well



Furthermore, on the morning of 9/11 on officially released passenger lists provided by the airlines to the media, not one of the alleged hijacker's names appears. In fact, no Arab names appear on any of the four passenger lists. "It has been claimed that the names of the hijackers were on the airlines' flight manifests. However, there is no public evidence of this. Researchers who have attempted to obtain this information from the airlines have been rebuffed."
September 11 - Flight Manifests and Passenger Lists

Oh and here.....I am sure you wil tell these EXPERTS that they are wrong:

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

I am quite sure you have more experience than they do, right??:cuckoo:

There's your proof!! Now I supposed you'll want jam on it.

"Debunking" with tainted Fairy Tale sites just makes you look like the pitiful idiot that you are.

Your same source, BBC, says this:

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Bin Laden 'voice' lists hijackers

So did they all of the sudden become incompetent when they reported that Bin Laden was praising the hi-jackers--many of whom made martyrdom videos?


This statement made by you or whomever is patently false:
Furthermore, on the morning of 9/11 on officially released passenger lists provided by the airlines to the media, not one of the alleged hijacker's names appears. In fact, no Arab names appear on any of the four passenger lists. "It has been claimed that the names of the hijackers were on the airlines' flight manifests. However, there is no public evidence of this. Researchers who have attempted to obtain this information from the airlines have been rebuffed."
September 11 - Flight Manifests and Passenger Lists

In public--in Federal District Court during the Mousaui trial

This is public record:

Below are the links to the actual flight manifests from the airlines as used in the Moussaoui trial.
Flight 11 Page 1
Flight 11 Page 2
Flight 175 Page 1
Flight 77 Page 1
Flight 77 Page 2
Flight 93 Page 1

The names of the hijackers appear on all manifests. You can look for yourself.


I'm not sure what you're trying to indicate by quoting the home page of a truther website.

The sources you cite agree with the official version; you've quoted--or stated I can't tell which--a total falsehood that was debunked by the public record; and, as always, this is just part of a pattern of the lineage of red herrings your type relies upon. Please come out with some sort of narrative on what you think happened--hell just an outline; obviously the hijackers were on board and they are all quite dead now. Continuously bringing this up is doing nothing other than solidifying your standing as a first-class nutjob.
so eots, you ready to come to grips with the fact that the president of iran is the most powerful twoofer in the universe?
Nor can she provide proof to back up ANY of her claims.

But we know we can damn sure debunk anything these clowns claim.

Think again.....

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Hijack 'suspects' alive and well

At Least 7 of the 9/11 Hijackers are Still Alive

9-11 "Hijackers" Identified by FBI: Seven Are Alive and Well



Furthermore, on the morning of 9/11 on officially released passenger lists provided by the airlines to the media, not one of the alleged hijacker's names appears. In fact, no Arab names appear on any of the four passenger lists. "It has been claimed that the names of the hijackers were on the airlines' flight manifests. However, there is no public evidence of this. Researchers who have attempted to obtain this information from the airlines have been rebuffed."
September 11 - Flight Manifests and Passenger Lists

Oh and here.....I am sure you wil tell these EXPERTS that they are wrong:

Pilots For 9/11 Truth

I am quite sure you have more experience than they do, right??:cuckoo:

There's your proof!! Now I supposed you'll want jam on it.

"Debunking" with tainted Fairy Tale sites just makes you look like the pitiful idiot that you are.
Still waiting for that proof, Rosie!:eusa_whistle:
NONE of them are alive, moron
those are DIFFERENT people with the same name
you are a fucking idiot to believe this nonsense

Oh really????? "Different people with the same names"?? What a freeeeking coincidence!!

What about the pictures??

Do you supposed they all had twins?? Wow!!

YOU are the "fucking MORON" here, DiveCon!!
NONE of them are alive, moron
those are DIFFERENT people with the same name
you are a fucking idiot to believe this nonsense

Oh really????? "Different people with the same names"?? What a freeeeking coincidence!!

What about the pictures??

Do you supposed they all had twins?? Wow!!

YOU are the "fucking MORON" here, DiveCon!!

you have pictures of the 9/11 hijackers alive after 9/11?!! :lol:

please share!! dont keep them to yourself. post them so we can all see them. :cuckoo:

and we already debunked your stupid "same name" bullshit by posting the actual spelling of the person claiming he was still alive and it isnt even the same spelling. :cuckoo:
NONE of them are alive, moron
those are DIFFERENT people with the same name
you are a fucking idiot to believe this nonsense

Oh really????? "Different people with the same names"?? What a freeeeking coincidence!!

What about the pictures??

Do you supposed they all had twins?? Wow!!

YOU are the "fucking MORON" here, DiveCon!!
no, that is clearly YOU
do you have a clue how many people have identical names in the world?
no, that is clearly YOU
do you have a clue how many people have identical names in the world?

But they couldn't possibly have identical faces!

Many 9-11 "Hijackers" are Still Alive.

Whether they had their identities stolen or not, they couldn't possibly look alike.

You have to remember these guys were seen by many people, including the flight school instuctors.

Also, no DNA tests were done either, so they could have been anyone, including Mossaud agents.

You have NO conclusive proof. And that is what the real perpatraitors counted on. Even the FBI misled people on who these hijackers actually were.
no, that is clearly YOU
do you have a clue how many people have identical names in the world?

But they couldn't possibly have identical faces!

Many 9-11 "Hijackers" are Still Alive.

Whether they had their identities stolen or not, they couldn't possibly look alike.

You have to remember these guys were seen by many people, including the flight school instuctors.

Also, no DNA tests were done either, so they could have been anyone, including Mossaud agents.

You have NO conclusive proof. And that is what the real perpatraitors counted on. Even the FBI misled people on who these hijackers actually were.
and they DONT
NONE of them are alive, moron
those are DIFFERENT people with the same name
you are a fucking idiot to believe this nonsense

Oh really????? "Different people with the same names"?? What a freeeeking coincidence!!

What about the pictures??

Do you supposed they all had twins?? Wow!!

YOU are the "fucking MORON" here, DiveCon!!
no, that is clearly YOU
do you have a clue how many people have identical names in the world?

Especially those arabs, all of 'em named abeed or abed or abebe, and they all look the same.

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