The "new" popular response by right wingers to Trump's implosion..

The "new" popular response by right wingers to Trump's implosion..

I am sorry, I must have missed the news reports this morning where it was reported...

Democrats provided evidence of a crime being Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of criminal Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Obstruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of mishandling Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal storage of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal destruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegally sharing Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of leaking Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Felony Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of refusing to comply with the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of destroying Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of running a terrorist-connected spy the GOP
Democrats provided evidence of giving speeches for the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Influence Peddling to the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the KGB Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the Russian Spy the GOP

Probably because none of that shit happened. :p
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The "new" popular response by right wingers to Trump's implosion..

I am sorry, I must have missed the news reports this morning where it was reported...

Democrats provided evidence of a crime being Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of criminal Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Obstruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of mishandling Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal storage of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal destruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegally sharing Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of leaking Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Felony Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of refusing to comply with the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of destroying Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of running a terrorist-connected spy the GOP
Democrats provided evidence of giving speeches for the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Influence Peddling to the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the KGB Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the Russian Spy the GOP

Probably because none of that shit happened. :p

Crooked Donnie.....all you need to know
Some of us have noticed that as the Trump investigations progress regarding Russian collusion, financial shenanigans, obstruction of justice,AND the broken promises made by the demagogue-in-chief, Right wing supporters and ass kissers simply react on here with the trite response:


Kind of reminds me of this little ancient myth.....


What Trump's fake presidency has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate is how tyrants come to power in democracies and why democracies end. Enough people suspend reason and operate solely on emotion and put someone in power over them that promises to 'make it all better' for them and that they don't have to lift a finger. He'll do it all. It plays on the desire of many humans to continue to have a daddy that will make it all better even though they are 'adults' and the proclivity of laziness in humans. These people WANT someone to do it all for them. They don't want to have to make an effort. Just as they watch their favorite sports team, where someone else does all the work and they get to vicariously enjoy the fruits of that work.

It is an emotional welfare state.
You telling me if you were being investigated you wouldn't "lawyer up"?


Of course I'd "lawyer up"........
But I'm not the one stating "witch hunt", "nothing burger" and "fake news".......
See the difference???
Yup, no one cares about the smoke and mirrors BS you libs make up daily...snowflake.

Well, look up just how many of Trump's entourage have lawyered up......Apparently, THEY care.........

(Trump has created lots of jobs.....but mostly for attorneys defending his sorry and scared advisers....,,LOL)
And no doubt they are going to have us tax payers pay Don Jr's lawyer bills.

Im thinking you can thank your fucked up twisted LoonTard buddies for kicking the shit out of the dead horse on this one...In the end, when the inevitable happens and the Loons come up empty handed how many Loonies will donate to cover the legal expenses and relieve legit American's of the burden?

We will as soon as you pay for Benghazi hearings

Benghazi Investigation Cost Counter | SCBD

This calculation does not include the costs of: the independent Accountability Review Board; the eight previous reports by seven Congressional committees; the time, money, and resources consumed by federal agencies to comply with Select Committee requests; or the opportunity cost of not spending this money elsewhere, like improving security for our diplomatic officers abroad.
The "new" popular response by right wingers to Trump's implosion..

I am sorry, I must have missed the news reports this morning where it was reported...

Democrats provided evidence of a crime being Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of criminal Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Obstruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of mishandling Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal storage of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal destruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegally sharing Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of leaking Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Felony Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of refusing to comply with the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of destroying Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of running a terrorist-connected spy the GOP
Democrats provided evidence of giving speeches for the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Influence Peddling to the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the KGB Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the Russian Spy the GOP

Probably because none of that shit happened. :p

Go right back to sleep.......Sorry to have wakened you up......
Yes,nothing is going on and Trump is posing for his Mt. Rushmore picture....(with a golf club in his hand.)
What Trump's fake presidency has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate is how tyrants come to power in democracies and why democracies end.



Trump's presidential victory demonstrates 3 very important things:

1. This is what happens when the American people get completely fed up career-long, self/party-serving, corrupt, lying, scheming, scandal-plagued, citizen-screwing, power-defending, status quo, elitist, Political/Washington Establishment-cemented criminals...on both sides...and elects someone completely detached from / outside of all of that.

2. This is what happens when a political party's loyalties so strongly lie with one candidate who a corrupt, national security-jeopardizing, law breaking, sexual deviant-enabling, influence peddling, criminal who can not even win their party's own nomination, that they help GIVE her that nomination through rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud, cheating in debates, and protecting them from indictment and prosecution...all because she is the Criminal Political Queen Matriarch' of the Party and declares, 'It's My Turn!"

3. When faced with pathetic, underwhelming choices, the American people will choose the LESSER of two piss-poor candidates. Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and ran THE WORST CAMPAIGN in US history.

(When you and your campaign staff resort to PRIVATELY paying groups to send violent thugs to beat and bloody supporters of your political opponent - who are also Americans you PUBLICLY claim to want to represent, you are pretty much a POS and have no business EVER being elected President....and thanks to Trump...and now her own party...Hillary Clinton will never, EVER be President of the United States...thank God!)
Some of us have noticed that as the Trump investigations progress regarding Russian collusion, financial shenanigans, obstruction of justice,AND the broken promises made by the demagogue-in-chief, Right wing supporters and ass kissers simply react on here with the trite response:


Kind of reminds me of this little ancient myth.....


Now y'all know how the birffers felt when we made fun of them.
Go right back to sleep.......Sorry to have wakened you up......

I don't mind being woken up for something REAL, something that isn't fake and is actually going on, but again....

I am sorry, I must have missed the news reports this morning where it was reported...

Democrats provided evidence of a crime being Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of criminal Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Obstruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of mishandling Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal storage of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegal destruction of Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of illegally sharing Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of leaking Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Felony Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of refusing to comply with the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of destroying Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of running a terrorist-connected spy the GOP
Democrats provided evidence of giving speeches for the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of Influence Peddling to the Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the KGB Republicans
Democrats provided evidence of working for the Russian Spy the GOP

Probably because none of that shit happened. :p[/QUOTE]
What Trump's fake presidency has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate is how tyrants come to power in democracies and why democracies end. Enough people suspend reason and operate solely on emotion and put someone in power over them that promises to 'make it all better' for them and that they don't have to lift a finger. He'll do it all. It plays on the desire of many humans to continue to have a daddy that will make it all better even though they are 'adults' and the proclivity of laziness in humans. These people WANT someone to do it all for them. They don't want to have to make an effort. Just as they watch their favorite sports team, where someone else does all the work and they get to vicariously enjoy the fruits of that work.

It is an emotional welfare state.

You've amply described Trump as the "perfect" demagogue, able to con the poorly educated with his false promises.....Yesterday, at the WVA rally, folks had signs statung, "Trump digs coal" does not take much to conclude that folks carrying those signs are just simple idiots.
Trump's presidential victory demonstrates 3 very important things:

1. This is what happens when the American people get completely fed up

Well, THREE MILLION more "American people [voters]"....disagree with your "conclusion."
What Trump's fake presidency has demonstrated and continues to demonstrate is how tyrants come to power in democracies and why democracies end.

View attachment 142054


Trump's presidential victory demonstrates 3 very important things:

1. This is what happens when the American people get completely fed up career-long, self/party-serving, corrupt, lying, scheming, scandal-plagued, citizen-screwing, power-defending, status quo, elitist, Political/Washington Establishment-cemented criminals...on both sides...and elects someone completely detached from / outside of all of that.

2. This is what happens when a political party's loyalties so strongly lie with one candidate who a corrupt, national security-jeopardizing, law breaking, sexual deviant-enabling, influence peddling, criminal who can not even win their party's own nomination, that they help GIVE her that nomination through rigging primaries, engaging in voter fraud, cheating in debates, and protecting them from indictment and prosecution...all because she is the Criminal Political Queen Matriarch' of the Party and declares, 'It's My Turn!"

3. When faced with pathetic, underwhelming choices, the American people will choose the LESSER of two piss-poor candidates. Hillary was the worst candidate in US history and ran THE WORST CAMPAIGN in US history.

(When you and your campaign staff resort to PRIVATELY paying groups to send violent thugs to beat and bloody supporters of your political opponent - who are also Americans you PUBLICLY claim to want to represent, you are pretty much a POS and have no business EVER being elected President....and thanks to Trump...and now her own party...Hillary Clinton will never, EVER be President of the United States...thank God!)

This is what happens when you have

a. Ignorant electorate
b. Corporate media
c. a government controlled by the corporations
d. Citizens who believe an invisible man is watching over them and that this invisible man wanted Trump to be POTUS
Some of us have noticed that as the Trump investigations progress regarding Russian collusion, financial shenanigans, obstruction of justice,AND the broken promises made by the demagogue-in-chief, Right wing supporters and ass kissers simply react on here with the trite response:


Kind of reminds me of this little ancient myth.....


At some point your bat-shit crazy senseless bullshit becomes so redundant it's just way easier to keep posting the same redundant response...."Who fucking cares" or "Only your bat-shit crazy Loony buddies gives two shits".

I think the bill from all the lawyers are invoicing more than 2 shits. A lot more.
I dont like trump, whom I call president biff, but if he goads you commie sons of bitches into getting violent enough that we have a justification for ventilating you hoes, I give him props....really, you bitches talk about how bad he is, well then DO SOMETHIN!!!!! please!!!!!! Im like billy jack "bernerd, I wish you would, I REALLY wish you would"
Ohhhh....a tough trumpanzee. What's stopping you from initiating violence now? Why are you waiting? Or is this just pretend tough talk from a keyboard kommando hiding under mommy's bed?
Trump cares. He whines about it constantly and takes it out on his staff. He is also packing on the pounds.

His army of lawyers care. They are making bank billing all those hours.
I hope they are asking for their retainers up front. trump is known for not paying his bills....something that he has in common with his trumpanzees.
Yup, no one cares about the smoke and mirrors BS you libs make up daily...snowflake.

Well, look up just how many of Trump's entourage have lawyered up......Apparently, THEY care.........

(Trump has created lots of jobs.....but mostly for attorneys defending his sorry and scared advisers....,,LOL)
And no doubt they are going to have us tax payers pay Don Jr's lawyer bills.

Im thinking you can thank your fucked up twisted LoonTard buddies for kicking the shit out of the dead horse on this one...In the end, when the inevitable happens and the Loons come up empty handed how many Loonies will donate to cover the legal expenses and relieve legit American's of the burden?
How's things on the Grand Jury front?

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