Watch out, the piece of shit Grandpa will call you a "racist."

You're not supposed to make statements about facts, observations,'re supposed to keep quiet and let liberals tell their lies.

Black voters hate the republican party because they are smart and well informed.



That was funny.

Blacks tend to be less educated than most.....and yet they are up on political issues.

That is why Al NotSoSharpton is on MSNBC ?

:lmao: :lmao:

I didn't call you a racist. I called you out for offering nothing but hate in all your posts. You inferred the racial tones not me.
Well I watched Romney's speech to the NAACP this morning, and I heard mostly applause. Maybe not wildly enthusiastic applause with cheers, but applause after almost every point he made. The only boos I hard were when he said he would appeal Obamacare, and those were loud boos. He stood there politely, smiling, while they booed, then explained WHY he would repeal Obamacare. Within a few sentences he had them applauding again.

Did he make any inroads into winning support from the NAACP? I don't know. But I was proud of him and impressed with him and the reception the NAACP gave him.
I saw the same speech, he did get some polite applause.
flashed that affected smile, blathered his nonsense.
too bad someone on his team can't fix those dead eyes or his total insincerity.
Well I watched Romney's speech to the NAACP this morning, and I heard mostly applause. Maybe not wildly enthusiastic applause with cheers, but applause after almost every point he made. The only boos I hard were when he said he would appeal Obamacare, and those were loud boos. He stood there politely, smiling, while they booed, then explained WHY he would repeal Obamacare. Within a few sentences he had them applauding again.

Did he make any inroads into winning support from the NAACP? I don't know. But I was proud of him and impressed with him and the reception the NAACP gave him.
I saw the same speech, he did get some polite applause.
flashed that affected smile, blathered his nonsense.
too bad someone on his team can't fix those dead eyes or his total insincerity.

You must have watched a different speech than I did, because I saw no dead eyes and no insincere smile. The applause may not have been wildly enthusiastic cheering and whistling, but it was very consistent expressing approval of every point made. When he hit the few points they didn't agree, they didn't applaud.
Well I watched Romney's speech to the NAACP this morning, and I heard mostly applause. Maybe not wildly enthusiastic applause with cheers, but applause after almost every point he made. The only boos I hard were when he said he would appeal Obamacare, and those were loud boos. He stood there politely, smiling, while they booed, then explained WHY he would repeal Obamacare. Within a few sentences he had them applauding again.

Did he make any inroads into winning support from the NAACP? I don't know. But I was proud of him and impressed with him and the reception the NAACP gave him.
I saw the same speech, he did get some polite applause.
flashed that affected smile, blathered his nonsense.
too bad someone on his team can't fix those dead eyes or his total insincerity.

You must have watched a different speech than I did, because I saw no dead eyes and no insincere smile. The applause may not have been wildly enthusiastic cheering and whistling, but it was very consistent expressing approval of every point made. When he hit the few points they didn't agree, they didn't applaud.
right! it was the same speech.
I saw the same speech, he did get some polite applause.
flashed that affected smile, blathered his nonsense.
too bad someone on his team can't fix those dead eyes or his total insincerity.

You must have watched a different speech than I did, because I saw no dead eyes and no insincere smile. The applause may not have been wildly enthusiastic cheering and whistling, but it was very consistent expressing approval of every point made. When he hit the few points they didn't agree, they didn't applaud.
right! it was the same speech.

It was an olive branch to the left and it was somewhat accepted by the audience. Sadly most of the left here will just snap it in two and use it as a fire starter.
You must have watched a different speech than I did, because I saw no dead eyes and no insincere smile. The applause may not have been wildly enthusiastic cheering and whistling, but it was very consistent expressing approval of every point made. When he hit the few points they didn't agree, they didn't applaud.
right! it was the same speech.

It was an olive branch to the left and it was somewhat accepted by the audience. Sadly most of the left here will just snap it in two and use it as a fire starter.

The audience was polite but they certainly didn't believe any of his bullshit. They booed him.
right! it was the same speech.

It was an olive branch to the left and it was somewhat accepted by the audience. Sadly most of the left here will just snap it in two and use it as a fire starter.

The audience was polite but they certainly didn't believe any of his bullshit. They booed him.

They did that as expected over ocare and the rest was applause. And YOU have no idea what THEY thought of the speech.
The NAACP also applauded him..................

And they gave him a standing ovation at the end.

I found them to be respectful as an audience with the occasional [and expected] booing regarding certain issues while applauding on others.

Keep in mind that this is a case of Daniel in the lion's den. And it appears to me that Daniel did a good job of convincing them they might be better off not turning him into a meal.

I give Romney much credit for not pandering to a group who obviously didn't share all his views when so many pols would have done just that [or wouldn't have accepted the invitation]. He told them like it is - the good and the bad.

When was the last time Obama appeared before a predominantly all Pub group to lay out his next term agenda? Never. And that's mainly because he doesn't HAVE a cogent plan.
LOL! It's being said that Romney purposely got them to boo him so his base would see the Negroes booing their (the base's) elitist leader.

Don't know if that's true or not, but if so, damn clever of Mitten!
LOL! It's being said that Romney purposely got them to boo him so his base would see the Negroes booing their (the base's) elitist leader.

Don't know if that's true or not, but if so, damn clever of Mitten!

lol, now that's just crazy talk! :slap:
It was an olive branch to the left and it was somewhat accepted by the audience. Sadly most of the left here will just snap it in two and use it as a fire starter.

The audience was polite but they certainly didn't believe any of his bullshit. They booed him.

They did that as expected over ocare and the rest was applause. And YOU have no idea what THEY thought of the speech.

Stfu. You don't have any idea, I do. The rest was certainly not applause, he also said if they want to see someone who knows how to take care of Black people, take a look..

They laughed him outta there.
he certainly is not stupid enough to think speaking to them would make them vote for him
LOL! It's being said that Romney purposely got them to boo him so his base would see the Negroes booing their (the base's) elitist leader.

Don't know if that's true or not, but if so, damn clever of Mitten!

lol, now that's just crazy talk! :slap:
Don't take my word for it:

Here’s our question: Is it possible that the booing incident will actually be good for the Romney campaign?

Some conservative analysts think it will. Their argument is that Romney will win few African American votes anyway, and that his willingness to say things he knew would be unpopular to the NAACP audience will win him support from other demographic groups.

“This gives him all sorts of instant credibility on the Right and in the middle,” writes conservative talk show host/blogger Ed Morrissey on the Hot Air website. “The middle will be pleased to see that Romney went to the convention at all, in the face of overt hostility, plus the NAACP audience comes across as a bit immature.

Mitt Romney booed at NAACP. Could that be good for him? -

That and that twit Malkin saying Romney was walking into the lions other words, blacks are immature and dangerous.

LOL! It's being said that Romney purposely got them to boo him so his base would see the Negroes booing their (the base's) elitist leader.

Don't know if that's true or not, but if so, damn clever of Mitten!

lol, now that's just crazy talk! :slap:
Don't take my word for it:

Here’s our question: Is it possible that the booing incident will actually be good for the Romney campaign?

Some conservative analysts think it will. Their argument is that Romney will win few African American votes anyway, and that his willingness to say things he knew would be unpopular to the NAACP audience will win him support from other demographic groups.

“This gives him all sorts of instant credibility on the Right and in the middle,” writes conservative talk show host/blogger Ed Morrissey on the Hot Air website. “The middle will be pleased to see that Romney went to the convention at all, in the face of overt hostility, plus the NAACP audience comes across as a bit immature.

Mitt Romney booed at NAACP. Could that be good for him? -

That and that twit Malkin saying Romney was walking into the lions other words, blacks are immature and dangerous.

why did you change that from your first version?
That and that twit Malkin saying Romney was walking into the lions other words, blacks are evil and dangerous.

One lie is just as good as another for you, huh.
lol, now that's just crazy talk! :slap:
Don't take my word for it:

Here’s our question: Is it possible that the booing incident will actually be good for the Romney campaign?

Mitt Romney booed at NAACP. Could that be good for him? -

That and that twit Malkin saying Romney was walking into the lions other words, blacks are immature and dangerous.

why did you change that from your first version?
That and that twit Malkin saying Romney was walking into the lions other words, blacks are evil and dangerous.

One lie is just as good as another for you, huh.
Because it was repetitive and the con actually called them immature.
If he never spoke to them it could have been used against him.

this way he spoke to them and gained some racist right sympathy
The audience was polite but they certainly didn't believe any of his bullshit. They booed him.

They did that as expected over ocare and the rest was applause. And YOU have no idea what THEY thought of the speech.

Stfu. You don't have any idea, I do. The rest was certainly not applause, he also said if they want to see someone who knows how to take care of Black people, take a look..

They laughed him outta there.

Lol, neither of us know what they think because we weren't there or privy to their conversations.

Try to be reasonable if you are capable.
LOL! It's being said that Romney purposely got them to boo him so his base would see the Negroes booing their (the base's) elitist leader.

Don't know if that's true or not, but if so, damn clever of Mitten!

lol, now that's just crazy talk! :slap:
Don't take my word for it:

Here’s our question: Is it possible that the booing incident will actually be good for the Romney campaign?

Some conservative analysts think it will. Their argument is that Romney will win few African American votes anyway, and that his willingness to say things he knew would be unpopular to the NAACP audience will win him support from other demographic groups.

“This gives him all sorts of instant credibility on the Right and in the middle,” writes conservative talk show host/blogger Ed Morrissey on the Hot Air website. “The middle will be pleased to see that Romney went to the convention at all, in the face of overt hostility, plus the NAACP audience comes across as a bit immature.

Mitt Romney booed at NAACP. Could that be good for him? -

That and that twit Malkin saying Romney was walking into the lions other words, blacks are immature and dangerous.


:lol: Oh, I believed it, I just think it's crazy talk!
The NAACP also applauded him..................

And they gave him a standing ovation at the end.

I found them to be respectful as an audience with the occasional [and expected] booing regarding certain issues while applauding on others.

Keep in mind that this is a case of Daniel in the lion's den. And it appears to me that Daniel did a good job of convincing them they might be better off not turning him into a meal.

I give Romney much credit for not pandering to a group who obviously didn't share all his views when so many pols would have done just that [or wouldn't have accepted the invitation]. He told them like it is - the good and the bad.

When was the last time Obama appeared before a predominantly all Pub group to lay out his next term agenda? Never. And that's mainly because he doesn't HAVE a cogent plan.

I didn't get to see the standing ovation, but good for the NAACP attendees if they did that. That would affirm that the applause was not just 'polite' but sincere, and good for them.

Mitt hit just about every single issue that is of concern to the black community and those accurately critiquing the speech--that would be most of those who took the time to watch it--are correct. It was not pandering in any sense, was not manipulated, and was not in any way insincere. He told it like it was.

I myself cringed a bit at some of his plans for education from the federal level that I consider inappropriate, but I can live with that for now if we can get the rest of it. And despite the spin that some on the left are trying to put on this, the ONLY boos I heard was in regard to Obamacare because he absolutely was not pandering in any regard to that. And he was pleasant during the boos and then proceeded to turn them back into applause with his explanation.

He didn't get applause but he didn't get boos when he told them flat out something to the effect that President Obama had promised many things but has not delivered. They know it. And they gave every indication of being intellectually honest enough to accept the truth they hear.

And those who are trying to put words and thoughts into the heads of those in the audience this morning have no authority or credibility to do that.

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