The Next Four Years

Romney will not overturn Roe, he has proven he listens to his constituents, implementing programs and legislation the PEOPLE want. He doesn't push his agenda down their throats because HE knows what's best for them.

He completely understands most people don't want or need to be "organized". :D

Romney can't overturn Roe, Twatty Arbuckle. But he could appoint a Conservative justice or two and they'd take care of the rest. I love how Si Modo and others are trying to paint CandyCorn as some crazy loon just because she, like MANY on both sides of the aisle, sees that the next President will likely be nominating someone to take a vacated seat on the court. There's a grassroots movement underway right now to drum up support for impeaching Clarence Thomas for not recusing himself from the ACA decision.

Having been raised in the Conservative Faith, I can remember Rush and all the other talking/flapping heads saying that it's important to have Conservatives in the White House to get Conservatives on the Court. This isn't some fucking straw man that Candy brought up; it's a legit consideration for who you put in the Oval Office.

And considering some of the absolute Right Wing Teabag Conspiracy shit we see on this board, and from other posters IN THIS FUCKING THREAD, it's really laughable that you'd call one of the most even-tempered and intellectual people on this board a nutter for starting this thread.

Thanks for making me even more proud to be a Progressive, you dumb, dumb twats.

(Twats provided by Freedombecki's Twat-O-Rama: Where a Twat Can Be A Twat)

In case you haven't noticed, we've had a majority of conservative judges for a while now. They haven't overturned Roe yet have they??

This is an absolutely ridiculous thread.
It's the boogeyman, and he is vewy, vewy, scawy.
The only skin us men have in the game belongs to the babies we helped create that so many women revel in choosing to destroy.

I've never met a woman who "revels" in wanting an abortion. It's usually a hard decision for most of them.
It's n having ,the choice to kill a baby that many revel, and many others revile.

Fetuses can't survive until the 22-week mark outside the mother's womb. Tell me on Yoda's Green Earth would we assign the same rights to a life form like that the same rights as the mother herself. It's fucking loony. It's religious hooey and since there are plenty of non-religious types out there, to ban abortion before the 22 mark is simply religious rhetoric codified into law.
If the Supreme Court overturned Roe what do you think would happen? Do you believe that women would no longer have the right to abortion?
Oh, this again?

You know, frankly, we've been hearing this song since Reagan, and it's getting a bit old.

There are a lot of good reasons to vote against Romney. Banning abortion isn't one of them.

If a Republican President was a sure sign of an anti-choice justice, Stevens, O'Connor, Kennedy, Souter would have all been people who voted against upholding Roe. They didn't.

Whta we've seen is that the Roberts court is very sensitive to how the media portrays it...

But let's say, the Supreme Court does overturn Roe v. Wade. so what?

The state legislatures would pass laws in fairly short order to reflect the status quo. A few backwater states like South Dakota might not, but most of them will.

Most of the states have spent the past 18 months trying to make abortions unattainable.
Unattainable? Utter bullshit and I know you know it to be bullshit. That makes your statement blatantly dishonest.

No, it's not bullshit. Not if you get your news from sources outside the Conservative mainstream anyway. There are literally hundreds of laws that have been proposed that alter women's health laws. Everything from transvaginal probes to forcing women to hear the fetal heartbeat. That's just psychological warfare writ as legislation. It's fucking disgusting, and the whole point behind it is to shame women into not getting abortions.

You can bury your head in the sand if you want; sounds like women's rights issues aren't important to you. That's fine. But for those of us who cherish equality for everyone, it's sickening.
If the Supreme Court overturned Roe what do you think would happen? Do you believe that women would no longer have the right to abortion?

Depends on the state. All the Red States would ban it in a heartbeat. I'm sure every Conservative's state senators have a bill already written for the day when Roe is overturned that they can quickly get passed through the house and senate and onto their Governor's desk.
Most of the states have spent the past 18 months trying to make abortions unattainable.
Unattainable? Utter bullshit and I know you know it to be bullshit. That makes your statement blatantly dishonest.

No, it's not bullshit. Not if you get your news from sources outside the Conservative mainstream anyway. There are literally hundreds of laws that have been proposed that alter women's health laws. Everything from transvaginal probes to forcing women to hear the fetal heartbeat. That's just psychological warfare writ as legislation. It's fucking disgusting, and the whole point behind it is to shame women into not getting abortions.

You can bury your head in the sand if you want; sounds like women's rights issues aren't important to you. That's fine. But for those of us who cherish equality for everyone, it's sickening.
Oh, now altering = unattainable? I just have to get me the newest edition of the Hack's Guide to Newspeak.
Most of the states have spent the past 18 months trying to make abortions unattainable.
Unattainable? Utter bullshit and I know you know it to be bullshit. That makes your statement blatantly dishonest.

No, it's not bullshit. Not if you get your news from sources outside the Conservative mainstream anyway. There are literally hundreds of laws that have been proposed that alter women's health laws. Everything from transvaginal probes to forcing women to hear the fetal heartbeat. That's just psychological warfare writ as legislation. It's fucking disgusting, and the whole point behind it is to shame women into not getting abortions.

You can bury your head in the sand if you want; sounds like women's rights issues aren't important to you. That's fine. But for those of us who cherish equality for everyone, it's sickening.

Everyone except for unborn babies. Got it.
Unattainable? Utter bullshit and I know you know it to be bullshit. That makes your statement blatantly dishonest.

No, it's not bullshit. Not if you get your news from sources outside the Conservative mainstream anyway. There are literally hundreds of laws that have been proposed that alter women's health laws. Everything from transvaginal probes to forcing women to hear the fetal heartbeat. That's just psychological warfare writ as legislation. It's fucking disgusting, and the whole point behind it is to shame women into not getting abortions.

You can bury your head in the sand if you want; sounds like women's rights issues aren't important to you. That's fine. But for those of us who cherish equality for everyone, it's sickening.

Everyone except for unborn babies. Got it.

Oh. You're one of THOSE people. Do you consider a non-viable life form as a baby? I'm sorry that you don't understand how science works. Would you like me to link you to some remedial life sciences courses, so you can learn exactly how full of shit your religious-based ideology makes you?
No, it's not bullshit. Not if you get your news from sources outside the Conservative mainstream anyway. There are literally hundreds of laws that have been proposed that alter women's health laws. Everything from transvaginal probes to forcing women to hear the fetal heartbeat. That's just psychological warfare writ as legislation. It's fucking disgusting, and the whole point behind it is to shame women into not getting abortions.

You can bury your head in the sand if you want; sounds like women's rights issues aren't important to you. That's fine. But for those of us who cherish equality for everyone, it's sickening.

Everyone except for unborn babies. Got it.

Oh. You're one of THOSE people. Do you consider a non-viable life form as a baby? I'm sorry that you don't understand how science works. Would you like me to link you to some remedial life sciences courses, so you can learn exactly how full of shit your religious-based ideology makes you?
:lmao: Dale Carnegie's case in point.

Apparently some have no desire to influence people.
Everyone except for unborn babies. Got it.

Oh. You're one of THOSE people. Do you consider a non-viable life form as a baby? I'm sorry that you don't understand how science works. Would you like me to link you to some remedial life sciences courses, so you can learn exactly how full of shit your religious-based ideology makes you?
:lmao: Dale Carnegie's case in point.

Apparently some have no desire to influence people.

I have no idea what that means. But no, I'm not interested in changing any Conservative's mind. The only way people can switch teams, or change their position is when they themselves want to; as I did.
Oh. You're one of THOSE people. Do you consider a non-viable life form as a baby? I'm sorry that you don't understand how science works. Would you like me to link you to some remedial life sciences courses, so you can learn exactly how full of shit your religious-based ideology makes you?
:lmao: Dale Carnegie's case in point.

Apparently some have no desire to influence people.

I have no idea what that means. But no, I'm not interested in changing any Conservative's mind. The only way people can switch teams, or change their position is when they themselves want to; as I did.
:lmao: I have little doubt you don't know a thing about Dale Carnegie.

:lmao: Dale Carnegie's case in point.

Apparently some have no desire to influence people.

I have no idea what that means. But no, I'm not interested in changing any Conservative's mind. The only way people can switch teams, or change their position is when they themselves want to; as I did.
:lmao: I have little doubt you don't know a thing about Dale Carnegie.


Just googled him. So tell me why a self-help book author is relevant to this discussion?
I have no idea what that means. But no, I'm not interested in changing any Conservative's mind. The only way people can switch teams, or change their position is when they themselves want to; as I did.
:lmao: I have little doubt you don't know a thing about Dale Carnegie.


Just googled him. So tell me why a self-help book author is relevant to this discussion?

It's a major pot/kettle=black moment.

In other words, Si's not much known for treating people with dignity and respect - but you should, dammit!
I am more concerned with the economy of our nation and our deficit, getting people back to work. We have a president who promised to take care of these things in the first three years of his administration and it has not happened. Instead we have seen cronyism, class warfare and scandals abound.

It's time for someone with the qualifications for leadership. Let's put the priorities straight.

What we have seen is massive obstruction by the Republicans. There has been zero attempt on their part to work with the President unless the President completely caved to what they wanted, as he did when he approved extending the Bush tax cuts.
:lmao: I have little doubt you don't know a thing about Dale Carnegie.


Just googled him. So tell me why a self-help book author is relevant to this discussion?

It's a major pot/kettle=black moment.

In other words, Si's not much known for treating people with dignity and respect - but you should, dammit!

Regardless, when I need your interpretation of what I mean, I'll let you know. Until, then, I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.

I would thank you, but you fucked it up.

OK, so MY point is, Derps; IF you actually have an interest in influencing views on abortion (and I hope you do because you and I agree on this), then telling folks their religion is shit is only going to make your words nothing but air (well, electrons in this meduim) to them.

Dale Carnegie's point. Now, if you just want to flame, and I can understand that, then go for it.

On this topic, my preference is to attempt to influence.

And, ESPECIALLY on this topic, the less emotions involved, the more productive the discussion. As keeps being demonstrated time and again in any of these sorts of threads.
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Just googled him. So tell me why a self-help book author is relevant to this discussion?

It's a major pot/kettle=black moment.

In other words, Si's not much known for treating people with dignity and respect - but you should, dammit!

Regardless, when I need your interpretation of what I mean, I'll let you know. Until, then, I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.

I would thank you, but you fucked it up.

OK, so MY point is, Derps; IF you actually have an interest in influencing views on abortion (and I hope you do because you and I agree on this), then telling folks their religion is shit is only going to make your words nothing but air (well, electrons in this meduim) to them.

Dale Carnegie's point. Now, if you just want to flame, and I can understand that, then go for it.

On this topic, my preference is to attempt to influence.

Here's the thing Si, honestly, you can't convince people whose political ideologies, especially when it comes to abortion, are religiously based to change. You simply can't. I'm not saying every religious person is Pro-Life/anti-abortion. But the ones who are, are so dedicated to that idea that abortion is murdering a baby that no matter how much scientific data you show them, it doesn't matter because the magical book of spells and stories tells them it's wrong; although I'm 99% sure there's not a single mention of abortion in the Bible. I've not been to Sunday school for over half my life now though, so I could honestly be mistaken.
It's a major pot/kettle=black moment.

In other words, Si's not much known for treating people with dignity and respect - but you should, dammit!

Regardless, when I need your interpretation of what I mean, I'll let you know. Until, then, I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.

I would thank you, but you fucked it up.

OK, so MY point is, Derps; IF you actually have an interest in influencing views on abortion (and I hope you do because you and I agree on this), then telling folks their religion is shit is only going to make your words nothing but air (well, electrons in this meduim) to them.

Dale Carnegie's point. Now, if you just want to flame, and I can understand that, then go for it.

On this topic, my preference is to attempt to influence.

Here's the thing Si, honestly, you can't convince people whose political ideologies, especially when it comes to abortion, are religiously based to change. You simply can't. I'm not saying every religious person is Pro-Life/anti-abortion. But the ones who are, are so dedicated to that idea that abortion is murdering a baby that no matter how much scientific data you show them, it doesn't matter because the magical book of spells and stories tells them it's wrong; although I'm 99% sure there's not a single mention of abortion in the Bible. I've not been to Sunday school for over half my life now though, so I could honestly be mistaken.
I don't know. While there may be some truth in what you say, I am still optimistic enough that I can influence opinion.

And, in such an emotionally charged topic, I do try to keep it down. Otherwise, I just exit the thread when emotions are out of control. It's like trying to quench a nuclear meltdown with a garden hose. Futility.

Until next time, and I try again. I am far from perfect, obviously.
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Regardless, when I need your interpretation of what I mean, I'll let you know. Until, then, I am perfectly capable of speaking for myself.

I would thank you, but you fucked it up.

OK, so MY point is, Derps; IF you actually have an interest in influencing views on abortion (and I hope you do because you and I agree on this), then telling folks their religion is shit is only going to make your words nothing but air (well, electrons in this meduim) to them.

Dale Carnegie's point. Now, if you just want to flame, and I can understand that, then go for it.

On this topic, my preference is to attempt to influence.

Here's the thing Si, honestly, you can't convince people whose political ideologies, especially when it comes to abortion, are religiously based to change. You simply can't. I'm not saying every religious person is Pro-Life/anti-abortion. But the ones who are, are so dedicated to that idea that abortion is murdering a baby that no matter how much scientific data you show them, it doesn't matter because the magical book of spells and stories tells them it's wrong; although I'm 99% sure there's not a single mention of abortion in the Bible. I've not been to Sunday school for over half my life now though, so I could honestly be mistaken.
I don't know. While there may be some truth in what you say, I am still optimistic enough that I can influence opinion.

And, in such an emotionally charged topic, I do try to keep it down. Otherwise, I just exit the thread when emotions are out of control. It's like trying to quench a nuclear meltdown with a garden hose. Futility.

Until next time, and I try again.

Now who's living in a fantasy world? You know damn well the true religious sycophants will not change their view on this. As a kid I was brought to a Promise Keepers rally in like 1993 or '94 in Denver. They took all us teenagers at the time and told us that millions of our peers had already been murdered. They told us that perhaps the next Martin Luther King had been murdered, but we'd never know, because they were murdered.

If they're willing to plant this kind of sick, brainwashing hyperbole into kids' minds at that age, they're never, ever going to give up the ghost on abortion.
Here's the thing Si, honestly, you can't convince people whose political ideologies, especially when it comes to abortion, are religiously based to change. You simply can't. I'm not saying every religious person is Pro-Life/anti-abortion. But the ones who are, are so dedicated to that idea that abortion is murdering a baby that no matter how much scientific data you show them, it doesn't matter because the magical book of spells and stories tells them it's wrong; although I'm 99% sure there's not a single mention of abortion in the Bible. I've not been to Sunday school for over half my life now though, so I could honestly be mistaken.
I don't know. While there may be some truth in what you say, I am still optimistic enough that I can influence opinion.

And, in such an emotionally charged topic, I do try to keep it down. Otherwise, I just exit the thread when emotions are out of control. It's like trying to quench a nuclear meltdown with a garden hose. Futility.

Until next time, and I try again.

Now who's living in a fantasy world? You know damn well the true religious sycophants will not change their view on this. As a kid I was brought to a Promise Keepers rally in like 1993 or '94 in Denver. They took all us teenagers at the time and told us that millions of our peers had already been murdered. They told us that perhaps the next Martin Luther King had been murdered, but we'd never know, because they were murdered.

If they're willing to plant this kind of sick, brainwashing hyperbole into kids' minds at that age, they're never, ever going to give up the ghost on abortion.

Oh, the memories (that I fight on a regular basis to kill).

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