The news is out Trump Campaign obstructed

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Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Oh Lordy!
The lord won't help you meat......It is what it is

And, what it is, is nothing. Just like the other 10,000 times they've said, "we've got him NOW!"
How exactly is it nothing, when both parties concluded Trump obstructed the investigation?

They'll sort it out then, won't they?

They'll conduct their investigation and, discover what isn't there, just like every other time they've had him, dead to rights.
Abbey They got Manafort, Trumps campaign manager with many meetings with Top Russians Even knew what info about polling that was passed on You support a den of thieves

Is it at all weird to you that the crimes Manafort was charged with were long past and uncared about by law enforcement until he spent 5 month with the Trump campaign.
And during the campaign he colluded with the Russians to give them polling data.
Since when is polling data top secret?

When they think that it hurts President Trump
Especially when it goes against campaign finance laws. This is the true definition of a conspiracy to collude. It's called cheating, it's criminal, and Trump can be indicted himself.

If he had, he would have been you loon. OTOH, the shrilary, YOUR hero DID conspire, and collude with a foreign country, but you don't give a shit because you are a hyper partisan whore.
Negative! You are so ignorant you haven't a clue which way is up. The OLC opinion states he cannot be prosecuted until he leaves office.

No, dumbass, the Mueller farce couldn't even INVENT a crime you ridiculous pootin putz.
And you're too ignorant and misinformed to understand what Mueller was saying at the hearing. It's on video for all to see. You are too locked in willful ignorance and stupidity to want the truth. But ha, stay tuned ignoramuses, law enforcement has a case.

No, I understand English, an AM an officer of the Court. What is clear is you are a russian stooge.
"Keep dreaming. If Trump gets arrested the revolution will begin."

It's already really clear that we have a two-tier justice system, one for Democrats and one for Republicans.
If one is a Democrat, one can get away with just about anything, if they point to the other party.

Just like having one set of laws for white people and one set for black people needed addressed
This disparity needs to be addressed - or it will end badly.

Yup. The swamp is fighting for its existence using every corrupt method it has. That will leave one final option.
What corrupt method would that be? Let me guess, the rule of law right? That's the only thing corrupt to a Trump supporter. This is so pathetic.

Laws applied only to political opponents is abuse of power.

You should look it up.

Eventually the people figure out that they are only fodder for the corrupt and strike back.
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
Oh Lordy!
The lord won't help you meat......It is what it is

And, what it is, is nothing. Just like the other 10,000 times they've said, "we've got him NOW!"
How exactly is it nothing, when both parties concluded Trump obstructed the investigation?

They'll sort it out then, won't they?

They'll conduct their investigation and, discover what isn't there, just like every other time they've had him, dead to rights.
Abbey They got Manafort, Trumps campaign manager with many meetings with Top Russians Even knew what info about polling that was passed on You support a den of thieves

Is it at all weird to you that the crimes Manafort was charged with were long past and uncared about by law enforcement until he spent 5 month with the Trump campaign.
And during the campaign he colluded with the Russians to give them polling data.
Since when is polling data top secret?

When they think that it hurts President Trump
Especially when it goes against campaign finance laws. This is the true definition of a conspiracy to collude. It's called cheating, it's criminal, and Trump can be indicted himself.

If he had, he would have been you loon. OTOH, the shrilary, YOUR hero DID conspire, and collude with a foreign country, but you don't give a shit because you are a hyper partisan whore.
Negative! You are so ignorant you haven't a clue which way is up. The OLC opinion states he cannot be prosecuted until he leaves office.

No, dumbass, the Mueller farce couldn't even INVENT a crime you ridiculous pootin putz.
And you're too ignorant and misinformed to understand what Mueller was saying at the hearing. It's on video for all to see. You are too locked in willful ignorance and stupidity to want the truth. But ha, stay tuned ignoramuses, law enforcement has a case.

No, I understand English, an AM an officer of the Court. What is clear is you are a russian stooge.
You must have flunked "officer of the court" school, because you are ignorant as shit. You haven't provided one documented word supporting any of your points. You're a born loser.
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Neither does Trump. With six bankruptcies, and turning to foreign countries to finance his projects, he decided to ride the coat tail of the Obama recovery package. No harm, but no advancement either. Wages are still flat, and GDP is down the toilet. Next?

Trump has never declared bankruptcy. You lied ... again ...

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Why the discrepancy? Perhaps this will give us an idea: Trump told Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three bankruptcies as just one.
Show me where I am lying?

Ummm, Trump wrote a book about that you know. Called "The Art of the Comeback". You should read it. Won't make you look like such an idiot.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: At his age, with his criminal liability, don't count on it. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What criminal liability. You assholes had THREE years, and tens of millions of dollars, and the corrupt pricks "investigating" him couldn't even extort a crime that he has committed. You russian stooges will believe anything your DNC shoves up your ass.

And, he wrote that book DECADES ago, you flipping moron.
When Trump leaves office he will be indicted for the same crime Michael Cohen was convicted of. He will quite likely be indicted for obstruction of justice by way of the Mueller report. He is also probably going to go down for tax fraud, bank fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering as well.

Cohen was not convicted of Campaign Finance crime(s)
The Mueller report (and later Mueller himself) cleared the Preside of Obstruction.
The rest is simply non fact based hyperbole.
That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) ... Do you have a clue as to what that indictment is saying? Let me help you out. It's saying exactly the opposite of what you are saying. Get a fucking clue.

My eyes might be bad

Highlight the word "convicted".
  • Funny
Reactions: kaz
"Keep dreaming. If Trump gets arrested the revolution will begin."

It's already really clear that we have a two-tier justice system, one for Democrats and one for Republicans.
If one is a Democrat, one can get away with just about anything, if they point to the other party.

Just like having one set of laws for white people and one set for black people needed addressed
This disparity needs to be address - or it will end badly.
You aren't addressing anything but your own pathetic rant with nothing to back it up with. You goons get caught lying and covering for criminals, so let's fix things by having a revolution, because we got our asses fried over the facts. Pitiful lot you all are.

Poor baby berg.
"Keep dreaming. If Trump gets arrested the revolution will begin."

It's already really clear that we have a two-tier justice system, one for Democrats and one for Republicans.
If one is a Democrat, one can get away with just about anything, if they point to the other party.

Just like having one set of laws for white people and one set for black people needed addressed
This disparity needs to be addressed - or it will end badly.

Yup. The swamp is fighting for its existence using every corrupt method it has. That will leave one final option.
What corrupt method would that be? Let me guess, the rule of law right? That's the only thing corrupt to a Trump supporter. This is so pathetic.

Laws applied only to political opponents is abuse of power.

You should look it up.

Eventually the people figure out that they are only fodder for the corrupt and strike back.
I have. Most people in prison are not political opponents. Laws applied to political opponents who abuse their power is called abuse of power. Look it up.
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Neither does Trump. With six bankruptcies, and turning to foreign countries to finance his projects, he decided to ride the coat tail of the Obama recovery package. No harm, but no advancement either. Wages are still flat, and GDP is down the toilet. Next?

Trump has never declared bankruptcy. You lied ... again ...

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Why the discrepancy? Perhaps this will give us an idea: Trump told Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three bankruptcies as just one.
Show me where I am lying?

Ummm, Trump wrote a book about that you know. Called "The Art of the Comeback". You should read it. Won't make you look like such an idiot.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: At his age, with his criminal liability, don't count on it. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What criminal liability. You assholes had THREE years, and tens of millions of dollars, and the corrupt pricks "investigating" him couldn't even extort a crime that he has committed. You russian stooges will believe anything your DNC shoves up your ass.

And, he wrote that book DECADES ago, you flipping moron.
When Trump leaves office he will be indicted for the same crime Michael Cohen was convicted of. He will quite likely be indicted for obstruction of justice by way of the Mueller report. He is also probably going to go down for tax fraud, bank fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering as well.

Cohen was not convicted of Campaign Finance crime(s)
The Mueller report (and later Mueller himself) cleared the Preside of Obstruction.
The rest is simply non fact based hyperbole.
That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) ... Do you have a clue as to what that indictment is saying? Let me help you out. It's saying exactly the opposite of what you are saying. Get a fucking clue.

My eyes might be bad

Highlight the word "convicted".
He's in jail isn't he?
"Keep dreaming. If Trump gets arrested the revolution will begin."

It's already really clear that we have a two-tier justice system, one for Democrats and one for Republicans.
If one is a Democrat, one can get away with just about anything, if they point to the other party.

Just like having one set of laws for white people and one set for black people needed addressed
This disparity needs to be address - or it will end badly.
You aren't addressing anything but your own pathetic rant with nothing to back it up with. You goons get caught lying and covering for criminals, so let's fix things by having a revolution, because we got our asses fried over the facts. Pitiful lot you all are.

Poor baby berg.
You are exposing your losing arguments. Not that you actually have any legitimate arguments. Lol!
Look at these cowards run. They cannot debunk one thing that has been claimed with any documentation. Stooges for Trump. What a bunch of pathetic losers.

You haven't stated a single thing other than opinion you ridiculous twat.

I think that he probably is so used to simply accepting that Maddow guys opinions as facts that he doesn't understand the difference -
There has to be some rationale for this type of behavior.
"Keep dreaming. If Trump gets arrested the revolution will begin."

It's already really clear that we have a two-tier justice system, one for Democrats and one for Republicans.
If one is a Democrat, one can get away with just about anything, if they point to the other party.

Just like having one set of laws for white people and one set for black people needed addressed
This disparity needs to be addressed - or it will end badly.

Yup. The swamp is fighting for its existence using every corrupt method it has. That will leave one final option.
I don't get it Westy ,,You're a relatively smart guy here compared to some of your other friends WHY do you not think with all the scum working for Trump , the swamp is the WH? All those ex republican politicians who know 4 more for Trump would be a disaster are stupid anti American?
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Neither does Trump. With six bankruptcies, and turning to foreign countries to finance his projects, he decided to ride the coat tail of the Obama recovery package. No harm, but no advancement either. Wages are still flat, and GDP is down the toilet. Next?

Trump has never declared bankruptcy. You lied ... again ...

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Why the discrepancy? Perhaps this will give us an idea: Trump told Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three bankruptcies as just one.
Show me where I am lying?

Ummm, Trump wrote a book about that you know. Called "The Art of the Comeback". You should read it. Won't make you look like such an idiot.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: At his age, with his criminal liability, don't count on it. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What criminal liability. You assholes had THREE years, and tens of millions of dollars, and the corrupt pricks "investigating" him couldn't even extort a crime that he has committed. You russian stooges will believe anything your DNC shoves up your ass.

And, he wrote that book DECADES ago, you flipping moron.
When Trump leaves office he will be indicted for the same crime Michael Cohen was convicted of. He will quite likely be indicted for obstruction of justice by way of the Mueller report. He is also probably going to go down for tax fraud, bank fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering as well.

Cohen was not convicted of Campaign Finance crime(s)
The Mueller report (and later Mueller himself) cleared the Preside of Obstruction.
The rest is simply non fact based hyperbole.
That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) ... Do you have a clue as to what that indictment is saying? Let me help you out. It's saying exactly the opposite of what you are saying. Get a fucking clue.

My eyes might be bad

Highlight the word "convicted".
He's in jail isn't he?

I believe that he's out, actually

So, not convicted?
"Keep dreaming. If Trump gets arrested the revolution will begin."

It's already really clear that we have a two-tier justice system, one for Democrats and one for Republicans.
If one is a Democrat, one can get away with just about anything, if they point to the other party.

Just like having one set of laws for white people and one set for black people needed addressed
This disparity needs to be address - or it will end badly.
You aren't addressing anything but your own pathetic rant with nothing to back it up with. You goons get caught lying and covering for criminals, so let's fix things by having a revolution, because we got our asses fried over the facts. Pitiful lot you all are.

Poor baby berg.
You are exposing your losing arguments. Not that you actually have any legitimate arguments. Lol!

Poor baby berg.
Look at these cowards run. They cannot debunk one thing that has been claimed with any documentation. Stooges for Trump. What a bunch of pathetic losers.

You haven't stated a single thing other than opinion you ridiculous twat.

I think that he probably is so used to simply accepting that Maddow guys opinions as facts that he doesn't understand the difference -
There has to be some rationale for this type of behavior.
More losing and saying nothing is boring. This looks like mop up time for a game you never got a chance to play in. LOl!
Look at these cowards run. They cannot debunk one thing that has been claimed with any documentation. Stooges for Trump. What a bunch of pathetic losers.

You haven't stated a single thing other than opinion you ridiculous twat.

I think that he probably is so used to simply accepting that Maddow guys opinions as facts that he doesn't understand the difference -
There has to be some rationale for this type of behavior.
More losing and saying nothing is boring. This looks like mop up time for a game you never got a chance to play in. LOl!

poor baby berg
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Neither does Trump. With six bankruptcies, and turning to foreign countries to finance his projects, he decided to ride the coat tail of the Obama recovery package. No harm, but no advancement either. Wages are still flat, and GDP is down the toilet. Next?

Trump has never declared bankruptcy. You lied ... again ...

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Why the discrepancy? Perhaps this will give us an idea: Trump told Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three bankruptcies as just one.
Show me where I am lying?

Ummm, Trump wrote a book about that you know. Called "The Art of the Comeback". You should read it. Won't make you look like such an idiot.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: At his age, with his criminal liability, don't count on it. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What criminal liability. You assholes had THREE years, and tens of millions of dollars, and the corrupt pricks "investigating" him couldn't even extort a crime that he has committed. You russian stooges will believe anything your DNC shoves up your ass.

And, he wrote that book DECADES ago, you flipping moron.
When Trump leaves office he will be indicted for the same crime Michael Cohen was convicted of. He will quite likely be indicted for obstruction of justice by way of the Mueller report. He is also probably going to go down for tax fraud, bank fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering as well.

Cohen was not convicted of Campaign Finance crime(s)
The Mueller report (and later Mueller himself) cleared the Preside of Obstruction.
The rest is simply non fact based hyperbole.
That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) ... Do you have a clue as to what that indictment is saying? Let me help you out. It's saying exactly the opposite of what you are saying. Get a fucking clue.

My eyes might be bad

Highlight the word "convicted".
He's in jail isn't he?

I believe that he's out, actually

So, not convicted?
Yes, convicted. House arrest because of covid. They need him as a witness to all of Trumps crimes that he will be found guilty of that you all are going to have a revolution over. Lol! A revolution over a convicted criminal? How pathetic is that?
We in blue states give far more to the fed than red states

Sounds like you want tax cuts.
And reduced spending.

Right now eddiew is fighting for tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires. End the Federal limits on State tax deductions, right ed?
I'm good with that Kaz ,I don't like taxes as much as anyone but I see nothing wrong with billionaires paying their fair share,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,notice how I avoided saying millionaires?

You can pretend to be anything you want to be on the Internet. I'm a world famous ballerina and also an astronaut. I broke the world's fastest mile and I'm a US Senator. All that's more believable than that you're a millionaire given that you know nothing about business, economics or finance
Neither does Trump. With six bankruptcies, and turning to foreign countries to finance his projects, he decided to ride the coat tail of the Obama recovery package. No harm, but no advancement either. Wages are still flat, and GDP is down the toilet. Next?

Trump has never declared bankruptcy. You lied ... again ...

Trump’s companies have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, which means a company can remain in business while wiping away many of its debts. The bankruptcy court ultimately approves a corporate budget and a plan to repay remaining debts; often shareholders lose much of their equity.

Trump’s Taj Mahal opened in April 1990 in Atlantic City, but six months later, “defaulted on interest payments to bondholders as his finances went into a tailspin,” The Washington Post’s Robert O’Harrow found. In July 1991, Trump’s Taj Mahal filed for bankruptcy. He could not keep up with debts on two other Atlantic City casinos, and those two properties declared bankruptcy in 1992. A fourth property, the Plaza Hotel in New York, declared bankruptcy in 1992 after amassing debt.

PolitiFact uncovered two more bankruptcies filed after 1992, totaling six. Trump Hotels and Casinos Resorts filed for bankruptcy again in 2004, after accruing about $1.8 billion in debt. Trump Entertainment Resorts also declared bankruptcy in 2009, after being hit hard during the 2008 recession.

Why the discrepancy? Perhaps this will give us an idea: Trump told Washington Post reporters that he counted the first three bankruptcies as just one.
Show me where I am lying?

Ummm, Trump wrote a book about that you know. Called "The Art of the Comeback". You should read it. Won't make you look like such an idiot.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: At his age, with his criminal liability, don't count on it. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

What criminal liability. You assholes had THREE years, and tens of millions of dollars, and the corrupt pricks "investigating" him couldn't even extort a crime that he has committed. You russian stooges will believe anything your DNC shoves up your ass.

And, he wrote that book DECADES ago, you flipping moron.
When Trump leaves office he will be indicted for the same crime Michael Cohen was convicted of. He will quite likely be indicted for obstruction of justice by way of the Mueller report. He is also probably going to go down for tax fraud, bank fraud, tax evasion, and money laundering as well.

Cohen was not convicted of Campaign Finance crime(s)
The Mueller report (and later Mueller himself) cleared the Preside of Obstruction.
The rest is simply non fact based hyperbole.
That afternoon, Cohen pleaded guilty to eight criminal charges: five counts of tax evasion, one count of making false statements to a financial institution, one count of willfully causing an unlawful corporate contribution, and one count of making an excessive campaign contribution at the request of a candidate (Trump) ... Do you have a clue as to what that indictment is saying? Let me help you out. It's saying exactly the opposite of what you are saying. Get a fucking clue.

My eyes might be bad

Highlight the word "convicted".
He's in jail isn't he?

I believe that he's out, actually

So, not convicted?
Yes, convicted. House arrest because of covid. They need him as a witness to all of Trumps crimes that he will be found guilty of that you all are going to have a revolution over. Lol! A revolution over a convicted criminal? How pathetic is that?

My eyes may be bad.

Could you document and then highlight "conviction"
Look at these cowards run. They cannot debunk one thing that has been claimed with any documentation. Stooges for Trump. What a bunch of pathetic losers.

You haven't stated a single thing other than opinion you ridiculous twat.
Really? Tell that to Michael Cohen.

Tell him what?
That you were proven wrong?
You keep asking stupid questions. Why? Cohen is serving house arrest because of covid.
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