The national debt is 19.3 trillion dollars. How do we fix it?

Yes, it is.

Nope. An unfunded liability is just a promise that hasn't been broken yet.
It's not a debt until the government borrows to pay it.

Printed paper and IOU's are not wealth...

If you're counting on that Social Security IOU to pay what was promised, you may be disappointed.

Bingo! The perfect recipe for a banana Republic.
IOU's and printing more paper to make up for the vast overspending and shortfall of an shitty economy, overtaxing an already broke public.
Long story short... We are fucked

Bingo! The perfect recipe for a banana Republic.

Were you counting on your promised Social Security?

IOU's and printing more paper to make up for the vast overspending and shortfall of an shitty economy, overtaxing an already broke public.

They'll raise taxes, some, cut benefits, some and probably raise the retirement age.
No, socialism can never be counted on...

Robbing Peter to pay Paul...

Robbing Peter to pay Paul...

If Peter doesn't have it, Paul won't get it.

If it can't be paid, it won't be paid. Where have I heard that before?
Progressive economics 101

Progressives never admit that.
When those pensions come up..............they are future debt unless you are saying just deny them their pensions

If they can't be paid, they won't be paid. They still aren't debt.
Which is why they are unfunded liabilities..................They are debt when they come due.........Your still splitting hairs..........or are you for ENRON's approach.

Which is why they are unfunded liabilities..................They are debt when they come due

I promise to pay you $1 billion next Friday. Really. I promise.

Next Friday, sorry, don't have it.

Where is the debt in that scenario?
The debt will come from the damage done in the riots in other words.............ENRON them..........thanks for saying it without saying it

Old folks gonna riot?
That'll do them just as much good as thugs burning down the grocery stores in the hood.
Where were the Enron riots?
Yep............they are going to hit you with their canes............
ENRON..........a couple got prosecuted but they stole the fuck out of people's retirement......not much for the people they other word''s no big long as it isn't you.............isn't that right Todd.........

Our country is fucked.

Yep............they are going to hit you with their canes............

Why would they hit me?

ENRON..........a couple got prosecuted but they stole the fuck out of people's retirement

Yeah, they were scum. And? other word''s no big long as it isn't you

I've known since I was 18 that Social Security couldn't be depended upon.

.............isn't that right Todd.........

I'll be getting screwed out of Social Security with the rest of us.
I just wasn't dumb enough to think it would be there or be enough.
Cut all welfare benefits in half......

Or else raise taxes on those making over $1 million a year by half of a percent
You could take all of their money and it still will not cover what's coming.
Total nonsense

Our wealthy have over $75 trillion dollars

What is their annual income?
We will never know will we?

They are so good at hiding it
Cut all welfare benefits in half......

Or else raise taxes on those making over $1 million a year by half of a percent
You could take all of their money and it still will not cover what's coming.
Total nonsense

Our wealthy have over $75 trillion dollars

What is their annual income?
We will never know will we?

They are so good at hiding it

I guess raising their taxes by 0.5% would be pointless.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Start with Red States. Either let Democrats manage their economies or stop sending them government money. So tired of seeing my tax money being wasted on lazy and uneducated rednecks.

Because Republicans helped the Chinese move manufacturing jobs to China, we end up with raped and stripped cities like Detroit. It's exactly the same as the GOP blaming the shitty job of helping people after Katrina on Obama. And so many Republicans are stupid enough to believe it.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Start with Red States. Either let Democrats manage their economies or stop sending them government money. So tired of seeing my tax money being wasted on lazy and uneducated rednecks.

Because Republicans helped the Chinese move manufacturing jobs to China, we end up with raped and stripped cities like Detroit. It's exactly the same as the GOP blaming the shitty job of helping people after Katrina on Obama. And so many Republicans are stupid enough to believe it.

Yes, the Republican leaders of Detroit sent all those jobs away. Durr.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Start with Red States. Either let Democrats manage their economies or stop sending them government money. So tired of seeing my tax money being wasted on lazy and uneducated rednecks.

Because Republicans helped the Chinese move manufacturing jobs to China, we end up with raped and stripped cities like Detroit. It's exactly the same as the GOP blaming the shitty job of helping people after Katrina on Obama. And so many Republicans are stupid enough to believe it.

Taxation without representation is what made company's move. Dumbass
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Get government out of the way so this country will be at the mercy of the most fascist entity on the planet.......................the corporation?

Corporations and big business don't give a shit about this country, or its citizens.

As far as I'm concerned, they should have absolutely no voice in government.

But if you want to eliminate the deficit, I have the answer!
  1. Cut the defense budget in half.
  2. End all these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years.
  3. Close the over 1000 bases we have all over the world.
  4. Use the money we take from the Pentagon and funnel it into infrastructure projects. Nothing starts an economy faster than the construction industry.
  5. Raise taxes on capital gains and stock dividends to 25%. No more corporate welfare.
  6. Close the loopholes that allow corporations to off-shore its profits.
  7. Create a Financial Transactions Tax, for every traded share on Wall Street.
That will not only wipe out the deficit, but we'll have enough money left over to provide universal health care for all our citizens.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Get government out of the way so this country will be at the mercy of the most fascist entity on the planet.......................the corporation?

Corporations and big business don't give a shit about this country, or its citizens.

As far as I'm concerned, they should have absolutely no voice in government.

But if you want to eliminate the deficit, I have the answer!
  1. Cut the defense budget in half.
  2. End all these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years.
  3. Close the over 1000 bases we have all over the world.
  4. Use the money we take from the Pentagon and funnel it into infrastructure projects. Nothing starts an economy faster than the construction industry.
  5. Raise taxes on capital gains and stock dividends to 25%. No more corporate welfare.
  6. Close the loopholes that allow corporations to off-shore its profits.
  7. Create a Financial Transactions Tax, for every traded share on Wall Street.
That will not only wipe out the deficit, but we'll have enough money left over to provide universal health care for all our citizens.

Close the loopholes that allow corporations to off-shore its profits.

What loopholes allow that?

Create a Financial Transactions Tax, for every traded share on Wall Street.

That is a quick way to offshore trading.
Bring manufacturing back to the U.S. Offer tax incentives, scale back the nazi epa, get the government out of the way, they will come back. In other words, vote the Democrats OUT. This debt has weakened us as a country, and must be fixed.
Get government out of the way so this country will be at the mercy of the most fascist entity on the planet.......................the corporation?

Corporations and big business don't give a shit about this country, or its citizens.

As far as I'm concerned, they should have absolutely no voice in government.

But if you want to eliminate the deficit, I have the answer!
  1. Cut the defense budget in half.
  2. End all these bullshit wars we've been fighting for the last 10 years.
  3. Close the over 1000 bases we have all over the world.
  4. Use the money we take from the Pentagon and funnel it into infrastructure projects. Nothing starts an economy faster than the construction industry.
  5. Raise taxes on capital gains and stock dividends to 25%. No more corporate welfare.
  6. Close the loopholes that allow corporations to off-shore its profits.
  7. Create a Financial Transactions Tax, for every traded share on Wall Street.
That will not only wipe out the deficit, but we'll have enough money left over to provide universal health care for all our citizens.
Sounds as if you want to weaken our country both militarily and financially. Keep chasing corporations away and you won't have a tax base at all for your utopian existence.

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