The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

(David) Morales is alleged to have once told friends, "I was in Dallas when we got the son of a bitch, and I was in Los Angeles when we got the little bastard"[4], presumably referring to the assassination of JFK in Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963 and then the later assassination of Robert Kennedy in Los Angeles, California on June 5, 1968. Bradley Ayers, a former CIA operative, told the Assassination Records Review Board in 1995 that he had found a credible witness who could place Morales at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on the night RFK was murdered. (Wikipedia)
There was a whole raft of people at the Ambassador Hotel that night. I think Kilroy was there too. Ever consider that?

No reason to consider Kilroy, unless he's the one who stole the door frame from the pantry.
The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

Yasser. Stole billions and died of AIDS.
Surprisingly, he didn't get it from screwing over the "Palestinians".
Yasser died from polonium poisoning thanks to another prominent Israeli terrorist, and your good bud, Ariel Sharon. How's that old war whore doing these days?

"For me, there was no surprise. From the very first day, I was convinced that Yasser Arafat had been poisoned by Ariel Sharon. I even wrote about it several times.

"It was a simple logical conclusion.

"First, a thorough medical examination in the French military hospital where he died did not find any cause for his sudden collapse and death. No traces of any life-threatening disease were found.

"The rumors distributed by the Israeli propaganda machine that Arafat had AIDS were blatant lies. They were a continuation of the rumors spread by the same machine that he was gay – all part of the relentless demonization of the Palestinian leader, which went on daily for decades."

If you didn't have lies, what would you write about?

Poisoning Arafat » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Arafat's wife, Suha, submitted some of his clothing on which were found polonium traces. Fortunately, his tissue is being tested as we speak.

Meanwhile, the NaZionist spin doctors are disinformationing furiously.

Frankly, I don't know why his Israeli TERRORISTS made a hero out of him- besieged as he was in Ramallah for those years.

Even the Nazis didn't do that shit.
Polonium does not cause KAPOSI SARCOMA----- Kaposi Sarcoma is a very very rare skin condition which is so common in AIDS that its presence is virtually diagnostic In my entire life I have seen only one case of a very very mild manifestation of this condition in a non AIDS patient. ----but when one finds the lesions on a new patient these days------an HIV test is barely required Yassir Arafarts FACE was covered with kaposi lesions when he climbed into the plane to leave for France Having the lesions on the FACE is ------extremely rare in the non AIDS population-------those very rare cases that have occured ---usually involve the legs The simple fact is that SUHA has refused to release the medical records of the araFART---------for obvious reaons----------SHE IS COVERING UP POLONIUM POISONING????
Polonium does not cause KAPOSI SARCOMA----- Kaposi Sarcoma is a very very rare skin condition which is so common in AIDS that its presence is virtually diagnostic In my entire life I have seen only one case of a very very mild manifestation of this condition in a non AIDS patient. ----but when one finds the lesions on a new patient these days------an HIV test is barely required Yassir Arafarts FACE was covered with kaposi lesions when he climbed into the plane to leave for France Having the lesions on the FACE is ------extremely rare in the non AIDS population-------those very rare cases that have occured ---usually involve the legs The simple fact is that SUHA has refused to release the medical records of the araFART---------for obvious reaons----------SHE IS COVERING UP POLONIUM POISONING????

What do you mean "In my entire life"? Are you an oncologist or an immunologist or a dermatologist with a sub-specialty in HIV patients?

Please show the pathology report confirming Arafat's:
1. Kaposi's sarcoma, and

PS to all the self-righteous: Note that Rosie is "speaking ill of the dead"!
Polonium does not cause KAPOSI SARCOMA----- Kaposi Sarcoma is a very very rare skin condition which is so common in AIDS that its presence is virtually diagnostic In my entire life I have seen only one case of a very very mild manifestation of this condition in a non AIDS patient. ----but when one finds the lesions on a new patient these days------an HIV test is barely required Yassir Arafarts FACE was covered with kaposi lesions when he climbed into the plane to leave for France Having the lesions on the FACE is ------extremely rare in the non AIDS population-------those very rare cases that have occured ---usually involve the legs The simple fact is that SUHA has refused to release the medical records of the araFART---------for obvious reaons----------SHE IS COVERING UP POLONIUM POISONING????

What do you mean "In my entire life"? Are you an oncologist or an immunologist or a dermatologist with a sub-specialty in HIV patients?

Please show the pathology report confirming Arafat's:
1. Kaposi's sarcoma, and

PS to all the self-righteous: Note that Rosie is "speaking ill of the dead"!
Speaking ill of the dead? Not at all. Arafart is doing a magnificent job even in the boneyard. He's providing vital nourishment for a bunch of worms, PBUH.
All governments are controlled by their richest citizens, Hoss; authentic thinkers from Adam Smith to Noam Chomsky agree on that much. For five thousand years the "Masters of Mankind" (Smith's term) and their "vile maxim...All for ourselves, and nothing for other people" have used government to amass huge private fortunes, primarily through war and debt.

Some of mankind's self declared masters happen to be rich Jews who would've helped kill Kennedy or anybody else seriously considering ending the War Racket in the greatest purveyor of violence on earth, and that's not to say rich Christians or Muslims haven't followed the same path.

After all, it's a birth-right their loyal conservative slaves (like you) have been killing and dying for since the time of Pharaoh (or Moses or Constantine)

911 may be the bitch slap necessary to focus the slaves-that-can-be-saved on the source of their torment, but, personally, I prefer a Scientific Theory to explain who's responsible.

adam smith - Google Search
Fullertons article is titled Scientific Theory, an apt description.
My personal theory (an entitlement for everyone) is merely this: There were no planes, no building collapse or explosions.It was one massive David Copperfield illusion that is still in effect. No one died or was injured and no animals were harmed in this production. The buildings are still standing and are hidden by the illusion. All the people involved were transported to Coco Cay in the Bahamas where they have been partying at taxpayers expense until Copperfield ends the illusion. And everybody lived happily ever after. See how simple the explanation is. Sounds as farfetched as your theories but that's the way I see things and I welcome anyone to debunk my theory.
"A scientific theory is 'a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.'"

Scientific theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your "body of facts" seems a little short on observation and experiment, but I imagine you're still getting over heliocentrism.
Why are you targeting Yitzhak? He's dead and gone. He's not here to defend himself.

Dick Cheney is one of the best human beings in America. Yeah, someone jumped in front of him on a quail shoot, lol, but why go after someone who doesn't even belong on a middle east thread?

I'm not getting your drift.
"Following 9/11, Cheney was instrumental in providing a primary justification for entering into a war with Iraq. Cheney helped shape Bush's approach to the 'War on Terrorism', making numerous public statements alleging Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction,[67] and made several personal visits to CIA headquarters, where he questioned mid-level agency analysts on their conclusions.

"Cheney continued to allege links between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda, even though President Bush received a classified President's Daily Brief on September 21, 2001 indicating the U.S. intelligence community had no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the September 11 attacks and that 'there was scant credible evidence that Iraq had any significant collaborative ties with Al Qaeda...'"

"In a March 24, 2008 extended interview conducted in Ankara, Turkey with ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz on the fifth anniversary of the original U.S. military assault on Iraq, Cheney responded to a question about public opinion polls showing that Americans had lost confidence in the war by simply replying 'So?'"

Dick Cheney - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"(Yitzhak) Shamir was not a great thinker. In his teens he joined the right-wing Zionist youth organization of Vladimir Jabotinsky in Poland, and since then he did not change his world-view one iota. In this respect he was absolutely immovable. He wanted a Jewish state in all of the historical country. Period. No nonsense about Arabs and such."

The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century? » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Imho, Shamir and Cheney are perfect examples of those who profit most from the War Racket.
Their roles in Israel and Iraq have helped to murder, maim, displace and incarcerate millions of innocent Muslims.
Polonium does not cause KAPOSI SARCOMA----- Kaposi Sarcoma is a very very rare skin condition which is so common in AIDS that its presence is virtually diagnostic In my entire life I have seen only one case of a very very mild manifestation of this condition in a non AIDS patient. ----but when one finds the lesions on a new patient these days------an HIV test is barely required Yassir Arafarts FACE was covered with kaposi lesions when he climbed into the plane to leave for France Having the lesions on the FACE is ------extremely rare in the non AIDS population-------those very rare cases that have occured ---usually involve the legs The simple fact is that SUHA has refused to release the medical records of the araFART---------for obvious reaons----------SHE IS COVERING UP POLONIUM POISONING????
"The red blotches on Arafat's face generated considerable attention. It is difficult to know whether they were caused by hemorrhaging due to problems of blood-clotting, or were skin lesions known as Kaposi's sarcoma (usually associated with elderly Ashkenazi Jews and AIDS victims).

"Dr. al-Kurdi says that he does not know for certain whether Arafat underwent a test for AIDS as part of the examinations conducted by the Tunisian and Egyptian medical teams. When he asked the physicians if such a test had been done, the Tunisian team responded positively and said the results were negative."

The final days of Yasser Arafat - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
"A scientific theory is 'a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world, based on a body of facts that have been repeatedly confirmed through observation and experiment.'"
"Zionists" brainwash californians using a mind-bending radar out the area 51, of course.
"Israeli experts who analyzed the report drawn up by the medical team that treated Yasser Arafat in Paris say that the most likely possibility is that he was poisoned in a dinner meal on October 12, 2004."

What's your alibi, drivel?

The final days of Yasser Arafat - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

He was getting buggered by his blond bodyguards well before 2004.

[ame=] Red Horizons: The True Story of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus' Crimes, Lifestyle, and Corruption (9780895267467): Ion Mihai Pacepa: Books[/ame]
"Israeli experts who analyzed the report drawn up by the medical team that treated Yasser Arafat in Paris say that the most likely possibility is that he was poisoned in a dinner meal on October 12, 2004."

What's your alibi, drivel?

The final days of Yasser Arafat - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
Hoss feathers. He should have been wearing some protection while he was wearing out those street arabs.
"'I know that the physicians in Paris found the AIDS virus in Arafat's blood,' Dr. Ashraf al-Kurdi, the personal physician of the late Palestinian Authority chairman, says in a telephone interview from Amman. Dr. al-Kurdi, who was kept from joining the Palestinian delegation that accompanied Arafat on his final trip to Paris, does not say where he got this sensational information.

"To heighten the mystery, he also maintains that Arafat was poisoned and that the AIDS virus that was found in his blood 'was injected into his body in order to camouflage the poisoning.'"

The final days of Yasser Arafat - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

'Fess up, Feathers.
What's your damn alibi?
"Israeli experts who analyzed the report drawn up by the medical team that treated Yasser Arafat in Paris say that the most likely possibility is that he was poisoned in a dinner meal on October 12, 2004."

What's your alibi, drivel?

The final days of Yasser Arafat - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

He was getting buggered by his blond bodyguards well before 2004.

[ame=] Red Horizons: The True Story of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus' Crimes, Lifestyle, and Corruption (9780895267467): Ion Mihai Pacepa: Books[/ame]
Still jealous?
You'll always have "Hank the Punk"
"Israeli experts who analyzed the report drawn up by the medical team that treated Yasser Arafat in Paris say that the most likely possibility is that he was poisoned in a dinner meal on October 12, 2004."

What's your alibi, drivel?

The final days of Yasser Arafat - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

He was getting buggered by his blond bodyguards well before 2004.

[ame=] Red Horizons: The True Story of Nicolae and Elena Ceausescus' Crimes, Lifestyle, and Corruption (9780895267467): Ion Mihai Pacepa: Books[/ame]
Still jealous?
You'll always have "Hank the Punk"

Jealous of your gay hero? LOL!
Jesus was probably gay himself. He hung around with only guys, wore a dress, fucked a girl only once (to see if he'd like it, he obviously didn't), and he rode a donkey, the gay pride symbol of antiquity. And he was likely killed for being gay, a capital offense in those days.

Jealous of your gay hero? LOL!


Yeah! And we all know what "G-d" says about gays!
"Everybody must get stoned."

Just gimme that ol' time religion!
Now Virtual E Man (AKA Mr.AlwaysWrong) is going to tell us what other religion is busy murdering Gays in the world of today. Did he actually miss seeing those pictures of Gays swinging at the end of a noose in Iran? Was he too busy trying to be a faux Torah scholar to actually read what the many Muslim clerics are saying about Gays and what should be done to them?

What's your solution, Hoss?

"The current status of LGBT Muslims and their stance in the Muslim community: Not one mosque in the U.S. accepts gay Muslims.

"By day, he was a self-proclaimed Muslim poster child, involved in multiple Muslim youth organizations. By night, he was partying in the Boston gay-club scene."

Is it time for a Constitutional Amendment certifying marriage as a Human Right?

Persecution of Homosexuals (United States) - WikiIslam
What's your solution, Hoss?

"The current status of LGBT Muslims and their stance in the Muslim community: Not one mosque in the U.S. accepts gay Muslims.

"By day, he was a self-proclaimed Muslim poster child, involved in multiple Muslim youth organizations. By night, he was partying in the Boston gay-club scene."

Is it time for a Constitutional Amendment certifying marriage as a Human Right?

Persecution of Homosexuals (United States) - WikiIslam
Is anyone preventing you from marrying in the U.S, George? Just move to a state where it is legal. Meanwhile, at least we don't see Gays hanging at the end of a noose, do we? Perhaps you should ask to speak in Mosques that it is OK to be Gay.

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