The Muslim Religion


Jul 20, 2010
I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

I am not trying to attack the religion I am trying to understand it. I have seen posts state that the Christian Religion also states many of the same things. They then quote the Old Testament. I quickly point out the flaw because the Christian religious practices are based in the New Testament.

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?
This should help Hailey:

[ame=]YouTube - ITS IN THE KORAN (QURAN)[/ame]
I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

I am not trying to attack the religion I am trying to understand it. I have seen posts state that the Christian Religion also states many of the same things. They then quote the Old Testament. I quickly point out the flaw because the Christian religious practices are based in the New Testament.

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?

good questions.

killing is forbidden in islam both against fidels and infidels. Jihad (mean resistance) is the action to defend yourself and your land from invaders:

"[I]And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon God . Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing."[/I]8-61.

so if enemies incline to peace you should not fight.

another verse:

"Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors. "1-190.

more details:
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I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.
I only concern myself with the parts of Ilsam that concern me as non muslims ,these things tend to be negative as they call for my death.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?
The Quran does not contain internal context it must be sought from outside sources with knowledge of the chronology of the "revelations".Those sources are the traditions known collectively as ahadith
Sayings of the Messenger
Most reliable Sahih Bukhari
Most comprehensive Al Tabari others known as Malik , Muslim and Duwud
NetLibrary - Login
There are Tafsir that use hadith to explain the meaning of the Quran verse by verse.
The Tafsir of Ibn Kathir is the most widely used explanation of the meaning of the Quran on earth. Tafsir Ibn Kathir
Specific questions with the scriptural rational can be found in various fatwa banks like this one founded by the Grand mufti of SA
Islam Question and Answer - Was Islam spread by the sword?
Or [5115] Plz tell me about Osama bin ladin and Taliban
Then there are books to explore
Ulum al Qur'an - AL-NASIKH WA AL-MANSUKH- SunniPath Library - Books

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.
Dont hold your breath

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?
Non that have any important distinctions of what to do with the disbelievers .
I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

I am not trying to attack the religion I am trying to understand it. I have seen posts state that the Christian Religion also states many of the same things. They then quote the Old Testament. I quickly point out the flaw because the Christian religious practices are based in the New Testament.

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?

As with any of the major religions, one can find any aspect one wishes to find...

the import is that the religion will be what its adherents wish it to be.

As is true of the ineluctable force of domestic pressure, the negative response that violent jihad has encountered is having an effect, one that will reform the religon:

"As Pew Global Attitudes surveys have documented, the growing rejection of extremism in Pakistan is part of a broader pattern in the Muslim world."
Little Support for Terrorism Among Muslim Americans - Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life
For the most part Islam is a peaceful religion as is Christianity. Madmen exist in both religions - Hitler, Bin Laden, etc.

You are wrong to judge everyone by the few.
For the most part Islam is a peaceful religion as is Christianity. Madmen exist in both religions - Hitler, Bin Laden, etc.

You are wrong to judge everyone by the few.

The koran says to kill kafir (infidels) and live by sharia law. That's peaceful to you?:cuckoo:

You are a LIAR. The Koran does not say to kill kafir and live by sharia law. You are promoting hatred towards are Muslim brothers and sisters. You are a swine, a liar, and are lower than a piece of excrement from the bowel of a rotting monkey in the Sahara desert.
For the most part Islam is a peaceful religion as is Christianity. Madmen exist in both religions - Hitler, Bin Laden, etc.

You are wrong to judge everyone by the few.

The koran says to kill kafir (infidels) and live by sharia law. That's peaceful to you?:cuckoo:

give the context, not the quote mining.
I may quote the massacre of madian of the bible to judge Christianity too.
I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

I am not trying to attack the religion I am trying to understand it. I have seen posts state that the Christian Religion also states many of the same things. They then quote the Old Testament. I quickly point out the flaw because the Christian religious practices are based in the New Testament.

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?

good questions.

killing is forbidden in islam both against fidels and infidels. Jihad (mean resistance) is the action to defend yourself and your land from invaders:

"[I]And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon God . Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing."[/I]8-61.

so if enemies incline to peace you should not fight.

another verse:

"Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors. "1-190.

more details:

Can you let me know what is meant by innocents?
I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

I am not trying to attack the religion I am trying to understand it. I have seen posts state that the Christian Religion also states many of the same things. They then quote the Old Testament. I quickly point out the flaw because the Christian religious practices are based in the New Testament.

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?

good questions.

killing is forbidden in islam both against fidels and infidels. Jihad (mean resistance) is the action to defend yourself and your land from invaders:

"[I]And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon God . Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing."[/I]8-61.

so if enemies incline to peace you should not fight.

another verse:

"Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors. "1-190.

more details:

Can you let me know what is meant by innocents?

That question has been explored to the fullest extent possible .
I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

I am not trying to attack the religion I am trying to understand it. I have seen posts state that the Christian Religion also states many of the same things. They then quote the Old Testament. I quickly point out the flaw because the Christian religious practices are based in the New Testament.

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?

good questions.

killing is forbidden in islam both against fidels and infidels. Jihad (mean resistance) is the action to defend yourself and your land from invaders:

"[I]And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon God . Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing."[/I]8-61.

so if enemies incline to peace you should not fight.

another verse:

"Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors. "1-190.

more details:

Can you let me know what is meant by innocents?

innocents are those who don't agress or kill fidals, even if few muslims would attack the whole muslims they should be fought.

Islam don't embrace the christian principle of "non-resistance" or "give me the other cheek".

According to Koran, infidals who stay civil should be well treated:

"Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice. "60-8

you can ask more questions for details.
good questions.

killing is forbidden in islam both against fidels and infidels. Jihad (mean resistance) is the action to defend yourself and your land from invaders:

"[I]And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon God . Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing."[/I]8-61.

so if enemies incline to peace you should not fight.

another verse:

"Fight in the way of God against those who fight against you, but begin not hostilities. Lo! God loveth not aggressors. "1-190.

more details:

Can you let me know what is meant by innocents?

innocents are those who don't agress or kill fidals, even if few muslims would attack the whole muslims they should be fought.

Islam don't embrace the christian principle of "non-resistance" or "give me the other cheek".

According to Koran, infidals who stay civil should be well treated:

"Allah does not forbid you respecting those who have not made war against you on account of (your) religion, and have not driven you forth from your homes, that you show them kindness and deal with them justly; surely Allah loves the doers of justice. "60-8

you can ask more questions for details.

One cannot use the Merriam-Webster definition of 'agress,' (I assume you mean aggress) it seems.

1. "Seattle Weekly cartoonist Molly Norris felt this way, so she announced on her website that May 20, 2010 should be “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.” It went viral, captured the American imagination and, to date, it is only viral smash to result in the issue of a fatwa.

Molly Norris won’t be making anymore flippant cartoons. She hasn’t retired, she just no longer exists. After being placed on a hitlist by a Yemeni cleric, the FBI convinced Norris to change her name and relocate. Seattle is roughly 8400 miles from Yemen, but such is the reach of radical Islam.

How a seemingly harmless prank resulted in a woman having to give up her former life is a sign of the times. You can’t help but wonder if Parker and Stone, as edgy anti-authoritarians as they come, are happy to have, for once, given into censorship."
Everybody Draw Mohammed Day Founder in Hiding | Death and Taxes

2. And for a more expanded view of 'agress,' from Coulter:
"Recently, the Religion of Peace suffered a PR setback when Muslims in Nigeria welcomed the Miss World beauty pageant by slaughtering Christians in the street and burning churches to the ground…(Overheard at Miss World contest: ‘Does this make me look fatwa?’)"

" can ask more questions..."
Question: Wouldn't it be more convenient to use currently accepted definitions of terms, as in "aggres: To initiate an attack, war, quarrel, or fight."
aggress - definition of aggress by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
I have to admit that I know very little about the Muslim Religion. What I have read has not really been good but the sources have usually been people talking negatively about Islam.

I have seen several posts where the Koran is quoted in regards to killing infidals. I have seen people come back with it is out of context but I have never seen it in context. Can someone please help me with that?

I have also seen where innocents or those who believe in Allah only. If that is true then that would lead me to believe that anytime the Muslim world states it was wrong to kill innocents they are only referring to Muslims who were killed. I would like for that to be disproved as well.

The final thing that I have seen Koran scripture (I do not know if that is the correct term) state is alright to lie to your enemies (infidals) to save yourself and further your cause. Can you show me the context of this?

I am not trying to attack the religion I am trying to understand it. I have seen posts state that the Christian Religion also states many of the same things. They then quote the Old Testament. I quickly point out the flaw because the Christian religious practices are based in the New Testament.

One last thing: Are there different denominations in the Muslim Religion?

A good source is the Presidency for Religious Affairs of Republic of Turkey.
They're currently redesigning and extending the English Content site.
At moment it is Best viewed with Google Chrome.

On a subpage they say, they receive about 70 E-Mails a day, which they also answer.
Here you can ask yourself questions: (LINK to question section)
The Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey

It is very likely, that someone with Bachelor degree will answer your question:
Christians dropped the Atomic bomb on the Japanese twice killing close to 500000 people.
For the most part Islam is a peaceful religion as is Christianity. Madmen exist in both religions - Hitler, Bin Laden, etc.

You are wrong to judge everyone by the few.

The koran says to kill kafir (infidels) and live by sharia law. That's peaceful to you?:cuckoo:

give the context, not the quote mining.
I may quote the massacre of madian of the bible to judge Christianity too.

Sharia Law Punishment (e.g. Quran 47:4, 8:12, 5:38, 24:2 + Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234) |
The koran says to kill kafir (infidels) and live by sharia law. That's peaceful to you?:cuckoo:

give the context, not the quote mining.
I may quote the massacre of madian of the bible to judge Christianity too.

Sharia Law Punishment (e.g. Quran 47:4, 8:12, 5:38, 24:2 + Sahih Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 234) |

i don't find any texts that order the killing of innocent infidals !!

all the texts concern the circumstance of fight like the verse 47-4 and 5-33.There are quote mining, you can read verses before and after to understand it.

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