The most significant reason to oppose the GOP's tax plan


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
The GOP and its base are thirsting for wars against North Korea and any number of Middle East boogeymen, but they can't start them until they pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy and for those who will benefit most from starting those wars. They can't do it because once those wars begin, it will be impossible to convince any but the most deranged alt-right conservatives that those wars aren't going to cost anything.

This tax package needs to be shut down until the sanest of our representatives are able to reel in Trump and his cast of villains.

Senator: It's time for US military families to leave SKorea

US stealth jets arrive in South Korea as rhetoric heats up - CNN

Risk of war with North Korea grows each day, says Trump's security adviser

Oil could top $200 if Saudi-Iran war breaks out

CIA Director Warns Iranian General on Iraq’

Iranian Envoy Says U.S. Won't Succeed In Pushing Iran Out Of Syria
Their propensity for starting failed, illegal wars is one of many reasons why Republicans have no business in power.
The GOP and its base are thirsting for wars against North Korea and any number of Middle East boogeymen, but they can't start them until they pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy and for those who will benefit most from starting those wars. They can't do it because once those wars begin, it will be impossible to convince any but the most deranged alt-right conservatives that those wars aren't going to cost anything.

This tax package needs to be shut down until the sanest of our representatives are able to reel in Trump and his cast of villains.

Senator: It's time for US military families to leave SKorea

US stealth jets arrive in South Korea as rhetoric heats up - CNN

Risk of war with North Korea grows each day, says Trump's security adviser

Oil could top $200 if Saudi-Iran war breaks out

CIA Director Warns Iranian General on Iraq’

Iranian Envoy Says U.S. Won't Succeed In Pushing Iran Out Of Syria

If Trump is actually what I believe him to be? There isn't going to be any war in N.K or Iran..... but if he is a puppet and they do start wars with those two countries? Then we are all in deep, deep up to our necks in it...... and the unconstitutional income tax and "who pays what" will be the least of our concerns.....

But fear not for the elites....they have deep underground military bases that our sweat equity paid for to scurry to.
[QUOTE="Tank, post: 18743895, member: 18975"]I don't have any debt[/QUOTE]

Nor much of a brain capacity either.....You're good....No problems in your little world, Tank.......
To whom is the national debt owed to, Old Rocks???? Who is responsible for paying it?

My 401K is up 40% cuts are NOT off our debt instead, don't you agree???
When the economy is running well is not the time for deficit spending. We should concentrate in improving infrastructure and paying down the National Debt.

When the economy is running well is not the time for deficit spending.

Cut spending start.
To whom is the national debt owed to, Old Rocks???? Who is responsible for paying it?


Most of that money for retirements and pensions was taken out of the checks of the people like S.S was and then spent. The Federal Reserve never "lent" USA.INC any money......they didn't go into a vault and take out pallets of Federal Reserve Notes that were backed by anything with an intrinsic value...they simply took in fancy printed Treasury Bonds with interest attached to them and deposited them into a "bank" that had nothing in it's vault and then attached interest to every fiat dollar printed that the government was given permission to print. Every "dollar" has been borrowed into existence and since every "dollar" has interest attached to it? Where does the money come from to pay the interest? Why, you have to borrow and increase the money supply exponentially........foreclosures and bankruptcies are built into this debt slavery system and your sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt before you were even born....via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC of 1933.....that was when all allodial rights to property was lost.
To whom is the national debt owed to, Old Rocks???? Who is responsible for paying it?


Most of that money for retirements and pensions was taken out of the checks of the people like S.S was and then spent. The Federal Reserve never "lent" USA.INC any money......they didn't go into a vault and take out pallets of Federal Reserve Notes that were backed by anything with an intrinsic value...they simply took in fancy printed Treasury Bonds with interest attached to them and deposited them into a "bank" that had nothing in it's vault and then attached interest to every fiat dollar printed that the government was given permission to print. Every "dollar" has been borrowed into existence and since every "dollar" has interest attached to it? Where does the money come from to pay the interest? Why, you have to borrow and increase the money supply exponentially........foreclosures and bankruptcies are built into this debt slavery system and your sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt before you were even born....via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC of 1933.....that was when all allodial rights to property was lost.

they simply took in fancy printed Treasury Bonds with interest attached to them and deposited them into a "bank" that had nothing in it's vault and then attached interest to every fiat dollar printed that the government was given permission to print.

My FRNs have no interest attached to them. Sorry.
The GOP and its base are thirsting for wars against North Korea and any number of Middle East boogeymen, but they can't start them until they pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy and for those who will benefit most from starting those wars. They can't do it because once those wars begin, it will be impossible to convince any but the most deranged alt-right conservatives that those wars aren't going to cost anything.

This tax package needs to be shut down until the sanest of our representatives are able to reel in Trump and his cast of villains.

Senator: It's time for US military families to leave SKorea

US stealth jets arrive in South Korea as rhetoric heats up - CNN

Risk of war with North Korea grows each day, says Trump's security adviser

Oil could top $200 if Saudi-Iran war breaks out

CIA Director Warns Iranian General on Iraq’

Iranian Envoy Says U.S. Won't Succeed In Pushing Iran Out Of Syria
The old school tards post a bunch a crap and everyone is supposed to shiver.
To whom is the national debt owed to, Old Rocks???? Who is responsible for paying it?


Most of that money for retirements and pensions was taken out of the checks of the people like S.S was and then spent. The Federal Reserve never "lent" USA.INC any money......they didn't go into a vault and take out pallets of Federal Reserve Notes that were backed by anything with an intrinsic value...they simply took in fancy printed Treasury Bonds with interest attached to them and deposited them into a "bank" that had nothing in it's vault and then attached interest to every fiat dollar printed that the government was given permission to print. Every "dollar" has been borrowed into existence and since every "dollar" has interest attached to it? Where does the money come from to pay the interest? Why, you have to borrow and increase the money supply exponentially........foreclosures and bankruptcies are built into this debt slavery system and your sweat equity was pledged as surety against the debt before you were even born....via the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of USA.INC of 1933.....that was when all allodial rights to property was lost.

RE bankruptcy - the whole idea behind business bankruptcy is the hope that these folks, who have shown interest in taking a risk to start a business, will try again - and thus drive the American economy. JS

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