The myth of the so called "southern strategy" brought about by leftist propagandists.

We believe you are holding them back by having your cops murder them and not hire them, not pay them what you pay whites, etc. I've explained myself. All you've done is post a video that you probably haven't even watched yourself. Certainly you can't explain it.

I won't watch because maybe it'll brainwash me like it did you. If you agree with the video, let's just say that's all I need to know about the video.

When a cop kills a black person, it's virtually always in a place run by people like you. Why is that?
Nope. It was liberal Republicans who abolished slavery. This is why today you are the neo confederates.

Neo-Confederates are groups and individuals who portray the Confederate States of America and its actions during the American Civil War in a positive light.

Wrong......relgious thumpers...

Your pathological defense of the racist democrats is just weird
How many times have we heard a conservative say Democrats were the party of slave owners and that Republicans were the party of freedom?

Like many of today’s Republicans with a limited grasp of history, what they don’t understand is Democrats of that era were the conservatives. The Republicans of that era were the liberals. After the Civil Rights Act longtime Democrats who were always conservatives inevitably switched parties and became Republicans.

Conservatives were always of the ideology that fought to keep slavery, and while many conservatives today are not racists, if you are a racist, you are likely conservative in your ideology and Republican in your party allegiance.

Opinion: Revisiting The Historical Ignorance Of Conservatives
there is ZERO evidence that democrats switched parties and you know it. In fact they did not the younger generations were republicans and took over as the older democrats mover or died/
there is ZERO evidence that democrats switched parties and you know it. In fact they did not the younger generations were republicans and took over as the older democrats mover or died/
I said Conservatives switched parties. Conservative white racists in the south became Democrats who worship Robert E Lee. Neo Confederates.
there is ZERO evidence that democrats switched parties and you know it. In fact they did not the younger generations were republicans and took over as the older democrats mover or died/
it's all in here.

Nah sorry demofk, demofks are still demofks.

I’ll repost the video that can help your dummasses

This guys leaving out so much of the story. Blacks actually first started leaving the Republican party after the Great Mississippi Flood. It was the first time when a large portion of blacks started leaving the GOP.

I found these facts interesting:

Black Republicans are much more likely than White Republicans (50% vs. 18%) to live in lower-income households.

Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to attend Black churches.
Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to say being Black is a significant part of their personal identity.
Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats to report frequent experiences of discrimination.
Black Republicans differ from Black Democrats in their views on racial discrimination as a barrier to progress. Despite experiencing racial discrimination at similar rates, Black Republicans and Democrats differ in how they view its effects. Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats (44% vs. 73%) to say racial discrimination is the main reason Black people can’t get ahead in the U.S., and they are more likely to say Black people who can’t get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition (45% vs. 21%).
Black Republicans are just as skeptical as Black Democrats about the prospects for equality. Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats (39% vs. 45%) to say equality for Black people in the U.S. is a little or not all likely. In fact, only about 15% of Black adults in either partisan coalition say equality for Black people is extremely or very likely.
there is ZERO evidence that democrats switched parties and you know it. In fact they did not the younger generations were republicans and took over as the older democrats mover or died/
How come today it's you who wants to keep up Robert E Lee's statues? How come today it's YOU who doesn't want to celebrate Juneteenth? The day you freed the slaves from us Racist Democrats? Instead you want to celebrate the traitors who tried to divide our country over their evil wicked ways.

Remember, it was liberals back then who freed the slaves. Regardless of what party they were affiliated with. Liberals. Then Liberals gave us the Civil Rights movement. I sided with those liberals. Were they Republicans back then? So I was a Republican during the civil rights movement? What changed? Please explain how today I'm the liberal who likes Civil Rights and Affirmative Action.

How come we came up with Affirmative Action during the Civil Rights movement? I think that must be it. This is when Republicans turned into racists. When LBJ imposed AA on them.

On September 24, 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson issued Executive Order 11246, prohibiting employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, and national origin by those organizations receiving federal contracts and subcontracts.
This guys leaving out so much of the story. Blacks actually first started leaving the Republican party after the Great Mississippi Flood. It was the first time when a large portion of blacks started leaving the GOP.

I found these facts interesting:

Black Republicans are much more likely than White Republicans (50% vs. 18%) to live in lower-income households.

Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to attend Black churches.
Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats to say being Black is a significant part of their personal identity.
Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats to report frequent experiences of discrimination.
Black Republicans differ from Black Democrats in their views on racial discrimination as a barrier to progress. Despite experiencing racial discrimination at similar rates, Black Republicans and Democrats differ in how they view its effects. Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats (44% vs. 73%) to say racial discrimination is the main reason Black people can’t get ahead in the U.S., and they are more likely to say Black people who can’t get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition (45% vs. 21%).
Black Republicans are just as skeptical as Black Democrats about the prospects for equality. Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats (39% vs. 45%) to say equality for Black people in the U.S. is a little or not all likely. In fact, only about 15% of Black adults in either partisan coalition say equality for Black people is extremely or very likely.
hey dude, only demofks want blacks succumbed to them, no one else, it's why conservative blacks are harrassed and punished by demofks. Clarence Thomas lynched in the Senate in1990 by demofks. You guys can't help your racist selves.

bTW, those are Thomas' words.
hey dude, only demofks want blacks succumbed to them, no one else, it's why conservative blacks are harrassed and punished by demofks. Clarence Thomas lynched in the Senate in1990 by demofks. You guys can't help your racist selves.

bTW, those are Thomas' words.

I found these bullet points most interesting

Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats to report frequent experiences of discrimination.
Black Republicans differ from Black Democrats in their views on racial discrimination as a barrier to progress. Despite experiencing racial discrimination at similar rates, Black Republicans and Democrats differ in how they view its effects. Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats (44% vs. 73%) to say racial discrimination is the main reason Black people can’t get ahead in the U.S., and they are more likely to say Black people who can’t get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition (45% vs. 21%).
Black Republicans are just as skeptical as Black Democrats about the prospects for equality. Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats (39% vs. 45%) to say equality for Black people in the U.S. is a little or not all likely. In fact, only about 15% of Black adults in either partisan coalition say equality for Black people is extremely or very likely.
This answers a lot of questions for me. So black Republicans do experience frequent experiences of discrimination. But they differ on how they view the effects. Black Republicans tend to blame black people for not being successful more than they blame white racists. I would agree with that.
I don't 100% disagree with Uncle Tom's. I just don't think the GOP has changed enough that they should be Republicans. I think being Republicans makes them uncle tom's, even if I agree with some of what they say.
Do you agree with black Republicans that they experience discrimination from whites?
And black Republicans are just as skeptical about racial equality as black Democrats? Equality is little or not all likely to ever happen.
So are black Republicans just realists? They decided if they can't beat it, join it? That makes sense. We do tell black people they need to assimilate better into white culture. Dress like us, talk like us, show up to work on time like us, stay married like us, don't commit crimes like us.

only about 15% of Black adults in either partisan coalition say equality for Black people is extremely or very likely? So not even black Republicans are optimistic about equality. Sad huh?
I said Conservatives switched parties. Conservative white racists in the south became Democrats who worship Robert E Lee. Neo Confederates.

You are defending the democrat party by lying about conservatives......being a conservative is a neutral are simply conserving something.....the democrat party was trying to conserve slavery....the Republicans were trying to conserve the ideas in the Declaration of Independence and the Bible.....
You are defending the democrat party by lying about conservatives......being a conservative is a neutral are simply conserving something.....the democrat party was trying to conserve slavery....the Republicans were trying to conserve the ideas in the Declaration of Independence and the Bible.....
Well something happened because today you worship Robert E Lee statues and you hate Juneteenth celebrations.

You Republicans want to white was our history. Not a good idea. People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
Well something happened because today you worship Robert E Lee statues and you hate Juneteenth celebrations.

You Republicans want to white was our history. Not a good idea. People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

You are a moron.....the Black Historical society worships Robert E. Lee? The only reason the democrats are rushing to remove statues of famous Civil War, slave owning democrats is they are scrubbing their blacks are slowly starting to wake up to there being something wrong with how they are living...and who may be making them live that way......
Well something happened because today you worship Robert E Lee statues and you hate Juneteenth celebrations.

You Republicans want to white was our history. Not a good idea. People who don't know history are doomed to repeat it.

You mean like this black doofus...

But proving this isn't simply a black-and-white issue. Avery Sullivan, a black Gulfport resident, said he's fine with the monument. What matters to him is racial justice for all.

"To me, it's just a part of our history, it really doesn't bother me that much," he says. "It's not about that, it's about the people."

I said Conservatives switched parties. Conservative white racists in the south became Democrats who worship Robert E Lee. Neo Confederates.
Except that they didn't. Small, limited government conservatives were Republicans back then and they are still Republicans today.

And Democrats are still the party of totalitarianism - working 24x7 to find ways to force others to provide for them.
This guys leaving out so much of the story.
I don't blame you for being deeply ashamed of the history of your party and your ideology. But I do blame you for knowing about it and still embracing such a disgusting ideology and party.

You know it's so wrong, you're actually trying to blame it on the side that ended slavery just so you can continue to subscribe to such a sick and evil ideology.
I found these bullet points most interesting

Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats to report frequent experiences of discrimination.
Black Republicans differ from Black Democrats in their views on racial discrimination as a barrier to progress. Despite experiencing racial discrimination at similar rates, Black Republicans and Democrats differ in how they view its effects. Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats (44% vs. 73%) to say racial discrimination is the main reason Black people can’t get ahead in the U.S., and they are more likely to say Black people who can’t get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition (45% vs. 21%).
Black Republicans are just as skeptical as Black Democrats about the prospects for equality. Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats (39% vs. 45%) to say equality for Black people in the U.S. is a little or not all likely. In fact, only about 15% of Black adults in either partisan coalition say equality for Black people is extremely or very likely.
This answers a lot of questions for me. So black Republicans do experience frequent experiences of discrimination. But they differ on how they view the effects. Black Republicans tend to blame black people for not being successful more than they blame white racists. I would agree with that.
I don't 100% disagree with Uncle Tom's. I just don't think the GOP has changed enough that they should be Republicans. I think being Republicans makes them uncle tom's, even if I agree with some of what they say.
Do you agree with black Republicans that they experience discrimination from whites?
And black Republicans are just as skeptical about racial equality as black Democrats? Equality is little or not all likely to ever happen.
So are black Republicans just realists? They decided if they can't beat it, join it? That makes sense. We do tell black people they need to assimilate better into white culture. Dress like us, talk like us, show up to work on time like us, stay married like us, don't commit crimes like us.

only about 15% of Black adults in either partisan coalition say equality for Black people is extremely or very likely? So not even black Republicans are optimistic about equality. Sad huh?

Some interesting things I want to point out about the findings

Today, only about one-in-ten Black adults identify with or lean toward the Republican Party. And in a Pew Research Center survey in October, only 4% of Black registered voters said they would vote for the Republican candidate for the U.S. House seat in their district

When it comes to their views on race, Black Republicans differ from Black Democrats in one key way: They tend to support individualistic approaches to addressing racial inequality, while Black Democrats tend to support institutional approaches.

Black Republicans and those who lean to the GOP are more likely than Black Democrats and Democratic leaners (59% vs. 41%) to say that the bigger problem for Black people is racist acts committed by individual people, as opposed to racism in our laws. And they are less likely than Black Democrats to support complete institutional overhauls to the prison system (35% vs. 57%), policing (29% vs. 52%) and the judicial process (35% vs. 50%) to ensure fair treatment of Black people.

Black Republicans are much more likely than White Republicans (50% vs. 18%) to live in lower-income households.

While about six-in-ten Black Republicans (58%) say being Black is an extremely or very important part of how they think about themselves, an even larger share of Black Democrats (82%) say the same. Black Republicans are also more likely than Black Democrats (21% vs. 6%) to say Blackness is a little or not at all important to how they think about themselves.

About four-in-ten Black Republicans (39%) say that everything or most things that happen to Black people in the U.S. will affect their own lives. A larger share of Black Democrats (57%) say the same.

About eight-in-ten Black Republicans (79%) say they have personally experienced discrimination because of their race or ethnicity. This includes 20% who say they have experienced discrimination regularly and 59% who say they have experienced it from time to time.

Despite experiencing racial discrimination at similar rates, Black Republicans and Democrats differ in how they view its effects. Black Republicans are less likely than Black Democrats (44% vs. 73%) to say racial discrimination is the main reason Black people can’t get ahead in the U.S., and they are more likely to say Black people who can’t get ahead are mostly responsible for their own condition (45% vs. 21%).

Black Republicans are about as likely as Black Democrats (39% vs. 45%) to say equality for Black people in the U.S. is a little or not all likely. In fact, only about 15% of Black adults in either partisan coalition say equality for Black people is extremely or very likely.

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