The new term for Teabaggers

What should teabaggers be called?

  • Tea baggers is humiliating enough ahhaha!

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • Tools

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • Neo-twoofers

    Votes: 2 9.5%
  • Toolbaggers

    Votes: 2 9.5%

  • Total voters
LOL, remember the lefties screams and foot stomping if you called the anti-war protesters, UnAmercian.

yet they have no problems calling Tea Party people a degrading sexual name.

oh the two faces of a Liberal.:lol:

Sorry Steph..

No sympathy for the Tea Baggers..

They picked one of the most pathetic names for a political movement since the Know-Nothings

They were the ones who initially called themselves Tea Baggers. They picked the gay sounding "Tea Party" name. They run around with tea bags hanging from their bodies. Then they whine that people laugh at them?

Why should we reward stupidity?

Apparently you are a dumbass who didn't even pass 6th grade American History.

The name "Tea Party" came from a great AMERICAN historical event.


Wherein, "We, The People" (at the time) protested UNFAIR TAXATION of their tea by the English crown. It was one of the ORIGINAL grass-roots protests against government by regular, hard working Americans.

Look it up. Google it. "The Boston Tea Party".

Read and learn, grasshopper. Read and learn.

You DARE to invoke AMERICAN history when reffering to the "Tea Party" movment!!!??? The ORIGINAL Boston Tea Party has NOTHING to do with the TEA BAGGER DOUCHEBAGS!!! The BTP was NOT an ASTROTURF movment planned for MONTHS in advance it was a SPONTANEOUS PROTEST about TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!!! We HAVE representation in case you didn't know and that representation has REDUCED taxes for 95% of American and I would be willing to bet the VAST majority of Tea Partiers yet they are PROTESTING TAXES!!!??? What a bunch of FOOLS!!!
And Palin ISN'T??????:eek:

Look.....Coulter has always been polarizing, no?
Palin only became polarizing when the smear machine from the left landed on her.

REALLY? So, attending a church where the preacher thought they could change gays, is not considered polarizing?

Is that what your going to hang your hat on with the smear machine? There were a lot more lies about her than truths about her.
I don't agree with her going to the church, but, I didn't agree with barry going to his church either. I sure didn't ridecule him over it as some did.
With me, there isn't a perfect politician. I have to choose the one with the closest beliefs that I do. I personally wouldn't vote for Palin, but not for the same reasons as others, I'm sure.
Look.....Coulter has always been polarizing, no?
Palin only became polarizing when the smear machine from the left landed on her.

REALLY? So, attending a church where the preacher thought they could change gays, is not considered polarizing?

Is that what your going to hang your hat on with the smear machine? There were a lot more lies about her than truths about her.
I don't agree with her going to the church, but, I didn't agree with barry going to his church either. I sure didn't ridecule him over it as some did.
With me, there isn't a perfect politician. I have to choose the one with the closest beliefs that I do. I personally wouldn't vote for Palin, but not for the same reasons as others, I'm sure.

You and I agree on almost this whole paragraph. However to claim that Palin or her policies were not polarizing, before the media reported them, seems rather partisan in my humble opinion.
REALLY? So, attending a church where the preacher thought they could change gays, is not considered polarizing?

Is that what your going to hang your hat on with the smear machine? There were a lot more lies about her than truths about her.
I don't agree with her going to the church, but, I didn't agree with barry going to his church either. I sure didn't ridecule him over it as some did.
With me, there isn't a perfect politician. I have to choose the one with the closest beliefs that I do. I personally wouldn't vote for Palin, but not for the same reasons as others, I'm sure.

You and I agree on almost this whole paragraph. However to claim that Palin or her policies were not polarizing, before the media reported them, seems rather partisan in my humble opinion.

Read this and this is what I mean....Coulter is polarizing....even to the conservative base.
Palin wasn't polarizing to the conservative was the smear machine that made her polarizing to the left.
And Palin ISN'T??????:eek:

Look.....Coulter has always been polarizing, no?
Palin only became polarizing when the smear machine from the left landed on her.

Are you KIDDING me!!!??? Palin's entire political stance is POLARIZING!! The left didn't MAKE her policies they REVEALED them for EVERYONE to see and THAT is why McCain lost!

McCain would have had far fewer votes if it wasn't for Sarah. You really don't know what your talking about.
Is that what your going to hang your hat on with the smear machine? There were a lot more lies about her than truths about her.
I don't agree with her going to the church, but, I didn't agree with barry going to his church either. I sure didn't ridecule him over it as some did.
With me, there isn't a perfect politician. I have to choose the one with the closest beliefs that I do. I personally wouldn't vote for Palin, but not for the same reasons as others, I'm sure.

You and I agree on almost this whole paragraph. However to claim that Palin or her policies were not polarizing, before the media reported them, seems rather partisan in my humble opinion.

Read this and this is what I mean....Coulter is polarizing....even to the conservative base.
Palin wasn't polarizing to the conservative was the smear machine that made her polarizing to the left.

Fuck the right and the left. It was us Independents who found the Palin pick ludicrous. Polarizing or not. Hang your hat on THAT.
I can't speak for other states, but I am guessing that about 25 to 30% of those attending our Tea Parties here were registered Repubicans. There will probably be a lot more by November though if Democrats continue to try to squelch the Tea Party movement with schoolyard taunts and juvenile insults. But hey, whatever floats your boat.

The numbers disagree with you greatly.

They do? Please post the numbers reflecting party affiliation at our local Tea Parties. I was unaware that any such numbers existed, but then you are no doubt in a much better position to know about stuff like that than I am. After all, I was only there.

Yet YOU post #s that are OBVIOUSLY pulled out of YOUR ASS!!! LMFAO!!!
Look.....Coulter has always been polarizing, no?
Palin only became polarizing when the smear machine from the left landed on her.

Are you KIDDING me!!!??? Palin's entire political stance is POLARIZING!! The left didn't MAKE her policies they REVEALED them for EVERYONE to see and THAT is why McCain lost!

McCain would have had far fewer votes if it wasn't for Sarah. You really don't know what your talking about.

REALLY you think MODERATES and INDEPENDANTS rushed out to vote for that LUNATIC!!!??? ALL she did was motivate the most EXTREME of the right wing NOTHING more.
You and I agree on almost this whole paragraph. However to claim that Palin or her policies were not polarizing, before the media reported them, seems rather partisan in my humble opinion.

Read this and this is what I mean....Coulter is polarizing....even to the conservative base.
Palin wasn't polarizing to the conservative was the smear machine that made her polarizing to the left.

Fuck the right and the left. It was us Independents who found the Palin pick ludicrous. Polarizing or not. Hang your hat on THAT.

Indendents were driven away from the right for numerous reasons. The main reasons were the economy, the war, and Bush's spending. Palin was not that big of an issue.
It may have been one for you, but not most independents....and if you can find one poll where the # 1 reason for independents was me.....but I'm an indpendent and it didn't enter into the equation with me.

Hang your hat on that.
LOL, remember the lefties screams and foot stomping if you called the anti-war protesters, UnAmercian.

yet they have no problems calling Tea Party people a degrading sexual name.

oh the two faces of a Liberal.:lol:

I don't know about you but I would rather be called a Tea Bagger than UNAMERICAN so FUCK you and your OUTRAGE, they DESERVE the name that they got!!
Are you KIDDING me!!!??? Palin's entire political stance is POLARIZING!! The left didn't MAKE her policies they REVEALED them for EVERYONE to see and THAT is why McCain lost!

McCain would have had far fewer votes if it wasn't for Sarah. You really don't know what your talking about.

REALLY you think MODERATES and INDEPENDANTS rushed out to vote for that LUNATIC!!!??? ALL she did was motivate the most EXTREME of the right wing NOTHING more.

Your joking right?
You are really showing what a left leaning bias you have, Cold.
It wasn't about her. This last election was about Bush and the economy. Hell, I dog catcher could have ran and beat any republican in 2008.

Dude, you really do need a chill pill, don't get so emotional's only a message board.
Read this and this is what I mean....Coulter is polarizing....even to the conservative base.
Palin wasn't polarizing to the conservative was the smear machine that made her polarizing to the left.

Fuck the right and the left. It was us Independents who found the Palin pick ludicrous. Polarizing or not. Hang your hat on THAT.

Indendents were driven away from the right for numerous reasons. The main reasons were the economy, the war, and Bush's spending. Palin was not that big of an issue.
It may have been one for you, but not most independents....and if you can find one poll where the # 1 reason for independents was me.....but I'm an indpendent and it didn't enter into the equation with me.

Hang your hat on that.

Do you REALLY believe the shit that you post? There was NEVER any way that Indis were going to vote for Palin! So I guess because YOU are Independent (which you CLEARLY are NOT) that means that YOU speak for ALL Independents? I am an Independent and I can tell you that Palin's political positions made it CLEAR that there was NO CHOICE about who to vote for. Oh and by the way I WOULD have voted for McCain in 2000 if the Rovian "SMEAR MACHINE" hadn't crucified him and won Bush the nomination!!!
Is that what your going to hang your hat on with the smear machine? There were a lot more lies about her than truths about her.
I don't agree with her going to the church, but, I didn't agree with barry going to his church either. I sure didn't ridecule him over it as some did.
With me, there isn't a perfect politician. I have to choose the one with the closest beliefs that I do. I personally wouldn't vote for Palin, but not for the same reasons as others, I'm sure.

You and I agree on almost this whole paragraph. However to claim that Palin or her policies were not polarizing, before the media reported them, seems rather partisan in my humble opinion.

Read this and this is what I mean....Coulter is polarizing....even to the conservative base.
Palin wasn't polarizing to the conservative was the smear machine that made her polarizing to the left.

On THIS you are right Palin was NOT polarizing to the Republican BASE she was polarizing to EVERYONE ELSE!!! LMFAO!
Fuck the right and the left. It was us Independents who found the Palin pick ludicrous. Polarizing or not. Hang your hat on THAT.

Indendents were driven away from the right for numerous reasons. The main reasons were the economy, the war, and Bush's spending. Palin was not that big of an issue.
It may have been one for you, but not most independents....and if you can find one poll where the # 1 reason for independents was me.....but I'm an indpendent and it didn't enter into the equation with me.

Hang your hat on that.

Do you REALLY believe the shit that you post? There was NEVER any way that Indis were going to vote for Palin! So I guess because YOU are Independent (which you CLEARLY are NOT) that means that YOU speak for ALL Independents? I am an Independent and I can tell you that Palin's political positions made it CLEAR that there was NO CHOICE about who to vote for. Oh and by the way I WOULD have voted for McCain in 2000 if the Rovian "SMEAR MACHINE" hadn't crucified him and won Bush the nomination!!!

Again I know your joking, I've voted for democrats, I've voted for don't get you panties in a wad and tell me what I am, sonny. I've been voting long before you were ever a gleem in your Daddy's eye.
You show me with some polling that the main reason McCain lost was because of Palin. Just because you can't stand her, isn't the reason why McCain lost. Like I said there are reasons and I've already mentioned them. Most Independents main reason for not voting for McCain wasn't because of Palin....please provide a source for your accusations.
You and I agree on almost this whole paragraph. However to claim that Palin or her policies were not polarizing, before the media reported them, seems rather partisan in my humble opinion.

Read this and this is what I mean....Coulter is polarizing....even to the conservative base.
Palin wasn't polarizing to the conservative was the smear machine that made her polarizing to the left.

On THIS you are right Palin was NOT polarizing to the Republican BASE she was polarizing to EVERYONE ELSE!!! LMFAO!

Stay in school, you really do need it, Cold. Your a joke, dude. IT WASN"T PALIN!!! :lol:
Again I know your joking, I've voted for democrats, I've voted for don't get you panties in a wad and tell me what I am, sonny. I've been voting long before you were ever a gleem in your Daddy's eye.
You show me with some polling that the main reason McCain lost was because of Palin. Just because you can't stand her, isn't the reason why McCain lost. Like I said there are reasons and I've already mentioned them. Most Independents main reason for not voting for McCain wasn't because of Palin....please provide a source for your accusations.

Fox News disagrees.

[ame=]YouTube - Fox's O'Reilly: Sarah Palin unaware Africa was a continent[/ame]

The woman's a dumbass. Anyone who supports her needs to reexamine where they stand in life.

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