The nation is turning on trump

Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
And here comes Boltons book. The bombs just keep dropping on trump.

Those chumps don't want law and order. They want to create police states in non white areas.
Actually Trump is letting you loons ruin your cities.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
That has nothing to do with you loons wanting to turn this great nation into a third world shithole. Trump is going to be YOUR president till 2025. Oh and I hope your guy rots in jail.
View attachment 351785

'My guy'. What an intellectual weakling you are. You change the subject when you get smacked down, like a good little orange cocksucker. BTW, I can use Photoshop too, you empty-headed wingertard. You're a partisan ass that needs to speculate on which political party your subject votes for before you can form an opinion. So let me help you out. Stars and Stripes reports that Chauvin is a registered Republican, you lying sack of shit. They also say Chauvin voted illegally in 2 Florida elections. He's definitely one of 'yours', you gaslighting faggot.
The only thing you did was prove yourself to be an idiot. If Hillary cannot lie in September, your party is history. You think she won't spill the beans on everyone? Lol, Trump is the man!
exactly, he's letting americans make their decision based on facts now in video.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
And here comes Boltons book. The bombs just keep dropping on trump.

Those chumps don't want law and order. They want to create police states in non white areas.
Actually Trump is letting you loons ruin your cities.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
That has nothing to do with you loons wanting to turn this great nation into a third world shithole. Trump is going to be YOUR president till 2025. Oh and I hope your guy rots in jail.
View attachment 351785

'My guy'. What an intellectual weakling you are. You change the subject when you get smacked down, like a good little orange cocksucker. BTW, I can use Photoshop too, you empty-headed wingertard. You're a partisan ass that needs to speculate on which political party your subject votes for before you can form an opinion. So let me help you out. Stars and Stripes reports that Chauvin is a registered Republican, you lying sack of shit. They also say Chauvin voted illegally in 2 Florida elections. He's definitely one of 'yours', you gaslighting faggot.
The only thing you did was prove yourself to be an idiot. If Hillary cannot lie in September, your party is history. You think she won't spill the beans on everyone? Lol, Trump is the man!

Who are you arguing with? Because It's certainly not me. I didn't vote for Clinton, you empty headed wingertard. I haven't been a part of any protests. Keep humping your straw man. You're boring, ignorant and a waste of time.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
Gee, you must not have heard, Tumblin...Hillary didn't win!
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
Gee, you must not have heard, Tumblin...Hillary didn't win!

I heard it almost four years ago, you muppet. Are you just being a piece of shit troll, or have you not grasped the concept of time? I didn't vote for Clinton. I don't even like her. Come back when you have a cogent argument, or go fuck yourself.
June 18:

Trump 47%

Barry 46%

Trump > Barry Hussein.

Man, the country REALLY turned on ol Barry.

The stupid Moon Bats are delusional.

The Trump Train hasn't even got started yet.

Biden is a fucking joke and Trump will kick his ass.

The only people that will voted for this Biden clown are the Negroes, Illegals and the uneducated low information Moon Bats.
The stupid Moon Bats are delusional.

The Trump Train hasn't even got started yet.

Biden is a fucking joke and Trump will kick his ass.

The only people that will voted for this Biden clown are the Negroes, Illegals and the uneducated low information Moon Bats.

Best of luck.
The stupid Moon Bats are delusional.

The Trump Train hasn't even got started yet.

Biden is a fucking joke and Trump will kick his ass.

The only people that will voted for this Biden clown are the Negroes, Illegals and the uneducated low information Moon Bats.

Best of luck.

With that idiot Biden being the best the filthy Democrats can put up Trump has no worries.
The stupid Moon Bats are delusional.

The Trump Train hasn't even got started yet.

Biden is a fucking joke and Trump will kick his ass.

The only people that will voted for this Biden clown are the Negroes, Illegals and the uneducated low information Moon Bats.

Best of luck.

With that idiot Biden being the best the filthy Democrats can put up Trump has no worries.

Wonderful. Everything will come up rosy for you then, right?
The stupid Moon Bats are delusional.

The Trump Train hasn't even got started yet.

Biden is a fucking joke and Trump will kick his ass.

The only people that will voted for this Biden clown are the Negroes, Illegals and the uneducated low information Moon Bats.

Best of luck.

With that idiot Biden being the best the filthy Democrats can put up Trump has no worries.

Wonderful. Everything will come up rosy for you then, right?

Biden will be like that shithead Obama and makes things worse for this country.

You know, like when the Obama/Biden administration increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up the debt, weakened the military destroyed health care, raised taxes and had dismal economic growth. The fuckers didn't even have Biden's Chicom Buddies' virus to contend with.
Maybe more people will actually vote for Trump than his opponent this time, huh?

I'm watching the doc, btw. Thank you for the recommendation. First impression? It's very alarmist, but damn captivating. Richard Spencer seems a similar white division pimp in the same mold as the Sharptons of this world. Good for nothing. Man, people actually get rich off this shitty racially based attitude. Heart breaking.
Maybe more people will actually vote for Trump than his opponent this time, huh?

I'm watching the doc, btw. Thank you for the recommendation. First impression? It's very alarmist, but damn captivating. Richard Spencer seems a similar white division pimp in the same mold as the Sharptons of this world. Good for nothing. Man, people actually get rich off this shitty racially based attitude. Heart breaking.
There's a great moment when one guy points out that these are miserable, lonely people who are just desperate to belong to something.

It almost makes you feel sorry for them. Almost.
The stupid Moon Bats are delusional.

The Trump Train hasn't even got started yet.

Biden is a fucking joke and Trump will kick his ass.

The only people that will voted for this Biden clown are the Negroes, Illegals and the uneducated low information Moon Bats.

Best of luck.

With that idiot Biden being the best the filthy Democrats can put up Trump has no worries.

Wonderful. Everything will come up rosy for you then, right?

Biden will be like that shithead Obama and makes things worse for this country.

You know, like when the Obama/Biden administration increased poverty, decreased family income, ran up the debt, weakened the military destroyed health care, raised taxes and had dismal economic growth. The fuckers didn't even have Biden's Chicom Buddies' virus to contend with.

Well, you don't seem to have anything to worry about, then. This election should be a cake walk for you. Everything should be fine again, am I wrong?.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
Gee, you must not have heard, Tumblin...Hillary didn't win!

I heard it almost four years ago, you muppet. Are you just being a piece of shit troll, or have you not grasped the concept of time? I didn't vote for Clinton. I don't even like her. Come back when you have a cogent argument, or go fuck yourself.
When you mentioned a "criminal" I just assumed you were talking about Hillary Clinton, Tumblin! As far as I know Donald Trump has never done anything remotely criminal despite a nonstop effort by the left to find something that they could charge him with! I know you'd LIKE to have found something but let's be honest with each other...that isn't happening and I think you know it!
Is that "cogent" enough for you? :)
Maybe more people will actually vote for Trump than his opponent this time, huh?

I'm watching the doc, btw. Thank you for the recommendation. First impression? It's very alarmist, but damn captivating. Richard Spencer seems a similar white division pimp in the same mold as the Sharptons of this world. Good for nothing. Man, people actually get rich off this shitty racially based attitude. Heart breaking.
There's a great moment when one guy points out that these are miserable, lonely people who are just desperate to belong to something.

It almost makes you feel sorry for them. Almost.

Yep, I saw it too. Damn.

I confess. It doesn't make me feel sorry for them. It actually gives into an irrational anger to destroy them and their at all costs, which is, admittedly, an equally unreasonable response.

I can appreciate when a film maker is capable of encouraging that powerful of a response from someone like me that normally favors civility. Thanks. Powerful doc.
Protests every day. Military leaders showing displeasure. Members of his party retiring and today the supreme court renders a decision opposing trump with the dissenting opinion written by the judge he appointed in a choice stolen from Obama.

Don't celebrate just yet. Remember just how many stupid Americans vote.
I am still very concerned about what trump and republicans will do to stay in power. We will not have completely turned from trump unless we vote him out.
We want law and order. You loons want to replace cops with unarmed social workers. Thanks for guaranteeing Trump's reelection.

Fuck off with your 'law and order' bullshit. You elected a fucking criminal, you gaggle of hypocrites.
Gee, you must not have heard, Tumblin...Hillary didn't win!

I heard it almost four years ago, you muppet. Are you just being a piece of shit troll, or have you not grasped the concept of time? I didn't vote for Clinton. I don't even like her. Come back when you have a cogent argument, or go fuck yourself.
When you mentioned a "criminal" I just assumed you were talking about Hillary Clinton, Tumblin! As far as I know Donald Trump has never done anything remotely criminal despite a nonstop effort by the left to find something that they could charge him with! I know you'd LIKE to have found something but let's be honest with each other...that isn't happening and I think you know it!
Is that "cogent" enough for you? :)

Well, to me, 'as far as you know' anecdotes about any issue in American society are meaningless. It's the same reason I don't ask my garbage man to give me scientific answers to philosophical questions. You're not qualified. Stay in your wheelhouse.

I believe the orange sack of shit has obstructed justice numerous times, you asshole. I believe partisan theatrics have successfully prevented justice from being served in this country, and it's fucking despicable. People should hang for this treason, but we live in a new time.

Is my implied belief in law and order cogent enough for you, or are you just here wasting time for partisan 'gotcha' moments?

Oh, right. Nevermind. I have never cared what you Cult45 mouth breathers hold dear to begin with. Please accept my apologies for my temporary oversight in giving you the benefit of the doubt of being normal human beings.

It's my mistake, and I will own that.

You may be actually concerned, but I don't think so. I believe you are nothing more than a typical partisan hack. The legacy you contribute to society is superficial at best.

You simply don't matter anymore.
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