The new BRICS map


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
"It's the end of the world as we know it." Or at least it's looking like that. This map is scary AF.
Why does it scare you?

Because these other countries are likely to see a new industrial era, like we had from the 40's to the 80's. Trade with the USA will diminish even further than it already has. Since the 80's, we've exported more jobs than countries like South America even have. BUT, when countries like that start building more factories and exporting their goods, money will be going to them instead of us.

Manufacturing jobs will completely dry up. This will be bad for our economy.

I'm all for nationalism. But without exports, we're doomed to be a third world country. I can't believe I'm saying this, but if that happens, we'd be better off going to some moneyless society, just to keep some sort of sustainable life with food, clothes, TV's, computers etc etc etc.. Because very few would be able to afford those things.

(Thinking 20 years ahead under the worst possible conditions)
Why does it scare you?
Our trading power is diminishing every time the dollar loses it's value. Because the cost of our exports have to increase. $20hr FFS, per person, plus benefits has a HUGE impact on what our trading partners can afford to buy from us. All it's going to take is companies opening up in countries that can produce the same thing, at a much lower cost.
Those countries where $10K per year is a middle class wage, could get our trading partners to just dump us, for the very reason US citizens are buying foreign goods. It's cheaper.

This is what I've been saying for months now. If we don't equalize our currency with China or Mexico, we're Fckd.
We did it to ourselves. Canada is a creepy covert police state and America srill supoorts us (though less and less it seems, maybe skme have been listening). You banked on some nations that were always going to be in decline and never evolve. Optics over substance don't help global democracies.
"It's the end of the world as we know it." Or at least it's looking like that. This map is scary AF.
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So why doesn't US protect itself and join CPTPP?
It is the isolationists who are placing the US alone on this...

EU is well protected. CPTPP (which was set up by US) is getting better protection...

This is UK focused but the start tells you what CPTPP is..

Bush and Obama initially saw mainly the threat from China (and other BRICS) and started to look at a massive Free Trade Block in Asia.

Trump after 3 days Presidency pulled US out... He seriously said China was getting too much, China wasn't a member.
Then China saw the big mistake Trump made and wanted in:
This was a huge win for China... This is why I say Trump was the most pro China President in US History
Then Trump realised his massive mistake (after 2 years)
Biden wants to back in, GOP generally want back, even Trump thinks should go back:

US is big... But no one goes it alone any more... The bigger the trade bloc you are a member the more powerful you are.. CPTPP was set up by America for America...
Our trading power is diminishing every time the dollar loses it's value. Because the cost of our exports have to increase. $20hr FFS, per person, plus benefits has a HUGE impact on what our trading partners can afford to buy from us. All it's going to take is companies opening up in countries that can produce the same thing, at a much lower cost.
Those countries where $10K per year is a middle class wage, could get our trading partners to just dump us, for the very reason US citizens are buying foreign goods. It's cheaper.

This is what I've been saying for months now. If we don't equalize our currency with China or Mexico, we're Fckd.
When you have a $30 trillion dollar national debt with no end in sight and your major exports are war machines, your options are limited.

Some say we’re following in the footsteps of the British Empire. It pushed for both world wars in an effort to degrade Germany only to see it‘s empire disappear, massive indebtedness, and currency devaluation via loss of reserve currency status.

I suspect the neoliberals in the imperial capitol on the Potomac are pushing for war with Russia and China in the vain hope of keeping US hegemony, much as Great Britain failed to accomplish.
Just wait until they refuse to deal with nation bankrupts , and , regardless , when the dollar collapses.
Unparalleled US family poverty with a global domino effect.

At least we will then get show trials and hoped for public executions .
My guess is the neolibs and neocons running the nation will start WWIII, before the people rise up.
So why doesn't US protect itself and join CPTPP?
It is the isolationists who are placing the US alone on this...

EU is well protected. CPTPP (which was set up by US) is getting better protection...

This is UK focused but the start tells you what CPTPP is..

Bush and Obama initially saw mainly the threat from China (and other BRICS) and started to look at a massive Free Trade Block in Asia.

Trump after 3 days Presidency pulled US out... He seriously said China was getting too much, China wasn't a member.
Then China saw the big mistake Trump made and wanted in:
This was a huge win for China... This is why I say Trump was the most pro China President in US History
Then Trump realised his massive mistake (after 2 years)
Biden wants to back in, GOP generally want back, even Trump thinks should go back:

US is big... But no one goes it alone any more... The bigger the trade bloc you are a member the more powerful you are.. CPTPP was set up by America for America...

As a fiscal conservative, I'm all in favor of trading with willing nations. And because we have trade with other nations keeps us from being "isolationist."

But I also understand that tariffs is what can help keep income taxes lower and help keep American companies producing here. But with the way the government have over inflated our currency, trading with other counties continues to be limited for the simple fact that our products cost too much money. So much so that other governments have to foot the bill (subsidize)much of the cost, just so their citizens and companies can afford to buy those products.
Ditch the Dollar?

  • "The prospect of establishing a common currency will be a top agenda at the upcoming BRICS Summit in Durban, South Africa later this year.
  • The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is working towards trading in their own national currencies.
  • Roughly 40 percent of international trade transactions in goods are invoiced in dollars."
"Should the common currency be formed, it will be based on a basket of the currencies of the BRICS countries; the Chinese RMB Yuan, the Russian Ruble, the Indian Rupee, the Brazilian Real, and the South African Rand."

BRICS Countries keen on having common currency to replace US dollar

The dollar-based financial system has been built up since the end of WWII; how long before excessing sanction usage puts an end to that economic "free lunch?"

The Hard Fist of American Imperialism | Michael Hudson

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