The Mystery Of Bernie Sanders Crowds.Did Most Of Them Fail Basic Math?

A few observations:

(a) The Federal Government has no legitimate power to spend money on education or healthcare. Read the Constitution; it won't take long.

(b) The problems with "education" will not be solved by an infusion of more money, whether it originates with the Feds or the State governments, nor are any of our significant educational "problems" the result of not enough money. The proof of this fact is staring us in the face. Public education spending, both absolutely and on a per-pupil basis has skyrocketed in the past five decades at a rate far greater than inflation, and we have bupkis to show for it. More money: more waste.

(c) Sending more Americans (and illegal aliens) to college is a preposterous prescription for any problem we may be experiencing. No more than 25% of any society can be "leaders" (the ostensible purpose of colleges and universities), and we are already sending more than half of our high school grads to college. As a result, the colleges are wasting resources on remedial and bullshit courses to accommodate the millions of students who are simply not "college material."

(d) The U.S. is the world's only "Superpower," and MUST spend more on military readiness and operations than any other country. Without the threat of U.S. military action, many parts of the world would quickly devolve into barbaric, Darwinian hell-holes, where countries would constantly attack the neighboring countries they perceive to be weaker. What would China and North Korea be doing today without the threat of U.S. counter-measures? What would Russia be doing? Look at the harm that Barry's incompetence has already done. Would Israel even exist if we backed down? "Cutting military spending" is a childish, sophomoric, unserious form of thought masturbation.

(e) Yes, we ARE much safer as a result of the dramatic increase in incarcerations. It is almost laughable at how often one hears news "reporters" puzzling over why prison populations have exploded "even though" the serious crime rates are down. Their inability to see the obvious connection is hilarious.

(f) Countries that have socialized medicine made a formal decision to go in that direction many decades ago, and developed their healthcare delivery systems (and the tax provisions to fund it) accordingly. The Government owns the hospitals and clinics, employs the doctors, nurses, and other practitioners, and controls the vast majority of spending. Even if you ignore the fact that the U.S. government is constitutionally prohibited from doing the same here, our entire healthcare delivery system has evolved under ENTIRELY DIFFERENT PARADIGMS. Our doctors are NOT going to go to work for the government; the government is not going to buy the hospitals, and the health insurance industry (which would be essentially superfluous) is not going to go away over night.

The Democrat presidential campaign is basically a sham. Regardless of who wins, we will have an utterly predictable continuation of the Obama policies, appointment of more lawless federal judges and justices, and the continued erosion of the application of the U.S. Constitution. The only question to be decided by the primary voters is whether HRC is SO odious a candidate that she could actually lose, so that someone else would have to be plugged in to take her place. If it appears that Democrat voters are going that way (i.e., rejecting HRC), then Joe Biden (or Al Gore?) will step in, but the result will be the same.

The election will ultimately be determined by the turnout of white, working-class people, who are the only constituency who can outnumber the freaks and government teat-suckers who will massively vote for whomever the Dems nominate.

We have five times the number of incarcerations than we did before the "war on drugs"

Incarcerating non violent offenders, three strikes rules for minor offenses, mandatory sentencing for drug offenders...all have escallated our prison population without making us safer

I'm not one of them.
Who's in Sanders' crowds?

College students on Daddy's $$$$ studying Afro Cultural Trends or The History of Socialism.

College students studying Art of Armenian Minorities for their PhD dissertations on student loans they have no intention of repaying.

Young people who don't bother to find a job they consider beneath them who are living at home with Mommy and Daddy.

Members of "social communes."
I think we'd see a huge drop in prison if we ditched the war on drugs. I understand drugs are bad, and don't use myself, but this whole "protecting them from themselves" idea is just not working out. We let people drink and drive, and kill people on a daily bases, but not drugs, oh no... why? The end result of drunk and drugged out morons is the same, and all we're doing is passing money to gangs and overtaxing our prison system for something that really doesn't stop anyone from getting ahold of drugs if they want them. I say legalize them all, regulate them like booze, and deal with the jackasses that DUI like we do drunk drivers - at least then we can cut prison costs, and hopefully gang crimes as well. After all gangs the ones that are slaughtering people wholesale in the ghettos, trade a few DUI's for that, AND save money sounds good to me. ~shrug~
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Sen. Bernie also wrongly placed the United States as the world’s leader in wealth and income inequality.
The U.S. ranked 42nd in income inequality according to the World Bank. In terms of wealth, the United States placed 16th out of 46 nations in the share of wealth held by the richest one percent of the nation’s citizens.
Lets see how much Putin can appreciate


The US spends 41 cents out of every military dollar worldwide. Putin spends 4 cents

I can see why you would be terrified of Mr Putin if we only spent 33 cents out of every dollar. Keep in mind, with our allies UK, France, Japan and Germany we are spending 55 cents out of every military dollar worldwide


So why would you be shitting your pants over Putin?

I'm not. Why are you defending failed policies?

Is the US overspending on prisons and the military a failed policy?

Yes it is

In spite of rightwing fear mongering, it does not keep us safer

Protest to your Democrat President then. Tell him to quit sending troops and military ammo all over the world.

Our President has been working to reduce our prison population and relying more on our allies to take a more active role in military conflicts

Think of the money it would free up
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Sen. Bernie also wrongly placed the United States as the world’s leader in wealth and income inequality.
The U.S. ranked 42nd in income inequality according to the World Bank. In terms of wealth, the United States placed 16th out of 46 nations in the share of wealth held by the richest one percent of the nation’s citizens.

I would have to see the actual list

If a bunch of banana republics have worse income inequality than us, I don't see it as a reason to brag

How do we stack up against the rest of the G-8?
I think we'd see a huge drop in prison if we ditched the war on drugs. I understand drugs are bad, and don't use myself, but this whole "protecting them from themselves" idea is just not working out. We let people drink and drive, and kill people on a daily bases, but not drugs, oh no... why? The end result of drunk and drugged out morons is the same, and all we're doing is passing money to gangs and overtaxing our prison system for something that really doesn't stop anyone from getting ahold of drugs if they want them. I say legalize them all, regulate them like booze, and deal with the jackasses that DUI like we do drunk drivers - at least then we can cut prison costs, and hopefully gang crimes as well. After all gangs the ones that are slaughtering people wholesale in the ghettos, trade a few DUI's for that, AND save money sounds good to me. ~shrug~

Think of how better off we would be if the money we spent on the war on drugs was spent on actually helping those communities
I think we'd see a huge drop in prison if we ditched the war on drugs. I understand drugs are bad, and don't use myself, but this whole "protecting them from themselves" idea is just not working out. We let people drink and drive, and kill people on a daily bases, but not drugs, oh no... why? The end result of drunk and drugged out morons is the same, and all we're doing is passing money to gangs and overtaxing our prison system for something that really doesn't stop anyone from getting ahold of drugs if they want them. I say legalize them all, regulate them like booze, and deal with the jackasses that DUI like we do drunk drivers - at least then we can cut prison costs, and hopefully gang crimes as well. After all gangs the ones that are slaughtering people wholesale in the ghettos, trade a few DUI's for that, AND save money sounds good to me. ~shrug~
so deregulate all drugs?
cancer drugs? all opiates? everything? leave no prescription drugs for doctors to prescribe?
I think we'd see a huge drop in prison if we ditched the war on drugs. I understand drugs are bad, and don't use myself, but this whole "protecting them from themselves" idea is just not working out. We let people drink and drive, and kill people on a daily bases, but not drugs, oh no... why? The end result of drunk and drugged out morons is the same, and all we're doing is passing money to gangs and overtaxing our prison system for something that really doesn't stop anyone from getting ahold of drugs if they want them. I say legalize them all, regulate them like booze, and deal with the jackasses that DUI like we do drunk drivers - at least then we can cut prison costs, and hopefully gang crimes as well. After all gangs the ones that are slaughtering people wholesale in the ghettos, trade a few DUI's for that, AND save money sounds good to me. ~shrug~

Think of how better off we would be if the money we spent on the war on drugs was spent on actually helping those communities
think of how much better off we would be if those communities got off their lazy asses and helped themselves.

So why would you be shitting your pants over Putin?

I'm not. Why are you defending failed policies?

Is the US overspending on prisons and the military a failed policy?

Yes it is

In spite of rightwing fear mongering, it does not keep us safer

Protest to your Democrat President then. Tell him to quit sending troops and military ammo all over the world.

Our President has been working to reduce our prison population and relying more on our allies to take a more active role in military conflicts

Think of the money it would free up

Think of the money he's spending funding his mercenaries in Syria, the 50 tons of ammo he dropped over there, the troops he's keeping in Afghanistan, the money he's wasted on Obamacare and his web site, the money he's paying to shore up insurance companies, the troops he's sent to Africa, the increase in expenditures to cover the increased enrollments in EBT, in SSI, in child day care, in Medicare enrollments, in Medicaid enrollments, in Social Security and disability enrollments, in taking care of illegal immigrants, etc., etc., etc.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Sen. Bernie also wrongly placed the United States as the world’s leader in wealth and income inequality.
The U.S. ranked 42nd in income inequality according to the World Bank. In terms of wealth, the United States placed 16th out of 46 nations in the share of wealth held by the richest one percent of the nation’s citizens.

Yes, none of the Socialist candidates bothered or concerned themselves with the true facts.
Just out of curiosity, how did Obama make a big debt? With what? Health care? I can't really think of something Obama did that made that debt.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:
The national debt is a foreign far away concept to most leftist, young people, BLACKS and LATINOS! They don't feel it in their every day life, the majority Blacks and Latinos are too uneducated to understand concept like the ramifications of this debt bubble continuing to grow. They see free stuff that the government (not tax payers) provide, because the government is rich. They don't see that growing debt will eventually destroy this country.
And you 'Conservatives' corksmokers are absolutely terrified that they might get an education. We either educate our populace, or we watch as another nation that does takes over the leadership in all fields of endevour.
Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

Sen. Bernie also wrongly placed the United States as the world’s leader in wealth and income inequality.
The U.S. ranked 42nd in income inequality according to the World Bank. In terms of wealth, the United States placed 16th out of 46 nations in the share of wealth held by the richest one percent of the nation’s citizens.

Yes, none of the Socialist candidates bothered or concerned themselves with the true facts.
You fucking 'Conservatives' would not know a fact if it bit you in the ass. You are anti-science, anti-education, and you live in an alternative universe. All of which will catch up to you in 2016.
So why would you be shitting your pants over Putin?

I'm not. Why are you defending failed policies?

Is the US overspending on prisons and the military a failed policy?

Yes it is

In spite of rightwing fear mongering, it does not keep us safer

Protest to your Democrat President then. Tell him to quit sending troops and military ammo all over the world.

Our President has been working to reduce our prison population and relying more on our allies to take a more active role in military conflicts

Think of the money it would free up

Think of the money he's spending funding his mercenaries in Syria, the 50 tons of ammo he dropped over there, the troops he's keeping in Afghanistan, the money he's wasted on Obamacare and his web site, the money he's paying to shore up insurance companies, the troops he's sent to Africa, the increase in expenditures to cover the increased enrollments in EBT, in SSI, in child day care, in Medicare enrollments, in Medicaid enrollments, in Social Security and disability enrollments, in taking care of illegal immigrants, etc., etc., etc.

That is just the tip of the iceberg

Look at the money we spent rebuilding communities in Iraq and Afganistan and propping up corrupt governments

But when it comes to actually helping Americans with healthcare and better education it is......sorry, we just can't find the money
Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.
And idiots like you are no longer a factor at all. Senator Sanders made major points with what he said. And, even though he has little chance of becoming the candidate, he will definately influence the Democratic platform.
Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.

Nobody outside FoxNation cares about the emails
Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.
And idiots like you are no longer a factor at all. Senator Sanders made major points with what he said. And, even though he has little chance of becoming the candidate, he will definately influence the Democratic platform.

Lol, if we aren't a factor, why are you lefties scared shitless right now?

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