The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'.

"The ministry made its comments following the latest outburst by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in which he said that the morale of the Israel Defence Forces is never higher than when killing Palestinians.

"'Such statements,' said the ministry, 'defy humanity and international laws and conventions.'

"In a press release, the Ramallah-based ministry added: 'This is very serious, showing as it does the practical aspects of the state terrorism practised by the Israeli occupation.

"It is an open invitation for soldiers to liquidate ever more Palestinians in cold blood with the backing of a senior government minister. It is racism, pure and simple, which needs to be criminalised and prosecuted in all of its pernicious forms.'"

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"
"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'.

"The ministry made its comments following the latest outburst by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in which he said that the morale of the Israel Defence Forces is never higher than when killing Palestinians.

"'Such statements,' said the ministry, 'defy humanity and international laws and conventions.'

"In a press release, the Ramallah-based ministry added: 'This is very serious, showing as it does the practical aspects of the state terrorism practised by the Israeli occupation.

"It is an open invitation for soldiers to liquidate ever more Palestinians in cold blood with the backing of a senior government minister. It is racism, pure and simple, which needs to be criminalised and prosecuted in all of its pernicious forms.'"

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"
"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'.

"The ministry made its comments following the latest outburst by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in which he said that the morale of the Israel Defence Forces is never higher than when killing Palestinians.

"'Such statements,' said the ministry, 'defy humanity and international laws and conventions.'

"In a press release, the Ramallah-based ministry added: 'This is very serious, showing as it does the practical aspects of the state terrorism practised by the Israeli occupation.

"It is an open invitation for soldiers to liquidate ever more Palestinians in cold blood with the backing of a senior government minister. It is racism, pure and simple, which needs to be criminalised and prosecuted in all of its pernicious forms.'"

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"
You've proven that Muslim fundamentalists are at least as psychotic as their counterparts among Christianity, Judaism, and American Exceptionalism. The racist ramblings of someone like Avigdor Lieberman are much more likely to result in genocide than are the rants of fringe clerics:

"A report in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper revealed that soldiers paint an 'X' sign on every Israeli tank which kills a Palestinian. 'This is the culmination of Israel's racist policies and has to be added to the lengthy list of its crimes which make a complete mockery of the Israel Defence Forces' claim of 'Purity of Arms' as an army subordinate to 'universal moral values based on the value and dignity of human life'.'"

How many tanks do racist Muslim clerics control in Area C?

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"
"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'.

"The ministry made its comments following the latest outburst by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in which he said that the morale of the Israel Defence Forces is never higher than when killing Palestinians.

"'Such statements,' said the ministry, 'defy humanity and international laws and conventions.'

"In a press release, the Ramallah-based ministry added: 'This is very serious, showing as it does the practical aspects of the state terrorism practised by the Israeli occupation.

"It is an open invitation for soldiers to liquidate ever more Palestinians in cold blood with the backing of a senior government minister. It is racism, pure and simple, which needs to be criminalised and prosecuted in all of its pernicious forms.'"

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"
You've proven that Muslim fundamentalists are at least as psychotic as their counterparts among Christianity, Judaism, and American Exceptionalism. The racist ramblings of someone like Avigdor Lieberman are much more likely to result in genocide than are the rants of fringe clerics:

"A report in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper revealed that soldiers paint an 'X' sign on every Israeli tank which kills a Palestinian. 'This is the culmination of Israel's racist policies and has to be added to the lengthy list of its crimes which make a complete mockery of the Israel Defence Forces' claim of 'Purity of Arms' as an army subordinate to 'universal moral values based on the value and dignity of human life'.'"

How many tanks do racist Muslim clerics control in Area C?

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"

Most Muslims around the world are Jew haters.

Taking that to mind, Israeli racism is sometimes no better, i don't try to defend it.

however, Liberman is not considered racist. If you say Liberman is racist you probebly don't hear much recism or don't know what racism is.

Some may consider Liberman leftist. he's all for a Palestinian state. He simply wishes it to be NOT Israel, and for the Arabs, far away from our culture, lifes, and reutine.

If that's racist, I don't know what you do when you see REAL racism!
"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'."
No worry, in memorable words of B. Morris "The Palestinian Authority (PA) has emerged as a virtual kingdom of mendacity, where every official, from President Arafat [now Abu Mazen] down, spends his days lying to a succession of western journalists."
You've proven that Muslim fundamentalists are at least as psychotic as their counterparts among Christianity, Judaism, and American Exceptionalism. The racist ramblings of someone like Avigdor Lieberman are much more likely to result in genocide than are the rants of fringe clerics:

"A report in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper revealed that soldiers paint an 'X' sign on every Israeli tank which kills a Palestinian. 'This is the culmination of Israel's racist policies and has to be added to the lengthy list of its crimes which make a complete mockery of the Israel Defence Forces' claim of 'Purity of Arms' as an army subordinate to 'universal moral values based on the value and dignity of human life'.'"

How many tanks do racist Muslim clerics control in Area C?

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"

Most Muslims around the world are Jew haters.

Taking that to mind, Israeli racism is sometimes no better, i don't try to defend it.

however, Liberman is not considered racist. If you say Liberman is racist you probebly don't hear much recism or don't know what racism is.

Some may consider Liberman leftist. he's all for a Palestinian state. He simply wishes it to be NOT Israel, and for the Arabs, far away from our culture, lifes, and reutine.

If that's racist, I don't know what you do when you see REAL racism!
Liberman's plan to "transfer Arab-Israeli towns to a future Palestinian state in exchange for annexing Israeli settlements in the West Bank" has been called racist:

"Lieberman’s proposal has been criticized by many in Israel as racist and ill-received by Israeli Arabs, who make up approximately 20 percent of Israel’s population.

"Netanyahu’s backing away from the plan raises questions of a rift in his coalition, where Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu is the second largest party."

Bibi Backs Away From Lieberman Plan | The Jewish Week
I see nothing "racist" about Lieberman's plan----the whole idea of partition was to separate arabs and jews because of violent conflict between those groups
I see nothing "racist" about Lieberman's plan----the whole idea of partition was to separate arabs and jews because of violent conflict between those groups

The arabs have the Jews fenced in their little country, too afraid to roam outside the walls. Are you folks having fun in Palestine yet?
And here I thought Jews were generally sensible people. I you think Palestine was a great place to set up shop, I have a couple of bridges for sale. :D
You've proven that Muslim fundamentalists are at least as psychotic as their counterparts among Christianity, Judaism, and American Exceptionalism. The racist ramblings of someone like Avigdor Lieberman are much more likely to result in genocide than are the rants of fringe clerics:

"A report in Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper revealed that soldiers paint an 'X' sign on every Israeli tank which kills a Palestinian. 'This is the culmination of Israel's racist policies and has to be added to the lengthy list of its crimes which make a complete mockery of the Israel Defence Forces' claim of 'Purity of Arms' as an army subordinate to 'universal moral values based on the value and dignity of human life'.'"

How many tanks do racist Muslim clerics control in Area C?

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"

Most Muslims around the world are Jew haters.

Taking that to mind, Israeli racism is sometimes no better, i don't try to defend it.

however, Liberman is not considered racist. If you say Liberman is racist you probebly don't hear much recism or don't know what racism is.

Some may consider Liberman leftist. he's all for a Palestinian state. He simply wishes it to be NOT Israel, and for the Arabs, far away from our culture, lifes, and reutine.

If that's racist, I don't know what you do when you see REAL racism!
Liberman's plan to "transfer Arab-Israeli towns to a future Palestinian state in exchange for annexing Israeli settlements in the West Bank" has been called racist:

"Lieberman’s proposal has been criticized by many in Israel as racist and ill-received by Israeli Arabs, who make up approximately 20 percent of Israel’s population.

"Netanyahu’s backing away from the plan raises questions of a rift in his coalition, where Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu is the second largest party."

Bibi Backs Away From Lieberman Plan | The Jewish Week

Liberman can be considered racist by millions, but the view of "Israel Beiteinu" is not based on racism, but on a partition plan that will benefit both sides. People who think that's racist don't understand what racism is!
Liberman's plan to "transfer Arab-Israeli towns to a future Palestinian state in exchange for annexing Israeli settlements in the West Bank" has been called racist:
Racists, calling others racists, but we digress, of course, palistanians need to be resettled in rab countries for their own good, it's a noble occupation for the international community.
Liberman's plan to "transfer Arab-Israeli towns to a future Palestinian state in exchange for annexing Israeli settlements in the West Bank" has been called racist:
Racists, calling others racists, but we digress, of course, palistanians need to be resettled in rab countries for their own good, it's a noble occupation for the international community.
How do you feel about free elections open to every adult human being living between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River who's subject to Israeli civilian or military law?

Would that be racist or antisemitic or noble?
"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'.

"The ministry made its comments following the latest outburst by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in which he said that the morale of the Israel Defence Forces is never higher than when killing Palestinians.

"'Such statements,' said the ministry, 'defy humanity and international laws and conventions.'

"In a press release, the Ramallah-based ministry added: 'This is very serious, showing as it does the practical aspects of the state terrorism practised by the Israeli occupation.

"It is an open invitation for soldiers to liquidate ever more Palestinians in cold blood with the backing of a senior government minister. It is racism, pure and simple, which needs to be criminalised and prosecuted in all of its pernicious forms.'"

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Now that's funny. An Arab complaining about "racist policies." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Antisemitism in the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'.

"The ministry made its comments following the latest outburst by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in which he said that the morale of the Israel Defence Forces is never higher than when killing Palestinians.

"'Such statements,' said the ministry, 'defy humanity and international laws and conventions.'

"In a press release, the Ramallah-based ministry added: 'This is very serious, showing as it does the practical aspects of the state terrorism practised by the Israeli occupation.

"It is an open invitation for soldiers to liquidate ever more Palestinians in cold blood with the backing of a senior government minister. It is racism, pure and simple, which needs to be criminalised and prosecuted in all of its pernicious forms.'"

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Now that's funny. An Arab complaining about "racist policies." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Antisemitism in the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your link:

"For most of the past fourteen hundred years, according to Bernard Lewis, Arabs have not been antisemitic as the word is used in the West. In his view this is because, for the most part, Arabs are not Christians brought up on stories of Jewish deicide. In Islam, such stories are rejected by the Qur'an as a blasphemous absurdity.

"Since Muslims do not consider themselves as the 'true Israel', they do not feel threatened by the survival of Jews. Because Islam did not retain the Old Testament, no clash of interpretations between the two faiths can therefore arise.

"There is, says Lewis, no Muslim theological dispute between their religious institutions and the Jews."

Possibly if some Jews stopped stealing their neighbors' land and water for $, people would stop confusing all Jews with racists.

Antisemitism in the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"As the number of openly racist statements by Israeli politicians and officials grows daily, the Palestinian Authority's Ministry of Information has said that Israeli terrorism 'is the culmination of its racist policies'.

"The ministry made its comments following the latest outburst by Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman in which he said that the morale of the Israel Defence Forces is never higher than when killing Palestinians.

"'Such statements,' said the ministry, 'defy humanity and international laws and conventions.'

"In a press release, the Ramallah-based ministry added: 'This is very serious, showing as it does the practical aspects of the state terrorism practised by the Israeli occupation.

"It is an open invitation for soldiers to liquidate ever more Palestinians in cold blood with the backing of a senior government minister. It is racism, pure and simple, which needs to be criminalised and prosecuted in all of its pernicious forms.'"

Israeli terrorism is "culmination of racist policies"

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Now that's funny. An Arab complaining about "racist policies." :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Antisemitism in the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Your link:

"For most of the past fourteen hundred years, according to Bernard Lewis, Arabs have not been antisemitic as the word is used in the West. In his view this is because, for the most part, Arabs are not Christians brought up on stories of Jewish deicide. In Islam, such stories are rejected by the Qur'an as a blasphemous absurdity.

"Since Muslims do not consider themselves as the 'true Israel', they do not feel threatened by the survival of Jews. Because Islam did not retain the Old Testament, no clash of interpretations between the two faiths can therefore arise.

"There is, says Lewis, no Muslim theological dispute between their religious institutions and the Jews."

Possibly if some Jews stopped stealing their neighbors' land and water for $, people would stop confusing all Jews with racists.

Antisemitism in the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also from that link (note that Arab/Muslim racist policies existed "long before" the 19th century and that the "rise of political Islam ... gave the hatred of Jews a religious component")
Remember that this is all about some Arab whining about Israeli "racist policies':
"Arab antisemitism is believed to have expanded since the 19th century. Jews, like other minority groups within the Muslim world, were subject to various restrictions long before that (see Dhimmi)."
"Antisemitism in the Arab world has increased greatly in modern times, for many reasons: the breakdown of the Ottoman Empire and traditional Islamic society; European influence, brought about by Western imperialism and Christian Arabs; Nazi propaganda; and the rise of Arab nationalism. The rise of political Islam during the 1980s and afterwards provided a new mutation of Islamic anti-Semitism, which gave the hatred of Jews a religious component."
"While there were antisemitic incidents in the early twentieth century, antisemitism has certainly been heightened by the Arab-Israeli conflict. After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Palestinian exodus, the creation of the state of Israel, Israeli victories during the wars of 1956 and 1967 served a severe shock to the Arabs. The situation of the Middle Eastern Jews worsened and almost all fled or were expelled from their native countries. By the 1980s, according to Bernard Lewis, the volume of antisemitic literature published in the Arab world, and the authority of its sponsors, seemed to suggest that classical antisemitism had become an essential part of Arab intellectual life, considerably more than in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century France, and to a degree that has been compared to Nazi Germany."
"After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Palestinian exodus, the creation of the state of Israel, Israeli victories during the wars of 1956 and 1967 served a severe shock to the Arabs.[4] The situation of the Middle Eastern Jews worsened and almost all fled or were expelled from their native countries.

"By the 1980s, according to Bernard Lewis, the volume of antisemitic literature published in the Arab world, and the authority of its sponsors, seemed to suggest that classical antisemitism had become an essential part of Arab intellectual life, considerably more than in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century France, and to a degree that has been compared to Nazi Germany."

Antisemitism in the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1948 one-third of the population of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms upon the majority of Palestinians which goes a long way toward explaining why "classical antisemitism had become an essential part of Arab intellectual life."

Israel was created to be a strategic asset to Empire, first the British and later to the US.
That's where modern Arab complaints of Israeli racism come from.
"After the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, the Palestinian exodus, the creation of the state of Israel, Israeli victories during the wars of 1956 and 1967 served a severe shock to the Arabs.[4] The situation of the Middle Eastern Jews worsened and almost all fled or were expelled from their native countries.

"By the 1980s, according to Bernard Lewis, the volume of antisemitic literature published in the Arab world, and the authority of its sponsors, seemed to suggest that classical antisemitism had become an essential part of Arab intellectual life, considerably more than in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century France, and to a degree that has been compared to Nazi Germany."

Antisemitism in the Arab world - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In 1948 one-third of the population of Mandate Palestine imposed a Jewish State by force of arms upon the majority of Palestinians which goes a long way toward explaining why "classical antisemitism had become an essential part of Arab intellectual life."

Israel was created to be a strategic asset to Empire, first the British and later to the US.
That's where modern Arab complaints of Israeli racism come from.

Thanks to the facts in that WIKI link you have been made aware that Arab/Muslim oppression of the Jews in their midst existed "long before the 19th century" ... long before there was an Israel, therefore your repetition of your already debunked conclusions marks you as a liar.
Thanks for playin', Adolph.
Golda, 1948 set the stage for today's Racist Rabbis:

"More than 50 of Israel's leading rabbis have issued a religious decree forbidding Jews from renting or selling homes or land to non-Jews – namely, Arabs, migrant workers and African refugees.

"The letter was signed by rabbis across the country (many of whom are employed by the state as municipal religious leaders) and urged Jews to first warn and then 'ostracise' fellow Jews who disobey the edict.

"It's just the latest wave in a rising tide of religious fascism."

Hitler and his Zionist collaborators would be proud.

Israeli rabbis' racist decree strikes at the soul of Judaism | Mya Guarnieri | Comment is free |
"More than 50 of Israel's leading rabbis have issued a religious decree forbidding Jews from renting or selling homes or land to non-Jews – namely, Arabs, migrant workers and African refugees."
Oh, so they are financially solvent to rent homes and buy land, those poor 'n robbed "arabs, migrant workers and african refugees"?!
Mya Guarnieri,
They should always post how many arabs and various africans they themselves did accomodate, otherwise they're pure hypocrites, of course.

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