The nation is turning on trump

Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

The patriots in our military ( about 95 % of it ) love Donald Trump. And hate Obama. He promised to end Bush's 'dumb wars', and by the time he left office 8 years later, not only are both those wars ongoing but we have more troops in Africa than in the Middle East.

That’s totally HOGWASH. Where did you get 95%? Any link?

Trump is the most hated president in US military history. I regularly deal with retired and active military personnel. I can assure you that Trump is the most disgusting President they ever served.

Just one example. Trump pardoned a war criminal Eddie Gallagher. Despite a warning from and plea from Esper not to get involved with Gallagher. Undermining the highest US military justice system...... disgusted secretary of navy resigned and top NAVY SEAL Commander Rear Admiral Collin Green also resigned because of Trump pardoning Gallagher........ Just imagine what the whole US military think of this dumb MORON president.....

On top of that he invited Gallagher and his wife to his Christmas party in Maralago.... Can you even imagine the FUCKING mentality of this piece of shit president?
Here’s several links what US military think of Trump.

You are a LIAR I did asked you to prove your 95%. Where is it?

BULLSHIT. Instead of giving me your ignorance nonsense rebuttal. Why not prove it where I lied? I’ll wait..
Do your own homework if you want the truth.
But you don't. You're just still butthurt that your evil queen lost in 2016.

Do my own homework? I did. Apparently you don’t know what you are talking about.
Again if you have anything to prove where I lied...... Meaning you are just full of shit.
My evil queen? Compared to this piece of garbage President. That’s not even close.
Maybe you are not aware that Hillary is not the president???
Let us hope that the country is turning against Trump. Let us hope he completely discredits himself in the eyes of even his own die-hard fans. Let us hope the Republican Party is deeply, deeply discredited. Then ... the DNC version of corporate liberal capitalism will immediately be the main enemy. We need to fight to radically reform “crony capitalism” in ways Elizabeth Warren outlined. The fight for real economic change will be opposed tenaciously by all those politicians who now distract and divide Americans with nonsense identity politics, even if — a very big if — Republicans are roundly defeated. Opening a genuine road forward in the U.S. will take far more than “defeating Trump.” That is for sure.
Let us hope that the country is turning against Trump. Let us hope he completely discredits himself in the eyes of even his own die-hard fans. Let us hope the Republican Party is deeply, deeply discredited. Then ... the DNC version of corporate liberal capitalism will immediately be the main enemy. We need to fight to radically reform “crony capitalism” in ways Elizabeth Warren outlined. The fight for real economic change will be opposed tenaciously by all those politicians who now distract and divide Americans with nonsense identity politics, even if — a very big if — Republicans are roundly defeated. Opening a genuine road forward in the U.S. will take far more than “defeating Trump.” That is for sure.
Wishful thinking all you got.
You got nothing son.
You are embarrassed, I get it , stop backing losers
Let us hope that the true evil of democrats become known and the decent people of this country turn our highways into the Appian Way of Crassus with the crucified bodies of enemy democrats.

Congratulations you seditious bastards. Now you are all Spartacus.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
Gee, you must not have heard, Tumblin...Hillary didn't win!

I heard it almost four years ago, you muppet. Are you just being a piece of shit troll, or have you not grasped the concept of time? I didn't vote for Clinton. I don't even like her. Come back when you have a cogent argument, or go fuck yourself.
When you mentioned a "criminal" I just assumed you were talking about Hillary Clinton, Tumblin! As far as I know Donald Trump has never done anything remotely criminal despite a nonstop effort by the left to find something that they could charge him with! I know you'd LIKE to have found something but let's be honest with each other...that isn't happening and I think you know it!
Is that "cogent" enough for you? :)

Well, to me, 'as far as you know' anecdotes about any issue in American society are meaningless. It's the same reason I don't ask my garbage man to give me scientific answers to philosophical questions. You're not qualified. Stay in your wheelhouse.

I believe the orange sack of shit has obstructed justice numerous times, you asshole. I believe partisan theatrics have successfully prevented justice from being served in this country, and it's fucking despicable. People should hang for this treason, but we live in a new time.

Is my implied belief in law and order cogent enough for you, or are you just here wasting time for partisan 'gotcha' moments?

Oh, right. Nevermind. I have never cared what you Cult45 mouth breathers hold dear to begin with. Please accept my apologies for my temporary oversight in giving you the benefit of the doubt of being normal human beings.

It's my mistake, and I will own that.

You may be actually concerned, but I don't think so. I believe you are nothing more than a typical partisan hack. The legacy you contribute to society is superficial at best.

You simply don't matter anymore.
Trump was investigated like no one ever has. He came out clean. So quite repeating your bullshit.

Prezzie (
I will and I do.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
Gee, you must not have heard, Tumblin...Hillary didn't win!

I heard it almost four years ago, you muppet. Are you just being a piece of shit troll, or have you not grasped the concept of time? I didn't vote for Clinton. I don't even like her. Come back when you have a cogent argument, or go fuck yourself.
When you mentioned a "criminal" I just assumed you were talking about Hillary Clinton, Tumblin! As far as I know Donald Trump has never done anything remotely criminal despite a nonstop effort by the left to find something that they could charge him with! I know you'd LIKE to have found something but let's be honest with each other...that isn't happening and I think you know it!
Is that "cogent" enough for you? :)

Well, to me, 'as far as you know' anecdotes about any issue in American society are meaningless. It's the same reason I don't ask my garbage man to give me scientific answers to philosophical questions. You're not qualified. Stay in your wheelhouse.

I believe the orange sack of shit has obstructed justice numerous times, you asshole. I believe partisan theatrics have successfully prevented justice from being served in this country, and it's fucking despicable. People should hang for this treason, but we live in a new time.

Is my implied belief in law and order cogent enough for you, or are you just here wasting time for partisan 'gotcha' moments?

Oh, right. Nevermind. I have never cared what you Cult45 mouth breathers hold dear to begin with. Please accept my apologies for my temporary oversight in giving you the benefit of the doubt of being normal human beings.

It's my mistake, and I will own that.

You may be actually concerned, but I don't think so. I believe you are nothing more than a typical partisan hack. The legacy you contribute to society is superficial at best.

You simply don't matter anymore.
Trump was investigated like no one ever has. He came out clean. So quite repeating your bullshit.

Make me
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Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Let’s hope enough voters in enough states vote to remove Trump from office.

The nation didn’t want Trump to be president to begin with.

There were over 7 million more voters in 2016 than 2012
Hillary couldn't even garner more votes then Obama had in 2012
Trump had 3 million more votes than Mitt in 2012

Obama won the popular vote by 10 million votes in 2008, 131.3 million voters
In 2012, with 2.3 million FEWER voters, he won the popular vote by 5 million votes, 129 million voters
People didn't show up to vote and he lost the support of 5 million voters

In 2016 there were 7.7 million more voters then 2012
Trump had 4 million more votes than john and 3 million more than Mitt
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes, 2 million fewer than Obama in 2012
and with 7.7 million more voters she still had fewer votes than Obama in 2012

Since the 2008 elections, 4 million MORE people voted Republican
Since the 2008 elections, 7 million FEWER people voted Democrat
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
About the same number in the streets rioting everyday....but good thing we Trump voters out number them since they stay in blue states together like stupid oxen....
A former Biden staffer said Biden sexually assaulted her in the workplace, traumatizing the woman. I don't see Biden winning in 2020 he's toast with woman voters.

You are talking of Tara Reade, her lawyer dumped her, several came out accused her of stupid activities.
LOL 25 women accused Trump of sexual advances. One accused Trump of rape waiting for DNA. And you want to talk about Biden?

Wait, didn't all you liberal pukes just tell us women must be believed?? Biden isn't in the running for the SCOTUS he's running for POTUS by your own standards he's disqualified. You wormy liberals have backed yourself into a corner. We can't wait to run Biden sexual assault campaign attack ads quoting your own leaders position on this :muahaha:

Nah! Trump should go to jail for rape. I will disqualify Biden when he matches Trump 25 women accusers. Trump 25 vs Biden 1 ........... Trump is good.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Let’s hope enough voters in enough states vote to remove Trump from office.

The nation didn’t want Trump to be president to begin with.

There were over 7 million more voters in 2016 than 2012
Hillary couldn't even garner more votes then Obama had in 2012
Trump had 3 million more votes than Mitt in 2012

Obama won the popular vote by 10 million votes in 2008, 131.3 million voters
In 2012, with 2.3 million FEWER voters, he won the popular vote by 5 million votes, 129 million voters
People didn't show up to vote and he lost the support of 5 million voters

In 2016 there were 7.7 million more voters then 2012
Trump had 4 million more votes than john and 3 million more than Mitt
Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million votes, 2 million fewer than Obama in 2012
and with 7.7 million more voters she still had fewer votes than Obama in 2012

Since the 2008 elections, 4 million MORE people voted Republican
Since the 2008 elections, 7 million FEWER people voted Democrat
Every elections always has different numbers.

2020 presidential election will be a record breaking number of voters especially from the blacks. plus Kids that are against gun violence that are sickening by the school massacres are turning 18 this year.

Trust me. We will kick that King out of from White House by January 20, 2021.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
About the same number in the streets rioting everyday....but good thing we Trump voters out number them since they stay in blue states together like stupid oxen....
You are very poorly informed. Typical Trump supporters.
Black Lives matter protest in Arizona, Texas, Florida...... This is all over across US and overseas mainly about RACISM. Vote 2020 to eradicate these racist people in America..

A former Biden staffer said Biden sexually assaulted her in the workplace, traumatizing the woman. I don't see Biden winning in 2020 he's toast with woman voters.

You are talking of Tara Reade, her lawyer dumped her, several came out accused her of stupid activities.
LOL 25 women accused Trump of sexual advances. One accused Trump of rape waiting for DNA. And you want to talk about Biden?

Wait, didn't all you liberal pukes just tell us women must be believed?? Biden isn't in the running for the SCOTUS he's running for POTUS by your own standards he's disqualified. You wormy liberals have backed yourself into a corner. We can't wait to run Biden sexual assault campaign attack ads quoting your own leaders position on this :muahaha:

Nah! Trump should go to jail for rape. I will disqualify Biden when he matches Trump 25 women accusers. Trump 25 vs Biden 1 ........... Trump is good.
So you’re good with rapping one. Interesting, says all I need.

a true kkkr
A former Biden staffer said Biden sexually assaulted her in the workplace, traumatizing the woman. I don't see Biden winning in 2020 he's toast with woman voters.

You are talking of Tara Reade, her lawyer dumped her, several came out accused her of stupid activities.
LOL 25 women accused Trump of sexual advances. One accused Trump of rape waiting for DNA. And you want to talk about Biden?

Wait, didn't all you liberal pukes just tell us women must be believed?? Biden isn't in the running for the SCOTUS he's running for POTUS by your own standards he's disqualified. You wormy liberals have backed yourself into a corner. We can't wait to run Biden sexual assault campaign attack ads quoting your own leaders position on this :muahaha:

Nah! Trump should go to jail for rape. I will disqualify Biden when he matches Trump 25 women accusers. Trump 25 vs Biden 1 ........... Trump is good.
So you’re good with rapping one. Interesting, says all I need.

a true kkkr

Proof the lefts rage was all faux rage. Lip service to sexual assault on women. Explains why so many prominent Democrats have been exposed as serial abusers of women.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
About the same number in the streets rioting everyday....but good thing we Trump voters out number them since they stay in blue states together like stupid oxen....

You wish.
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Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.
Well how many times a family called police for a help? They end up killing a person that needed a help. Sadly you don’t even know what that mean.

With the current situations is Trump doing anything to diffuse the current crisis? The answer is NO. Because he doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. But he is very tweeting threatening against Mayors and governors. That is how that moron works. DUMB.
Don't call 911 then.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.
Well how many times a family called police for a help? They end up killing a person that needed a help. Sadly you don’t even know what that mean.

With the current situations is Trump doing anything to diffuse the current crisis? The answer is NO. Because he doesn’t know what the hell he is doing. But he is very tweeting threatening against Mayors and governors. That is how that moron works. DUMB.
Don't call 911 then.

The stupid just flows out of you.
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