The myth of the Laffer Curve and Trump’s proposed tax plan…


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
It all began in 1974, applied during the dreadful Reagan years (Reaganomics…aka trickle-down theory) and is NOW being touted by our beloved Trump to further screw up our teetering economy.

The Laffer Curve is a theory developed by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by governments. The curve is used to illustrate Laffer's main premise that the more an activity such as production is taxed, the less of it is generated.

Cutting taxes on America’s rich isn’t going to encourage them to invest more—those rich already have plenty to spend and aren’t spending it. Worse, by shifting wealth from middle class families to the moneyed few—a group that is able to consume far less than the working masses—this sort of policy suppresses consumption, which in turn discourages investment in productive businesses. Slowing demand drags on growth, causing debt and unemployment to rise.

Almost everything Republicans get wrong about the economy started with a cocktail napkin

Among many other failures, Reagan (and other GOPers) adoption of Laffer’s theory has basically given us a system that allows for the privatization of profits for big businesses, and the socialization of losses….leaving the middle class to subsidize the gambling by the rich on Wall Street.
Not fucking again. If you don't like the tax plan then go to Cuba, and see what a true socialist equality plan is like. We the People are tired of you whiney ass, petulant, liberal fuck tards.
It all began in 1974, applied during the dreadful Reagan years (Reaganomics…aka trickle-down theory) and is NOW being touted by our beloved Trump to further screw up our teetering economy.

The Laffer Curve is a theory developed by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by governments. The curve is used to illustrate Laffer's main premise that the more an activity such as production is taxed, the less of it is generated.

Cutting taxes on America’s rich isn’t going to encourage them to invest more—those rich already have plenty to spend and aren’t spending it. Worse, by shifting wealth from middle class families to the moneyed few—a group that is able to consume far less than the working masses—this sort of policy suppresses consumption, which in turn discourages investment in productive businesses. Slowing demand drags on growth, causing debt and unemployment to rise.

Almost everything Republicans get wrong about the economy started with a cocktail napkin

Among many other failures, Reagan (and other GOPers) adoption of Laffer’s theory has basically given us a system that allows for the privatization of profits for big businesses, and the socialization of losses….leaving the middle class to subsidize the gambling by the rich on Wall Street.
/----/ Will you be sending your tax cut back to the Treasury Dept as a protest?
Not fucking again. If you don't like the tax plan then go to Cuba, and see what a true socialist equality plan is like. We the People are tired of you whiney ass, petulant, liberal fuck tards.
But you like do nothing congress spending us into oblivion?
Unfortunately for us, tax cuts primarily for the rich is something Trump and the establishment gop agree upon.

Bannon does not, but .... he created this monster.
Not fucking again. If you don't like the tax plan then go to Cuba, and see what a true socialist equality plan is like. We the People are tired of you whiney ass, petulant, liberal fuck tards.

Ole Nutty is a one trick pony.
I have said before, I think what many people don't understand about the Laffer Curve is that even if it works as described,

it only has a positive effect on revenues down to a certain point of tax cutting, from then on, cutting taxes has a negative effect on revenues.
Not fucking again. If you don't like the tax plan then go to Cuba, and see what a true socialist equality plan is like. We the People are tired of you whiney ass, petulant, liberal fuck tard

So, according to fucked up Trump you....the choices are either Trump's paying off his cronies' tax plan......or communism????

is that what you morons have"concluded"???...........LOL
Not fucking again. If you don't like the tax plan then go to Cuba, and see what a true socialist equality plan is like. We the People are tired of you whiney ass, petulant, liberal fuck tard

So, according to fucked up Trump you....the choices are either Trump's paying off his cronies' tax plan......or communism????

is that what you morons have"concluded"???...........LOL

No. We don't bitch and whine when all people get to keep more of their own money.
It all began in 1974, applied during the dreadful Reagan years (Reaganomics…aka trickle-down theory) and is NOW being touted by our beloved Trump to further screw up our teetering economy.

The Laffer Curve is a theory developed by supply-side economist Arthur Laffer to show the relationship between tax rates and the amount of tax revenue collected by governments. The curve is used to illustrate Laffer's main premise that the more an activity such as production is taxed, the less of it is generated.

Cutting taxes on America’s rich isn’t going to encourage them to invest more—those rich already have plenty to spend and aren’t spending it. Worse, by shifting wealth from middle class families to the moneyed few—a group that is able to consume far less than the working masses—this sort of policy suppresses consumption, which in turn discourages investment in productive businesses. Slowing demand drags on growth, causing debt and unemployment to rise.

Almost everything Republicans get wrong about the economy started with a cocktail napkin

Among many other failures, Reagan (and other GOPers) adoption of Laffer’s theory has basically given us a system that allows for the privatization of profits for big businesses, and the socialization of losses….leaving the middle class to subsidize the gambling by the rich on Wall Street.

I suppose you think taxes have no effect on productivity at all right?

Why not tax everyone and everything at 100% it matters not
Unfortunately for us, tax cuts primarily for the rich is something Trump and the establishment gop agree upon.

Bannon does not, but .... he created this monster.
/----/ " tax cuts primarily for the rich "
Ahhh Geeeze not this again.jpg
All tax cuts pay for themselves......

What could possibly go wrong?
Right wing morons on here keep on wanting to REPEAT the same "trickle down" bullshit that Reagan started.....and we've all seen the debt AND deficit rise every single year since Ronnie's bullshit.

As of today, virtually NO large conglomerate pays the high tax, lowering makes zero difference. The wealthy have tons of money to re-invest in the economy if they wanted to.....instead, the high tax rate is there just to bullshit the Trump cultists that the problem lies there and not that greed is the root problem for hoarding.
Right wing morons on here keep on wanting to REPEAT the same "trickle down" bullshit that Reagan started.....and we've all seen the debt AND deficit rise every single year since Ronnie's bullshit.

As of today, virtually NO large conglomerate pays the high tax, lowering makes zero difference. The wealthy have tons of money to re-invest in the economy if they wanted to.....instead, the high tax rate is there just to bullshit the Trump cultists that the problem lies there and not that greed is the root problem for hoarding.
Of course no large conglomerate pays the high tax rate when 'well connected' to socialist leaders in power like Obama....take GE for this what you call 'trickle up'....?

When President Obama announced his decision to appoint Immelt to the unpaid advisory role on job creation in January, some critics wondered whether the move was appropriate. Under his leadership, GE laid off 21,000 American workers and closed 20 factories between 2007 and 2009. More than half of GE's workforce is now outside the United States.

GE Paid No Federal Taxes in 2010

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