The New Segregation

Now it is based on ideology instead of race. If you are a Trump supporter, pro-life, pro-traditional marriage or a Biblical Christian, etc, then you are not welcome.

New Segregation Signs Pop Up in Leftist Establishments

Let me interpret that for you, you low IQ dunce. These signs are to let you know, you hateful lover of law and order and restraint and decorum, that you are not welcome here. Contrary to "all are welcome," you will notice that one group is decidedly missing. You. You think abortion is murder, so you don't "stand with women," even though half of those babies being killed are girls. You favor legal immigration, so you don't "stand with immigrants," which means allowing anyone including ISIS to just sally over the border willy-nilly as they please. You believe in traditional marriage and that children should not be denied a mother and father and so you do not "stand with the LGBTQWTF" crowd, even if you have no ill will toward them. Just the fact that you believe children have a right to their biological parents makes you a "hater." You believe in biology and know that chromosomes don't change because you want them to. This makes you "anti-science."

You who believe that Black Lives Matter burning down cities and hurting people resembles domestic terror activities means you don't like black people and so you can't get a latte in this establishment, you cretin! And Allah forbid you should not believe the rallying cry that Islam is a "religion of peace," even though it is drenched in the fresh blood of the infidel daily. YOU do not stand with "all" religions and so you are not welcome to do business with the super virtuous people inside this establishment. This establishment wants you to know they stand with "Our Community" and not yours. Got it?

Bull Connor had more testicular fortitude than these people. At least he was honest about what he wanted, evil as it was. Why don't they come out and say it already? Just post a sign that says "NO TRUMP SUPPORTERS ALLOWED — OR CHRISTIANS EITHER" so we will all know where we stand. Let's just hope they don't decide to use the firehoses and dogs on us.​
All Are Welcome = Segregation!

That's an odd interpretation.

It is an interpretation of their behavior when they kick people out who have indicators of supporting Trump or anything else they disagree with.

Disagreeing with a leftard now is to 'commit hate', lol
All Are Welcome = Segregation!

That's an odd interpretation.

It is an interpretation of their behavior when they kick people out who have indicators of supporting Trump or anything else they disagree with.

Disagreeing with a leftard now is to 'commit hate', lol

I have seen no evidence that the store has kicked anyone out. All I see in the article is a picture of the sign and an interpretation of it in which it calls for segregation, not any actual segregation being applied. In fact, the only segregation that occurs in the article would be the author segregating himself from the store. ;)
Those signs are like the Nazis' pink triangles for the gays, black triangles for the lesbians and "anti-social", yellow stars for the Jews, and so on and so forth in preparation for the Holocaust.

Liberalism is just Nazism under another name, in case you didn't get it.

LGBT people never seem to have had problems finding "gay bars" or such places to congregate without the liberal white guilt signs.

I don't know if these respected women are black or white or what race they are, or if they are even "LGBT", but the fact that there is any such thing as a "race" of any sort or color of humans means that such respected women aren't having any problems making babies with men -- otherwise the aforementioned "race" or "races" of humans would not be propagating.

Liberals are Nazis. Gotta put a label on other people, "check" their straight white male privilege, and feel that rich white limousine liberal "guilt."

Love is hate. Everything they say, they mean the opposite, except when they mean the same.

Now we have All Are Welcome = Nazis. Yep, those oh-so-welcoming Nazis.
Are all conservatives this illiterate or is just the ones that are replying to the thread?
It's amusing to watch the illiterates on the Left assign illiteracy to the literate.
This is an awesome thread. These nutbags think they are not included in the "all". Talk about snowflakes.
It's amusing to watch the illiterates on the Left assign illiteracy to the literate.
Its funnier watching illiterate righties not understand the word "all"

It would be if that were the case.

The word "all" applies to the groups limited by the sign - women, black lives, lgbt community leaders, immigrants, refugees, people of all faiths - which are then further collectively defined as "our community". Its use is not universally inclusive in this case.

4th grade English apparently passed many people by.
It's amusing to watch the illiterates on the Left assign illiteracy to the literate.
Its funnier watching illiterate righties not understand the word "all"

It would be if that were the case.

The word "all" applies to the groups limited by the sign - women, black lives, lgbt community leaders, immigrants, refugees, people of all faiths - which are then further collectively defined as "our community". Its use is not universally inclusive in this case.

4th grade English apparently passed many people by.
You must be illiterate if you dont realize that covers everyone. What group do you belong to thats not listed? Are you not covered under "people of all faiths" or "our community"? Dont be such an illiterate snowflake.
It's amusing to watch the illiterates on the Left assign illiteracy to the literate.
Its funnier watching illiterate righties not understand the word "all"

It would be if that were the case.

The word "all" applies to the groups limited by the sign - women, black lives, lgbt community leaders, immigrants, refugees, people of all faiths - which are then further collectively defined as "our community". Its use is not universally inclusive in this case.

4th grade English apparently passed many people by.
You must be illiterate if you dont realize that covers everyone. What group do you belong to thats not listed? Are you not covered under "people of all faiths"?

Please. There must be remedial English classes in your neighborhood. Go be a child somewhere else.

And one need not be clairvoyant to foresee the welcome one would get walking into such an establishment wearing a Trump hat.

Not much of a group joiner, I'm afraid. Kinettacists relish individuality.
It's amusing to watch the illiterates on the Left assign illiteracy to the literate.
Its funnier watching illiterate righties not understand the word "all"

It would be if that were the case.

The word "all" applies to the groups limited by the sign - women, black lives, lgbt community leaders, immigrants, refugees, people of all faiths - which are then further collectively defined as "our community". Its use is not universally inclusive in this case.

4th grade English apparently passed many people by.
You must be illiterate if you dont realize that covers everyone. What group do you belong to thats not listed? Are you not covered under "people of all faiths"?

Please. There must be remedial English classes in your neighborhood. Go be a child somewhere else.

And one need not be clairvoyant to foresee the welcome one would get walking into such an establishment wearing a Trump hat.
I figured you were too retarded to figure it out. Well at least everyone can see how illiterate you are.

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