The Most Successful Terrorist of the 20th Century

Hilarious protodrivel.
Mention that to Gabby Giffords on her next visit...
Was she throwing rocks?Velly convenient.Shapeshifting, indeed.
Now, drivel some more about "human shields" instead of illegal occupation$.
Indeed, we've been neglecting talking about all those illegal arab settlers and their occupations.
Shot in the Head » Counterpunch
It does look like shot in the head, indeed.

Hilarious protodrivel.[/size][/font][/QUOTE]Mention that to Gabby Giffords on her next visit...[/quote]Was she throwing rocks?

Not so much anymore, drivel.
She might be having trouble distinguishing a rock from AIPAC.
Communists are the ultimate capitalists, all the wealth is concentrated not in the hands of the 1%, but more like in the hands of the 0.01%. Pure capitalist geniuses those fucking commies are.
But our honorable georgephilip is like pisspoor, or so we get from his posts. How come?
He's not a good communist or a very good shot?

"A 2009 article in the UK Telegraph entitled 'Bullets in the brain, shrapnel in the spine: the terrible injuries suffered by children of Gaza,' investigated a situation in which doctors at a hospital near Gaza were 'almost overwhelmed by the number of Palestinian children needing treatment for bullet wounds to their heads.'

"The article began: 'On just one day last week staff at the El-Arish hospital in Sinai were called to perform sophisticated CAT brain scans on a nine-year-old, two 10-year-olds and a 14-year-old ? each of whom had a bullet still lodged in their brain, after coming under fire during the Israeli ground assault on Gaza.”

"Asked about the nature of these shootings, a physician replied:

“'I can’t precisely decide whether these children are being shot at as a target, but in some cases the bullet comes from the front of the head and goes towards the back, so I think the gun has been directly pointed at the child.'"

Shot in the Head » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Surely, heroic Jews would not be using children for target practice?
Mention that to Gabby Giffords on her next visit...
Was she throwing rocks?Velly convenient.Shapeshifting, indeed.Indeed, we've been neglecting talking about all those illegal arab settlers and their occupations.
Shot in the Head » Counterpunch
It does look like shot in the head, indeed.
Hilarious protodrivel.[/size][/font]
Mention that to Gabby Giffords on her next visit...[/quote]Was she throwing rocks?Not so much anymore, drivel.She might be having trouble distinguishing a rock from AIPAC.[/QUOTE]Mangled drivel.
Communists are the ultimate capitalists, all the wealth is concentrated not in the hands of the 1%, but more like in the hands of the 0.01%. Pure capitalist geniuses those fucking commies are.
But our honorable georgephilip is like pisspoor, or so we get from his posts. How come?
He's not a good communist or a very good shot?
We aren't talking booze here.
"A 2009 article in the UK Telegraph entitled 'Bullets in the brain, shrapnel in the spine: the terrible injuries suffered by children of Gaza,' investigated a situation in which doctors at a hospital near Gaza were 'almost overwhelmed by the number of Palestinian children needing treatment for bullet wounds to their heads.'
Why do palistanians hate their children so much?
Was she throwing rocks?Velly convenient.Shapeshifting, indeed.Indeed, we've been neglecting talking about all those illegal arab settlers and their occupations.It does look like shot in the head, indeed.
Hilarious protodrivel.[/size][/font]
Mention that to Gabby Giffords on her next visit...
Was she throwing rocks?Not so much anymore, drivel.She might be having trouble distinguishing a rock from AIPAC.[/QUOTE]Mangled drivel.[/QUOTE]
Matches some Jews mangled sense of morality.
Do you support killing children for land and water?

"In the past 10 years Israeli forces have killed at least 255 Palestinian minors by fire to the head, and the number may actually be greater, since in many instances the specific bodily location of the lethal trauma is unlisted..."

Of course, not all Jews are hired killers without consciences:

"Israeli soldiers in a group called 'Breaking the Silence' have provided chilling testimonies about Israeli military culture; the titles alone tell a great deal. Following are a few:

“'The battalion commander ordered us to shoot anyone trying to remove the bodies', 'The commander of the navy commandos put the muzzle of the rifle into the man’s mouth', 'They told us to shoot at anybody moving in the street', You can do whatever you feel like, nobody is going to question it.'”

Anymore kewl questions, drivel?

Shot in the Head » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
But our honorable georgephilip is like pisspoor, or so we get from his posts. How come?
He's not a good communist or a very good shot?
We aren't talking booze here.
"A 2009 article in the UK Telegraph entitled 'Bullets in the brain, shrapnel in the spine: the terrible injuries suffered by children of Gaza,' investigated a situation in which doctors at a hospital near Gaza were 'almost overwhelmed by the number of Palestinian children needing treatment for bullet wounds to their heads.'
Why do palistanians hate their children so much?
Ask AIPAC. (and Gabby)

"Ironically, the American Congresswoman recently so tragically shot in the head has been extremely close to the Israel lobby, which has played a critical role in enabling the tragedies sketched above. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) works year after year to ensure that the approximately $7-8 million per day of American tax to Israel /13/ keeps flowing regardless of how many civilians its troops kill."

Shot in the Head » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) works year after year to ensure that the approximately $7-8 million per day of American tax to Israel /13/ keeps flowing regardless of how many civilians its troops kill."
Drivel. All the barkers, barking up wrong trees, are thereby advised to learn that the us military aid is part of the Camp David treaty between Israel and Egypt, with the latter getting its share too. Barkers, go bark up Carter.
I was thinking...................


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Anymore kewl questions, drivel?
Of course. Did that Cockburn cockroach die of going total bonkers?
Cancer, actually, after a two year battle he kept from public view and during which he missed only one deadline and spent a month in Damascus. Ever wonder where "Beat the Devil" came from, drivel? I'm glad you didn't ask:

"Like every other journalist in town, I was a regular reader of Alex’s irresistible, hilarious, brilliant, biased 'Press Clips' column in the Village Voice when, in 1984, it was announced that he had been suspended for accepting a $10,000 grant from an outfit called the Institute for Arab Studies to write a book about Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, without informing his editor.

"It seemed to me at the time that if Alex had been awarded a Guggenheim and not mentioned it, nobody would have objected, so he was being punished for what was an ideological crime. After consulting with The Nation’s Andrew Kopkind (an old buddy of Alex’s), I decided to convert Alex’s suspension into a departure and offered him a column in The Nation.

"And so 'Beat the Devil'—named after the novel by his father, Claud Cockburn, that was the basis for the cult 1953 movie—was born."

Alexander Cockburn: He Beat the Devil | The Nation

Care to link to any of your Syrian sources?
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) works year after year to ensure that the approximately $7-8 million per day of American tax to Israel /13/ keeps flowing regardless of how many civilians its troops kill."
Drivel. All the barkers, barking up wrong trees, are thereby advised to learn that the us military aid is part of the Camp David treaty between Israel and Egypt, with the latter getting its share too. Barkers, go bark up Carter.
"It is not important what the Gentiles say, what matters is what Jews do."
Which kosher barker offered up that advice long before Camp David?
One of your rancid, racist founders, maybe...

"During the 1948 war, Ben-Gurion's view was that 'To the Arabs of the Land of Israel only one function remains -- to run away.'

"The words reflected traditional Zionist attitudes. Chaim Weizmann, the first President of Israel and the most revered Zionist figure, observed casually that the British had informed him that in Palestine 'there are a few hundred thousand Negroes, but that is a matter of no significance.'

"Weizmann had in turn informed Lord Balfour after World War I that 'the issue known as the Arab problem in Palestine will be of merely local character and, in effect, anyone cognizant of the situation does not consider it a highly significant factor.'

"Hence displacement of the Arabs "

Racists have been barking since the beginning of the Jewish State.

Middle East Diplomacy: Continuities and Changes, by Noam Chomsky
Anymore kewl questions, drivel?
Of course. Did that Cockburn cockroach die of going total bonkers?
Cancer, actually, after a two year battle he kept from public view and during which he missed only one deadline and spent a month in Damascus. Ever wonder where "Beat the Devil" came from, drivel?
So, it wasn't a texting bus driver, and the cockroach being late for his next satanist convention when he burned his last one.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) works year after year to ensure that the approximately $7-8 million per day of American tax to Israel /13/ keeps flowing regardless of how many civilians its troops kill."
Drivel. All the barkers, barking up wrong trees, are thereby advised to learn that the us military aid is part of the Camp David treaty between Israel and Egypt, with the latter getting its share too. Barkers, go bark up Carter.
"It is not important what the Gentiles say, what matters is what Jews do."
A spirit of independence, indeed. Cool.
Of course. Did that Cockburn cockroach die of going total bonkers?
Cancer, actually, after a two year battle he kept from public view and during which he missed only one deadline and spent a month in Damascus. Ever wonder where "Beat the Devil" came from, drivel?
So, it wasn't a texting bus driver, and the cockroach being late for his next satanist convention when he burned his last one.
"One of Alexander Cockburn’s specialties was attacking people just after they had died (presumably to keep obituary writers honest, but also to thumb his nose at a sentimental convention of the establishment press). So as a tribute on hearing of his death, I thought I’d inventory his problematic qualities..."

Satanist? I think you're confusing Alex with Ariel, drivel.
Is that old war whore dead yet?
Why Satan a sissy?

Alexander Cockburn: He Beat the Devil | The Nation
Cancer, actually, after a two year battle he kept from public view and during which he missed only one deadline and spent a month in Damascus. Ever wonder where "Beat the Devil" came from, drivel?
So, it wasn't a texting bus driver, and the cockroach being late for his next satanist convention when he burned his last one.
"One of Alexander Cockburn’s specialties was attacking people just after they had died (presumably to keep obituary writers honest, but also to thumb his nose at a sentimental convention of the establishment press). ..."
And eff'im.
Satanist? I think you're confusing Alex with Ariel, drivel.Is that old war whore dead yet?Why Satan a sissy?
Skool drivel.
"Ehnic cleansing in Palestine began with the idea that Palestinian Arabs would never consent to giving up lands for European Jews to settle on after World War II. 2

"From the outset, Israel’s first leader, David Ben-Gurion, made clear the intentions of Israel’s Zionist movement when he said in 1937: 'We must expel Arabs and take their place. But one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as war.' 3

"Once the plan was in place, Ben-Gurion admitted: “'Let us not ignore the truth among ourselves…politically we are the aggressors and they defend themselves. The country is theirs because they inhabit it, whereas we want to come here and settle down, and in their view we want to take from them their country.'” 3

"After the 1947 war was over, Ben-Gurion declared:'The Arabs of the land of Israel have only one function left to them-to run away.' 3 This has effectively been the policy of Zionist Israel to present day."
"From the outset, Israel’s first leader, David Ben-Gurion, made clear the intentions of Israel’s Zionist movement when he said in 1937: 'We must expel Arabs and take their place. But one needs an opportune moment for making it happen, such as war.'
Did Chomsky made it all up by himself?
"After the 1947 war was over, Ben-Gurion declared:'The Arabs of the land of Israel have only one function left to them-to run away.'
So, where did he say that? Hehe
A dumpster-divers' delight.
In Leah Shamir's autobiography, she said her husband, the little Gargoyle, was in Dallas at the time of the JFK murder.

He was one of "the Israeli reporters" with Jack Rubenstein at the Dallas jail the night before JFK was "eliminated".
Do you have a link for Yitzhak's widow's name?
Here's what Wiki says:

"In 1935, Shamir migrated to Palestine, where he worked in an accountant's office.[2] His parents and two sisters died during the Holocaust.

"His father was stoned to death just outside his birthplace in Ruzhany by Poles who had been his childhood friends, after he had escaped from a German train transporting Jews to the death camps.[5][6]

"His mother and a sister died in the camps and another sister was shot dead...[7]"

"He later adopted as his surname the name he used on a forged underground identity card, Shamir. He told his wife this was because Shamir means a thorn that stabs and a rock that can cut steel.[9].

"In 1944 he married Shlomit,[10] whom he met in a detention camp, and she too migrated to Mandate Palestine from Bulgaria by boat in 1941 and was sent to prison because she entered the territory illegally.

"They had two children, Yair and Gilada.[11] Shulamit died on July 29, 2011"

Yitzhak Shamir - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Cuban Missile Crisis may have scared JFK and Khrushchev into turning away from the Cold War.
If so, proponents of Greater Israel like Shamir would have felt threatened.
Follow the $...
In Leah Shamir's autobiography, she said her husband, the little Gargoyle, was in Dallas at the time of the JFK murder.

He was one of "the Israeli reporters" with Jack Rubenstein at the Dallas jail the night before JFK was "eliminated".
I guess everyone has their pet theories. If you speak to some Italians/Sicilians, they will remind you that the mob went to JFK's father and said that if JFK doesn't pursue the mob, they will help him get his son elected. We all know how vigorously JFK's brother Robert went after the mob. This sounds more logical to me that it was a mob hit, but of course the anti-Semites/anti-Israel gang will disagree. Perhaps they should take it up with some Italians/Sicilians who have nothing against the Jews.


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