The need to make churches pay tax

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What does that matter?
Businesses have owners.

So do nonprofits they just call them founders instead.
A founder is not an owner.

So, who owns this business?

Doesn't matter. The business itself is a legal entity.
So it can be sold?

Don't care.

A nonprofit is a legal entity that has revenue and expenses, employees, owns property etc,

there is absolutely no reason for it to have any tax exempt status
Businesses have owners.

So do nonprofits they just call them founders instead.
A founder is not an owner.

So, who owns this business?

Doesn't matter. The business itself is a legal entity.
So it can be sold?

Don't care.

A nonprofit is a legal entity that has revenue and expenses, employees, owns property etc,

there is absolutely no reason for it to have any tax exempt status
So it's a business which no one owns or can pass down to an heir or even sell.

I can certainly see why you think it is a business.
And your bias now blends into your envy.

Yes, because an office tower would be Soooo much better there...

Or you could do what anti-religious idiots like the Russians did, seize it and turn it into a museum.

It doesn't matter what the property is. Any legal religious entity owning real estate that does not pay real estate taxes is given special treatment by law which is a violation of the first amendment

No, they are given a waiver due to their status as a non profit. No special treatment, it's available to any non-profit.



In this case yes they do.

No business, no person in the USA should be given preferential legal status.

But you want exactly that

Skull Pilot, you are the biggest dumbfuck on the planet, or at least you're in the running. Churches are not given special treatment. But, dumbfuck, you want the government to give them special discrimination. People explain simple things to you in simple terms, but you're just too much of a dumbfuck to understand.

Dumbfuck, AKA Skull Pilot, non-profits are not businesses. And, churches are treated the same as any other non-profit. Actually worse, non-religious non-profits often get significant taxpayer money, churches don't.

Dumbfuck, there are many different kinds of organizations and no one tax code fits all of them, or even any two of them. It's not special status, it's tax code addressing the distinctions of various organizations. Non-profits provide public services, mostly with volunteer labor, and also often reduce the need for the government to provide similar services. That's something only a dumbfuck would try to squash by complaining about special treatment for not being taxed.

Dumbfuck, our government makes a practice of targeting for-profit business mostly for taxes. That's why earned income is taxed much higher than unearned income, and why for-profit businesses are subject to property taxes when non-profits might not be. Business themselves write off property taxes, anyway.

If course, the source of your total stupidity is your bigotry, hatred, and intolerance. I'm installing a micro in my browser that changes the string "Skull Pilot" to "Dumbfuck".
ding is lost as usual. Reread the OP, please.

The OP is concerned about abusers of non-profit status. But, abusers exist in all areas. And, I'm welcome to any ideas to fight all kinds of abuses, ideas that don't attack religious freedom or promote religious discrimination.
So do nonprofits they just call them founders instead.
A founder is not an owner.

So, who owns this business?

Doesn't matter. The business itself is a legal entity.
So it can be sold?

Don't care.

A nonprofit is a legal entity that has revenue and expenses, employees, owns property etc,

there is absolutely no reason for it to have any tax exempt status
So it's a business which no one owns or can pass down to an heir or even sell.

I can certainly see why you think it is a business.

Tell me can a nonprofit file chapter 11?

Does a nonprofit have to comply will all employment laws?

The entire nonprofit legal status is a scam with it's own made up definitions.

Founder instead of owner, stakeholder instead of shareholder etc.

Any stakeholder can receive money from the nonprofit organization but that;s not called a dividend or profit even if it makes those stakeholders rich in the process.

I have no idea why anyone would think any legal entity or individual should have preferential treatment when it is not needed. All any business needs to do to be nonprofit is to ensure that annual revenues equals annual expenses
A founder is not an owner.

So, who owns this business?

Doesn't matter. The business itself is a legal entity.
So it can be sold?

Don't care.

A nonprofit is a legal entity that has revenue and expenses, employees, owns property etc,

there is absolutely no reason for it to have any tax exempt status
So it's a business which no one owns or can pass down to an heir or even sell.

I can certainly see why you think it is a business.

Tell me can a nonprofit file chapter 11?

Does a nonprofit have to comply will all employment laws?

The entire nonprofit legal status is a scam with it's own made up definitions.

Founder instead of owner, stakeholder instead of shareholder etc.

Any stakeholder can receive money from the nonprofit organization but that;s not called a dividend or profit even if it makes those stakeholders rich in the process.

I have no idea why anyone would think any legal entity or individual should have preferential treatment when it is not needed. All any business needs to do to be nonprofit is to ensure that annual revenues equals annual expenses
Do you own shares in any churches?
ding is lost as usual. Reread the OP, please.

The OP is concerned about abusers of non-profit status. But, abusers exist in all areas. And, I'm welcome to any ideas to fight all kinds of abuses, ideas that don't attack religious freedom or promote religious discrimination.
How does removing preferential tax treatment of religious establishments prevent anyone from practicing a religion
Doesn't matter. The business itself is a legal entity.
So it can be sold?

Don't care.

A nonprofit is a legal entity that has revenue and expenses, employees, owns property etc,

there is absolutely no reason for it to have any tax exempt status
So it's a business which no one owns or can pass down to an heir or even sell.

I can certainly see why you think it is a business.

Tell me can a nonprofit file chapter 11?

Does a nonprofit have to comply will all employment laws?

The entire nonprofit legal status is a scam with it's own made up definitions.

Founder instead of owner, stakeholder instead of shareholder etc.

Any stakeholder can receive money from the nonprofit organization but that;s not called a dividend or profit even if it makes those stakeholders rich in the process.

I have no idea why anyone would think any legal entity or individual should have preferential treatment when it is not needed. All any business needs to do to be nonprofit is to ensure that annual revenues equals annual expenses
Do you own shares in any churches?

Not all businesses sell shares.
The entire nonprofit legal status is a scam with it's own made up definitions.

Founder instead of owner, stakeholder instead of shareholder etc.

Dumbfuck, non-profit organisations don't sell things. People donate money to them. Businesses sell things.
How does removing preferential tax treatment of religious establishments prevent anyone from practicing a religion

Dumbfuck, religious organizations are treated the same as other non-profit organizations. Religious organizations don't get preferential tax treatment. How many times has this already been pointed out to you?
The entire nonprofit legal status is a scam with it's own made up definitions.

Founder instead of owner, stakeholder instead of shareholder etc.

Dumbfuck, non-profit organisations don't sell things. People donate money to them. Businesses sell things.

So what it is still revenue.

I can't just give money above a certain amount to anyone I want without the recipient having to file taxes.
So what it is still revenue.

The economic definition of revenue is money received from selling things. Government taxes revenues minus expenses. Dumbfuck, non-profits have no revenues because they don't sell anything.

Dumbfuck, why should someone's money be taxed because they donate it to someone else?
So what it is still revenue.

The economic definition of revenue is money received from selling things. Government taxes revenues minus expenses. Dumbfuck, non-profits have no revenues because they don't sell anything.

Dumbfuck, why should someone's money be taxed because they donate it to someone else?
  1. income, especially when of a company or organization and of a substantial nature.

Nothing there about selling anything
So what it is still revenue.

The economic definition of revenue is money received from selling things. Government taxes revenues minus expenses. Dumbfuck, non-profits have no revenues because they don't sell anything.

Dumbfuck, why should someone's money be taxed because they donate it to someone else?

Why should it not be taxed?

I can't give a person 50K without them paying taxes on it. I certainly do not get a tax deduction for it but I can give 50K to some guy who can then use that money tax free to pay himself and give 10 bucks to the guy I wanted to give the money to and his so called charity pays no real estate taxes, no sales taxes etc

It's a fucking scam
So it can be sold?

Don't care.

A nonprofit is a legal entity that has revenue and expenses, employees, owns property etc,

there is absolutely no reason for it to have any tax exempt status
So it's a business which no one owns or can pass down to an heir or even sell.

I can certainly see why you think it is a business.

Tell me can a nonprofit file chapter 11?

Does a nonprofit have to comply will all employment laws?

The entire nonprofit legal status is a scam with it's own made up definitions.

Founder instead of owner, stakeholder instead of shareholder etc.

Any stakeholder can receive money from the nonprofit organization but that;s not called a dividend or profit even if it makes those stakeholders rich in the process.

I have no idea why anyone would think any legal entity or individual should have preferential treatment when it is not needed. All any business needs to do to be nonprofit is to ensure that annual revenues equals annual expenses
Do you own shares in any churches?

Not all businesses sell shares.
Zero churches do.
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