The Next Four Years

What's the problem with believing people like you are scum? You are no more tolerant....

I'm not tolerant of sycophants. I can be intellectually honest and debate anyone who doesn't preach dogma instead of cogent thought. There are plenty of Conservatives I respect. But the kind of Conservative I respect doesn't really speak out much anymore. They're afraid to, or they'll be primaried. Fucking Orin Hatch had to back away from his own DREAM Act so that the Tea Party didn't try to railroad him out of office. That's not productive. That's not anything but Thuggery. I think real Conservatives would do well to leave the Republican party to the TeaBaggers and go start a new party.

I respect old school Conservatives like Barry Goldwater and Eisenhower and even Bob Dole. Those guys weren't leashed at the hip to the Religious Right. They spoke their minds, and stuck to their guns, and even though I didn't agree with their fiscal or social policies by and large, I could see that they were willing to sacrifice and compromise for the country if need be. That's what missing from the Tea Party...civility. Ironic coming from me, sure. But I tend to respond in kind.

You ARE a sycophant, dipshit. You complaining about the lack of tolerance for others political views, intolerance framed in exaggerated pejoratives, is fucking beautiful. A master of self reflection you are not. For every one post of yours that is respectful, another twenty are not. You see, I can call you a fucking pussel-gutted shitstain liberal, and truly mean it. At the same time I won't whine like a menstruating bitch about the insults flung at my side of the spectrum. But that is the difference between yo and me, between liberals and conservatives. On our side we act like men.

Oh, you missed the part where I said I respond in kind. So ask yourself this question, DickCurdler, if so many of my posts are disrespectful, what does that say about the people I'm responding to? You can take your time and think about that one.

It's the Internet, I don't need to play by IRL rules. Act like a mouth-breathing, inbred, sycophant twat, and I call you on it. It's rad-sauce like that.
So, you think that at 154 weeks a baby is a baby, but at 153 6/7 weeks, its still a blob of parasitic cells?

154 weeks? Huh? Are we talking about human babies or elephant babies?

Good catch, bitchtits. I meant days.

If it were up to me, the cut off for abortions would be more like 28 weeks or so, actually. I'm a proud Progressive, and I"m proud to view abortion as a legitimate means to control over-population and more importantly, unWANTED population. I like to trust women to know best whether they can be responsible with their kid or not. I'm cool like that.
I'm not tolerant of sycophants. I can be intellectually honest and debate anyone who doesn't preach dogma instead of cogent thought. There are plenty of Conservatives I respect. But the kind of Conservative I respect doesn't really speak out much anymore. They're afraid to, or they'll be primaried. Fucking Orin Hatch had to back away from his own DREAM Act so that the Tea Party didn't try to railroad him out of office. That's not productive. That's not anything but Thuggery. I think real Conservatives would do well to leave the Republican party to the TeaBaggers and go start a new party.

I respect old school Conservatives like Barry Goldwater and Eisenhower and even Bob Dole. Those guys weren't leashed at the hip to the Religious Right. They spoke their minds, and stuck to their guns, and even though I didn't agree with their fiscal or social policies by and large, I could see that they were willing to sacrifice and compromise for the country if need be. That's what missing from the Tea Party...civility. Ironic coming from me, sure. But I tend to respond in kind.

You ARE a sycophant, dipshit. You complaining about the lack of tolerance for others political views, intolerance framed in exaggerated pejoratives, is fucking beautiful. A master of self reflection you are not. For every one post of yours that is respectful, another twenty are not. You see, I can call you a fucking pussel-gutted shitstain liberal, and truly mean it. At the same time I won't whine like a menstruating bitch about the insults flung at my side of the spectrum. But that is the difference between yo and me, between liberals and conservatives. On our side we act like men.

Oh, you missed the part where I said I respond in kind. So ask yourself this question, DickCurdler, if so many of my posts are disrespectful, what does that say about the people I'm responding to? You can take your time and think about that one.

It's the Internet, I don't need to play by IRL rules. Act like a mouth-breathing, inbred, sycophant twat, and I call you on it. It's rad-sauce like that.

Given how PK talks to me, I'm surprised he's presenting himself as what you should aspire to.
You ARE a sycophant, dipshit. You complaining about the lack of tolerance for others political views, intolerance framed in exaggerated pejoratives, is fucking beautiful. A master of self reflection you are not. For every one post of yours that is respectful, another twenty are not. You see, I can call you a fucking pussel-gutted shitstain liberal, and truly mean it. At the same time I won't whine like a menstruating bitch about the insults flung at my side of the spectrum. But that is the difference between yo and me, between liberals and conservatives. On our side we act like men.

Oh, you missed the part where I said I respond in kind. So ask yourself this question, DickCurdler, if so many of my posts are disrespectful, what does that say about the people I'm responding to? You can take your time and think about that one.

It's the Internet, I don't need to play by IRL rules. Act like a mouth-breathing, inbred, sycophant twat, and I call you on it. It's rad-sauce like that.

Given how PK talks to me, I'm surprised he's presenting himself as what you should aspire to.

He's a Grade-A Douche. And they tend to do really dumb shit.
Once again, guy, we've been hearing this shit since Reagan. It was shit in 1980, it's shit now.
I ain't buying it.

And incidently, since 1980, I've gone from being pro-life to pro-choice, not because I think Abortion is a wonderful thing, but because as a practical matter, you can't effectively outlaw it.

I also think Roe was a truly awful decision. Pure "I want to do it this way, so I will." But Republicans have appointed EIGHT- count them - EIGHT justices and two Chief Justices since Roe, and guess what.

Roe still stands, flaws and all.

And frankly, given the way he's flip-flopped on the issue, I'd be less worried about the Weird Mormon Robot appointing an anti-Choice justice than Santorum or McCain or Huckabee.

But it might actually be a good thing if they overturned Roe. Then we could have a national discussion on the issue we should have had back in the 1970's.

The reason for the continuity is that the presidential ability to appoint has not been met with YEA votes on the subject being in jeopardy. In '12-'16, there likely will be 2 YEA votes that would be jeopardized. Human life span is what it is. Ginsburgh has had medical issues and Kennedy isn't a young man. If we could get Scalia replaced with someone to his left, that would be a coup.
I'm not tolerant of sycophants. I can be intellectually honest and debate anyone who doesn't preach dogma instead of cogent thought. There are plenty of Conservatives I respect. But the kind of Conservative I respect doesn't really speak out much anymore. They're afraid to, or they'll be primaried. Fucking Orin Hatch had to back away from his own DREAM Act so that the Tea Party didn't try to railroad him out of office. That's not productive. That's not anything but Thuggery. I think real Conservatives would do well to leave the Republican party to the TeaBaggers and go start a new party.

I respect old school Conservatives like Barry Goldwater and Eisenhower and even Bob Dole. Those guys weren't leashed at the hip to the Religious Right. They spoke their minds, and stuck to their guns, and even though I didn't agree with their fiscal or social policies by and large, I could see that they were willing to sacrifice and compromise for the country if need be. That's what missing from the Tea Party...civility. Ironic coming from me, sure. But I tend to respond in kind.

You ARE a sycophant, dipshit. You complaining about the lack of tolerance for others political views, intolerance framed in exaggerated pejoratives, is fucking beautiful. A master of self reflection you are not. For every one post of yours that is respectful, another twenty are not. You see, I can call you a fucking pussel-gutted shitstain liberal, and truly mean it. At the same time I won't whine like a menstruating bitch about the insults flung at my side of the spectrum. But that is the difference between yo and me, between liberals and conservatives. On our side we act like men.

Oh, you missed the part where I said I respond in kind. So ask yourself this question, DickCurdler, if so many of my posts are disrespectful, what does that say about the people I'm responding to? You can take your time and think about that one.

It's the Internet, I don't need to play by IRL rules. Act like a mouth-breathing, inbred, sycophant twat, and I call you on it. It's rad-sauce like that.

You always act like a mouth breathing sycophantic twat. Why would you think others would respond to you differently? Or do you believe it is only you that responds in kind? You are truly a fucking moron, albeit a self-aggrandizing and intolerant one.
You ARE a sycophant, dipshit. You complaining about the lack of tolerance for others political views, intolerance framed in exaggerated pejoratives, is fucking beautiful. A master of self reflection you are not. For every one post of yours that is respectful, another twenty are not. You see, I can call you a fucking pussel-gutted shitstain liberal, and truly mean it. At the same time I won't whine like a menstruating bitch about the insults flung at my side of the spectrum. But that is the difference between yo and me, between liberals and conservatives. On our side we act like men.

Oh, you missed the part where I said I respond in kind. So ask yourself this question, DickCurdler, if so many of my posts are disrespectful, what does that say about the people I'm responding to? You can take your time and think about that one.

It's the Internet, I don't need to play by IRL rules. Act like a mouth-breathing, inbred, sycophant twat, and I call you on it. It's rad-sauce like that.

You always act like a mouth breathing sycophantic twat. Why would you think others would respond to you differently? Or do you believe it is only you that responds in kind? You are truly a fucking moron, albeit a self-aggrandizing and intolerant one.

Ha ha ha. Thanks for proving you don't get it, Dummy.
You ARE a sycophant, dipshit. You complaining about the lack of tolerance for others political views, intolerance framed in exaggerated pejoratives, is fucking beautiful. A master of self reflection you are not. For every one post of yours that is respectful, another twenty are not. You see, I can call you a fucking pussel-gutted shitstain liberal, and truly mean it. At the same time I won't whine like a menstruating bitch about the insults flung at my side of the spectrum. But that is the difference between yo and me, between liberals and conservatives. On our side we act like men.

Oh, you missed the part where I said I respond in kind. So ask yourself this question, DickCurdler, if so many of my posts are disrespectful, what does that say about the people I'm responding to? You can take your time and think about that one.

It's the Internet, I don't need to play by IRL rules. Act like a mouth-breathing, inbred, sycophant twat, and I call you on it. It's rad-sauce like that.

Given how PK talks to me, I'm surprised he's presenting himself as what you should aspire to.

Quite the contrary, my bitchtitted cupcake. I am every bit as disrespectful and distasteful as conservederrrp. Just not as stupid and self-absorbed.
Yep. I hate broccoli too. It's amazing that those that will spend their time in fear that someone might take their right to terminate their unborn's life away from them can't see the choices that they are robbed of though ObamaTax. All they can see is that someone else will take care of them just as they did when they were children.

I love steamed broccoli.

Certainly, yours is the most (What I hope is) poorly worded of all of the opposing views I've heard recently? No, I'm not asking for anyone to take care of American women; just to preserve their right to make reproductive choices.

As for the "ObamaTax" I guess under a Romney Administration there would be no taxes? Or maybe no regulation...Or maybe this plan or that plan or we'll reduce the $14,000,000,000,000.00 debt by 30 Billion instead of 25 Billion when he gets rid of Head Start, WIC, and other "entitlements"...that are targeted to help children?

Fiscally neither side knows what it is doing...after 30 years of seeing the partisan wrangling back and fourth, day in and day out, every single election cycle....we've had presidents of different parties, congresses headed by different parties, new Democrats, TEA party republicans, Super Committees, Budget Summits, etc... The reason nothing works is because Congress is in neutral due to politics. I think we need to re-write the Constitution to rise above it but that is for another thread....

The point is that voting on fiscal matters is a lot like spitting into the wind then deciding to duck left or right shortly thereafter.

Social issues such as abortion are the ones where there is a clear choice.

Obama wants to preserve Roe.
Romney wants Roe overturned.

It is that simple. True, Presidents do not make the decision themselves but they appoint persons who can.

Why risk it for what amounts to a different brand of crazy on the fiscal side?

I'm sorry. Was there something in my post too complicated for you to understand? I'll try to simplify it for you. I don't understand why the same people that scream for "choice"in their
reproductive life, don't see that ObamaTax takes "choice" away from them in many other ares.
I understood you the first time but held out hope that you would refrain from not being able to see the forest for the trees. Thats a sucky analogy but I'm pressed for time somewhat.

So the "Obamatax" is going to take away a choice in many other areas. Yet Romney will likely go after WIC and Head Start which are the true areas that affect children's well-being. If you want to make it about the economy; okay.

Do you hoestly feel that the President can do anything? The economy under Bush was built on a bubble as it turns out and Obama's policies have not done anything to measurably turn it around in a significant way. The stimulus is starting to be felt, true but in 2015, we will still have a sluggish economy regardelss of who is elected President.


Because Congress is ruled by Politics and rules that allow morons like Reid and McConnell to basically dictate what bills get to the President's desk. Anything that does get past the Senate is feckless and a half measure.

I also think that those that support ObamaTax do so because in doing so, they no longer have to worry about the consequences of their lifestyles, because someone else is responsible for taking care of them.
Okay. Not sure what that means but thats not even the topic at hand.

Now, as to voting your vagina. I personally think that it is asinine to base your decision in a presidential race based on social issues. What you're asking is that people vote Obama, because instead of being concerned with whether a Supreme Court justice will base decisions on the Constitution, he'll pick justices that will base their decisions on their personal bias.
The Constitution is mute on the subject of reproductive choice so what else is there in this case? I guess we could pull a Foxy and try to channel the founders to see where they came down on the subject and--remarkably--they'll agree with us--US being whomever is doing the channeling.

Romney made it clear during his time as governor of Mass. that he felt abortion was a state issue and as such, even though he was personally opposed to abortion, made no attempt to change the laws of the state because he believed that the people of Mass. had made their wishes clear. I trust he would do the same as POTUS.

What did he say yesterday..."When you're a republican and only 16 percent of your constituency is...."

Governor Romney wants to overturn Roe. He said so on his website. If you can't belive the Governor...well why are you voting for him?
If you really cared about these things you would not approve of the right wing lunatics in Washington wasting their time trying to repeal the healthcare act yet again. Or your candidate never revealing what in the hell he is going to do as president. And maybe taking to task your turtle face senator that said all of their time should be spent defeating President Obama. The GOP has done NOTHING for this country but get in the way.

You people need to put YOUR priorities straight.
Better check to make sure O-care will cover your liposuction.

It figures you would post a stupid response like that. That's what people do when they have no defense.

Yeah, I had to put him/her on a time out. Cute dog though.
Romney will not overturn Roe, he has proven he listens to his constituents, implementing programs and legislation the PEOPLE want. He doesn't push his agenda down their throats because HE knows what's best for them.

He completely understands most people don't want or need to be "organized". :D

His own website says he thinks it should be overturned. If you can't believe the Governor...why are you voting for him?
Seriously?? Obama's last SC pick isn't too sure she can't force-feed you your broccoli, and we're supposed to be panic-stricken at the imminent revocation of Roe v. Wade under Romney? :lol: That's hilarious! Not even Reagan, Himself, was such a danger to "a woman's right to choose".

You may have notices (I'm guessing you didn't) that in the last 32 years, the federal government has become much more partisan. Reagan, today, would be a moderate if not considered liberal by many.

I thought this election is supposed to be strictly about the economy?

On that note....GOOD news today for Obama!

Weekly Jobless Claims Hit Four-Year Low | Fox Business

And in the interest of fairness here's the story reported on another website.

Jobless claims drop to a four-year low - Economy Watch

It's kinda hard to claim "liberal bias" in the media when two conservative and one liberal run the same story isn't it?

Both parties have lost me in trying to convince me their economic "package" is anything but a half measure. We spend too much and we take in too little. We want more government than we are willing to pay for. It's a simple as that.

There are programs that I may like but I don't think either major party has a clue on how to fix the economy because they're too busy getting re-elected and trying to consolidate their own power in the Capitol.

We either need to change the rules of the game (the constitution) or a serious 3rd voice.
Oh we spend more than we should on defense, for instance, and not nearly enough on infrastructure, and the general welfare of all...this is true

and we spend too much on subsidies for conz friends...etc
Romney will not overturn Roe, he has proven he listens to his constituents, implementing programs and legislation the PEOPLE want. He doesn't push his agenda down their throats because HE knows what's best for them.

He completely understands most people don't want or need to be "organized". :D

His own website says he thinks it should be overturned. If you can't believe the Governor...why are you voting for him?
What a moronic thing to say.

If one doesn't believe what another believes, don't vote for them? Especially on something that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening?

Gawd, watching your hysterics and stupidity is like watching a train wreck - a several day long train wreck. Like TM.

And, NOBODY believes you are anything BUT a hack. And, a lame one, at that. This is USMB...step up.
Oh, you missed the part where I said I respond in kind. So ask yourself this question, DickCurdler, if so many of my posts are disrespectful, what does that say about the people I'm responding to? You can take your time and think about that one.

It's the Internet, I don't need to play by IRL rules. Act like a mouth-breathing, inbred, sycophant twat, and I call you on it. It's rad-sauce like that.

Given how PK talks to me, I'm surprised he's presenting himself as what you should aspire to.

Quite the contrary, my bitchtitted cupcake. I am every bit as disrespectful and distasteful as conservederrrp. Just not as stupid and self-absorbed.

You just agreed with me, Sofa King.
If the Supreme Court overturned Roe what do you think would happen? Do you believe that women would no longer have the right to abortion?

Depends on the state. All the Red States would ban it in a heartbeat. I'm sure every Conservative's state senators have a bill already written for the day when Roe is overturned that they can quickly get passed through the house and senate and onto their Governor's desk.

Texas has about 25,000,000. About 12,000,000 women would lose the right to make their own reproductive choices in very short order. It would be easy to say, "you don't like it, leave!!!" And I'm sure it would be said by many on this board.

But lets say that you're a woman who is offered a promotion to head up your company's new office in Austin. Do you take the promotion? If you value your rights; you likely do not.

Again, if you are comfortable with the Governor (Romney) and his wish to see Roe overturned, feel free to vote for him. You have my blessing--not that you're waiting for it I hope.

But if you value your choice; you should vote for the President this November. That was the gist of this thread.
Romney will not overturn Roe, he has proven he listens to his constituents, implementing programs and legislation the PEOPLE want. He doesn't push his agenda down their throats because HE knows what's best for them.

He completely understands most people don't want or need to be "organized". :D

His own website says he thinks it should be overturned. If you can't believe the Governor...why are you voting for him?
What a moronic thing to say.

If one doesn't believe what another believes, don't vote for them? Especially on something that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening?

Gawd, watching your hysterics and stupidity is like watching a train wreck - a several day long train wreck. Like TM.

And, NOBODY believes you are anything BUT a hack. And, a lame one, at that. This is USMB...step up.

No, you're the one who just said something really, really, really, really, really, really , really moronic.

Why should someone's beliefs, that will 100% guide their policy decisions, not be considered when deciding who to vote for? That's kinda the point, don't you think?
If the Supreme Court overturned Roe what do you think would happen? Do you believe that women would no longer have the right to abortion?

Depends on the state. All the Red States would ban it in a heartbeat. I'm sure every Conservative's state senators have a bill already written for the day when Roe is overturned that they can quickly get passed through the house and senate and onto their Governor's desk.

Texas has about 25,000,000. About 12,000,000 women would lose the right to make their own reproductive choices in very short order. It would be easy to say, "you don't like it, leave!!!" And I'm sure it would be said by many on this board.

But lets say that you're a woman who is offered a promotion to head up your company's new office in Austin. Do you take the promotion? If you value your rights; you likely do not.

Again, if you are comfortable with the Governor (Romney) and his wish to see Roe overturned, feel free to vote for him. You have my blessing--not that you're waiting for it I hope.

But if you value your choice; you should vote for the President this November. That was the gist of this thread.

100% agreed.
His own website says he thinks it should be overturned. If you can't believe the Governor...why are you voting for him?
What a moronic thing to say.

If one doesn't believe what another believes, don't vote for them? Especially on something that has a snowball's chance in hell of happening?

Gawd, watching your hysterics and stupidity is like watching a train wreck - a several day long train wreck. Like TM.

And, NOBODY believes you are anything BUT a hack. And, a lame one, at that. This is USMB...step up.

No, you're the one who just said something really, really, really, really, really, really , really moronic.

Why should someone's beliefs, that will 100% guide their policy decisions, not be considered when deciding who to vote for? That's kinda the point, don't you think?

I could almost, almost, if I squint really-really hard, see her point IF anybody could tell me what Romney stands for, and what he intends to accomplish (other than erasing Obama).

They can't. They've never even tried. It's likely they know that if they point to anything, he'll Etch-a-Sketch to another stance.

He's a flim-flam man.

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