The Mystery Of Bernie Sanders Crowds.Did Most Of Them Fail Basic Math?

Rexx Taylor

Platinum Member
Jan 6, 2015
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:
He will get some from the rich. I guess the rest he would reduce the military. He said he doesn't want to use it..
Bernie wont take any questions regarding the debt, just kick the can down the road, deal with the 20 trillion later on.
He will get some from the rich. I guess the rest he would reduce the military. He said he doesn't want to use it..
Anyone who believes 'the rich' are going to sit back and let Bernie's Socialist government walk in and take more money in any form of tax is delusional.
The chance of Bernie becoming president is zero. We all know that.
So who the fuck cares what a bunch of stoners think?
Bernie could promise them each a new Porsche and they'd get in line for one.
"But Bernie who's going to pay for my new Porsche?" I'll just make the 'rich' pay for it. Don't worry your little head about such things".
Stupid stupid children recently 'streamed' through the Liberal Indoctrination Centers AKA schools.
Where do we get the money to field a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined? Where do we get the money to keep 2.4 million Americans incarcerated?

It is a question of priorities

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No more payroll deductions for healthcare, no more medical benefits at the center of every contract negotiation? Oh, how horrible that would be.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
Yes. The same goes with a lot of them. Especially Trump.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

The question remains, Where are you going to get the money? Please tell us. When you decide to reply, please remember that whichever Socialist wins, he/she will face a Republican Congress.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

Ahh Well the answer is obvious then. Let everyone out of prison and gut our military. Easy smeasy.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
Yes. The same goes with a lot of them. Especially Trump.

Even Trump would have a better chance because he would be a Repub President with a Repub Congress.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

This is why the US ranks 48th in the world when it comes to science and math.

It is also key to make sure they don't know about history. I bet things like the Court Packing Scheme and SCOTUS shooting down federal income taxes before being added to the Constitution by Progs at the turn of the 20th century are never taught.

Also ignoring what the history of collectivism, (i.e socialism, communism, fascisms) is vital to their cause.
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:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
Yes. The same goes with a lot of them. Especially Trump.

Even Trump would have a better chance because he would be a Repub President with a Repub Congress.
Yea, but he isn't a republican. That is just what he is running as. Like Jim Webb lol.
Things like his socialist healthcare and protectionism would never get passed by republicans.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
Yes. The same goes with a lot of them. Especially Trump.

Even Trump would have a better chance because he would be a Repub President with a Repub Congress.
Yea, but he isn't a republican. That is just what he is running as. Like Jim Webb lol.
Things like his socialist healthcare and protectionism would never get passed by republicans.

Do you actually believe even the stupid Republican Party does not even now realize that Trump is their only candidate capable of beating Hillary?
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
Yes. The same goes with a lot of them. Especially Trump.

Even Trump would have a better chance because he would be a Repub President with a Repub Congress.
Yea, but he isn't a republican. That is just what he is running as. Like Jim Webb lol.
Things like his socialist healthcare and protectionism would never get passed by republicans.

Do you actually believe even the stupid Republican Party does not even now realize that Trump is their only candidate capable of beating Hillary?
If Mrs. Clinton isn`t charged with a crime soon, she`ll win by a landslide.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
Yes. The same goes with a lot of them. Especially Trump.

Even Trump would have a better chance because he would be a Repub President with a Repub Congress.
Yea, but he isn't a republican. That is just what he is running as. Like Jim Webb lol.
Things like his socialist healthcare and protectionism would never get passed by republicans.

Do you actually believe even the stupid Republican Party does not even now realize that Trump is their only candidate capable of beating Hillary?
IDK really. I seem to think he will fizzle out. He says some crazy shit. Then again, a lot of it makes sense.. IDK we will see
Like Obama said just the other day, "There's a big difference in running for President and in being President." It will be very hard indeed to get any new taxes when faced with a Republican Congress.
Yes. The same goes with a lot of them. Especially Trump.

Even Trump would have a better chance because he would be a Repub President with a Repub Congress.
Yea, but he isn't a republican. That is just what he is running as. Like Jim Webb lol.
Things like his socialist healthcare and protectionism would never get passed by republicans.

Do you actually believe even the stupid Republican Party does not even now realize that Trump is their only candidate capable of beating Hillary?
If Mrs. Clinton isn`t charged with a crime soon, she`ll win by a landslide.

It is a wonderment to me how she can even run for the office. Any government employee who treated classified material as recklessly as she did would have had their security clearance stripped from them already. If she is able to keep her clearance or get another one, assuming she lost hers when she left office as she is supposed to have, then any rank and file government employee who loses his/hers will have a good case to use in their own defense in the future.
Where do we get the money to field a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined? Where do we get the money to keep 2.4 million Americans incarcerated?

It is a question of priorities


Capitalism is where we get it. It's great. Money is available for anyone and everyone. have to work for it. If don't get much.

Seems fair right?

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