The Mystery Of Bernie Sanders Crowds.Did Most Of Them Fail Basic Math?

I think the world is coming to a bunch of lazy bastards that refuse to take responsibility for their own lives.
and again, nothing is free. I promise you, nobody is going to say anything or try to stop you if you go out and buy a family their health insurance and cover the college costs for their kids out of your own pocket.

spoken like someone who's never had to pay bills.
because I do pay bills would be the reason that Im tired of watching my income reduced to cover the free crap for the freeloaders.
On the other hand, someone that thinks its ok to give away all of this "free" stuff, most likely has not had to pay a bill. Its obvious that they don't understand how a working family might be crimped with all of the taxes to cover the lazy.

your income is reduced by pennies by paying for the things we should be paying for.

it is being reduced far more by the bomb bomb bomb iran mentality of the neo-con wackjobs
my income should not be reduced at all for needless expenses. As far as what we should be paying for, show me in the constitution where welfare, or cell phones, computers, internet connections, a new Escalade, food etc.. is specifically defined as a constitutional right regardless of energy exerted to achieve these things.

that would presume you think an education is useless. our country is better the more elevated the middle class is.

again, what you say indicates you've never put a child through school. for the record, my son's university is $73,000 a year with room and board. no one is saying that's going to be the subject of governmental intervention. however, if he had gone to a public college or university there is nothing wrong with that being free.

we all pay for things we don't like. I want back all of that part of my tax money that funded the invasion into Iraq/Afghanistan which baby bush did for no freaking reason except his own ego and his VP's profiteering.
Im putting a child through college right now. I could be doing much better if I didnt have to pay taxes to make sure the lazy bastards got for free what I have to pay for.
if not for taxes and high tuition costs due to subsidies, I could have bought the daughter a new corvette to drive around in instead of the chevy cruise. It does cut into my quality of life to foster lazy families.
Iraq War, 2003-2008: $17+ trillion.

Where did you get that number?
When Obama became President in 2009 the national debt was a little over 10.7 Trillion.

which has what to do with what he says? remember, congress has made us live off of unrealistic tax numbers which cause us to live on our credit card.

and despite that we're doing better. isn't that awesome?

that said, the cost of Afghanistan alone is 4 to 6 trillion dollars as of January, 2015

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

as to Iraq as of june 2014:

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

The Iraq war by numbers - Business Insider

there's money for everything but making life better for people, right?

It has to do with being false that's what.
How about the mandatory spending which will be 2.543 trillion in 2016.
Why Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Are Such Hot-Button Topics

you really shouldn't post about things you don't understand.

the money we use for one week in Iraq probably would fix social security for 70 years.

that... and not invading the trust fund like baby bush did.

You are the one who is not understanding.
The mandatory spending is 3 times greater than the military budget.
Im putting a child through college right now. I could be doing much better if I didnt have to pay taxes to make sure the lazy bastards got for free what I have to pay for.

Yeah, that $6 billion tax break they got this year must smart. Then there are the "hidden" costs of SNAP for their employees because they pay them so little.

I'm hoping Costco buys out every store the Waltons close.
spoken like someone who's never had to pay bills.
because I do pay bills would be the reason that Im tired of watching my income reduced to cover the free crap for the freeloaders.
On the other hand, someone that thinks its ok to give away all of this "free" stuff, most likely has not had to pay a bill. Its obvious that they don't understand how a working family might be crimped with all of the taxes to cover the lazy.

your income is reduced by pennies by paying for the things we should be paying for.

it is being reduced far more by the bomb bomb bomb iran mentality of the neo-con wackjobs
my income should not be reduced at all for needless expenses. As far as what we should be paying for, show me in the constitution where welfare, or cell phones, computers, internet connections, a new Escalade, food etc.. is specifically defined as a constitutional right regardless of energy exerted to achieve these things.

that would presume you think an education is useless. our country is better the more elevated the middle class is.

again, what you say indicates you've never put a child through school. for the record, my son's university is $73,000 a year with room and board. no one is saying that's going to be the subject of governmental intervention. however, if he had gone to a public college or university there is nothing wrong with that being free.

we all pay for things we don't like. I want back all of that part of my tax money that funded the invasion into Iraq/Afghanistan which baby bush did for no freaking reason except his own ego and his VP's profiteering.
Im putting a child through college right now. I could be doing much better if I didnt have to pay taxes to make sure the lazy bastards got for free what I have to pay for.
if not for taxes and high tuition costs due to subsidies, I could have bought the daughter a new corvette to drive around in instead of the chevy cruise. It does cut into my quality of life to foster lazy families.

if you didn't pay taxes you wouldn't have roads.

if you didn't pay taxes you wouldn't have schools.

if you didn't pay taxes we wouldn't have the scientific advances that allowed you to keep your family healthy

if you didn't pay taxes your air and water would be unusable.

if you didn't pay taxes there would be nothing to enforce our laws and regulations.

whining about what you could do with your tax money is absurd. but not quite as absurd as thinking that people are lazy and deserving of poverty.
Iraq War, 2003-2008: $17+ trillion.

Where did you get that number?
When Obama became President in 2009 the national debt was a little over 10.7 Trillion.

which has what to do with what he says? remember, congress has made us live off of unrealistic tax numbers which cause us to live on our credit card.

and despite that we're doing better. isn't that awesome?

that said, the cost of Afghanistan alone is 4 to 6 trillion dollars as of January, 2015

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

as to Iraq as of june 2014:

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

The Iraq war by numbers - Business Insider

there's money for everything but making life better for people, right?

It has to do with being false that's what.
How about the mandatory spending which will be 2.543 trillion in 2016.
Why Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Are Such Hot-Button Topics

you really shouldn't post about things you don't understand.

the money we use for one week in Iraq probably would fix social security for 70 years.

that... and not invading the trust fund like baby bush did.

You are the one who is not understanding.
The mandatory spending is 3 times greater than the military budget.

that's false. but I expect that from you.

the problem is you and the other nutcases think social security is welfare. except we pay for it. it's our money.

so no, as usual, you haven't a clue.
Imagine the shape this country would be in if after the end of the Cold War we had channeled defense money into healthcare and education?

Imagine if Defense R&D was spent on Medical R&D
Iraq War, 2003-2008: $17+ trillion.

Where did you get that number?
When Obama became President in 2009 the national debt was a little over 10.7 Trillion.

which has what to do with what he says? remember, congress has made us live off of unrealistic tax numbers which cause us to live on our credit card.

and despite that we're doing better. isn't that awesome?

that said, the cost of Afghanistan alone is 4 to 6 trillion dollars as of January, 2015

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

as to Iraq as of june 2014:

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

The Iraq war by numbers - Business Insider

there's money for everything but making life better for people, right?

It has to do with being false that's what.
How about the mandatory spending which will be 2.543 trillion in 2016.
Why Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Are Such Hot-Button Topics

you really shouldn't post about things you don't understand.

the money we use for one week in Iraq probably would fix social security for 70 years.

that... and not invading the trust fund like baby bush did.

Do you actually think that the total cost of our military at 742 billion for the whole year of 2015 will fund social security which has 9.6 Trillion in unfunded mandates? That was in 2013 so it has gone up since then.
18% goes to defence.... now to all you socialist retards look up how much go to your socialist spending like medicare and welfare or socialist security

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
18% goes to defence.... now to all you socialist retards look up how much go to your socialist spending like medicare and welfare or socialist security

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Medicare and welfare helps the American public

Our defense dollars go to prop up governments on the other side of the world
Where did you get that number?
When Obama became President in 2009 the national debt was a little over 10.7 Trillion.

which has what to do with what he says? remember, congress has made us live off of unrealistic tax numbers which cause us to live on our credit card.

and despite that we're doing better. isn't that awesome?

that said, the cost of Afghanistan alone is 4 to 6 trillion dollars as of January, 2015

The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You

as to Iraq as of june 2014:

2.8 million: Persons who remain either internally displaced or have fled the country.

$1.7 trillion: Amount in war expenses spent by the U.S. Treasury Department as through Fiscal Year 2013.

$5,000: Amount spent per second.

$350,000: Cost to deploy one American military member.

$490 billion: Amount in war benefits owed to war veterans.

$7 trillion: Projected interest payments due by 2053 (because the war was paid for with borrowed money).

$20 billion: Amount paid to KBR, contractor responsible for equipment and services.

$3 billion: Amount of KBR payments Pentagon auditors considered "questionable."

$60 billion: Amount paid for reconstruction, (which was ruled largely a waste due to corruption and shoddy work.)

$4 billion: Amount owed to the U.S. by Iraq before the invasion.

1.6 million: Gallons of oil used by U.S. forces each day in Iraq (at $127.68 a barrel).

$12 billion: Cost per month of the war by 2008.

$7 billion: Amount owed to Iraq by the U.S. after the war (mostly due to fraud).

$20 billion: Annual air conditioning cost.

Missing: $546 million in spare parts; 190,000 guns, including 110,000 AK-47s.

40 percent: Increase in Iraqi oil production.

$5 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2003.

$85 billion: Revenue from Iraqi oil in 2011.

$150 billion: Amount oil companies are expected to invest in oil development over the next decade.

$75 billion: Approximate amount expected to go to American subcontracting companies, largest of all Halliburton.

The Iraq war by numbers - Business Insider

there's money for everything but making life better for people, right?

It has to do with being false that's what.
How about the mandatory spending which will be 2.543 trillion in 2016.
Why Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid Are Such Hot-Button Topics

you really shouldn't post about things you don't understand.

the money we use for one week in Iraq probably would fix social security for 70 years.

that... and not invading the trust fund like baby bush did.

You are the one who is not understanding.
The mandatory spending is 3 times greater than the military budget.

that's false. but I expect that from you.

the problem is you and the other nutcases think social security is welfare. except we pay for it. it's our money.

so no, as usual, you haven't a clue.

That is from our own government OMB.
And no we do not think that social security is welfare. That is a lie spread by the left.
You are the one not getting that FICA taxes needs to raised which congress refuses to do in both parties.
18% goes to defence.... now to all you socialist retards look up how much go to your socialist spending like medicare and welfare or socialist security

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Medicare and welfare helps the American public

Our defense dollars go to prop up governments on the other side of the world
That is just stupid since your socialist programs are destroying this country while defense is helping to keep Mohammed from cutting off your homosexual head

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
because I do pay bills would be the reason that Im tired of watching my income reduced to cover the free crap for the freeloaders.
On the other hand, someone that thinks its ok to give away all of this "free" stuff, most likely has not had to pay a bill. Its obvious that they don't understand how a working family might be crimped with all of the taxes to cover the lazy.

your income is reduced by pennies by paying for the things we should be paying for.

it is being reduced far more by the bomb bomb bomb iran mentality of the neo-con wackjobs
my income should not be reduced at all for needless expenses. As far as what we should be paying for, show me in the constitution where welfare, or cell phones, computers, internet connections, a new Escalade, food etc.. is specifically defined as a constitutional right regardless of energy exerted to achieve these things.

that would presume you think an education is useless. our country is better the more elevated the middle class is.

again, what you say indicates you've never put a child through school. for the record, my son's university is $73,000 a year with room and board. no one is saying that's going to be the subject of governmental intervention. however, if he had gone to a public college or university there is nothing wrong with that being free.

we all pay for things we don't like. I want back all of that part of my tax money that funded the invasion into Iraq/Afghanistan which baby bush did for no freaking reason except his own ego and his VP's profiteering.
Im putting a child through college right now. I could be doing much better if I didnt have to pay taxes to make sure the lazy bastards got for free what I have to pay for.
if not for taxes and high tuition costs due to subsidies, I could have bought the daughter a new corvette to drive around in instead of the chevy cruise. It does cut into my quality of life to foster lazy families.
if you didn't pay taxes you wouldn't have roads.
roads are covered under infrastructure. Paid for mostly by fuel tax and registrations

if you didn't pay taxes you wouldn't have schools.
You know as well as I do that Im talking about sending the mooches to college for "free" public education should be minimal, not all inclusive
if you didn't pay taxes we wouldn't have the scientific advances that allowed you to keep your family healthy
actually we would. If business was allowed to run as they want, the incentive to produce quality products would be higher.

if you didn't pay taxes your air and water would be unusable.
I have many acres of wooded land that I own, I do more than my part to contribute to clean air. The government does nothing. I am also on well water where I live, so I take care of making my water safe on my own. I dont need the government to do it for me.
if you didn't pay taxes there would be nothing to enforce our laws and regulations.

whining about what you could do with your tax money is absurd. but not quite as absurd as thinking that people are lazy and deserving of poverty.
People deserve what ever the effort they put in returns to them. Maybe without so many safety nets, people would reconsider their choices and the country would do better.
Where do we get the money to field a military that is stronger than the next ten nations combined? Where do we get the money to keep 2.4 million Americans incarcerated?

It is a question of priorities

We get money to field a military from taxes the Constitution says the Congress has the delegated authority to field.

Where do we get the money to fund social welfare handouts none of which are mentioned in the Constitution?

As for prison, if people wouldn't commit crimes they wouldn't go to prison.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

Bernie's belief that money earned by one person should be taken to fund healthcare for another and college for their kids is the problem. It's HOW he wants to go about doing it.
Sanders Plan:

Confiscate all cash empty all bank accounts of all billionaires.
When that did not create equality (and it would not) hit the millionaires.
When that did not create equality hit all those who EARN more than 100,000 a year.
Then load inner city trash in to their homes.
Then give their vehicles to same, to be converted into low-riders.
Then sink all collages to the same level as public schools in order to make "education" free.
Then tie up hospitals with "free" care for hangnails and stubbed toes and the hell with curing and caring serious illness.
Then, when all that never worked, cut the military.

All in the name of EQUALITY, of course.

Then welcome China.
Indeed. It is quite true that we don't have a revenue problem. We take in more revenue now that at any time in history. We have a spending problem. We spend money like drunken sailors ( I love the Navy, so no pun intended). We try to be Santa Claus to too many. It is said that soon there will be only two people working and paying taxes for every one person not working and receiving these taxes. Our national debt is 18 Trillion and they are again talking about raising the debt ceiling. Something somewhere has to give. One day out notes on borrowing will come due and the money spigot will be closed off.

As for Bernie, I have already paid for four college educations. I don't need to pay for any more college educations. I paid for my education and the educations of three children. Let these folks at least pay for their own education.
:poop:You have to wonder, right? They cheer on all of the "Free-Stuff Bullchit" as if Obama has a surplus of 20 trillion dollars. Maybe we need to get some reporters to attend the rallies and ask some of his uninformed fans where Bernie is going to get the money for free college and health-care when we already owe 18 trillion dollars.
Then we may get answers like "Huh? what?, uh,,,,whats a trillion dollars? is that like a few million?"
Or someone might say, "Uhhh, what? what's a national debt?":poke:

We can finance his suggestions the same way we finance the $37 billion subsidy to the big 6 oil companies. And the tax breaks for investors who produce no product or provide no service yet enjoy a tax rate lesser than those who labor. And that most expensive waste of money , these endless wars.

It's not a matter of money, it's a matter of priorities.
The 'investors' EARNED the money initially. They were taxed once on those earnings. The profit they make is then invested and Bonobo then taxes the profit on the investments.
Is there any point where you say "look the investor has paid taxes on the money HE earned initially twice so leave him the fuck alone".
The ONLY reason the LIBs/Socialists like Bonobo have to keep taxing the Makers is b/c they know without handing out 'free shit' to the Takers Bonobo and his party won't be able to basically buy votes.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

Ahh Well the answer is obvious then. Let everyone out of prison and gut our military. Easy smeasy.

Once again it comes down to our priorities

If we were to cut military spending by 20% many American lives would be lost?
If we increased healthcare spending by many American lives would be saved?

We have five times the prison population we had in 1980....did it make us safer?
If we reduced prison population to what it was under Reagan amd invested the savings into education, how much would that help our economy?

Once again, if it comes to common sense:

If there had been military presence in Iraq how many people would wake up with their heads NOT severed by ISIS?
If there was a minimal surcharge for care in emergency for a hangnail, how many dollars would be saved?

The prison population is an idle waste of honest people's money. Let them work 12 hours a day for their food. If that were the prospects of a criminal, prison population would be greatly reduced. And everybody would be much safer.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

Bernie's belief that money earned by one person should be taken to fund healthcare for another and college for their kids is the problem. It's HOW he wants to go about doing it.

Even the Socialist Europeans had to cut back on their social programs with their pensions and welfare programs.
Bernie is demonized for wanting to spend on healthcare and education

But where will we get the money? scream the conservatives

Yet we always find the money to build more prisons or invade and occupy another country

Bernie's belief that money earned by one person should be taken to fund healthcare for another and college for their kids is the problem. It's HOW he wants to go about doing it.

Even the Socialist Europeans had to cut back on their social programs with their pensions and welfare programs.

Many countries in Europe will call radical Islam what it is. Since so many lefties here want to do like Europe, when are they going to start doing the same thing. Much like anything else, they play pick and choose.

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