The Mystery Of Bernie Sanders Crowds.Did Most Of Them Fail Basic Math?

Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.

Nobody outside FoxNation cares about the emails

Ahh! There they are! The left wing lies. That never takes long.

Tell me more about Benghazi....

I wish we could…hilary destroyed her emails about the situation and the security upgrades she refused to implement….
Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.

Nobody outside FoxNation cares about the emails

Ahh! There they are! The left wing lies. That never takes long.

Tell me more about Benghazi....

I wish we could…hilary destroyed her emails about the situation and the security upgrades she refused to implement….


now you've gone from Obama-deranged to Hillary-deranged?


the next 8 years or so are going to be amusing.
Bernie Sanders is no longer a factor. He threw in the towel on national TV during the debates when he tried to absolve Hillary of her e-mail crimes.

Nobody outside FoxNation cares about the emails

Ahh! There they are! The left wing lies. That never takes long.

Tell me more about Benghazi....

I wish we could…hilary destroyed her emails about the situation and the security upgrades she refused to implement….


now you've gone from Obama-deranged to Hillary-deranged?


the next 8 years or so are going to be amusing.
I agree, its going to be funny as hell when the free stuff starts to fade and people are expected to earn their own way through life.
lets guess what we will hear.
Republicans are letting people die in the streets
Republicans are starving children
Republicans hate women
Republicans hate black people

Sooner or later free comes at a price.
Nobody outside FoxNation cares about the emails

Ahh! There they are! The left wing lies. That never takes long.

Tell me more about Benghazi....

I wish we could…hilary destroyed her emails about the situation and the security upgrades she refused to implement….


now you've gone from Obama-deranged to Hillary-deranged?


the next 8 years or so are going to be amusing.
I agree, its going to be funny as hell when the free stuff starts to fade and people are expected to earn their own way through life.
lets guess what we will hear.
Republicans are letting people die in the streets
Republicans are starving children
Republicans hate women
Republicans hate black people

Sooner or later free comes at a price.

The democrats know that the free stuff isn't free…but they have to crash the system to get control over it….give everyone free education, healthcare and everything else…and then it crashes…..and then they come back and say….you need to give us more power…we don't have enough to fix the mess…..and by the way……now you will have to "give back" to the government for taking care of you…..
The guy will be 75 in January of 2017, so yeah #'s apparently aren't their strong point.

Actually, Sanders' birthday is in September. He just turned 74.

Donald Trump will be 70 by the time Sanders turns 75. Ron Paul was 77 the last time he ran. The real question should be around the candidates' health status.

That's what I mean, in January 2017, in other words entering the White House, he'll be 75.
Ahh! There they are! The left wing lies. That never takes long.

Tell me more about Benghazi....

I wish we could…hilary destroyed her emails about the situation and the security upgrades she refused to implement….


now you've gone from Obama-deranged to Hillary-deranged?


the next 8 years or so are going to be amusing.
I agree, its going to be funny as hell when the free stuff starts to fade and people are expected to earn their own way through life.
lets guess what we will hear.
Republicans are letting people die in the streets
Republicans are starving children
Republicans hate women
Republicans hate black people

Sooner or later free comes at a price.

The democrats know that the free stuff isn't free…but they have to crash the system to get control over it….give everyone free education, healthcare and everything else…and then it crashes…..and then they come back and say….you need to give us more power…we don't have enough to fix the mess…..and by the way……now you will have to "give back" to the government for taking care of you…..

Oh the humanity!

Giving people free healthcare and free education

What is this world coming to?
Tell me more about Benghazi....

I wish we could…hilary destroyed her emails about the situation and the security upgrades she refused to implement….


now you've gone from Obama-deranged to Hillary-deranged?


the next 8 years or so are going to be amusing.
I agree, its going to be funny as hell when the free stuff starts to fade and people are expected to earn their own way through life.
lets guess what we will hear.
Republicans are letting people die in the streets
Republicans are starving children
Republicans hate women
Republicans hate black people

Sooner or later free comes at a price.

The democrats know that the free stuff isn't free…but they have to crash the system to get control over it….give everyone free education, healthcare and everything else…and then it crashes…..and then they come back and say….you need to give us more power…we don't have enough to fix the mess…..and by the way……now you will have to "give back" to the government for taking care of you…..

Oh the humanity!

Giving people free healthcare and free education

What is this world coming to?
I think the world is coming to a bunch of lazy bastards that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
and again, nothing is free. I promise you, nobody is going to say anything or try to stop you if you go out and buy a family their health insurance and cover the college costs for their kids out of your own pocket.
I wish we could…hilary destroyed her emails about the situation and the security upgrades she refused to implement….


now you've gone from Obama-deranged to Hillary-deranged?


the next 8 years or so are going to be amusing.
I agree, its going to be funny as hell when the free stuff starts to fade and people are expected to earn their own way through life.
lets guess what we will hear.
Republicans are letting people die in the streets
Republicans are starving children
Republicans hate women
Republicans hate black people

Sooner or later free comes at a price.

The democrats know that the free stuff isn't free…but they have to crash the system to get control over it….give everyone free education, healthcare and everything else…and then it crashes…..and then they come back and say….you need to give us more power…we don't have enough to fix the mess…..and by the way……now you will have to "give back" to the government for taking care of you…..

Oh the humanity!

Giving people free healthcare and free education

What is this world coming to?
I think the world is coming to a bunch of lazy bastards that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
and again, nothing is free. I promise you, nobody is going to say anything or try to stop you if you go out and buy a family their health insurance and cover the college costs for their kids out of your own pocket.

spoken like someone who's never had to pay bills.
The guy will be 75 in January of 2017, so yeah #'s apparently aren't their strong point.

Actually, Sanders' birthday is in September. He just turned 74.

Donald Trump will be 70 by the time Sanders turns 75. Ron Paul was 77 the last time he ran. The real question should be around the candidates' health status.

That's what I mean, in January 2017, in other words entering the White House, he'll be 75.
Fair enough. Trump would be 70.5. What's each man's health status? Trump looks like he should lose 20-30 pounds...if his anger management issues don't give him a coronary first.

now you've gone from Obama-deranged to Hillary-deranged?


the next 8 years or so are going to be amusing.
I agree, its going to be funny as hell when the free stuff starts to fade and people are expected to earn their own way through life.
lets guess what we will hear.
Republicans are letting people die in the streets
Republicans are starving children
Republicans hate women
Republicans hate black people

Sooner or later free comes at a price.

The democrats know that the free stuff isn't free…but they have to crash the system to get control over it….give everyone free education, healthcare and everything else…and then it crashes…..and then they come back and say….you need to give us more power…we don't have enough to fix the mess…..and by the way……now you will have to "give back" to the government for taking care of you…..

Oh the humanity!

Giving people free healthcare and free education

What is this world coming to?
I think the world is coming to a bunch of lazy bastards that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
and again, nothing is free. I promise you, nobody is going to say anything or try to stop you if you go out and buy a family their health insurance and cover the college costs for their kids out of your own pocket.

spoken like someone who's never had to pay bills.
because I do pay bills would be the reason that Im tired of watching my income reduced to cover the free crap for the freeloaders.
On the other hand, someone that thinks its ok to give away all of this "free" stuff, most likely has not had to pay a bill. Its obvious that they don't understand how a working family might be crimped with all of the taxes to cover the lazy.
Iraq War, 2003-2008: $17+ trillion.

Where did you get that number?
When Obama became President in 2009 the national debt was a little over 10.7 Trillion.

which has what to do with what he says? remember, congress has made us live off of unrealistic tax numbers which cause us to live on our credit card.

and despite that we're doing better. isn't that awesome?

that said, the cost of Afghanistan alone is 4 to 6 trillion dollars as of January, 2015

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

as to Iraq as of june 2014:

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

The Iraq war by numbers - Business Insider

there's money for everything but making life better for people, right?
I agree, its going to be funny as hell when the free stuff starts to fade and people are expected to earn their own way through life.
lets guess what we will hear.
Republicans are letting people die in the streets
Republicans are starving children
Republicans hate women
Republicans hate black people

Sooner or later free comes at a price.

The democrats know that the free stuff isn't free…but they have to crash the system to get control over it….give everyone free education, healthcare and everything else…and then it crashes…..and then they come back and say….you need to give us more power…we don't have enough to fix the mess…..and by the way……now you will have to "give back" to the government for taking care of you…..

Oh the humanity!

Giving people free healthcare and free education

What is this world coming to?
I think the world is coming to a bunch of lazy bastards that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
and again, nothing is free. I promise you, nobody is going to say anything or try to stop you if you go out and buy a family their health insurance and cover the college costs for their kids out of your own pocket.

spoken like someone who's never had to pay bills.
because I do pay bills would be the reason that Im tired of watching my income reduced to cover the free crap for the freeloaders.
On the other hand, someone that thinks its ok to give away all of this "free" stuff, most likely has not had to pay a bill. Its obvious that they don't understand how a working family might be crimped with all of the taxes to cover the lazy.

your income is reduced by pennies by paying for the things we should be paying for.

it is being reduced far more by the bomb bomb bomb iran mentality of the neo-con wackjobs
The democrats know that the free stuff isn't free…but they have to crash the system to get control over it….give everyone free education, healthcare and everything else…and then it crashes…..and then they come back and say….you need to give us more power…we don't have enough to fix the mess…..and by the way……now you will have to "give back" to the government for taking care of you…..

Oh the humanity!

Giving people free healthcare and free education

What is this world coming to?
I think the world is coming to a bunch of lazy bastards that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
and again, nothing is free. I promise you, nobody is going to say anything or try to stop you if you go out and buy a family their health insurance and cover the college costs for their kids out of your own pocket.

spoken like someone who's never had to pay bills.
because I do pay bills would be the reason that Im tired of watching my income reduced to cover the free crap for the freeloaders.
On the other hand, someone that thinks its ok to give away all of this "free" stuff, most likely has not had to pay a bill. Its obvious that they don't understand how a working family might be crimped with all of the taxes to cover the lazy.

your income is reduced by pennies by paying for the things we should be paying for.

it is being reduced far more by the bomb bomb bomb iran mentality of the neo-con wackjobs
my income should not be reduced at all for needless expenses. As far as what we should be paying for, show me in the constitution where welfare, or cell phones, computers, internet connections, a new Escalade, food etc.. is specifically defined as a constitutional right regardless of energy exerted to achieve these things.
Iraq War, 2003-2008: $17+ trillion.

Where did you get that number?
When Obama became President in 2009 the national debt was a little over 10.7 Trillion.

which has what to do with what he says? remember, congress has made us live off of unrealistic tax numbers which cause us to live on our credit card.

and despite that we're doing better. isn't that awesome?

that said, the cost of Afghanistan alone is 4 to 6 trillion dollars as of January, 2015

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

as to Iraq as of june 2014:

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

The Iraq war by numbers - Business Insider

there's money for everything but making life better for people, right?

It has to do with being false that's what.
How about the mandatory spending which will be 2.543 trillion in 2016.
Why Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Are Such Hot-Button Topics
Oh the humanity!

Giving people free healthcare and free education

What is this world coming to?
I think the world is coming to a bunch of lazy bastards that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
and again, nothing is free. I promise you, nobody is going to say anything or try to stop you if you go out and buy a family their health insurance and cover the college costs for their kids out of your own pocket.

spoken like someone who's never had to pay bills.
because I do pay bills would be the reason that Im tired of watching my income reduced to cover the free crap for the freeloaders.
On the other hand, someone that thinks its ok to give away all of this "free" stuff, most likely has not had to pay a bill. Its obvious that they don't understand how a working family might be crimped with all of the taxes to cover the lazy.

your income is reduced by pennies by paying for the things we should be paying for.

it is being reduced far more by the bomb bomb bomb iran mentality of the neo-con wackjobs
my income should not be reduced at all for needless expenses. As far as what we should be paying for, show me in the constitution where welfare, or cell phones, computers, internet connections, a new Escalade, food etc.. is specifically defined as a constitutional right regardless of energy exerted to achieve these things.

that would presume you think an education is useless. our country is better the more elevated the middle class is.

again, what you say indicates you've never put a child through school. for the record, my son's university is $73,000 a year with room and board. no one is saying that's going to be the subject of governmental intervention. however, if he had gone to a public college or university there is nothing wrong with that being free.

we all pay for things we don't like. I want back all of that part of my tax money that funded the invasion into Iraq/Afghanistan which baby bush did for no freaking reason except his own ego and his VP's profiteering.
Iraq War, 2003-2008: $17+ trillion.

Where did you get that number?
When Obama became President in 2009 the national debt was a little over 10.7 Trillion.

which has what to do with what he says? remember, congress has made us live off of unrealistic tax numbers which cause us to live on our credit card.

and despite that we're doing better. isn't that awesome?

that said, the cost of Afghanistan alone is 4 to 6 trillion dollars as of January, 2015

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

as to Iraq as of june 2014:

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

The Iraq war by numbers - Business Insider

there's money for everything but making life better for people, right?

It has to do with being false that's what.
How about the mandatory spending which will be 2.543 trillion in 2016.
Why Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Are Such Hot-Button Topics

you really shouldn't post about things you don't understand.

the money we use for one week in Iraq probably would fix social security for 70 years.

that... and not invading the trust fund like baby bush did.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

We can finance his suggestions the same way we finance the $37 billion subsidy to the big 6 oil companies. And the tax breaks for investors who produce no product or provide no service yet enjoy a tax rate lesser than those who labor. And that most expensive waste of money , these endless wars.

It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of priorities.
my income should not be reduced at all for needless expenses. As far as what we should be paying for, show me in the constitution where welfare, or cell phones, computers, internet connections, a new Escalade, food etc.. is specifically defined as a constitutional right regardless of energy exerted to achieve these things.

Only for the Walton family...and look what happened to them yesterday. All those years of you paying their taxes for them, and they're still on the skids...

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