The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

Got any idea how much the federal government has stolen from us in the "War on Poverty"....which has only given us more of it?

Poverty is caused by disproportionate wages vs. cost.

The best war on poverty is allowing business to take a 1:1 tax credit for employee expenses.

The second best is to raise minimum wage. The base for ALL salaries.

The best war on poverty is allowing business to take a 1:1 tax credit for employee expenses.

I just started a family business. We're going to buy $100,000 in goods and sell them for $110,000.
Our wages are going to be $200,000 a year.

How large is my tax refund?

Why would you receive a tax refund using a tax credit?

You just proved you don't even know what a tax credit is.

You just proved you don't even know what a tax credit is.

Tax credits for businesses are deducted at quarterly filings.
Start with Red States. Either let Democrats manage their economies or stop sending them government money. So tired of seeing my tax money being wasted on lazy and uneducated rednecks.

Because Republicans helped the Chinese move manufacturing jobs to China, we end up with raped and stripped cities like Detroit. It's exactly the same as the GOP blaming the shitty job of helping people after Katrina on Obama. And so many Republicans are stupid enough to believe it.

Yes, the Republican leaders of Detroit sent all those jobs away. Durr.

They helped send jobs away all over the United States. Not just one city.

Liberal Dems have been in charge of Detroit for at least 60 years.
How did Republicans send jobs away from Detroit?

Because the majority of jobs left from 2001 to 2008. Because Republicans gave tax credits to companies that moved jobs to China. Because they sent jobs away from the entire country nitwit. Areas of manufacturing were hit hardest for obvious reasons. Duh!


Why the fuck should I be telling right wingers about there own damn party? How come they don'[ know? Don't they know how to use Google? Dumbfucks.
Once it's established, that will quickly be increased to $3.00/share.
That's fine with me. Fuckers who own stock, only pay 10% taxes on their dividends, while I'm paying 25% of my paycheck.

Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

For tax purposes, dividends are considered either “qualified” or “nonqualified.” Qualified dividends are:

  • Tax-free for those in the 10% and 15% brackets to the extent qualified dividend income remains within those brackets
  • Taxed at a 15% rate for those in the 25% up to 35% tax brackets
  • Taxed at a 20% rate for higher income taxpayers whose income surpasses the 35% tax bracket
Nonqualified dividends are taxed at the same rates as ordinary income (currently a 39.6% maximum).

while I'm paying 25% of my paycheck.

What's your income?
And I bet you vote GOP, right? Then what's the problem. They used reconcilliation three times under Bush. You can only use it once a year. That means they passed all kinds of damaging legislation in all the years they had total control of the government. It's what Republicans do.
Once it's established, that will quickly be increased to $3.00/share.
That's fine with me. Fuckers who own stock, only pay 10% taxes on their dividends, while I'm paying 25% of my paycheck.

Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

For tax purposes, dividends are considered either “qualified” or “nonqualified.” Qualified dividends are:

  • Tax-free for those in the 10% and 15% brackets to the extent qualified dividend income remains within those brackets
  • Taxed at a 15% rate for those in the 25% up to 35% tax brackets
  • Taxed at a 20% rate for higher income taxpayers whose income surpasses the 35% tax bracket
Nonqualified dividends are taxed at the same rates as ordinary income (currently a 39.6% maximum).

while I'm paying 25% of my paycheck.

What's your income?
And I bet you vote GOP, right? Then what's the problem. They used reconcilliation three times under Bush. You can only use it once a year. That means they passed all kinds of damaging legislation in all the years they had total control of the government. It's what Republicans do.

It doesn't mean anything of the sort. Your idea of "damaging legislation" means cutting welfare payments.
Got any idea how much the federal government has stolen from us in the "War on Poverty"....which has only given us more of it?

Poverty is caused by disproportionate wages vs. cost.

The best war on poverty is allowing business to take a 1:1 tax credit for employee expenses.

The second best is to raise minimum wage. The base for ALL salaries.

The best war on poverty is allowing business to take a 1:1 tax credit for employee expenses.

I just started a family business. We're going to buy $100,000 in goods and sell them for $110,000.
Our wages are going to be $200,000 a year.

How large is my tax refund?

Why would you receive a tax refund using a tax credit?

Why wouldn't I?

What do you think "tax credit" means?

You could look up the Earned Income Tax Credit, to see a real example.

Because Republicans helped the Chinese move manufacturing jobs to China, we end up with raped and stripped cities like Detroit. It's exactly the same as the GOP blaming the shitty job of helping people after Katrina on Obama. And so many Republicans are stupid enough to believe it.

Yes, the Republican leaders of Detroit sent all those jobs away. Durr.

They helped send jobs away all over the United States. Not just one city.

Liberal Dems have been in charge of Detroit for at least 60 years.
How did Republicans send jobs away from Detroit?

Because the majority of jobs left from 2001 to 2008. Because Republicans gave tax credits to companies that moved jobs to China. Because they sent jobs away from the entire country nitwit. Areas of manufacturing were hit hardest for obvious reasons. Duh!


Why the fuck should I be telling right wingers about there own damn party? How come they don'[ know? Don't they know how to use Google? Dumbfucks.

Because the majority of jobs left from 2001 to 2008.

Republicans weren't in charge of Detroit from 2001 to 2008.

Because Republicans gave tax credits to companies that moved jobs to China.

You'll have to prove that, because I think your claim is bullshit.
Once it's established, that will quickly be increased to $3.00/share.
That's fine with me. Fuckers who own stock, only pay 10% taxes on their dividends, while I'm paying 25% of my paycheck.

Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

For tax purposes, dividends are considered either “qualified” or “nonqualified.” Qualified dividends are:

  • Tax-free for those in the 10% and 15% brackets to the extent qualified dividend income remains within those brackets
  • Taxed at a 15% rate for those in the 25% up to 35% tax brackets
  • Taxed at a 20% rate for higher income taxpayers whose income surpasses the 35% tax bracket
Nonqualified dividends are taxed at the same rates as ordinary income (currently a 39.6% maximum).

while I'm paying 25% of my paycheck.

What's your income?
And I bet you vote GOP, right? Then what's the problem. They used reconcilliation three times under Bush. You can only use it once a year. That means they passed all kinds of damaging legislation in all the years they had total control of the government. It's what Republicans do.

And I bet you vote GOP, right?

What does that have to do with Billo's bad math?

Because Republicans helped the Chinese move manufacturing jobs to China, we end up with raped and stripped cities like Detroit. It's exactly the same as the GOP blaming the shitty job of helping people after Katrina on Obama. And so many Republicans are stupid enough to believe it.

Yes, the Republican leaders of Detroit sent all those jobs away. Durr.

They helped send jobs away all over the United States. Not just one city.

Liberal Dems have been in charge of Detroit for at least 60 years.
How did Republicans send jobs away from Detroit?

Because the majority of jobs left from 2001 to 2008. Because Republicans gave tax credits to companies that moved jobs to China. Because they sent jobs away from the entire country nitwit. Areas of manufacturing were hit hardest for obvious reasons. Duh!


Why the fuck should I be telling right wingers about there own damn party? How come they don'[ know? Don't they know how to use Google? Dumbfucks.

Your partisan skirt is showing.............Your only the GOP did this makes your argument mute..........Obama is on the fast track train to outsourcing jobs via Free Trade Agreements and the biggest argument was on funding for the TPA.........the TPA by design is to Assist Displaced Workers after they lose their jobs by the TPP. Why? Because they know we'll lose American jobs in the process, and lose jobs we have by these deals.

Bottomline: The key elements of the TPP text that affect jobs and wages literally replicate and expand on the worst elements of past “free trade” agreements. And, those deals have destroyed millions of good American jobs and pushed down our wages over the last two decades. Nearly 5 million U.S. manufacturing jobs – one out of every four – have been lost, and more than 55,000 American manufacturing facilities have closed, since the implementation of NAFTA and NAFTA expansion deals:  The U.S. Department of Labor has certified millions of trade-related job losses. More than 2.7 million specific U.S. workers have been certified under the Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program as losing their jobs to offshoring or imports since NAFTA and NAFTA expansion pacts have taken effect. This number significantly undercounts trade-related job loss as TAA only covers a subset of jobs lost to trade.  Under President Obama’s 2012 Korea Free Trade Agreement (FTA), trade deficits have surged, gutting job creation promises. In the first three years of the Korea FTA, which U.S. negotiators literally used as the U.S. template for the TPP, the U.S. goods trade deficit with Korea has ballooned 90 percent, or $13.6 billion. According to the trade-jobs ratio that the Obama administration used to promise job gains from the deal, this trade deficit surge with Korea implies the loss of more than 90,000 American jobs in the FTA’s first three years. Sadly, that is not surprising because the agreement is based on the same old failed trade agreement model.

TAA Database

Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.

Voting the Democrats out in 2000 sure didn't help. W increased spending in every relevant economic measure ... before ... starting to negotiate with the Democrats ...
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.

Allow businesses to deduct employee expenses 1:1 from federal taxes owed.

A company can either pay their federal taxes or give their employees raises or bonuses.

Of course South Carolina won't continue to receive their 7.8:1 return anymore. So sad for them. How much welfare does Texas receive?

Are you on LSD?

Texas pays more to the Federal government than it receives.
And again,

Allow businesses to deduct employee expenses 1:1 from federal taxes owed.

A company can either pay their federal taxes or give their employees raises or bonuses.

Of course South Carolina won't continue to receive their 7.8:1 return anymore. So sad for them. How much welfare does Texas receive? Which is the problem.

Pussy Red States will complain.

Regurgitating the same bullshit does not change the fact it is bullshit.
And again,

Allow businesses to deduct employee expenses 1:1 from federal taxes owed.

A company can either pay their federal taxes or give their employees raises or bonuses.

Of course South Carolina won't continue to receive their 7.8:1 return anymore. So sad for them. How much welfare does Texas receive? Which is the problem.

Pussy Red States will complain.

Allow businesses to deduct employee expenses 1:1 from federal taxes owed.

Federal taxes owed are calculated after employee expenses are deducted.

A company can either pay their federal taxes or give their employees raises or bonuses.

What will net corporate taxes be when many companies have negative tax liabilities under your "plan"?

He has no idea. He strung a bunch of five-dollar words together and hoped it made sense.
Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Boom! More surplus, and SS and Medicare are solvent forever.

See how fucking easy this is?

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established the retirement age at 65. We should be working longer than they did. Common fucking sense.

Actually, to stay within the original parameters of Social Security, it should begin paying benefits one year later than the average person dies. (Average US lifespan didn't hit 65 until 1938 for women and 1949 for men!)
Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Boom! More surplus, and SS and Medicare are solvent forever.

See how fucking easy this is?

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established the retirement age at 65. We should be working longer than they did. Common fucking sense.

So Americans should live to work, not work to live?
You have an entitlement mentality. You can work as much or as little as you wish. Just don't expect the government to carry your non-working happy ass any longer than it carried your ancestors asses.

We are living DECADES longer, we should be working longer.

Your plan forces people to work longer.

Since when is Social Security (that an employee pays toward) an entitlement?

It's is a tax, with no guarantee of any return whatsoever.
Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, then index the age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

Boom! More surplus, and SS and Medicare are solvent forever.

See how fucking easy this is?

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors who established the retirement age at 65. We should be working longer than they did. Common fucking sense.

Nobody "wants" to work to 70. Not many would "allow" them to work past 62-65 (layoff). Crazy talk. Crazy. you expect some plumber/painter/electrician/autotech on and on and work to 70? Only if they want to. Get real Jake.

Plenty of people do want to keep working. I worked with a dude that was still driving highway coaches at 82.
Once it's established, that will quickly be increased to $3.00/share.
That's fine with me. Fuckers who own stock, only pay 10% taxes on their dividends, while I'm paying 25% of my paycheck.

Quid pro quo, mother-fucker!

You must think you will actually be able to retire on social poor, deluded fool.
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How did they "steal" it? Who did they steal it from?
They have made the rules that benefit them personally (and enacted them via government representatives) then claim that they've played by the rules. They've stolen it from the middle class.
I'm so fucking sick of dumb fucking republicans blame the debt on middle class and poor people. It proves how fucking stupid Republicans really truly are.

Report Reveals $8.5 Trillion Missing From Pentagon Budget

And these cock suckers want to cut my fucking social security? Unfuckingbelievable.

Report Reveals $8.5 Trillion Missing From Pentagon Budget

I love the bad math behind that claim.

What I love is you right wingers defending the federal reserve system and the bankers who own us. They love the debt. They love the interest we pay on the debt. And they also love the fact there is no way in hell we will ever pay it off. In fact now we only pay the interest on the debt.

No politician democrat or republican is pretending they are going to pay off the debt or even pay down the debt. You're just being lied to.

They love the debt. They love the interest we pay on the debt.

Who does? Be specific.

The voices in his head.
They have made the rules that benefit them personally (and enacted them via government representatives) then claim that they've played by the rules. They've stolen it from the middle class.
I'm so fucking sick of dumb fucking republicans blame the debt on middle class and poor people. It proves how fucking stupid Republicans really truly are.

Report Reveals $8.5 Trillion Missing From Pentagon Budget

And these cock suckers want to cut my fucking social security? Unfuckingbelievable.

Report Reveals $8.5 Trillion Missing From Pentagon Budget

I love the bad math behind that claim.

What I love is you right wingers defending the federal reserve system and the bankers who own us. They love the debt. They love the interest we pay on the debt. And they also love the fact there is no way in hell we will ever pay it off. In fact now we only pay the interest on the debt.

No politician democrat or republican is pretending they are going to pay off the debt or even pay down the debt. You're just being lied to.

They love the debt. They love the interest we pay on the debt.

Who does? Be specific.

The voices in his head.

Does your credit card company like you paying off your credit card bill every month or when you just pay the minimum payment and racking up interest? How do they make more money.

God people are clueless

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