The MSNBC Viewer Outreach Gap: 600,000 Viewers And 50 Million Independant Voters.

FOX ALLWAYS has someone from both sides in a discussion. MSNBC RARELY has both sides represented, it's usually the host and a fellow traveller yucking it up. That's why their ratings are in the toilet. People DO want both sides and so far FOX does a better job of doing that. They are far from perfect but compared to MSNBC they are Edward R. Murrow and MSNBC is William R. Hearst.

You don't know what you're talking about.

Schultz, Maddow, and O'Donnell never debate anyone. Hannity and O'Reilly will have people with opposing views every day. Get real.

Liberal VS Conservative debates aren't allowed on PMSNBC,,,they don't want the real truth to be revealed to their average audience of 450,000.

Could a Cable News Outlet be any more embarrassed? Even if you add on the viewers from the rest of the leftist networks, it's still a wasted effort as they all try to ridicule Mitt Romney & Michele Bachmann. MSNBC in particular is on a mission to make all the GOP candidates look much dumber than Obama(even though he's by far the dumbest candidate out there)

For those of you who check the cable news ratings sights on the web, FOX as usual is killing all of them,and now HLN has overtaken MSNBC. And all those MSNBC Cable Twits from 6pm to 10pm are gonna continue to Bash the GOP candidates with an average audience of 10,000 per state?

What makes the MSNBC even more laughable is that their viewing audience in the 10 or so crucial 2012 States is miniscule. Actually more gerbils,rats,goats and wart hogs are watching Hardball and Maddcow than humans in North Carolina.:eusa_eh:

Meanwhile, according to Mediabistro's TV Newser, Fox News suffered an overall decline in viewers in the highly sought-after 25-to-54-year old demographic for May, with total ratings down 10 percent. Bill O'Reilly's viewership dropped 9 percent, Sean Hannity's 6 percent, with Greta Van Susteren and Glenn Beck suffering the steepest losses with Van Susteren's "On the Record" losing 12 percent of its audience and Glenn Beck sliding a whopping 17 percent.

Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show ratings soar, Fox News slumps in May numbers | The Raw Story

Funny, if you look at the numbers for Fox and MSNBC it about mirrors the white population between Republicans and Democrats. The Republican Party is 90% white and shrinking.

How many Hispanics watch either network? or Blacks? or Muslims? or Asians?
Maybe if American's became their own experts they wouldn't need to waste time watching hacks on either MSNBC or Fox News and by "hacks" I'm including guests and hosts.
Well of course FOX's ratings went down a bit, The Casey Anthony case took a few hundred thousand voters away from FOX. Even I have been watching the case since day 1. At least HLN has some pretty decent hosts (alot more pleasant than CNN&MSNBC) HLN ratings are gonna be good for a while with so many viewers who are addicted to the Casey Anthony "After-Trial" story. I actually think that Lawyer with the Golden hair is kinda Hot !!!!
Well of course FOX's ratings went down a bit, The Casey Anthony case took a few hundred thousand voters away from FOX. Even I have been watching the case since day 1. At least HLN has some pretty decent hosts (alot more pleasant than CNN&MSNBC) HLN ratings are gonna be good for a while with so many viewers who are addicted to the Casey Anthony "After-Trial" story. I actually think that Lawyer with the Golden hair is kinda Hot !!!!

The statement in bold shows the stupidity and gullibility of the American public.
and fans of CNN and MSNBC are trying to convince Americans that the decline of FOX viewers went down 10-20% because the network alone? do they really think All Americans who watch cable news are that dumfounded? HLN is laughing all the way to the bank. It's hard to get a million viewers on a regular basis for any of those sub-par cable news outlets. MSNBC and CNN really took a hit during the Anthony trial. At least the Anthony Trial was entertainment compared to Chris Matthews and Rachael Maddass. I wonder who MSNBC will fire next because of crappy ratings?
To this day I don't know why anyone would be a liberal.
It makes no sense unless they want something for free. The liberal Government is NUTS.
Look at Pelosi for starters. The woman is fucking crazy? She best suited for a rubber room.
All the spending... they're more corrupt than the Reps.. Not that the reps are much better.
They all suck.
the 2012 election is gonna be a war, a war that will end the world of liberals. kinda like the end of those Good VS Evil movies. it will be an army of about 130 Million (the RedCoats) vs 30 Million (The Blue Faggots) I would bet at least 500 on the Red Coats.
the 2012 election is gonna be a war, a war that will end the world of liberals. kinda like the end of those Good VS Evil movies. it will be an army of about 130 Million (the RedCoats) vs 30 Million (The Blue Faggots) I would bet at least 500 on the Red Coats.

Hahahaha. Which side are Mark Foley, Larry Craig and Ted Haggard on?
Sponge Bob Square Pants gets more viewers than Fox.

Democrats are a coalition party. The blacks are watching BET, the gays LOGO, and so one.

Republicans think their party is "diverse" because of few of their members are left handed.

:lol:.. that's funny...

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