The new term for Teabaggers

What should teabaggers be called?

  • Tea baggers is humiliating enough ahhaha!

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • Tools

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Neo-twoofers

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Toolbaggers

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
Again I know your joking, I've voted for democrats, I've voted for don't get you panties in a wad and tell me what I am, sonny. I've been voting long before you were ever a gleem in your Daddy's eye.
You show me with some polling that the main reason McCain lost was because of Palin. Just because you can't stand her, isn't the reason why McCain lost. Like I said there are reasons and I've already mentioned them. Most Independents main reason for not voting for McCain wasn't because of Palin....please provide a source for your accusations.

Fox News disagrees.

[ame=]YouTube - Fox's O'Reilly: Sarah Palin unaware Africa was a continent[/ame]

The woman's a dumbass. Anyone who supports her needs to reexamine where they stand in life.

Dog, I don't support her, and never would. But, she is not the reason for the loss in 2008. A for that opinion piece....that's all it is. If the republicans who didn't come out and vote were polled, and the independents were polled, the main reasons wouldn't have been Sarah, that's what I'm saying. it was the economy, Bush and Bush's wars, and spending.
Dog, I don't support her, and never would. But, she is not the reason for the loss in 2008. A for that opinion piece....that's all it is. If the republicans who didn't come out and vote were polled, and the independents were polled, the main reasons wouldn't have been Sarah, that's what I'm saying. it was the economy, Bush and Bush's wars, and spending.

McCain didn't have the base strongly behind him before Palin. He did after. However, McCain also lost the independents after Palin which caused him to lose. McCain was going to lose with or without Palin, however, her being on the ticket was one of the main reasons along with McCain's lack of economic knowledge for the loss.

If McCain had picked someone like Romney or even Huckabee, he would of had a better chance in winning.
Read this and this is what I mean....Coulter is polarizing....even to the conservative base.
Palin wasn't polarizing to the conservative was the smear machine that made her polarizing to the left.

On THIS you are right Palin was NOT polarizing to the Republican BASE she was polarizing to EVERYONE ELSE!!! LMFAO!

Stay in school, you really do need it, Cold. Your a joke, dude. IT WASN"T PALIN!!! :lol:

Oh and I just HAPPEN to be a Poli-Sci major so I know more about politics than you EVER will even if you live to be a HUNDRED YEARS OLD!
dog, i don't support her, and never would. But, she is not the reason for the loss in 2008. A for that opinion piece....that's all it is. If the republicans who didn't come out and vote were polled, and the independents were polled, the main reasons wouldn't have been sarah, that's what i'm saying. It was the economy, bush and bush's wars, and spending.

mccain didn't have the base strongly behind him before palin. He did after. However, mccain also lost the independents after palin which caused him to lose. Mccain was going to lose with or without palin, however, her being on the ticket was one of the main reasons along with mccain's lack of economic knowledge for the loss.

If mccain had picked someone like romney or even huckabee, he would of had a better chance in winning.

absolutely correct!!
Again I know your joking, I've voted for democrats, I've voted for don't get you panties in a wad and tell me what I am, sonny. I've been voting long before you were ever a gleem in your Daddy's eye.
You show me with some polling that the main reason McCain lost was because of Palin. Just because you can't stand her, isn't the reason why McCain lost. Like I said there are reasons and I've already mentioned them. Most Independents main reason for not voting for McCain wasn't because of Palin....please provide a source for your accusations.

Fox News disagrees.

[ame=]YouTube - Fox's O'Reilly: Sarah Palin unaware Africa was a continent[/ame]

The woman's a dumbass. Anyone who supports her needs to reexamine where they stand in life.
since when is fox news trustworthy, and the same could be said of obama supporters.
dog, i don't support her, and never would. But, she is not the reason for the loss in 2008. A for that opinion piece....that's all it is. If the republicans who didn't come out and vote were polled, and the independents were polled, the main reasons wouldn't have been sarah, that's what i'm saying. It was the economy, bush and bush's wars, and spending.

mccain didn't have the base strongly behind him before palin. He did after. However, mccain also lost the independents after palin which caused him to lose. Mccain was going to lose with or without palin, however, her being on the ticket was one of the main reasons along with mccain's lack of economic knowledge for the loss.

If mccain had picked someone like romney or even huckabee, he would of had a better chance in winning.

absolutely correct!!

So you agree with Dogbert's OPINION? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
since when is fox news trustworthy, and the same could be said of obama supporters.

I just find it ironic considering she works there now. There is countless sources that say that everything said in that story was true. It's never been refuted.

Palin is a dumbass, and I find it scary now more than ever that she was so close to the White House. There is a large chance she would of been President at some point.

Hell, she just recently said Obama needs to invade Iran. :cuckoo:
Again I know your joking, I've voted for democrats, I've voted for don't get you panties in a wad and tell me what I am, sonny. I've been voting long before you were ever a gleem in your Daddy's eye.
You show me with some polling that the main reason McCain lost was because of Palin. Just because you can't stand her, isn't the reason why McCain lost. Like I said there are reasons and I've already mentioned them. Most Independents main reason for not voting for McCain wasn't because of Palin....please provide a source for your accusations.

Fox News disagrees.

[ame=]YouTube - Fox's O'Reilly: Sarah Palin unaware Africa was a continent[/ame]

The woman's a dumbass. Anyone who supports her needs to reexamine where they stand in life.
since when is fox news trustworthy, and the same could be said of obama supporters.

When they are reporting on their OWN party! Don't you think it is in their BEST INTEREST to understand WHY they lost the election by the LARGEST margine of any Presdiential election since Reagan?
On THIS you are right Palin was NOT polarizing to the Republican BASE she was polarizing to EVERYONE ELSE!!! LMFAO!

Stay in school, you really do need it, Cold. Your a joke, dude. IT WASN"T PALIN!!! :lol:

Oh and I just HAPPEN to be a Poli-Sci major so I know more about politics than you EVER will even if you live to be a HUNDRED YEARS OLD!

Who cares about your poli sci major, you still can't prove what you have stated, cold. You stating you opinion, and that's it, because you can't produce anything else. What a goof ball, your a poli sci major and you can't provide a link to back up what you state. This is laughable, and I'm supposed to be impressed?
Stay in school, you really do need it, Cold. Your a joke, dude. IT WASN"T PALIN!!! :lol:

Oh and I just HAPPEN to be a Poli-Sci major so I know more about politics than you EVER will even if you live to be a HUNDRED YEARS OLD!

Who cares about your poli sci major, you still can't prove what you have stated, cold. You stating you opinion, and that's it, because you can't produce anything else. What a goof ball, your a poli sci major and you can't provide a link to back up what you state. This is laughable, and I'm supposed to be impressed?
no, no, cold is the authority. and some day cold will have a piece of paper that says so.
mccain didn't have the base strongly behind him before palin. He did after. However, mccain also lost the independents after palin which caused him to lose. Mccain was going to lose with or without palin, however, her being on the ticket was one of the main reasons along with mccain's lack of economic knowledge for the loss.

If mccain had picked someone like romney or even huckabee, he would of had a better chance in winning.

absolutely correct!!

So you agree with Dogbert's OPINION? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

In THIS instance YES because his analysis is SPOT ON!
Oh and I just HAPPEN to be a Poli-Sci major so I know more about politics than you EVER will even if you live to be a HUNDRED YEARS OLD!

Who cares about your poli sci major, you still can't prove what you have stated, cold. You stating you opinion, and that's it, because you can't produce anything else. What a goof ball, your a poli sci major and you can't provide a link to back up what you state. This is laughable, and I'm supposed to be impressed?
no, no, cold is the authority. and some day cold will have a piece of paper that says so.

I know a LOT more about politics than YOU do that is for sure!
Oh and I just HAPPEN to be a Poli-Sci major so I know more about politics than you EVER will even if you live to be a HUNDRED YEARS OLD!

Who cares about your poli sci major, you still can't prove what you have stated, cold. You stating you opinion, and that's it, because you can't produce anything else. What a goof ball, your a poli sci major and you can't provide a link to back up what you state. This is laughable, and I'm supposed to be impressed?
no, no, cold is the authority. and some day cold will have a piece of paper that says so.

yep, scary huh?
Who cares about your poli sci major, you still can't prove what you have stated, cold. You stating you opinion, and that's it, because you can't produce anything else. What a goof ball, your a poli sci major and you can't provide a link to back up what you state. This is laughable, and I'm supposed to be impressed?
no, no, cold is the authority. and some day cold will have a piece of paper that says so.

I know a LOT more about politics than YOU do that is for sure!

Stay in school, you really do need it, Cold. Your a joke, dude. IT WASN"T PALIN!!! :lol:

Oh and I just HAPPEN to be a Poli-Sci major so I know more about politics than you EVER will even if you live to be a HUNDRED YEARS OLD!

Who cares about your poli sci major, you still can't prove what you have stated, cold. You stating you opinion, and that's it, because you can't produce anything else. What a goof ball, your a poli sci major and you can't provide a link to back up what you state. This is laughable, and I'm supposed to be impressed?

I have an EDUCATED opinion which is more than YOU can say. Oh and by the way where have YOU ONCE posted ANYTHING other than YOUR UNeducated opinion?

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