The Naked Hypocrisy

Is utterly shameless.

When Trump was president it was horrible, shocking, racist, hateful, and impeachable that children dangerously and irresponsibly pushed across the border were detained when no actual relative could be found to care for them, that travel was restricted from countries deemed especially likely to introduce more infected people into the US, that the President might step cautiously while walking down a wet metal ramp, that a historically rapid rollout of a vaccine was promoted by the President, that riots and mass shootings took place under the President's watch, when the President used the symbolic power of the office to influence Americans, when he encouraged deficit spending for policies he considered important, and when the President couldn't magically make all trace of the virus disappear.

But NOW..............................
You lying about things doesn't make us hypocrites, you know.

It's funny, but expected, the way the "independents" here work so hard to parrot GOP propaganda points.
Some Independents here don't, so that is inaccurate..
Haha...funny shit. NOBODY here believes you are an “Independent“ are as left as rightwinger’re just cautious.
Is utterly shameless.

When Trump was president it was horrible, shocking, racist, hateful, and impeachable that children dangerously and irresponsibly pushed across the border were detained when no actual relative could be found to care for them, that travel was restricted from countries deemed especially likely to introduce more infected people into the US, that the President might step cautiously while walking down a wet metal ramp, that a historically rapid rollout of a vaccine was promoted by the President, that riots and mass shootings took place under the President's watch, when the President used the symbolic power of the office to influence Americans, when he encouraged deficit spending for policies he considered important, and when the President couldn't magically make all trace of the virus disappear.

But NOW..............................
You lying about things doesn't make us hypocrites, you know.

It's funny, but expected, the way the "independents" here work so hard to parrot GOP propaganda points.
Some Independents here don't, so that is inaccurate..
Haha...funny shit. NOBODY here believes you are an “Independent“ are as left as rightwinger’re just cautious.
You're just wrong, as always. I set clocks to your predictability. I appreciate it.
BullSHIT. The democrat media screeched "xenophobe!" over and over.
Because Trump had been calling it the China virus and stuff which increases attacks on Asians.

Had nothing to do with any travel ban.
Blacks are the ones attacking Asians, moron. That's why you and your sleazy Komrades are trying to blame it on Trump. He has nothing to do with it. No one is fooled.
Is utterly shameless.

When Trump was president it was horrible, shocking, racist, hateful, and impeachable that children dangerously and irresponsibly pushed across the border were detained when no actual relative could be found to care for them, that travel was restricted from countries deemed especially likely to introduce more infected people into the US, that the President might step cautiously while walking down a wet metal ramp, that a historically rapid rollout of a vaccine was promoted by the President, that riots and mass shootings took place under the President's watch, when the President used the symbolic power of the office to influence Americans, when he encouraged deficit spending for policies he considered important, and when the President couldn't magically make all trace of the virus disappear.

But NOW..............................
This entire thread is a dumbass fail. The objection was to taking away children from the people thet WERE present to care for them. Family separation.
Your ignorance adds a nice touch.
Yeah, i know you didn't know what i just told you. So you sprinted hear in quite an emotional state to start this apoplectic thread, completely based on your own ignorance of not knowing the difference between the family separation policy and otherwise. But now you do know. So you went from ignorant to fraud seamlessly.
Aw, you did it again, didn't you? You have no idea about the reality of those 'families' that endangered those children by dragging them through a perilous journey and across our border. Sorry champ, but I do know the reality.

You have it backwards.
It is the US that endangered the children by arming fascist dictators all over South and Central America.
The families had no choice but to come to the US because it was the only safe place.
Horseshit. They are in danger from their own fellow citizens, not their government. Leftwing scum always find a way to blame American for the problems of other societies.
Sadly you cannot shame Democrats, it's not possible no matter how shameless their hypocrisy and double standards. They are phony to the core and put on whatever faux rage act they feel will get them power.
Is utterly shameless.

When Trump was president it was horrible, shocking, racist, hateful, and impeachable that children dangerously and irresponsibly pushed across the border were detained when no actual relative could be found to care for them, that travel was restricted from countries deemed especially likely to introduce more infected people into the US, that the President might step cautiously while walking down a wet metal ramp, that a historically rapid rollout of a vaccine was promoted by the President, that riots and mass shootings took place under the President's watch, when the President used the symbolic power of the office to influence Americans, when he encouraged deficit spending for policies he considered important, and when the President couldn't magically make all trace of the virus disappear.

But NOW..............................
This entire thread is a dumbass fail. The objection was to taking away children from the people thet WERE present to care for them. Family separation.
Your ignorance adds a nice touch.
Yeah, i know you didn't know what i just told you. So you sprinted hear in quite an emotional state to start this apoplectic thread, completely based on your own ignorance of not knowing the difference between the family separation policy and otherwise. But now you do know. So you went from ignorant to fraud seamlessly.
Aw, you did it again, didn't you? You have no idea about the reality of those 'families' that endangered those children by dragging them through a perilous journey and across our border. Sorry champ, but I do know the reality.

You have it backwards.
It is the US that endangered the children by arming fascist dictators all over South and Central America.
The families had no choice but to come to the US because it was the only safe place.
Horseshit. They are in danger from their own fellow citizens, not their government. Leftwing scum always find a way to blame American for the problems of other societies.

How could the danger in Honduras, Costa Rico, Brazil, Guatemala, etc., be from fellow citizens when it is the government that has all the guns and is doing all the killing?
The drug cartels are caused by the US, not these countries, but drug cartels generally are popular with the people because they provide a much needed source of income, that comes from the US.
Is utterly shameless.

When Trump was president it was horrible, shocking, racist, hateful, and impeachable that children dangerously and irresponsibly pushed across the border were detained when no actual relative could be found to care for them, that travel was restricted from countries deemed especially likely to introduce more infected people into the US, that the President might step cautiously while walking down a wet metal ramp, that a historically rapid rollout of a vaccine was promoted by the President, that riots and mass shootings took place under the President's watch, when the President used the symbolic power of the office to influence Americans, when he encouraged deficit spending for policies he considered important, and when the President couldn't magically make all trace of the virus disappear.

But NOW..............................
Then, libs attacked trump for his treatment of illegal children as if they didnt think democrats would ever control the executive branch again

Now dems are getting a taste of their own medicine
When Trump was president it was horrible, shocking, racist, hateful, and impeachable that children dangerously and irresponsibly pushed across the border were detained when no actual relative could be found to care for them

Trump took children away from their children... punishment. You’re being revisionist

that travel was restricted from countries deemed especially likely to introduce more infected people into the US

Few people actually criticized that. You can find like a couple of op-ed pieces from people you’ve never heard of but that’s about it

that the President might step cautiously while walking down a wet metal ramp

He looked like an idiot.

that a historically rapid rollout of a vaccine was promoted by the President

Again, not really something that was criticized.

that riots and mass shootings took place under the President's watch

Only when the president is very clearly responsible for causing them

when the President used the symbolic power of the office to influence Americans

What are you talking about? Every president does that. It’s called the bully pulpit

when he encouraged deficit spending for policies he considered important

Like huge tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations? Yeah, still a problem

when the President couldn't magically make all trace of the virus disappear.

He is the one that promised the virus would magically disappear, so that’s on him.
Were you trying to prove the OP correct or did you do that by pure reflex?
Is utterly shameless.

When Trump was president it was horrible, shocking, racist, hateful, and impeachable that children dangerously and irresponsibly pushed across the border were detained when no actual relative could be found to care for them, that travel was restricted from countries deemed especially likely to introduce more infected people into the US, that the President might step cautiously while walking down a wet metal ramp, that a historically rapid rollout of a vaccine was promoted by the President, that riots and mass shootings took place under the President's watch, when the President used the symbolic power of the office to influence Americans, when he encouraged deficit spending for policies he considered important, and when the President couldn't magically make all trace of the virus disappear.

But NOW..............................
Culture of the left being supported by a Marxist-Democrat media that no longer has real journalist.
BLM riots were as “unorganized” as the riot at the Capitol”. Silly crazy cat lady
So you've decided to lie about "BLM riots".

I thank you for proving my point about how _you_ lying does not make _us_ hypocrites.

LOL A hypocrite you certainly are.

When Barry had kids in cages you couldn't care less and saw nothing wrong with it. In fact old photos from Barrys time were used to try to hang Trump for the same thing Barry did.

Biden has packed every detention center we have with thousands of kids and you think that's okay.

What a hypocrite you are.
BLM riots were as “unorganized” as the riot at the Capitol”. Silly crazy cat lady
So you've decided to lie about "BLM riots".

I thank you for proving my point about how _you_ lying does not make _us_ hypocrites.

LOL A hypocrite you certainly are.

When Barry had kids in cages you couldn't care less and saw nothing wrong with it. In fact old photos from Barrys time were used to try to hang Trump for the same thing Barry did.

Biden has packed every detention center we have with thousands of kids and you think that's okay.

What a hypocrite you are.
Crazy cat lady is the epitome of a hypocrite. Party over country.

When Barry had kids in cages you couldn't care less and saw nothing wrong with it. In fact old photos from Barrys time were used to try to hang Trump for the same thing Barry did.

Again, you lying about us does not make us hypocrites.

Trump cultists, keep repeating that until it sinks it.

Who knows. Being that you're all brainwashed imbeciles, you might even believe your lies. But it doesn't change the fact that you're lying.

In any case, you'll all burn in hell for your constant pathological dishonesty. God expected you to use the brains he gave you, so being a moron will not excuse your lying.

When Barry had kids in cages you couldn't care less and saw nothing wrong with it. In fact old photos from Barrys time were used to try to hang Trump for the same thing Barry did.

Again, you lying about us does not make us hypocrites.

Trump cultists, keep repeating that until it sinks it.

Who knows. Being that you're all brainwashed imbeciles, you might even believe your lies. But it doesn't change the fact that you're lying.

In any case, you'll all burn in hell for your constant pathological dishonesty. God expected you to use the brains he gave you, so being a moron will not excuse your lying.

What's to lie about. You saw those pictures. Kids in cages. From all three. Barry, Trump and Biden.

Use the brains God gave you and stop being a biased moron.
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