The Naked Lie That The GOP Is The Party Of Fiscal Responsibility Has Been Completely Demolished


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
One of the ways that Republicans demonstrate that they are the “post-truth” party is that, when Democrats are in office, they prioritize federal deficit reduction, but when they’re in charge, the deficit soars. Right on cue, the Wall Street Journal reported back in October that the federal deficit was about to reach $1 trillion.


The blue bars during the Obama years were a result of the Great Recession when federal revenues plummeted, the demand for safety net programs like unemployment insurance rose, and one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy. But as the Wall Street Journal pointed out, we are now in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record, which means that the deficit should be shrinking. Instead, it is ballooning. In a world where truth mattered, that would mean the end of the Republican line about how tax cuts pay for themselves.

The naked lie that Republicans are the party of ‘fiscally responsibility’ has been completely demolished –
one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy.
Bullshit- it was needed to do a CYA- and the spending is continuous, as are the lies- not one time- both sides subscribe to the same monetary policy- one side complaining about the other, voter or politician, is disingenuous at best- intellectually dishonest as second best- for voters it registers high in the choosing to remain ignorant realm- for politicians it's a useful tool to cloak their evil in more lies to stay in power-
one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy.
Bullshit- it was needed to do a CYA- and the spending is continuous, as are the lies- not one time- both sides subscribe to the same monetary policy- one side complaining about the other, voter or politician, is disingenuous at best- intellectually dishonest as second best- for voters it registers high in the choosing to remain ignorant realm- for politicians it's a useful tool to cloak their evil in more lies to stay in power-
He's an economic illiterate, who only parrots what his DNC masters tell him.
One of the ways that Republicans demonstrate that they are the “post-truth” party is that, when Democrats are in office, they prioritize federal deficit reduction, but when they’re in charge, the deficit soars. Right on cue, the Wall Street Journal reported back in October that the federal deficit was about to reach $1 trillion.


The blue bars during the Obama years were a result of the Great Recession when federal revenues plummeted, the demand for safety net programs like unemployment insurance rose, and one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy. But as the Wall Street Journal pointed out, we are now in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record, which means that the deficit should be shrinking. Instead, it is ballooning. In a world where truth mattered, that would mean the end of the Republican line about how tax cuts pay for themselves.

The naked lie that Republicans are the party of ‘fiscally responsibility’ has been completely demolished –

Anyone who has been paying any attention to republican presidents and politicians they would know that their line about fiscal responsibility is nothing but a lie,.

Ever since reagan, republicans have been the borrow and spend out of control party. Everyone who has paid attention knows that the big spenders are republicans and they put most of what they spend on credit for future generations to pay.

If anyone paid any attention they would know that democrats are the fiscally responsible party. Clinton eliminated the deficit, added the least to the national debt of any contemporary president. He basically cleaned up the fiscal disaster of the reagan/bush years.

Obama became president in the worst economic collapse since the last republican Great Depression. He had to spend at first to get us out of the mess the republicans created.

Even with that mess, he slashed the deficit by nearly 1 trillion after the bush boy left historic high of 1.4 trillion in deficit. reagan, bush and the bush boy took the deficit to new historic heights. trump is on course to surpass the record deficit of the bush boy. We will see if he manages to get it to new historic heights like reagan, bush and the bush boy did in their presidencies.
Anyone who has been paying any attention to republican presidents and politicians they would know that their line about fiscal responsibility is nothing but a lie,.

Ever since reagan, republicans have been the borrow and spend out of control party. Everyone who has paid attention knows that the big spenders are republicans and they put most of what they spend on credit for future generations to pay.

If anyone paid any attention they would know that democrats are the fiscally responsible party. Clinton eliminated the deficit, added the least to the national debt of any contemporary president. He basically cleaned up the fiscal disaster of the reagan/bush years.

Obama became president in the worst economic collapse since the last republican Great Depression. He had to spend at first to get us out of the mess the republicans created.

Even with that mess, he slashed the deficit by nearly 1 trillion after the bush boy left historic high of 1.4 trillion in deficit. reagan, bush and the bush boy took the deficit to new historic heights. trump is on course to surpass the record deficit of the bush boy. We will see if he manages to get it to new historic heights like reagan, bush and the bush boy did in their presidencies.

Thank you, John Podesta.
one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy.
Bullshit- it was needed to do a CYA- and the spending is continuous, as are the lies- not one time- both sides subscribe to the same monetary policy- one side complaining about the other, voter or politician, is disingenuous at best- intellectually dishonest as second best- for voters it registers high in the choosing to remain ignorant realm- for politicians it's a useful tool to cloak their evil in more lies to stay in power-
He's an economic illiterate, who only parrots what his DNC masters tell him.
Did you notice the source? Lol read the bottom right.
One of the ways that Republicans demonstrate that they are the “post-truth” party is that, when Democrats are in office, they prioritize federal deficit reduction, but when they’re in charge, the deficit soars. Right on cue, the Wall Street Journal reported back in October that the federal deficit was about to reach $1 trillion.


The blue bars during the Obama years were a result of the Great Recession when federal revenues plummeted, the demand for safety net programs like unemployment insurance rose, and one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy. But as the Wall Street Journal pointed out, we are now in the midst of the longest economic expansion on record, which means that the deficit should be shrinking. Instead, it is ballooning. In a world where truth mattered, that would mean the end of the Republican line about how tax cuts pay for themselves.

The naked lie that Republicans are the party of ‘fiscally responsibility’ has been completely demolished –

Anyone who has been paying any attention to republican presidents and politicians they would know that their line about fiscal responsibility is nothing but a lie,.

Ever since reagan, republicans have been the borrow and spend out of control party. Everyone who has paid attention knows that the big spenders are republicans and they put most of what they spend on credit for future generations to pay.

If anyone paid any attention they would know that democrats are the fiscally responsible party. Clinton eliminated the deficit, added the least to the national debt of any contemporary president. He basically cleaned up the fiscal disaster of the reagan/bush years.

Obama became president in the worst economic collapse since the last republican Great Depression. He had to spend at first to get us out of the mess the republicans created.

Even with that mess, he slashed the deficit by nearly 1 trillion after the bush boy left historic high of 1.4 trillion in deficit. reagan, bush and the bush boy took the deficit to new historic heights. trump is on course to surpass the record deficit of the bush boy. We will see if he manages to get it to new historic heights like reagan, bush and the bush boy did in their presidencies.
I know this will not make much sense to you since you need to have like three brain cells to understand but 44 complained that Republicans would not work with him, part of that was spending.
Part of the reason for the last recession was due to Fanny Maie and Freddy Mac being required to hand out housing loans which were not backed by proper down payments, often those were loans. The people ended up unable to make payments on loans that they were upside down on to start with. With so many struggling to make untenable payments and failing there was no extra money to spend on the economy.
one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy.
Bullshit- it was needed to do a CYA- and the spending is continuous, as are the lies- not one time- both sides subscribe to the same monetary policy- one side complaining about the other, voter or politician, is disingenuous at best- intellectually dishonest as second best- for voters it registers high in the choosing to remain ignorant realm- for politicians it's a useful tool to cloak their evil in more lies to stay in power-
He's an economic illiterate, who only parrots what his DNC masters tell him.

No the GOP is not the party of fiscal responsibilty just like the Democrats are not the party of the middle class as they have liked to claim for decades.
one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy.
Bullshit- it was needed to do a CYA- and the spending is continuous, as are the lies- not one time- both sides subscribe to the same monetary policy- one side complaining about the other, voter or politician, is disingenuous at best- intellectually dishonest as second best- for voters it registers high in the choosing to remain ignorant realm- for politicians it's a useful tool to cloak their evil in more lies to stay in power-
Well we could fix it as voters. We could all decide to forget R or D and simply sned the message either the debt goes down or we replace all incumbents regardless of their party affiliation. I would sign on and fullfill the promise. I doubt many others would follow through .
Let's see.

When you aggressively slash taxes, aggressively increase government spending, all while the Fed is (once again) pouring hundreds of billions of dollars into markets, you're going to see significant economic stimulus. Obviously.

Does anyone think that this is fiscal responsibility? Really? And if so, do you any potential problems here, with this all-new Trumpian hyper-Keynesianism?

But they'll brag about the unemployment numbers and the stock market. Arrogance and ignorance is a dangerous mix, but Trump is grateful for it.
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the farmers wont trade their dignity to get paid hush money from Trump. i call it "the farmer's creed", my friends!
one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy.
Bullshit- it was needed to do a CYA- and the spending is continuous, as are the lies- not one time- both sides subscribe to the same monetary policy- one side complaining about the other, voter or politician, is disingenuous at best- intellectually dishonest as second best- for voters it registers high in the choosing to remain ignorant realm- for politicians it's a useful tool to cloak their evil in more lies to stay in power-
Well we could fix it as voters. We could all decide to forget R or D and simply sned the message either the debt goes down or we replace all incumbents regardless of their party affiliation. I would sign on and fullfill the promise. I doubt many others would follow through .
We have been saying that for decades.
one-time stimulus spending was required to kick-start the economy.
Bullshit- it was needed to do a CYA- and the spending is continuous, as are the lies- not one time- both sides subscribe to the same monetary policy- one side complaining about the other, voter or politician, is disingenuous at best- intellectually dishonest as second best- for voters it registers high in the choosing to remain ignorant realm- for politicians it's a useful tool to cloak their evil in more lies to stay in power-
Well we could fix it as voters. We could all decide to forget R or D and simply sned the message either the debt goes down or we replace all incumbents regardless of their party affiliation. I would sign on and fullfill the promise. I doubt many others would follow through .
We have been saying that for decades.
Never freekin happens though. Gotta wonder why? We all know better. The parties sure are good at drivinga wedge between us so they get away with thier shit ad infinitum. Oh well hell I think I will go see if I can catch some fish for a while and not worry about it. Hopefully walleye for lunch tomarrow. Got me some new heated socks,gloves and vest been wanting to try out. At least there are still some good things in life out there. Worry about the grand kids though. Glad I am old.

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