The Mystery Of Bernie Sanders Crowds.Did Most Of Them Fail Basic Math?

Just out of curiosity, how did Obama make a big debt? With what? Health care? I can't really think of something Obama did that made that debt.
when obama took office the percentage of debt to gross domestic product was around 77%, terrible yes, but at a point that it could have been corrected with strong leadership.
currently that ratio is around 105%, this means we owe more than we can take in. or to put it simply, we are in trouble and unless something drastic is done there is no way to get back out of that. You just can pay off a 100 dollar loan with 95 dollars in your pocket.
instead of threats to shut down the government if the democrats didnt get their way, they should have been reducing the debt at all costs starting with their social programs and foreign aid
No more payroll deductions for healthcare, no more medical benefits at the center of every contract negotiation? Oh, how horrible that would be.

No more payroll deductions?
What the hell do you think taxes are?
No more deductions for your healthcare. Jeezus, are you that dense?

What the fuck difference does it make you moron?
It's still a deduction for medical care whether you pay an insurance company or the government.
Talk about dense...
Just out of curiosity, how did Obama make a big debt? With what? Health care? I can't really think of something Obama did that made that debt.
How? He started 2 wars (one with lies) and he cut taxes. Ooops, that was the guy before Obama who did that. Sorry.
funding a war is like buying a house. Its a big number but it gets paid off.
healthcare and social handouts are never ending always increasing expenses, they can never be paid off.
there is a difference.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

No…they took math in government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party…..that is why they think there actually is a "free" lunch…..
Where do we get the money to field a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined? Where do we get the money to keep 2.4 million Americans incarcerated?

It is a question of priorities


Keeping criminals locked up is far cheaper to society than letting them roam free….
The guy will be 75 in January of 2017, so yeah #'s apparently aren't their strong point.

Nor is the truth, reality, facts, or being able to understand the difference between right and wrong and good and evil….
They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit"

Anyone who interprets Sanders' platform as "free stuff" not only has a math problem, but an English comprehension problem.

It's not "free stuff." You're doing yourself a great disservice by sticking your fingers in your ears and reciting that over and over again.
The guy will be 75 in January of 2017, so yeah #'s apparently aren't their strong point.

Actually, Sanders' birthday is in September. He just turned 74.

Donald Trump will be 70 by the time Sanders turns 75. Ron Paul was 77 the last time he ran. The real question should be around the candidates' health status.
Just out of curiosity, how did Obama make a big debt? With what? Health care? I can't really think of something Obama did that made that debt.

His added spending of 787 billion in his stimulus package added with Bush's bank bail out of 700 billion.
Our military spending in 2008 was at 686 billion going up to 808.7 billion in 2009, 2010 at 852.2 billion
This finally went down to 742 billion in 2015 and will go back up again at 780.2 in 2016.

The biggest is our mandatory spending. which will be at 2.543 trillion in 2016
This is nearly two-thirds of all federal spending, and three times greater than the military budget.
Why Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Are Such Hot-Button Topics
  • Social Security - $938 billion
  • Medicare - $583 billion
  • Medicaid - $351 billion
  • Allowance for Immigration Reform - $ 8 billion
  • All other mandatory programs - $662 billion.(Source: OMB, FY 2016
And they don't even add the government workers pensions into this, which was at 84 trillion in 2012.
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Where do we get the money to field a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined? Where do we get the money to keep 2.4 million Americans incarcerated?

It is a question of priorities


Keeping criminals locked up is far cheaper to society than letting them roam free….

Doesn't seem to be working

Other countries have drug problems but don't try to solve them by locking up everyone involved. The war on drugs has increased our prison population five times and we are not any safer
Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.

Nobody outside FoxNation cares about the emails

Ahh! There they are! The left wing lies. That never takes long.

Tell me more about Benghazi....
It`s all falling apart for them. Maybe it`s time to trot out good old Fast & Furious. There`s always Vince Foster too!
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

but it's ok to subsidize the wealth of the top 1% and pay for michelle bachman's family farm and her husband's pray away the gay BS?

maybe its your priorities that are warped.

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