The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

Are "hypocrites" worth more than ten racist real estate agents?

"In Safed, less than two months ago, more than a dozen rabbis urged Jewish landlords to refrain from renting to Arab college students. This summer, a group of Tel Aviv rabbis signed a letter instructing Jews not to rent to 'infiltrators' – the state's word for African refugees, most of whom have escaped genocide in Sudan or a brutal dictatorship in Eritrea. Ten estate agents answered the call."

Israeli rabbis' racist decree strikes at the soul of Judaism | Mya Guarnieri | Comment is free |
Are "hypocrites" worth more than ten racist real estate agents?
Of course, they are! They should lead the world by example! No?
"In Safed, less than two months ago, more than a dozen rabbis urged Jewish landlords to refrain from renting to Arab college students. This summer, a group of Tel Aviv rabbis signed a letter instructing Jews not to rent to 'infiltrators' – the state's word for African refugees, most of whom have escaped genocide in Sudan or a brutal dictatorship in Eritrea. Ten estate agents answered the call."
Oh! Refugees with cool money. Some "refugees", indeed. As for real estate agents, we're sure there will be more, if californian gated communities are concerned, and without any rabbinical letters whatsoever, bth.. heh
Mya Guarnieri,
They should always post how many arabs and various africans they themselves did accomodate, otherwise they're pure hypocrites, of course.
Those reacting to the issue of SAFED and the idea some people have of keeping its character unchanged------likely have no idea just what sort of city safed is----where it is----or its history. I have a suggestion----if you would not demand that Saudi arabia allow it in Medina----do not demand that rabbis not wish it to happen in Safed Safed has an importance in jewish history AND RELIGION that can be compared in "degree" to the importance of medina to muslims. Even now Safed has a specific character that depends to some extent on its demographics-----it is a tiny remote place anyway----virtually monastic. If you would not demand a race track be built in ST PETER'S square in rome------don't demand that Safed be assaulted either
Those reacting to the issue of SAFED and the idea some people have of keeping its character unchanged------likely have no idea just what sort of city safed is----where it is----or its history. I have a suggestion----if you would not demand that Saudi arabia allow it in Medina----do not demand that rabbis not wish it to happen in Safed Safed has an importance in jewish history AND RELIGION that can be compared in "degree" to the importance of medina to muslims. Even now Safed has a specific character that depends to some extent on its demographics-----it is a tiny remote place anyway----virtually monastic. If you would not demand a race track be built in ST PETER'S square in rome------don't demand that Safed be assaulted either
"Racism originated in the Torah", right?

"In Safed, less than two months ago, more than a dozen rabbis urged Jewish landlords to refrain from renting to Arab college students. This summer, a group of Tel Aviv rabbis signed a letter instructing Jews not to rent to 'infiltrators' – the state's word for African refugees, most of whom have escaped genocide in Sudan or a brutal dictatorship in Eritrea. Ten estate agents answered the call.

"And, in November, the municipality of Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox suburb of Tel Aviv, launched a campaign to rid the area of migrant workers and African refugees. By the end of the month, officials – government employees – were going door to door telling foreigners they had to leave.

"The latest move, first publicised on Tuesday on Ynet's Hebrew site, is the largest step that Israel's religious community has taken against non-Jews. And it is, perhaps, the most alarming. Rabbis from all over the country signed the proclamation. And they didn't try to hide their intentions. 'We don't need to help Arabs set down roots in Israel,' one remarked to Haaretz.

"'Racism originated in the Torah,' another said."

Time for all racist states to vanish from the page of time.

Israeli rabbis' racist decree strikes at the soul of Judaism | Mya Guarnieri | Comment is free |
Those reacting to the issue of SAFED and the idea some people have of keeping its character unchanged------likely have no idea just what sort of city safed is----where it is----or its history. I have a suggestion----if you would not demand that Saudi arabia allow it in Medina----do not demand that rabbis not wish it to happen in Safed Safed has an importance in jewish history AND RELIGION that can be compared in "degree" to the importance of medina to muslims. Even now Safed has a specific character that depends to some extent on its demographics-----it is a tiny remote place anyway----virtually monastic. If you would not demand a race track be built in ST PETER'S square in rome------don't demand that Safed be assaulted either
"Racism originated in the Torah", right?

"In Safed, less than two months ago, more than a dozen rabbis urged Jewish landlords to refrain from renting to Arab college students. This summer, a group of Tel Aviv rabbis signed a letter instructing Jews not to rent to 'infiltrators' – the state's word for African refugees, most of whom have escaped genocide in Sudan or a brutal dictatorship in Eritrea. Ten estate agents answered the call.

"And, in November, the municipality of Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox suburb of Tel Aviv, launched a campaign to rid the area of migrant workers and African refugees. By the end of the month, officials – government employees – were going door to door telling foreigners they had to leave.

"The latest move, first publicised on Tuesday on Ynet's Hebrew site, is the largest step that Israel's religious community has taken against non-Jews. And it is, perhaps, the most alarming. Rabbis from all over the country signed the proclamation. And they didn't try to hide their intentions. 'We don't need to help Arabs set down roots in Israel,' one remarked to Haaretz.

"'Racism originated in the Torah,' another said."

Time for all racist states to vanish from the page of time.

Israeli rabbis' racist decree strikes at the soul of Judaism | Mya Guarnieri | Comment is free |
Why, George, did you work in your own city when there were no Fair Housing Laws so that Blacks could live anyplace they wished, or were you happy that they couldn't move into your own neighborhood? As bad as it is to restrict people to live where they want to (and no doubt this happens all over the Muslim world where no-Muslims are concerned), at least the Rabbis and other decent people do not celebrate terrorists who have killed innocent people.

August 14, 2012

Ramallah to honor remains of Savoy Hotel terrorists


The Ramallah municipality approved the construction of a mausoleum to honor the Palestinian terrorists who killed 11 Israelis in the 1975 attack on Tel Aviv’s Savoy Hotel.

The vote was reported last week by the PA daily newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida and translated into English by Palestinian Media Watch.

The eight terrorists, members of the Palestine Liberation Organization, traveled by boat from Lebanon to Tel Aviv, where they took over the Savoy Hotel. Seven of the terrorists were killed during an Israeli rescue attempt, during which eight hostages and three soldiers were killed.

The terrorists’ remains were among the bodies of 91 Palestinian terrorists repatriated to the Palestinian Authority two months ago as an Israeli good-will gesture.

No, Hoss, I never did work for fair housing, but, then again, I never voted for segregation.
How about you?

Any racist rabbis or otherwise decent people who support the illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza by Israel are celebrating the murder, incarceration, and displacement of millions of innocent people, assuming you regard non-Jews as people.

Do you?

As far as the 1975 Savoy Hotel incident's concerned.
It's the same old 1948 story:
One-third of all Palestinians imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their neighbors. Every other crime on both sides stems from the Jewish State's Original Sin.
No, Hoss, I never did work for fair housing, but, then again, I never voted for segregation.
How about you?

Any racist rabbis or otherwise decent people who support the illegal occupation of the West Bank and Gaza by Israel are celebrating the murder, incarceration, and displacement of millions of innocent people, assuming you regard non-Jews as people.

Do you?

As far as the 1975 Savoy Hotel incident's concerned.
It's the same old 1948 story:
One-third of all Palestinians imposed a Jewish State by force of arms on the majority of their neighbors. Every other crime on both sides stems from the Jewish State's Original Sin.
I am a model citizen and my heart is pure. How about you?
Those reacting to the issue of SAFED and the idea some people have of keeping its character unchanged------likely have no idea just what sort of city safed is----where it is----or its history. I have a suggestion----if you would not demand that Saudi arabia allow it in Medina----do not demand that rabbis not wish it to happen in Safed Safed has an importance in jewish history AND RELIGION that can be compared in "degree" to the importance of medina to muslims. Even now Safed has a specific character that depends to some extent on its demographics-----it is a tiny remote place anyway----virtually monastic. If you would not demand a race track be built in ST PETER'S square in rome------don't demand that Safed be assaulted either
"Racism originated in the Torah", right?

"In Safed, less than two months ago, more than a dozen rabbis urged Jewish landlords to refrain from renting to Arab college students. This summer, a group of Tel Aviv rabbis signed a letter instructing Jews not to rent to 'infiltrators' – the state's word for
African refugees, most of whom have escaped genocide in Sudan or a brutal dictatorship in Eritrea. Ten estate agents answered the call.

"And, in November, the municipality of Bnei Brak, an ultra-Orthodox suburb of Tel Aviv, launched a campaign to rid the area of migrant workers and African refugees. By the end of the month, officials – government employees – were going door to door telling foreigners they had to leave.

"The latest move, first publicised on Tuesday on Ynet's Hebrew site, is the largest step that Israel's religious community has taken against non-Jews. And it is, perhaps, the most alarming. Rabbis from all over the country signed the proclamation. And they didn't try to hide their intentions. 'We don't need to help Arabs set down roots in Israel,' one remarked to Haaretz.

"'Racism originated in the Torah,' another said."

Time for all racist states to vanish from the page of time.

Israeli rabbis' racist decree strikes at the soul of Judaism | Mya Guarnieri | Comment is free |

You are insisting that ALL societies that consider themselves "MUSLIM" must vanish from the page of time. I grew up in a town in the USA that until several years after world war II -----was completely "restricted" (no jews and no blacks and ---or just about anything else like "wops" and "spicks") Of course my family moved in several years after world war II and at that time the local golf club and swimming club was still off limits to people with ----my last name. Of course the ideal would be ANYONE CAN LIVE ANYWHERE -------when you start campaigning for hindu temples in Mecca----then you can have something to say about some people who would prefer to keep SAFED---which is one of the four HOLY CITIES OF JUDAISM --------sorta more jewish than not. In context---I can understand their point of view I would understand if some day catholic priests would band together and object to CASINOS in BETHLEHEM
"Racism originated in the Torah..."

"For argument's sake, let's set aside the fact that the Palestinians had roots here long before the state of Israel existed. Let's pretend that they are 'strangers' in this land, as these rabbis would surely claim.

Do you deny "...the Palestinians had roots here long before the state of Israel existed?"

Israeli rabbis' racist decree strikes at the soul of Judaism | Mya Guarnieri | Comment is free |

I'm insisting all RACIST societies should vanish from the page of time.
Discrimination like you claim your family experienced after WWII is no longer legal in the US.
Why do you make apologies for it in SAFED?
Most of the people who call themselves "palestinians" could not be described as people with "roots" in palestine The people who, today, call themselves "palestinians" admit that THEY DEFINE as "palestinian" any person who has lived in or has a parent who had lived in "palestine" for two years or more. Based in that defintion I could call myself a REFUGEE FROM STATEN ISLAND I lived there for three years -------early in my life. I had an aunt-----who was BORN IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND but came to the USA with her mom at the age of two---------in fact her mom was born in Merry Old-----That is my paternal grandmother-------does that make me a REFUGEE FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND?---- Bases on Gazan deifinitions of REFUGEE STATUS I have refugee status in at least a dozen countries (not staten island-----that is not even a city)

getting back to roots All jews have roots in Palestine/israel/judea as proven by the continued use of the only extant language developed in that land----to wit---Hebrew Most people who call themselves "palestinians" today, have linguistic roots in arabia aka SAUDI ARABIA
Most of the people who call themselves "palestinians" could not be described as people with "roots" in palestine The people who, today, call themselves "palestinians" admit that THEY DEFINE as "palestinian" any person who has lived in or has a parent who had lived in "palestine" for two years or more. Based in that defintion I could call myself a REFUGEE FROM STATEN ISLAND I lived there for three years -------early in my life. I had an aunt-----who was BORN IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND but came to the USA with her mom at the age of two---------in fact her mom was born in Merry Old-----That is my paternal grandmother-------does that make me a REFUGEE FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND?---- Bases on Gazan deifinitions of REFUGEE STATUS I have refugee status in at least a dozen countries (not staten island-----that is not even a city)

getting back to roots All jews have roots in Palestine/israel/judea as proven by the continued use of the only extant language developed in that land----to wit---Hebrew Most people who call themselves "palestinians" today, have linguistic roots in arabia aka SAUDI ARABIA

Not many Israelis have actual roots in Palestine, most come from Europe, the US and Russia...
Just because I speak English doesn't mean I have roots in England. I don't. If I learn hebrew and convert, that wouldn't make have any roots in Palestine any more than i have now, which is none.
Most of the people who call themselves "palestinians" could not be described as people with "roots" in palestine The people who, today, call themselves "palestinians" admit that THEY DEFINE as "palestinian" any person who has lived in or has a parent who had lived in "palestine" for two years or more. Based in that defintion I could call myself a REFUGEE FROM STATEN ISLAND I lived there for three years -------early in my life. I had an aunt-----who was BORN IN MERRY OLD ENGLAND but came to the USA with her mom at the age of two---------in fact her mom was born in Merry Old-----That is my paternal grandmother-------does that make me a REFUGEE FROM MERRY OLD ENGLAND?---- Bases on Gazan deifinitions of REFUGEE STATUS I have refugee status in at least a dozen countries (not staten island-----that is not even a city)

getting back to roots All jews have roots in Palestine/israel/judea as proven by the continued use of the only extant language developed in that land----to wit---Hebrew Most people who call themselves "palestinians" today, have linguistic roots in arabia

Not many Israelis have actual roots in Palestine, most come from Europe, the US and Russia...
Just because I speak English doesn't mean I have roots in England. I don't. If I learn hebrew and convert, that wouldn't make have any roots in Palestine any more than i have now, which is none.

Your statistic as to the demographics of Israel is actually entirely false------you must have picked it up at the local mosque In fact THE MAJORITY OF JEWS NOW LIVING IN ISRAEL WERE BORN THERE as to REMOTE ancestral roots (well---take that to great grandparents Half of all israelis have such roots in countries that had been ----centuries ago invaded by the dogs of arabia -----ie north african countries now called "MUSLIM LAND"-----or some more remote places in asia now called 'MUSLIM" Jihadists always underplay the population of Israel which fled the filth of shariah

your concept of "ROOTS" is confusing Would you say that most people in the USA have ROOTS in the USA ? Only one of my grandparents was actually BORN in the USA

your comment of conversion is interesting If you converted to islam-----you would be able to become a citizen of the country which denies my husband citizenship despite the fact that HE was born there as were his parents and grandparents BACK DOZENS OF GENERATIONS In fact you would be able to visit Medina------which is barred to jews despite the fact that jews lived in and DOMINATED that city for more than 1000 years before the rapist pig of arabia was born. Did you know that MECCA once had a highly diverse population? christians, jews, zoroastrians ----and---uhm ---miscellaneous
Do you deny "...the Palestinians had roots here long before the state of Israel existed?"
Since jews there had been classified as palestinians, we don't deny that, of course. In fact, we wholeheartedly agree!
Only Jews?
All Jews, including those who opposed the creation of a Jewish State?
Are you proud to be a racist?
Do you deny "...the Palestinians had roots here long before the state of Israel existed?"
Since jews there had been classified as palestinians, we don't deny that, of course. In fact, we wholeheartedly agree!
Only Jews?
All Jews, including those who opposed the creation of a Jewish State?
Ahummm. Until the establishment of Israel and for some ten years after palestinian had been an almost exclusive reference to jews. Arabs prefered to be just arabs, of course, so as not to be confused with'em jewz, I guess.
Are you proud to be a racist?
So, arabs differ racially from jews? Cool!
I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite---given the vile ranks of the Israeli leadership...Sharon might easily emerge as a candidate for leading terrorist/butcher, but then there are so many more...creatures who make Nazis like Klaus Barbi look like campfire girls...
I would be hard-pressed to pick a favorite---given the vile ranks of the Israeli leadership...Sharon might easily emerge as a candidate for leading terrorist/butcher, but then there are so many more...creatures who make Nazis like Klaus Barbi look like campfire girls...

I've never encountered a Nazi who didn't think his forebears were honorable "campfire girls."

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