The nation is turning on trump

A former Biden staffer said Biden sexually assaulted her in the workplace, traumatizing the woman. I don't see Biden winning in 2020 he's toast with woman voters.

You are talking of Tara Reade, her lawyer dumped her, several came out accused her of stupid activities.
LOL 25 women accused Trump of sexual advances. One accused Trump of rape waiting for DNA. And you want to talk about Biden?
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

The patriots in our military ( about 95 % of it ) love Donald Trump. And hate Obama. He promised to end Bush's 'dumb wars', and by the time he left office 8 years later, not only are both those wars ongoing but we have more troops in Africa than in the Middle East.

That’s totally HOGWASH. Where did you get 95%? Any link?

Trump is the most hated president in US military history. I regularly deal with retired and active military personnel. I can assure you that Trump is the most disgusting President they ever served.

Just one example. Trump pardoned a war criminal Eddie Gallagher. Despite a warning from and plea from Esper not to get involved with Gallagher. Undermining the highest US military justice system...... disgusted secretary of navy resigned and top NAVY SEAL Commander Rear Admiral Collin Green also resigned because of Trump pardoning Gallagher........ Just imagine what the whole US military think of this dumb MORON president.....

On top of that he invited Gallagher and his wife to his Christmas party in Maralago.... Can you even imagine the FUCKING mentality of this piece of shit president?
Here’s several links what US military think of Trump.

You are a LIAR I did asked you to prove your 95%. Where is it?

BULLSHIT. Instead of giving me your ignorance nonsense rebuttal. Why not prove it where I lied? I’ll wait..
Do your own homework if you want the truth.
But you don't. You're just still butthurt that your evil queen lost in 2016.
Gorsuch made a decision based on the law and not his personal politics or views on the topic I can see why that has confused some on the left.
Nah! Excuses Excuses Excuses Gorsuch and Kavanaugn could have just give a thumbs down.

SC also voted against Trump anti DACA policy.

You all celebrated when Trump installed his own 2 justices. So What happened?

LGBT and DACA rulings are both SLAPPED in Trump’s face.
Being put into a position and following a set of principles is not easy. Maybe they are correct, maybe they are not. But it is easy to be a Prog in most things today. We are approaching the point where the Progs are World War 2 Nazi Germans and the Non Progs are the Jewish people of that era. And we know what happened to them.
Nah! Those has nothing to do with with WW2 , progs or NAZIS. In reality Trump got slapped in the face..
Gorsuch made a decision based on the law and not his personal politics or views on the topic I can see why that has confused some on the left.
Nah! Excuses Excuses Excuses Gorsuch and Kavanaugn could have just give a thumbs down.

SC also voted against Trump anti DACA policy.

You all celebrated when Trump installed his own 2 justices. So What happened?

LGBT and DACA rulings are both SLAPPED in Trump’s face.
Being put into a position and following a set of principles is not easy. Maybe they are correct, maybe they are not. But it is easy to be a Prog in most things today. We are approaching the point where the Progs are World War 2 Nazi Germans and the Non Progs are the Jewish people of that era. And we know what happened to them.
Trump is going to get a much smaller vote from the military than he did in 2016.

He has thoroughly disrespected them at every turn.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

The patriots in our military ( about 95 % of it ) love Donald Trump. And hate Obama. He promised to end Bush's 'dumb wars', and by the time he left office 8 years later, not only are both those wars ongoing but we have more troops in Africa than in the Middle East.

That’s totally HOGWASH. Where did you get 95%? Any link?

Trump is the most hated president in US military history. I regularly deal with retired and active military personnel. I can assure you that Trump is the most disgusting President they ever served.

Just one example. Trump pardoned a war criminal Eddie Gallagher. Despite a warning from and plea from Esper not to get involved with Gallagher. Undermining the highest US military justice system...... disgusted secretary of navy resigned and top NAVY SEAL Commander Rear Admiral Collin Green also resigned because of Trump pardoning Gallagher........ Just imagine what the whole US military think of this dumb MORON president.....

On top of that he invited Gallagher and his wife to his Christmas party in Maralago.... Can you even imagine the FUCKING mentality of this piece of shit president?
Here’s several links what US military think of Trump.

You are a LIAR I did asked you to prove your 95%. Where is it?

BULLSHIT. Instead of giving me your ignorance nonsense rebuttal. Why not prove it where I lied? I’ll wait..
Do your own homework if you want the truth.
But you don't. You're just still butthurt that your evil queen lost in 2016.

Do my own homework? I did. Apparently you don’t know what you are talking about.
Again if you have anything to prove where I lied...... Meaning you are just full of shit.
My evil queen? Compared to this piece of garbage President. That’s not even close.
Maybe you are not aware that Hillary is not the president???
Maybe you are not aware that Hillary is not the president???
She may not be.
VOTE IN NOVEMBER vote Trump out, hold the HOUSE, take back the SENATE. Continue to demand massive reform that ends systematic racism and policing and brutality in America to start with. We demand investments, educational improvements and opportunities to engage economically without racist AGENDAS
Gorsuch made a decision based on the law and not his personal politics or views on the topic I can see why that has confused some on the left.

Trump's pissed because he appointed Gorsuch based on his personal politics and conservative views on abortion amongst other issues.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

The patriots in our military ( about 95 % of it ) love Donald Trump. And hate Obama. He promised to end Bush's 'dumb wars', and by the time he left office 8 years later, not only are both those wars ongoing but we have more troops in Africa than in the Middle East.

That’s totally HOGWASH. Where did you get 95%? Any link?

Trump is the most hated president in US military history. I regularly deal with retired and active military personnel. I can assure you that Trump is the most disgusting President they ever served.

Just one example. Trump pardoned a war criminal Eddie Gallagher. Despite a warning from and plea from Esper not to get involved with Gallagher. Undermining the highest US military justice system...... disgusted secretary of navy resigned and top NAVY SEAL Commander Rear Admiral Collin Green also resigned because of Trump pardoning Gallagher........ Just imagine what the whole US military think of this dumb MORON president.....

On top of that he invited Gallagher and his wife to his Christmas party in Maralago.... Can you even imagine the FUCKING mentality of this piece of shit president?
Here’s several links what US military think of Trump.

You are a LIAR I did asked you to prove your 95%. Where is it?

BULLSHIT. Instead of giving me your ignorance nonsense rebuttal. Why not prove it where I lied? I’ll wait..
People in the military are fools if they do not vote for Trump. He has made their lives better. By a lot. And he has kept the excursion overseas to a minimum and refrained from going to war. As soon as the Progs come to power the massive cuts will come and the deficit will look partially smaller but some of the savings will go to the pie in the sky dreams they have which will mostly be wasted.
What difference does that make when he doesn’t respect them and treat them like NOTHING or shit? The only Commander in Chief that insulted generals and don’t listen to military advisers but listen to Fox News.

From you . Limited the excursions at limited level..... Really? That’s funny. Trump sent more troops to Middle East since he took over, withdrawal of US troops northern Syria paving a way for Russia and Iran taking over Syria end up SoD Mattis resignation.
Trump foreign policies are the worst we’ve ever seen. All plain dumb.
Gorsuch made a decision based on the law and not his personal politics or views on the topic I can see why that has confused some on the left.
Nah! Excuses Excuses Excuses Gorsuch and Kavanaugn could have just give a thumbs down.

SC also voted against Trump anti DACA policy.

You all celebrated when Trump installed his own 2 justices. So What happened?

LGBT and DACA rulings are both SLAPPED in Trump’s face.
Being put into a position and following a set of principles is not easy. Maybe they are correct, maybe they are not. But it is easy to be a Prog in most things today. We are approaching the point where the Progs are World War 2 Nazi Germans and the Non Progs are the Jewish people of that era. And we know what happened to them.
Trump is going to get a much smaller vote from the military than he did in 2016.

He has thoroughly disrespected them at every turn.

I hope you're right. If my nephew is any example, they'll still vote for Trump. He's stationed at Andrews and is part of crew that flies with Pence. I go to his FB page and he and his fellow fliers are all still in for Trump and Pence, defending them at every turn, much as the morons do here on this site.
A former Biden staffer said Biden sexually assaulted her in the workplace, traumatizing the woman. I don't see Biden winning in 2020 he's toast with woman voters.
Put down the crack pipe.

Biden leads the feeble Pussy Grabber for the female vote by a country mile.

Sexually assaulting his own DEMOCRAT staffer in the workplace disqualifies Biden from becoming POTUS. A traumatizing sexual assault. Actually why hasn't Biden been arrested for his crime?
A former Biden staffer said Biden sexually assaulted her in the workplace, traumatizing the woman. I don't see Biden winning in 2020 he's toast with woman voters.

You are talking of Tara Reade, her lawyer dumped her, several came out accused her of stupid activities.
LOL 25 women accused Trump of sexual advances. One accused Trump of rape waiting for DNA. And you want to talk about Biden?

Wait, didn't all you liberal pukes just tell us women must be believed?? Biden isn't in the running for the SCOTUS he's running for POTUS by your own standards he's disqualified. You wormy liberals have backed yourself into a corner. We can't wait to run Biden sexual assault campaign attack ads quoting your own leaders position on this :muahaha:
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

The patriots in our military ( about 95 % of it ) love Donald Trump. And hate Obama. He promised to end Bush's 'dumb wars', and by the time he left office 8 years later, not only are both those wars ongoing but we have more troops in Africa than in the Middle East.

That’s totally HOGWASH. Where did you get 95%? Any link?

Trump is the most hated president in US military history. I regularly deal with retired and active military personnel. I can assure you that Trump is the most disgusting President they ever served.

Just one example. Trump pardoned a war criminal Eddie Gallagher. Despite a warning from and plea from Esper not to get involved with Gallagher. Undermining the highest US military justice system...... disgusted secretary of navy resigned and top NAVY SEAL Commander Rear Admiral Collin Green also resigned because of Trump pardoning Gallagher........ Just imagine what the whole US military think of this dumb MORON president.....

On top of that he invited Gallagher and his wife to his Christmas party in Maralago.... Can you even imagine the FUCKING mentality of this piece of shit president?
Here’s several links what US military think of Trump.

You are a LIAR I did asked you to prove your 95%. Where is it?

BULLSHIT. Instead of giving me your ignorance nonsense rebuttal. Why not prove it where I lied? I’ll wait..
People in the military are fools if they do not vote for Trump. He has made their lives better. By a lot. And he has kept the excursion overseas to a minimum and refrained from going to war. As soon as the Progs come to power the massive cuts will come and the deficit will look partially smaller but some of the savings will go to the pie in the sky dreams they have which will mostly be wasted.
What difference does that make when he doesn’t respect them and treat them like NOTHING or shit? The only Commander in Chief that insulted generals and don’t listen to military advisers but listen to Fox News.

From you . Limited the excursions at limited level..... Really? That’s funny. Trump sent more troops to Middle East since he took over, withdrawal of US troops northern Syria paving a way for Russia and Iran taking over Syria end up SoD Mattis resignation.
Trump foreign policies are the worst we’ve ever seen. All plain dumb.
Gorsuch made a decision based on the law and not his personal politics or views on the topic I can see why that has confused some on the left.
Nah! Excuses Excuses Excuses Gorsuch and Kavanaugn could have just give a thumbs down.

SC also voted against Trump anti DACA policy.

You all celebrated when Trump installed his own 2 justices. So What happened?

LGBT and DACA rulings are both SLAPPED in Trump’s face.
Being put into a position and following a set of principles is not easy. Maybe they are correct, maybe they are not. But it is easy to be a Prog in most things today. We are approaching the point where the Progs are World War 2 Nazi Germans and the Non Progs are the Jewish people of that era. And we know what happened to them.
Nah! Those has nothing to do with with WW2 , progs or NAZIS. In reality Trump got slapped in the face..
VOTE IN NOVEMBER vote Trump out, hold the HOUSE, take back the SENATE. Continue to demand massive reform that ends systematic racism and policing and brutality in America to start with. We demand investments, educational improvements and opportunities to engage economically without racist AGENDAS
Not from a leftist. You’re errored in your ways. So sad

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