The nation girds for more terrorist attacks

Good luck to our cities and police forces across the country, as more terrorist attacks might be planned for Inauguration Day.

Ugly shades of 2001, when we knew the terrorists were there and plotting, but didn't know if and when they would strike next. Not a pleasant thought.

It could happen in several states on the same day:

DC politicians are being briefed on dangers and purchasing bullet-proof vests:

Washington DC is on high alert with over 20,000 troops prepared to defend America from the terrorists:

Good luck to America, and to Americans. The terrorists will not win.

The frustrating thing is, we've been warning about this con man and his con job for LITERALLY FIVE YEARS.

Joe biden has been in office 47 years...not 5......he has been a race hustling, poverty pimp the entire time.....and has sold his office to foreign countries for cold hard cahs.....
Good luck to our cities and police forces across the country, as more terrorist attacks might be planned for Inauguration Day.

Ugly shades of 2001, when we knew the terrorists were there and plotting, but didn't know if and when they would strike next. Not a pleasant thought.

It could happen in several states on the same day:

DC politicians are being briefed on dangers and purchasing bullet-proof vests:

Washington DC is on high alert with over 20,000 troops prepared to defend America from the terrorists:

Good luck to America, and to Americans. The terrorists will not win.

FBI fairytales.
Another threat:

Selective outrage much?
I remember COUNTLESS threads where Mac was displaying his outrage at the BLM/Antifa rioting and the C.H.A.Z. insurrection. He was unhinged. Inconsolable.


Mac, do you enjoy your rank hypocrisy? Are you proud of your "act presidential" vote?
I’ve been consistent on this issue. See my signature.

Except the party has made the 10 months of violence unhappen, so you have nothing to condemn in the pure and blameless Nazi democrats. 19 raped in Chaz/Chop unhappened - the party rewrote reality - so you will condemn those who oppose those rapes because the party has removed them from reality and like you, we are expected to accept any reality the party creates.
Another threat:

Selective outrage much?
Deflection much?

I can understand why you guys want to put so much effort into changing the subject.

Tough shit. It won't work here.
That is the subject.

You're outraged at one act of insurrection, but said COCKSUCKING SHIT about the 7-8 months of insurrection by YOUR SIDE!!!

That's pretty much the end of this dicussion.
Good luck to our cities and police forces across the country, as more terrorist attacks might be planned for Inauguration Day.

Ugly shades of 2001, when we knew the terrorists were there and plotting, but didn't know if and when they would strike next. Not a pleasant thought.

It could happen in several states on the same day:

DC politicians are being briefed on dangers and purchasing bullet-proof vests:

Washington DC is on high alert with over 20,000 troops prepared to defend America from the terrorists:

Good luck to America, and to Americans. The terrorists will not win.

False flag is still false
Good luck to our cities and police forces across the country, as more terrorist attacks might be planned for Inauguration Day.

Ugly shades of 2001, when we knew the terrorists were there and plotting, but didn't know if and when they would strike next. Not a pleasant thought.

It could happen in several states on the same day:

DC politicians are being briefed on dangers and purchasing bullet-proof vests:

Washington DC is on high alert with over 20,000 troops prepared to defend America from the terrorists:

Good luck to America, and to Americans. The terrorists will not win.

False flag is still false
I can only conclude that Mac is a terrorist supporter for 200 days, and condemns it for 1/2 a day.

That's the Mac we all know and love.
Another threat:

Selective outrage much?
I remember COUNTLESS threads where Mac was displaying his outrage at the BLM/Antifa rioting and the C.H.A.Z. insurrection. He was unhinged. Inconsolable.


Mac, do you enjoy your rank hypocrisy? Are you proud of your "act presidential" vote?
Another threat:

Selective outrage much?
I remember COUNTLESS threads where Mac was displaying his outrage at the BLM/Antifa rioting and the C.H.A.Z. insurrection. He was unhinged. Inconsolable.


Mac, do you enjoy your rank hypocrisy? Are you proud of your "act presidential" vote?

Another threat:

Selective outrage much?
I remember COUNTLESS threads where Mac was displaying his outrage at the BLM/Antifa rioting and the C.H.A.Z. insurrection. He was unhinged. Inconsolable.


Mac, do you enjoy your rank hypocrisy? Are you proud of your "act presidential" vote?
As per his reaction to a post above, he actually thinks it is funny.

He claims to be some sort of financial adviser. I sure hope he tells any potential client that he thinks it is funny when Blm or antifa burns down their business.
Good luck to our cities and police forces across the country, as more terrorist attacks might be planned for Inauguration Day.

Ugly shades of 2001, when we knew the terrorists were there and plotting, but didn't know if and when they would strike next. Not a pleasant thought.

It could happen in several states on the same day:

DC politicians are being briefed on dangers and purchasing bullet-proof vests:

Washington DC is on high alert with over 20,000 troops prepared to defend America from the terrorists:

Good luck to America, and to Americans. The terrorists will not win.

The frustrating thing is, we've been warning about this con man and his con job for LITERALLY FIVE YEARS.

Joe biden has been in office 47 years...not 5......he has been a race hustling, poverty pimp the entire time.....and has sold his office to foreign countries for cold hard cahs.....
Bingo! He is the classic example of a career politician who learned all the tricks and is now cashing in big time. He is also a failure as a Father as he exploits his troubled son for financial gain.
Good luck to our cities and police forces across the country, as more terrorist attacks might be planned for Inauguration Day.

Ugly shades of 2001, when we knew the terrorists were there and plotting, but didn't know if and when they would strike next. Not a pleasant thought.

It could happen in several states on the same day:

DC politicians are being briefed on dangers and purchasing bullet-proof vests:

Washington DC is on high alert with over 20,000 troops prepared to defend America from the terrorists:

Good luck to America, and to Americans. The terrorists will not win.

The frustrating thing is, we've been warning about this con man and his con job for LITERALLY FIVE YEARS.

Joe biden has been in office 47 years...not 5......he has been a race hustling, poverty pimp the entire time.....and has sold his office to foreign countries for cold hard cahs.....
Bingo! He is the classic example of a career politician who learned all the tricks and is now cashing in big time. He is also a failure as a Father as he exploits his troubled son for financial gain.
I wonder if Vegas has an over/under line on how much he will be worth by the time he leaves office.
Another threat:

Selective outrage much?
I remember COUNTLESS threads where Mac was displaying his outrage at the BLM/Antifa rioting and the C.H.A.Z. insurrection. He was unhinged. Inconsolable.


Mac, do you enjoy your rank hypocrisy? Are you proud of your "act presidential" vote?
It's also understandable that the left want to highlight the ONE HALF OF A FUCKING DAY of "terrorism" and ignore SEVEN FUCKING MONTHS of their own doing far worse and trying to overthrow government and install their SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST dictator, in the name of "racial equality."

YOU are responsible for all of THAT domestic terrorism.

The half-day of mere trespassing doesn't even amount to a scintilla compare to YOUR 7 months of terrorism and BILLIONS in property damage.

It's bad enough that you admit to voting for Biden for no substance at all, but because he may be better at "acting" like a president. You should shut the fuck up before you look even more ridiculous.
Many sympathizers within our midst.

Perhaps we need a loyalty oath to the party? On the spot execution of anyone who refuses to swear allegiance to your party.

Seig Heil Mac, Seig Heil indeed!

No wonder the Left honors Che as well. He was all into loyalty and shooting people on the spot. Clearly, anyone can see that my avatar does not honor him. The biggest irony and mockery is watching any Black person honor him given how Che felt about Blacks.
Many sympathizers within our midst.

Perhaps we need a loyalty oath to the party? On the spot execution of anyone who refuses to swear allegiance to your party.

Seig Heil Mac, Seig Heil indeed!

No wonder the Left honors Che as well. He was all into loyalty and shooting people on the spot. Clearly, anyone can see that my avatar does not honor him. The biggest irony and mockery is watching any Black person honor him given how Che felt about Blacks.

Most blacks will gravitate to any group they perceive that hates whitey. They're perpetual victims.

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