The New Appeal Of Communism

If Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim are the face of Communism, then Bernie Madoff is the face of Capitalism. Let's not confuse evil despots with an economic theory, or pretend that either lassiez faire capitalism or pure communism ever existed.

What country was Bernie Madoff dictator of?

What evidence is there that life long democrat Madoff was a fan of Laissez Faire Capitalism?

Once again you offer idiocy based on your ignorance and partisanship. bereft of substance.
Tell me, does inflation compound?

The 3% under 7 years of Obama, has the added 21 cents to the dollar. or 34 cents?

When Obama seized power, a widget cost $1. A year later that widget cost $1.03 - inflation. But the next year, what did the widget cost? $1.0609 and the next year? $1.093 and the year after? $1.13

Inflation compounds. If interest does not, the wealth is stripped from the public - which is what you seek, all wealth in the hands of the absolute rulers.
Does inflation compound exponentially?

"The mathematical calculation of interest-bearing debt growing in this way over long periods was greatly simplified in 1614 by the Scottish mathematician John Napier’s invention of logarithms (literally 'the arithmetic of ratios,' logos in Greek).

"Describing the exponential growth of debt in his second book, Robdologia (1617), Napier illustrated his principle by means of a chessboard on which each square doubled the number assigned to the preceding one, until all sixty-four squares were doubled – that is, 2^63 after the first doubling."

"Three centuries later the 19th century German economist, Michael Flürscheim, cast this exponential doubling and redoubling principle into the form of a Persian proverb telling of a Shah who wished to reward a subject who had invented chess, and asked what he would like.

"The man asked only 'that the Shah would give him a single grain of corn, which was to be put on the first square of the chess-board, and to be doubled on each successive square,' until all sixty-four squares were filled with grain.

"Upon calculating 64 doublings of each square from the preceding, starting from the first gain and proceeding 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 and so on.

"At first the compounding of grain remained well within the physical ability of the kingdom to pay, even after twenty squares were passed.

"But by the time the hypothetical chessboard was filled halfway, the compounding was growing by leaps and bounds. The Shah realized that this he had promised 'an amount larger than what the treasures of his whole kingdom could buy.'

"The moral is that no matter how much technology increases humanity’s productive powers, the revenue it produces will be overtaken by the growthf debt multiplying at compound interest."

Your reply does not address the subject. A subject you do not grasp.
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

If Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim are the face of Communism, then Bernie Madoff is the face of Capitalism. Let's not confuse evil despots with an economic theory, or pretend that either lassiez faire capitalism or pure communism ever existed.

Bernie Madoff is in prison. Did Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim go to prison? No, they were given state funerals when they died.

John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison are the face of capitalism. Only a monumental douche bag like you would compare mass murderers with prolific creators who were the benefactors of all mankind.
Rockefeller acquired control of 95% of US oil pipelines and refineries by bribing corrupt politicians, crushing competition, and making secret deals with the railroads. He should have died in federal prison.

So your answer is to put corrupt politicians in charge of everything, and outlaw competition.

Fucking brilliant...
Loaning money at compound interest is exactly that.

Is exactly what?

You are a Communist, you think that all things should belong to the elite rulers of the state.

BUT for free people, in order to start a business takes capital. Raising capital for a business generally involves selling shares to investors, and borrowing money from banks.

New business is risky, most fail. So in order for investors to risk their money, there must be a promise of reward. The higher the risk, the higher the demand for reward.

Banks also require that they earn a reward for their risk. In economics and finance this known a "return on capital employed." If the puppet masters putting words in your mouth were to prevail, then banks would lose money every time they made a loan, due to the time value of money, that I explained earlier. Because they would lose money, they would go broke and no capital would exist for free men to use to start businesses; which is exactly what your masters seek.

You ape the words of the elite who seek to deny men the freedom to start their own businesses and become their own masters, you seek for all to be enslaved to your masters. If you can deny all start up capital, then no business can be formed, other than by the state, the elite rulers that you serve. You don't grasp why your masters oppose compound interest, you merely obey without question, since you are a slave.
I seek to stop ruling elites from amassing huge fortunes from revenue and profit-generating activities which add no value.

You seek to do this by giving them all assets, including the enslaved people. You think your masters will "care for you.'

When parasites like Morgan or Rockefeller create massive generational fortunes by indebting an economy to itself at an exponential rate, the resulting polarization of political power enslaves the majority of productive workers to a tiny oligarchy of parasitic scum and their useful idiots.

Rockefeller? Is it still 1902?

Try Soros and Tom Steyer, you know, your masters - the men you blindly and unquestioningly serve.
I'm retired; therefore, I serve no one.
Who do you serve?
You ape the words of the elite who seek to deny men the freedom to start their own businesses and become their own masters, you seek for all to be enslaved to your masters. If you can deny all start up capital, then no business can be formed, other than by the state, the elite rulers that you serve. You don't grasp why your masters oppose compound interest, you merely obey without question, since you are a slave
Do you believe rich bankers and bondholders should hold a veto power over democratic decisions determined by voters?
I'm retired; therefore, I serve no one.
Who do you serve?

If you succeed in putting all assets including the lives of people into the hands of the ruling elite of the state, who does it benefit?

Those are your masters. You want for all people to be slaves to a ruling elite, is this based on your hatred of your fellow man?
In the bad old days of the Mafia controlled AFL/CIO, the union vote was sold as a bloc. Various democrats would bid on the union backing. The union vote was up for sale to the highest bidder, but only corrupt democrats could buy it.

In the 1970's when the Mafia controlled unions took possession of the United States Government, we entered an era where the union was in charge of the nation. Federal employees are required by law to belong to the union, and to give the union money. The union has absolute control over how members vote. The commoners were royally fucked.

To try and again have some small voice in the union owned and controlled government, commoners formed Political Action Committees to try and form voting blocs that could in some cases challenge the grip that the ruling union has on America.

But democrats, democrats don't want the people to have a voice, the commoners are to shut up and be ruled by their masters.So democrats have fought to silence the voice of the people, the unconstitutional McCain - Feingold being the most outrageous example of crushing the voice of commoners.

THE most important affirmation of the right of commoners to a voice in government is Citizens United. The democrats ruled that commoners, the peasants of the nation, were to be silent as rulers were chosen for them. The ruling elite ran "Fahrenheit 9/11" during the 2004 election cycle, and that was considered good, it served the party and the union. (such as there is an alleged distinction.) But the peasants got uppity, and made a movie that exposed the never ending history of crime by Hillary Clinton, in "Hillary, the Movie." The party wasted no time in crushing this forbidden speech, congress had made a law infringing the right of the people to speak against the party. The FEC went to work to punish the peasants who dared speak (through a film) against a high ranking party member.

But then something happened, 5 members of the SCOTUS upheld the 1st Amendment. Party members wail and gnash teeth to this day over the fact that commoners, by pooling resources, can legally speak. Can publish a message not approved of by the party or the union.
If Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim are the face of Communism, then Bernie Madoff is the face of Capitalism. Let's not confuse evil despots with an economic theory, or pretend that either lassiez faire capitalism or pure communism ever existed.

What country was Bernie Madoff dictator of?

What evidence is there that life long democrat Madoff was a fan of Laissez Faire Capitalism?

Once again you offer idiocy based on your ignorance and partisanship. bereft of substance.

Madoff was not a dictator of a country, nor did I imply he was.

Madoff enjoyed the lack of regulation which laissez faire proponents desire

Mea culpa, my post was too abstract for you to comprehend. In the future I'll respond to you as I would to a child.
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

If Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim are the face of Communism, then Bernie Madoff is the face of Capitalism. Let's not confuse evil despots with an economic theory, or pretend that either lassiez faire capitalism or pure communism ever existed.

Bernie Madoff is in prison. Did Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim go to prison? No, they were given state funerals when they died.

John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison are the face of capitalism. Only a monumental douche bag like you would compare mass murderers with prolific creators who were the benefactors of all mankind.

I suggest you do a little bit of research on those you so highly praise. Below are two examples for your edification:

One of the most difficult episodes Andrew Carnegie's life -- and one that revealed the steel magnate's conflicting beliefs regarding the rights of labor -- was the bitter conflict in 1892 at his steel plant in Homestead, Pennsylvania. Carnegie's involvement in the union-breaking action left many men dead or wounded and forever tarnished Carnegie's reputation as a benevolent employer and a champion of labor.

American Experience . The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie . People & Events | The Homestead Strike | PBS

In 1918, Henry Ford purchased his hometown newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. A year and a half later, he began publishing a series of articles that claimed a vast Jewish conspiracy was infecting America. The series ran in the following 91 issues. Ford bound the articles into four volumes titled "The International Jew," and distributed half a million copies to his vast network of dealerships and subscribers. The rhetoric was not unusual for its content, as much as its scope. As one of the most famous men in America, Henry Ford legitimized ideas that otherwise may have been given little authority.

WGBH American Experience . Henry Ford | PBS
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

If Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim are the face of Communism, then Bernie Madoff is the face of Capitalism. Let's not confuse evil despots with an economic theory, or pretend that either lassiez faire capitalism or pure communism ever existed.

Bernie Madoff is in prison. Did Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim go to prison? No, they were given state funerals when they died.

John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison are the face of capitalism. Only a monumental douche bag like you would compare mass murderers with prolific creators who were the benefactors of all mankind.

I suggest you do a little bit of research on those you so highly praise. Below are two examples for your edification:

One of the most difficult episodes Andrew Carnegie's life -- and one that revealed the steel magnate's conflicting beliefs regarding the rights of labor -- was the bitter conflict in 1892 at his steel plant in Homestead, Pennsylvania. Carnegie's involvement in the union-breaking action left many men dead or wounded and forever tarnished Carnegie's reputation as a benevolent employer and a champion of labor.

American Experience . The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie . People & Events | The Homestead Strike | PBS

In 1918, Henry Ford purchased his hometown newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. A year and a half later, he began publishing a series of articles that claimed a vast Jewish conspiracy was infecting America. The series ran in the following 91 issues. Ford bound the articles into four volumes titled "The International Jew," and distributed half a million copies to his vast network of dealerships and subscribers. The rhetoric was not unusual for its content, as much as its scope. As one of the most famous men in America, Henry Ford legitimized ideas that otherwise may have been given little authority.

WGBH American Experience . Henry Ford | PBS

Yeah, I guess that puts them in the same class as totalitarian dictators who murdered millions of people!
Madoff was not a dictator of a country, nor did I imply he was.

Hence my pointing out the stupidity of your statement.

Madoff enjoyed the lack of regulation which laissez faire proponents desire

Moronic bullshit.

Madoff gamed the system, he used the regulations to fleece his victims.

A burglar who stabs a homeowner with a chef's knife is not an advocate of fine cutlery.

Mea culpa, my post was too abstract for you to comprehend. In the future I'll respond to you as I would to a child.

You can only construct posts as a child.
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

If Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim are the face of Communism, then Bernie Madoff is the face of Capitalism. Let's not confuse evil despots with an economic theory, or pretend that either lassiez faire capitalism or pure communism ever existed.

Bernie Madoff is in prison. Did Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim go to prison? No, they were given state funerals when they died.

John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison are the face of capitalism. Only a monumental douche bag like you would compare mass murderers with prolific creators who were the benefactors of all mankind.

I suggest you do a little bit of research on those you so highly praise. Below are two examples for your edification:

One of the most difficult episodes Andrew Carnegie's life -- and one that revealed the steel magnate's conflicting beliefs regarding the rights of labor -- was the bitter conflict in 1892 at his steel plant in Homestead, Pennsylvania. Carnegie's involvement in the union-breaking action left many men dead or wounded and forever tarnished Carnegie's reputation as a benevolent employer and a champion of labor.

American Experience . The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie . People & Events | The Homestead Strike | PBS

In 1918, Henry Ford purchased his hometown newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. A year and a half later, he began publishing a series of articles that claimed a vast Jewish conspiracy was infecting America. The series ran in the following 91 issues. Ford bound the articles into four volumes titled "The International Jew," and distributed half a million copies to his vast network of dealerships and subscribers. The rhetoric was not unusual for its content, as much as its scope. As one of the most famous men in America, Henry Ford legitimized ideas that otherwise may have been given little authority.

WGBH American Experience . Henry Ford | PBS

Yeah, I guess that puts them in the same class as totalitarian dictators who murdered millions of people!

No, it simply provides perspective - something you desperately need.
No, it simply provides perspective - something you desperately need.

Ford as an anti-Semite is it's own discussion, though he presents the same fallacious arguments as Blindboo and the rest of the anti-Semitic left does here.

But Carnegie is a different proposition. That the unions went to war against him, and were violent as organized crime tends to be, does not paint him the way you present it.
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

If Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim are the face of Communism, then Bernie Madoff is the face of Capitalism. Let's not confuse evil despots with an economic theory, or pretend that either lassiez faire capitalism or pure communism ever existed.

Bernie Madoff is in prison. Did Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim go to prison? No, they were given state funerals when they died.

John D. Rockefeller, Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie and Thomas Edison are the face of capitalism. Only a monumental douche bag like you would compare mass murderers with prolific creators who were the benefactors of all mankind.

I suggest you do a little bit of research on those you so highly praise. Below are two examples for your edification:

One of the most difficult episodes Andrew Carnegie's life -- and one that revealed the steel magnate's conflicting beliefs regarding the rights of labor -- was the bitter conflict in 1892 at his steel plant in Homestead, Pennsylvania. Carnegie's involvement in the union-breaking action left many men dead or wounded and forever tarnished Carnegie's reputation as a benevolent employer and a champion of labor.

American Experience . The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie . People & Events | The Homestead Strike | PBS

In 1918, Henry Ford purchased his hometown newspaper, The Dearborn Independent. A year and a half later, he began publishing a series of articles that claimed a vast Jewish conspiracy was infecting America. The series ran in the following 91 issues. Ford bound the articles into four volumes titled "The International Jew," and distributed half a million copies to his vast network of dealerships and subscribers. The rhetoric was not unusual for its content, as much as its scope. As one of the most famous men in America, Henry Ford legitimized ideas that otherwise may have been given little authority.

WGBH American Experience . Henry Ford | PBS

Yeah, I guess that puts them in the same class as totalitarian dictators who murdered millions of people!

No, it simply provides perspective - something you desperately need.

What "perspective?" That they have nothing in common with your sleazy douche bag equivalencies?
No, it simply provides perspective - something you desperately need.

Ford as an anti-Semite is it's own discussion, though he presents the same fallacious arguments as Blindboo and the rest of the anti-Semitic left does here.

But Carnegie is a different proposition. That the unions went to war against him, and were violent as organized crime tends to be, does not paint him the way you present it.

Yep, the union thugs occupied is plants and refused to leave when requested. They got what they were asking for, and like the BLM protesters they cried afterwards for public sympathy.
Of course they were. Every bank was pressured to grant mortgages to borrowers with sub prime credit ratings. That's the only way they could meet their CRA mandate.
Out of the top 25 subprime lenders in 2006, only one was subject to CRA requirements; they made more than 12 million subprime loans worth nearly $2 trillion, and they were exempt from federal regulations.

How did this happen?

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