The NEWEST Official Discussion Thread for the creation of Israel, the UN and the British Mandate

World-renowned American soil scientist: Jews made the desert bloom…


New York Times, 1953: “Israeli Land Plan Called A Model” “US soil conservation expert Professor Walter Lowdermilk Says Redemption Program Is Pilot Project For 1,500,000,000 Persons”

“The land redemption work being carried out in Israel is making the country a pilot area for 1,500,000,000 persons living in a subsistence agrarian economy, Prof. Walter Lowdermilk said today.

The United States soil conservation expert expressed the view that in producing little more food than the world populace needed nations were “bedding the ground of social unrest and trouble all over the world.”

“Professor Lowdermilk, a representative of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, assisted in the inventory of all the land in Israel north of a line twenty miles south of Beersheba. He has been here two and one-half years.”

“Because of Israel’s necessity to restore land misused for centuries and because the people have been intelligent enough to recognize that necessity and willing to work, the country has been a pilot area for 1,500,000,000 persons, the professor declared.”


WCRC: Foucs: Palestine - 6. Is Israel A Settler Colonial State?​

Renowned Arab scholar Fouad Ajami, National Endowment for the Humanities Medalist: “Considered one of the most influential Arab-American intellectuals of his generation” President Bush Awards the 2006 National Humanities Medals

”On a barren land Zionists built a durable state. Under a long siege it maintained a deep, abiding democratic ethos. Arabs could have learned from this experiment but they drew back in horror. The Arab militaries and demagogues claimed they would win the war lost by the old order. They would fare no better.”


75 years ago: Arab leaders considered Palestinian refugees in 1948 to be "fifth columnists"

During the War of Independence in 1948, on a few occasions the Palestine Post could not publish the newspaper properly. The editors nearly always managed to get something out, even if it was typewritten.

That is what happened on June 7, 1948.

But one of the stories includes an important quote that I have not seen elsewhere, possibly because of the newspaper looking the way it did.


The Arab radio stations are broadcasting appeals to Arab refugees from Palestine to return to their homes. The Arab authorities are offering financial support to those who come back, while men of military age are promised exemption from duty.

In Cairo, Azzam Pasha [secretary general of the Arab League - EoZ] has stated that the refugees constituted a fifth column in the Arab states, where they are spreading despondency and alarm.

The closest I could find was a second hand quote from Aharon Cohen, in his book "Israel and the Arab World" (1964), where he says that Arab leaders were very critical of "fifth columnists and rumormongers" behind the flight from Israel.

The juxtaposition of the two reports in the newspaper shows the contempt that the Arabs leaders had for Palestinian Arabs and how much they wanted to rid their countries of them.

Which is still true today.

The only difference is that soon after 1948, the Arab leaders came up with a better sounding plan. They still wanted to get rid of the refugees whom they considered cowardly and a threat to their own stability - but they started couching their desire to rid themselves of them as being "pro-Palestinian" because they supported "return" and avoided naturalization - ostensibly for the Palestinians' own good.


75 years ago: Arab leaders considered Palestinian refugees in 1948 to be "fifth columnists"

During the War of Independence in 1948, on a few occasions the Palestine Post could not publish the newspaper properly. The editors nearly always managed to get something out, even if it was typewritten.

That is what happened on June 7, 1948.

But one of the stories includes an important quote that I have not seen elsewhere, possibly because of the newspaper looking the way it did.

The closest I could find was a second hand quote from Aharon Cohen, in his book "Israel and the Arab World" (1964), where he says that Arab leaders were very critical of "fifth columnists and rumormongers" behind the flight from Israel.

The juxtaposition of the two reports in the newspaper shows the contempt that the Arabs leaders had for Palestinian Arabs and how much they wanted to rid their countries of them.

Which is still true today.

The only difference is that soon after 1948, the Arab leaders came up with a better sounding plan. They still wanted to get rid of the refugees whom they considered cowardly and a threat to their own stability - but they started couching their desire to rid themselves of them as being "pro-Palestinian" because they supported "return" and avoided naturalization - ostensibly for the Palestinians' own good.

As legendary Middle East historian Bernard Lewis notes in his memoir, Egyptians, Syrians, and Jordanians didn’t create a Palestinian state for their Arab and Muslim brethren…

They did not need to Palestine was already a state.

You’re mentally ill. I get it.

Palestine was merely the nickname for the British Mandate, which ended as Israel became a state in 1948, as you’ve been repeatedly informed…


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