The New York City public school system honors a murderous fugitive


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2019
The political left continues its assault on the rule of law as it rapes the minds of children. . . .

February 12, 2021
The New York City public school system honors JoAnne Chesimard
By John Mastronardi


Ultimately, Chesimard and Squire were convicted of the attempted murder of Harper and the murder of Forester. In 1979, Chesimard escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility for Women when members from various domestic terror groups held two guards hostage during an armed assault of the prison.​
Chesimard eventually made her way to Cuba, where Fidel Castro granted her asylum. She remains today as an honored guest of the Communist regime under the alias, “Assata Shakur.” (One of those who honors her is Rep. Maxine Waters.) This is just but a small taste of some of the life’s work of JoAnne Chesimard, the woman whom BLM now lionizes and New York City’s school system deems worthy of being an inspiration for its students. Sadly, on both accounts, it is not surprising.​
As a side note. In 2016, when former President Obama announced plans to travel to Cuba to make nice with Fidel Castro, politicians from both parties, as well as every level of law enforcement urged him to use the opportunity to secure Chesimard’s extradition to New Jersey to finish her sentence for the murder of Trooper Foerster. Obama refused.​

They need a lot of hired killers on the payroll; they can't count on their dope addled white Burb Brats and assorted sexual deviants to do the job they need doing with any gusto or enthusiasm. They cultivate hood rat thugs and gangbangers, their replacements for police leaving the jobs in droves due to Democrat agendas. The FBI and CIA are already fully infiltrated, now the local and state agencies remain to be rendered passive and inoffensive. That's the reason they were so outraged over a thug like George Floyd offing himself; they need as many sub human thugs like Floyd they can get, and South America and AFrica are full of them. I've said many times, for some reason, they LOVE criminals

Mass release of criminals damages our American Civilization. That is why they do it and is also the reason for everything else they do. They want to and are bringing down America around our heads. I've said many times, for some reason, they LOVE criminals

Mass release of criminals damages our American Civilization. That is why they do it and is also the reason for everything else they do. They want to and are bringing down America around our heads.

They think they're going to get free dope and kiddie porn, and all the Skittles they can eat.
You gotta be kidding me. Chesimard was convicted of murdering a N.J. Trooper and escaped custody to hijack a plane to Cuba. Interesting to note that former, former president Barry Hussein could have called for Cuba to turn over a convicted murderer to the U.S. when he opened relations but he failed to do so.
You gotta be kidding me. Chesimard was convicted of murdering a N.J. Trooper and escaped custody to hijack a plane to Cuba. Interesting to note that former, former president Barry Hussein could have called for Cuba to turn over a convicted murderer to the U.S. when he opened relations but he failed to do so.

Barry hates America. I've said many times, for some reason, they LOVE criminals

Mass release of criminals damages our American Civilization. That is why they do it and is also the reason for everything else they do. They want to and are bringing down America around our heads.
..yes, the blacks have said that many times.......the Obamas hate America--I've linked that many times ..they hate America[ and whites/cops/ ] --plain and simple
I assume that President Obama felt that it would not be politic to demand the return to the States of that lady.

Activists would have called him an Uncle Tom if he had.

That the city schools of the Big Apple would use her as a role model shows why many parents are willing to make sacrifices in order to send their children to private school.

This country is being run by people of the lowest possible character.

Yet some idealistic people actually think that the United States has a bright future!
Democrats never meet a criminal or commie they wouldn't idolize and admire. ... :cuckoo:

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