The Next Four Years

Given how PK talks to me, I'm surprised he's presenting himself as what you should aspire to.

Quite the contrary, my bitchtitted cupcake. I am every bit as disrespectful and distasteful as conservederrrp. Just not as stupid and self-absorbed.

You just agreed with me, Sofa King.

I'm sure that just made your tits light up a little more for me. While the lights are on and your feet illuminated, you should give yourself a pedicure.
You do understand, don't you, that under Obama, your last bowel movement is no longer private if you share information about it with your doctor in 2014, right? No subpoena, no warrent... your medical records are in the hands of bureaucrats.

Christ, where do you people get this shit? Learn to evaluate the veracity of the bullshit you're being fed before you regurgitate it.

Go look it up. The Reid/Pelosi Congress passed legislation requiring that medical records for all citizens be electronic by 2014 and gave themselves access ostensibly for "Comparative Effectiveness Research" and Barack Obama SIGNED it into law. That all went down in the Porkulus bill right after he took office. So, no. Your medical records are no longer private from the government. HHS will decide who gets access to it. But it's all "for the greater good", right? No way they'd use information like that to determine what methods of treatment are most efficacious and then RATION care accordingly through, say Medicare and the insurance exchanges, right? :eusa_eh:

Some of you folks need to grow up. Seriously. There's NO other purpose for the federal government's SEIZURE of our private medical records, without subpoena, without warrant, other than to manage our care. Whether one argues that the medical record is the property of the doctor who makes it or the patient who it's made about, one thing is damn well sure is NOT... is the property of the federal government. It's amazing to me that the government seizure of PRIVATE PROPERTY is of no concern to you folks. You don't care what bureaucrat is given access to information regarding the very function of your bodies. That's CRAZY. How the hell does that get past the 4th?

You came in on post #236 with the wild claim that "Mitt doesn't believe Americans have a right to privacy. Obama does." But it's not Mitt Romney who has appropriated your MOST PRIVATE information. It's Barack Obama who has done that. How long do you think it will be before Congress finds new and interesting ways to use it?

I agree, medical identity theft is on the rise and this will allow our records even more exposure. Even more than that, we are going to let the government know more about us than we need to and it is another intrusion into our privacy.

I am really baffled that people aren't really worried about this, the government is terrible at keeping info secret.
Wow... fucking bizzaroworld here.

Fisking the fisking it seems is in order.

No Dummy. I'm not referring to the Right's newest History Revision Buzzword. I'm talking about the actual definition of Liberalism.

Liberalism | Define Liberalism at

lib·er·al·ism   [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-] Show IPA
1.the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
2.a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.
3.( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.
4.a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities.

Argue with the dictionary if you want, but you just got your first lesson. Let's move on to lesson two, shall we?

So explain to me how the modern democrat party and their allied association of collectivist ideologues is any of those definitions. I've provided FACTUAL examples of what is done in the name of modern Liberalism that is directly contrary to those definitions save for it being applied to a group CLAIMING to be a liberal party. Spin spin spin and the only one dizzy is you. The rest of the world sees you as the idiot you are.

Ha ha ha ha. Horseshit. Conservatives today are the Conservatives of yesterday and beyond. They believe in maintaining the status quo, in "Conserving" the "traditions" of the past. In other words, to stand in the way of progress.

Lesson #2-Handled.

Liberals perverted the idea of Liberalism known by our Founding Fathers by co-opting the ideas of marxism, collectivism and progressivism. Our founding fathers were specifically against collective rights, but for individual rights. Nothing of the democrat platform, save for sexual perversion is for individual rights. Since the founding fathers were the ones who forged what was liberalism, it has come to a group to CONSERVE those ideals against the increasing corruption of what has become known as modern Liberalism as you practice it.

#2, failed.

Obamatax takes my property and criminalizes me for NOT taking any action. How is this freedom.

What property are you talking about? Your money? Congress has the ability to tax people as penalties, as Conservative Justice Roberts said so in his landmark opinion. Your freedom comes in the form of choosing whether you'll free load off of the other tax payers or pay your own way. Free loading comes with a penalty. There are also going to be many tax credits to keep you from paying the penalty.

Lesson #3? Complete.

So you say nobody has private property rights? Okay, what's your bank account number, fuckball? I want some money and you're it. So fork it over. Your house too while you're at it. And I'll be taking your wages as well since you don't have a right to it either. That's how absurd your re-definition for political short-sightedness is. The abuse of Eminant Domain has actually caused Chief Justice Kennedy to have his very home threatened, because a private developer demanded it be ceded to them for hotel development. I'm sure he regrets that vote now.

You desire to eliminate individual private ownership as exemplified in collectivism and modern liberalism is on full display. Just because it's now legal, does not make it ethical or right. Or do you agree with the 3/5ths compromise and Jim Crow? How about Sedition laws? They were once legal too, you know. Existence is now being taxed. Our nation rebelled over a 1 penny tax on tea. How well do you think THIS is going over and how does it expand freedom?

Level 3, Failed. Restart? Yes/No?

Welfare, food stamps and government hand outs discriminate against citizens. How is this equality?

Who exactly do they discriminate against? Working people? Really? That's your argument. That giving assistance to those in need discriminates against those who do have income and don't need assistance? Boy, you're really fucking stupid, aren't you?

Lesson #4-In the books.

If I make too much, I cannot get them. That's economic discrimination.
If I am unable to get pregnant, no child assistance, sexism defined discrimination.
If I am too young, I can't get social security. Age discrimination.
If I am not disabled, I cannot get many grants or assistance. That's discrimination.
If I am not of a particular race, I cannot get special treatment for quotas in government work or education.

A government program is not supposed to discriminate yet liberal policies make it the norm. You've too much hate for those who succeed and condesention for those you see needing help to see it.

#4, needs editing.

You're obviously white. Your family tree can be traced back generations, probably centuries if you have the means. Black people in this country? They cannot. They've been robbed of a history, you ignorant fuck. Of course they're allowed to still be angry. They very likely have grandparents or great-great grandparents that remember Jim Crow and share cropping. Fuck your righteous white indignation, buddy. The fact is that being white in this country IS still an advantage. To deny it is to live inside one's own asshole.

Native Americans? Again, it wasn't that long ago we were wiping them the fuck out systematically. We committed genocide, cocksucker. And we should be reminded every chance they get that we did it. Just like we should remind Germans that it wasn't that long ago that they were a party to massive genocide. Reminding doesn't mean you have to punish, but you can't rob a wronged people of their indignation.

Well, you can, but you're an insensitive prick.

Lesson #5: Complete.

Fucking hypocritical racist sexist bigoted heterophobe prick? Why do you hate white straight Christian men?

Sensitivity is a bullshit standard with no credibility or basis for existing. Life's a bitch. If you can't get used to it, blow your brains out and save us the whining. You whine about the hard times other races have had? Yeah, life's a bitch. I'm oppressing no one, but liberals want to oppress me because an ancestor (and which you don't have the slightest fucking clue when mine came here, so shove those assumptions up your ass sideways lubed in turpentine) of someone oppressed another because they were another color. The Native Americans are a conquered people and it's over. The war's are done, and reparations are bullshit. Merit is what matters. Cold hard achievement, sympathy and sensitivity doesn't feed the bulldog.

"The world doesn't owe you anything. It was here first." Mark Twain

#5, failed... to give a fuck.

Getting people addicted to government handouts then controlling them by threatening to take them away if they do not vote for a certain action is not slavery in what form?

Empty rhetoric.

Lesson #6: Boo-yah.

Hey kid. Try this crack. Sure have a free hit. Come back later, bring a friend. Government handouts, since the Great Society proved do NOTHING to improve the lives and welfare of those on it. In fact, the opposite has shown to be true. Why get married when you can fuck a woman, leave her and the kids and let Uncle Sugar take care of them and pay to be daddy? Why get a job when you can apply for EBT, WIC, Foodstamps, Welfare of ALL sorts? Why achieve? Who the fuck cares? Deal some on the side and hang out with the hoochies all you want because nobody thinks you can do shit.

Welfare destroys by eroding the family. It enables bad behavior and criminal enterprise. Ben Franklin said that we should always have poverty uncomfortable enough as a force to drive people to achieve and get out of poverty. Since the 60's, we forgot that, got rid of the safety net and created the safety hammock.

Empty Rhetoric my ass.

#6 Oh shit that didn't work, did it?

Turning child against parent by telling them discipline in almost all forms is wrong, forcing the child to run amok is anarchy, not freedom. Not liberty. It is chaos.

Yes. Let's go back to the days when kids used to get the living fuck beat out of each other. Are you also going to advocate for lynch mobs since they save tax payer money and discourage anarchy among black people?

Lesson #7: All upside your head.

#7 Swing and a miss!

Talk about a red herring. Who the fuck is talking about vigilante justice? I'm talking about telling parents how to discipline their children and 'empowering' children into thinking their parents are their servants, turning the relationship upside down because they can run to the government to punish the parent for being responsible. It perverts the family unit and destroys society.

You and your fish packed ass doesn't seem to get that. Then again, it's plain to see you hate American culture.

Like above, but when you claim one race by color has hatred in their hearts for another, that's racist identity politics.

Dummy. No one believes ALL whites hate blacks or vice-versa. If you don't want to be called a racist, don't say racist shit. It's that simple

Lesson #8 and feelin' great.

That level of medication and delusion must make anyone feel great. You didn't even come close to the topic. You just say I'm racist for pointing out treating people by their skin color as a group is racist identity politics.

When you say that men wish to control the wombs of women in an effort to make them subservient is sexism.

Uhh. Well, if you don't want to be called a sexist, stop trying to tell women what to do with their bodies. You know, simple shit like that goes a long way, Dumbass.

Lesson #9 and feelin' fine.

#9 here the whine.

So Obamacare does not tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies? really? :rofl: :lmao:

You keep thinking that till the day they decide it's time to start eugenics to control population growth for the sake of the planet. Progressives have done it before, they will again.

When you say a mosque on the site of a great tragedy caused by the adherents of a religion while denying a religious holiday display in public, that's creedism.

Oh Jesus Christ. First, it wasn't a mosque. Secondly, it wasn't all adherents of that religion. If we went that far we'd ban all Christianity thanks to the KKK and the OK City Bombers. There's no war on Christmas. Go to any mall and you hear Christmas songs. People do nativity scenes and shit. You're seriously like 75 years old, huh?

Lesson 10 we'll do it again.

#10 fail.

As the Thompson Twins said "Lies lies lies yeah... They're going to get you."

More than enough evidence and news stories of lawsuits from atheists suing to keep Christianity out of sight. Valedictorians and athletes sued for praying, school prayer banned. Yet we're to go out of our way to tolerate celebrating Islam at ground zero. Sorry, the factual news is against you. Deny it all you want, but there are thousands of stories otherwise.

Liberals say I must buy health insurance or be fined or jailed thanks to Obamatax.

Show me where in the ACA bill it dictates arrest and jail time.

Lesson 11 and it's like we're in Heaven.

Whoops. Why's heaven on fire?

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Liberals say I must either send my child to public school or pay for both the privilege of private school AND public school, but fight against the options of privatizing education and homeschooling.

Liberals say education should be as cheap and available as it can be, because that's when it's done right. Privatizing everything is what Conservatives answer for everything. But I really don't want my children's educational experience and quality to be dictated by corporate cutbacks and layoffs and profit margins. Fucktard.

Lesson 12-Man you suck at life.

Then why do they fight against waivers for property tax used to support public schools for those who do not use it?

Why do they want to prevent parents from homeschooling?

Why do they fight against privatizing public school that has become unaffordable for the community?

Politics and power. They want union teachers so they can maintain political power in voting blocks and lots of money in a corrupt system of public sector unions creating an untouchable government class.

#12, yes you do suck at this.

Liberals say I must choose a hybrid or electric car or travel by mass transit, and not use my own choice of private vehicle.

No we don't, idiot. We say that we should find new fuel sources so we don't depend on fossil fuels that have a negative impact on the environment. Dummy.

Lesson 13-Goddamn you are a fucking fool.

CAFE standards call you a fucking liar. New demands for impossible standards have been put out on efficiency using technology that doesn't exist. You can find that in the last few energy bills. Mandates for energy that is just as damaging if not more so than proven methods while being unable to meet the needs of the nation even if we spot it 40 years. Of course we can't have what has worked and still works traditionally. That doesn't advance the political cause and keeps capitalism first world nation status going. Successful prosperous people don't need your kind.

Liberals say I must purchase power generated from politically acceptable sources regardless of cost or feasability, while denying my right to purchase the cheapest form of energy possible.

No we don't. See above, dipshit. Conservatives want to have the "right" to Rape the Earth because anything else is too inconvenient or doesn't have enough profit in it.

Lesson 14: And boom goes the dynamite.

Talk about rhetorical bullshit. Basic law of economics. If it is not profitable it cannot be sustained. If the profit cannot be high enough to protect the company from a downturn, it will fail catastrophically sooner or later (often sooner). If you can't grasp basic econ, you need to educate yourself in reality.

Dynamite? Try wet party popper.

Liberals say that I cannot drink soft drinks of certain sizes.

No. Liberals say that beverages that have much soda in them are very harmful if imbibed in mass quantities over time. We say that because we actually like scientists and listen to them.

Lesson 15: Which is also your IQ.

So people cannot be trusted to make what you consider 'good choices' so you must take away their freedom lest they hurt themselves? Thank you mommy. Can I run with scissors now? So much for being a 'freedom loving liberal'. And guess what! If you didn't have government paying for health care, their health issues would be their own and not affect you AT ALL! WOW! What a concept. Apparently privatizing the health industry saves you from having to be responsible for another human being while providing more freedom and all you have to do is pay your own way! Who knew!?!

And with that, my IQ is considerably higher than yours.

Liberals say I cannot feed my child properly so I must pay for them to feed my children what THEY say is right.

Again, just empty rhetoric. Liberals say you as a parent should be educated as to what you're putting in your kids bodies and that the government shouldn't subsidize companies and products that are mostly empty calories and fat.

Lesson 16-Stupid dumb fuck getting taken to school.

Gotcha. More "you can't be trusted to" totalitarianism. What are you running for? King? You got nothing. Here's your dunce cap.

Liberals say I must keep my religion out of public sight lest I offend someone.
No. Your highly-vaunted Founding Fathers said that.

Lesson 17-That one probably stung. A lot.


Oh.... OH! :lol: You think the founding fathers said "Separation of Church and State"? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! I'll give you 20 bucks if you can find that stated EXPLICITLY in the constitution. But to save you the stroke from thinking too hard, I'll 'splain it to you.

The first amendment prevents the creation of a state religion and forbids the infringement of religious speech by government. By allowing religious speech the government is not endorsing anything except a person's right to express that religion. (Something Obamatax is trying to eliminate by forcing abortion regs down religious hospitals). The concept of a separation between church and state comes from Federalist 40 wherein there is ONE paragraph that warns against creating a state religion that the government can force people to worship at.

Church of fail, party of one?

Liberals say I cannot think certain things about people, or say politically inconvenient things that they disagree with.

No. Liberals think you should be considerate of other people's feelings, but if you choose not to, you're going to be called a prick, asshole or Conservative.

Lessn 18, this has been exhausting, but worth it.

Find me the "Right to not be offended" in the constitution. You cannot legislate away people's right to be assholes. Sorry, Dr. Cocteau.

Failure is worth it? Okie dokie. I forgot I was addressing a liberal.

Why you, my dear fool! You have exemplified every last one of these things in your innane babblings here on USMB since you arrived. The news tells me every day (and yes I watch the network news and not FNC) all these virtues and taboos of modern liberalism. You cannot run away from the very nature of your Orwellian double think philosophy where War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength and Slavery is Freedom.

Words with no meaning is fun: Parblizgowoo! Schmingy! Fharaxcaxc!

Lesson 19: SCHMNINGY!

he biggest threat in your life is one who is aware of your real goals and desires for them for they cannot be controlled but must be eliminated.

You know nothing of our movement's real goals, as evidenced by this tripe I've just surgically dissected.

Lesson 20-You're an idiot.

So, in an effort to make you fee more comfortable facing the truth of your philosophy, Seig heil Derpiepoo.


Thanks for that. It was fun proving what a fucking sycophant and ignorant buffoon you are point-by-point.

Yep, Derpiepoo, you certainly faded to black. Rarely have I seen a collection of fail so deep as to cover the top of someone's head like you did. But congrats, you managed.
Wow... fucking bizzaroworld here.

Fisking the fisking it seems is in order.

No Dummy. I'm not referring to the Right's newest History Revision Buzzword. I'm talking about the actual definition of Liberalism.

Liberalism | Define Liberalism at

lib·er·al·ism   [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-] Show IPA
1.the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
2.a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.
3.( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.
4.a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities.

Argue with the dictionary if you want, but you just got your first lesson. Let's move on to lesson two, shall we?

So explain to me how the modern democrat party and their allied association of collectivist ideologues is any of those definitions. I've provided FACTUAL examples of what is done in the name of modern Liberalism that is directly contrary to those definitions save for it being applied to a group CLAIMING to be a liberal party. Spin spin spin and the only one dizzy is you. The rest of the world sees you as the idiot you are.

Ha ha ha ha. Horseshit. Conservatives today are the Conservatives of yesterday and beyond. They believe in maintaining the status quo, in "Conserving" the "traditions" of the past. In other words, to stand in the way of progress.

Lesson #2-Handled.

Liberals perverted the idea of Liberalism known by our Founding Fathers by co-opting the ideas of marxism, collectivism and progressivism. Our founding fathers were specifically against collective rights, but for individual rights. Nothing of the democrat platform, save for sexual perversion is for individual rights. Since the founding fathers were the ones who forged what was liberalism, it has come to a group to CONSERVE those ideals against the increasing corruption of what has become known as modern Liberalism as you practice it.

#2, failed.

So you say nobody has private property rights? Okay, what's your bank account number, fuckball? I want some money and you're it. So fork it over. Your house too while you're at it. And I'll be taking your wages as well since you don't have a right to it either. That's how absurd your re-definition for political short-sightedness is. The abuse of Eminant Domain has actually caused Chief Justice Kennedy to have his very home threatened, because a private developer demanded it be ceded to them for hotel development. I'm sure he regrets that vote now.

You desire to eliminate individual private ownership as exemplified in collectivism and modern liberalism is on full display. Just because it's now legal, does not make it ethical or right. Or do you agree with the 3/5ths compromise and Jim Crow? How about Sedition laws? They were once legal too, you know. Existence is now being taxed. Our nation rebelled over a 1 penny tax on tea. How well do you think THIS is going over and how does it expand freedom?

Level 3, Failed. Restart? Yes/No?

If I make too much, I cannot get them. That's economic discrimination.
If I am unable to get pregnant, no child assistance, sexism defined discrimination.
If I am too young, I can't get social security. Age discrimination.
If I am not disabled, I cannot get many grants or assistance. That's discrimination.
If I am not of a particular race, I cannot get special treatment for quotas in government work or education.

A government program is not supposed to discriminate yet liberal policies make it the norm. You've too much hate for those who succeed and condesention for those you see needing help to see it.

#4, needs editing.

Fucking hypocritical racist sexist bigoted heterophobe prick? Why do you hate white straight Christian men?

Sensitivity is a bullshit standard with no credibility or basis for existing. Life's a bitch. If you can't get used to it, blow your brains out and save us the whining. You whine about the hard times other races have had? Yeah, life's a bitch. I'm oppressing no one, but liberals want to oppress me because an ancestor (and which you don't have the slightest fucking clue when mine came here, so shove those assumptions up your ass sideways lubed in turpentine) of someone oppressed another because they were another color. The Native Americans are a conquered people and it's over. The war's are done, and reparations are bullshit. Merit is what matters. Cold hard achievement, sympathy and sensitivity doesn't feed the bulldog.

"The world doesn't owe you anything. It was here first." Mark Twain

#5, failed... to give a fuck.

Hey kid. Try this crack. Sure have a free hit. Come back later, bring a friend. Government handouts, since the Great Society proved do NOTHING to improve the lives and welfare of those on it. In fact, the opposite has shown to be true. Why get married when you can fuck a woman, leave her and the kids and let Uncle Sugar take care of them and pay to be daddy? Why get a job when you can apply for EBT, WIC, Foodstamps, Welfare of ALL sorts? Why achieve? Who the fuck cares? Deal some on the side and hang out with the hoochies all you want because nobody thinks you can do shit.

Welfare destroys by eroding the family. It enables bad behavior and criminal enterprise. Ben Franklin said that we should always have poverty uncomfortable enough as a force to drive people to achieve and get out of poverty. Since the 60's, we forgot that, got rid of the safety net and created the safety hammock.

Empty Rhetoric my ass.

#6 Oh shit that didn't work, did it?

#7 Swing and a miss!

Talk about a red herring. Who the fuck is talking about vigilante justice? I'm talking about telling parents how to discipline their children and 'empowering' children into thinking their parents are their servants, turning the relationship upside down because they can run to the government to punish the parent for being responsible. It perverts the family unit and destroys society.

You and your fish packed ass doesn't seem to get that. Then again, it's plain to see you hate American culture.

That level of medication and delusion must make anyone feel great. You didn't even come close to the topic. You just say I'm racist for pointing out treating people by their skin color as a group is racist identity politics.

#9 here the whine.

So Obamacare does not tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies? really? :rofl: :lmao:

You keep thinking that till the day they decide it's time to start eugenics to control population growth for the sake of the planet. Progressives have done it before, they will again.

#10 fail.

As the Thompson Twins said "Lies lies lies yeah... They're going to get you."

More than enough evidence and news stories of lawsuits from atheists suing to keep Christianity out of sight. Valedictorians and athletes sued for praying, school prayer banned. Yet we're to go out of our way to tolerate celebrating Islam at ground zero. Sorry, the factual news is against you. Deny it all you want, but there are thousands of stories otherwise.

Whoops. Why's heaven on fire?

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Then why do they fight against waivers for property tax used to support public schools for those who do not use it?

Why do they want to prevent parents from homeschooling?

Why do they fight against privatizing public school that has become unaffordable for the community?

Politics and power. They want union teachers so they can maintain political power in voting blocks and lots of money in a corrupt system of public sector unions creating an untouchable government class.

#12, yes you do suck at this.

CAFE standards call you a fucking liar. New demands for impossible standards have been put out on efficiency using technology that doesn't exist. You can find that in the last few energy bills. Mandates for energy that is just as damaging if not more so than proven methods while being unable to meet the needs of the nation even if we spot it 40 years. Of course we can't have what has worked and still works traditionally. That doesn't advance the political cause and keeps capitalism first world nation status going. Successful prosperous people don't need your kind.

Talk about rhetorical bullshit. Basic law of economics. If it is not profitable it cannot be sustained. If the profit cannot be high enough to protect the company from a downturn, it will fail catastrophically sooner or later (often sooner). If you can't grasp basic econ, you need to educate yourself in reality.

Dynamite? Try wet party popper.

So people cannot be trusted to make what you consider 'good choices' so you must take away their freedom lest they hurt themselves? Thank you mommy. Can I run with scissors now? So much for being a 'freedom loving liberal'. And guess what! If you didn't have government paying for health care, their health issues would be their own and not affect you AT ALL! WOW! What a concept. Apparently privatizing the health industry saves you from having to be responsible for another human being while providing more freedom and all you have to do is pay your own way! Who knew!?!

And with that, my IQ is considerably higher than yours.

Gotcha. More "you can't be trusted to" totalitarianism. What are you running for? King? You got nothing. Here's your dunce cap.


Oh.... OH! :lol: You think the founding fathers said "Separation of Church and State"? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! I'll give you 20 bucks if you can find that stated EXPLICITLY in the constitution. But to save you the stroke from thinking too hard, I'll 'splain it to you.

The first amendment prevents the creation of a state religion and forbids the infringement of religious speech by government. By allowing religious speech the government is not endorsing anything except a person's right to express that religion. (Something Obamatax is trying to eliminate by forcing abortion regs down religious hospitals). The concept of a separation between church and state comes from Federalist 40 wherein there is ONE paragraph that warns against creating a state religion that the government can force people to worship at.

Church of fail, party of one?

Liberals say I cannot think certain things about people, or say politically inconvenient things that they disagree with.

No. Liberals think you should be considerate of other people's feelings, but if you choose not to, you're going to be called a prick, asshole or Conservative.

Lessn 18, this has been exhausting, but worth it.

Find me the "Right to not be offended" in the constitution. You cannot legislate away people's right to be assholes. Sorry, Dr. Cocteau.

Failure is worth it? Okie dokie. I forgot I was addressing a liberal.

Why you, my dear fool! You have exemplified every last one of these things in your innane babblings here on USMB since you arrived. The news tells me every day (and yes I watch the network news and not FNC) all these virtues and taboos of modern liberalism. You cannot run away from the very nature of your Orwellian double think philosophy where War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength and Slavery is Freedom.

Words with no meaning is fun: Parblizgowoo! Schmingy! Fharaxcaxc!

Lesson 19: SCHMNINGY!

he biggest threat in your life is one who is aware of your real goals and desires for them for they cannot be controlled but must be eliminated.

You know nothing of our movement's real goals, as evidenced by this tripe I've just surgically dissected.

Lesson 20-You're an idiot.

So, in an effort to make you fee more comfortable facing the truth of your philosophy, Seig heil Derpiepoo.


Thanks for that. It was fun proving what a fucking sycophant and ignorant buffoon you are point-by-point.

Yep, Derpiepoo, you certainly faded to black. Rarely have I seen a collection of fail so deep as to cover the top of someone's head like you did. But congrats, you managed.


(Too long; didn't read; I already schooled your ass; All You Got is Rhetoric And Bullshit)

Seriously, FezFuck, I have no desire to get into this further. You're a drone, and that's cool and all, but not my thing. Just know that to anyone observing this exchange you got schooled on point after point and all you did is come back with more of the same bullshit I already schooled you on.

You're seriously not worth my time, or really anyone's time. So toodles, noodles.
You do understand, don't you, that under Obama, your last bowel movement is no longer private if you share information about it with your doctor in 2014, right? No subpoena, no warrent... your medical records are in the hands of bureaucrats.

Christ, where do you people get this shit? Learn to evaluate the veracity of the bullshit you're being fed before you regurgitate it.

Go look it up. The Reid/Pelosi Congress passed legislation requiring that medical records for all citizens be electronic by 2014 and gave themselves access ostensibly for "Comparative Effectiveness Research" and Barack Obama SIGNED it into law. That all went down in the Porkulus bill right after he took office.

The HITECH Act doesn't require "that medical records for all citizens be electronic by 2014" (the only such requirement in the United States is a state-level mandate in Minnesota that providers adopt electronic health records by 2015). What HITECH does is allow the federal government to act in its capacity as an insurance company to provide financial incentives--bonus payments--to providers who accept a certain threshold of Medicare or Medicaid payments and start using electronic health records.

It doesn't roll back existing federal or state privacy restrictions on health information.
Quite the contrary, my bitchtitted cupcake. I am every bit as disrespectful and distasteful as conservederrrp. Just not as stupid and self-absorbed.

You just agreed with me, Sofa King.

I'm sure that just made your tits light up a little more for me. While the lights are on and your feet illuminated, you should give yourself a pedicure.

And you're the standard to which CD should aspire. :lmao:
its like a kid ringing ur doorbell and running away all happy with himself. Which for the kid is just being fun and silly, this is just horrible to watch.

I agree. I fucked his shit up. Thanks for agreeing with me.

Really? It's like playing Ding Dong Ditch? that's your addition to the discussion, Sinjorri?

Why don't you go bore a hole in yourself and let the sap run out?

And Derpiepoo, you couldn't fuck a 2 dollar whore on half price night while he's unconscious.

(Too long; didn't read; I already schooled your ass; All You Got is Rhetoric And Bullshit)

Seriously, FezFuck, I have no desire to get into this further. You're a drone, and that's cool and all, but not my thing. Just know that to anyone observing this exchange you got schooled on point after point and all you did is come back with more of the same bullshit I already schooled you on.

You're seriously not worth my time, or really anyone's time. So toodles, noodles.
[ame=""]Brave Sir Robin Fled - YouTube[/ame]

Don't forget to declare victo... oops you already did.

And here I took all that time to answer every one of your blitherings. Well that's a craven liberal for you.
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In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.


And it’s not just a matter of losing our privacy rights, the right to due process with regard to search and seizure is also at stake along with our equal protection rights.

The sad fact is this wasn’t the original intent of the Framers. The purpose of the Constitution and the rule of law was to ensure that a party or faction or class of persons out of power wouldn’t have their civil liberties placed in jeopardy as well.

Whomever the president was, whomever controlled Congress, would have no impact on one’s fundamental rights.

Conservatives, through ignorance or malice, have exhibited only contempt for Constitutional case law and the rule of law, and a Romney administration would clearly be populated with such conservatives, many of whom responsible for judicial appointments.
And you're the standard to which CD should aspire. :lmao:

Jesus Christ, if that's the case we really are doomed.

Well, that's what you claimed earlier.

No butterface, I made no such claim. Nor would I ever make such a claim. What I did say was that me and conservaderrrps were very similar as posters. The difference being That I do not claim that my beratement of others is something others have earned by virtue of thinking differently than me.
In the next four years, there will likely be at least 2 or 3 slots on the Supreme Court open up due to the age of the justices. Ruth Ginsberg is in questionable health and three othe justices (Kennedy, Scalia and Breyer) are all in their 70's.

If you're a woman who values the ability to make reproductive choices on your own, you should vote for the President since he is committed to letting you keep your right to make that choice.

It is the truth that the republican nominee has been on both sides of the abortion issue in the past. Where the nominee will end up when selecting a new justice and what litmus test he will apply to that selection is up in the air.

Even a swing of one vote could overturn Roe v. Wade. If given the opportunity, conservatives will take that chance to overturn this landmark ruling.

Just something to consider before you go into the polling place and fill out your ballot this November.

This is Candycorn and I approved this message.


And it’s not just a matter of losing our privacy rights, the right to due process with regard to search and seizure is also at stake along with our equal protection rights.

The sad fact is this wasn’t the original intent of the Framers. The purpose of the Constitution and the rule of law was to ensure that a party or faction or class of persons out of power wouldn’t have their civil liberties placed in jeopardy as well.

Whomever the president was, whomever controlled Congress, would have no impact on one’s fundamental rights.

Conservatives, through ignorance or malice, have exhibited only contempt for Constitutional case law and the rule of law, and a Romney administration would clearly be populated with such conservatives, many of whom responsible for judicial appointments.

Don't worry Clayton, no matter who wins, this country will still treat you as though you are incapable of caring for yourself due to your victim status.
Most of the states have spent the past 18 months trying to make abortions unattainable.

And most of those laws have been stopped by the courts, which the people who wrote them knew they would.

Okay, this is where I get into "Politics is faker than Wrestling" moods, if these jokes in the State Legislatures knew that the laws they passed had any teeth, they'd never try to pass them. But it puts them in good with the religious right, the courts strike it down, and no consequence.

Kind of like the dog that chases a car. It's going to be in real trouble if it actually caught it.

(Sorry, kind of a grouchy mood today.)
If the Supreme Court overturned Roe what do you think would happen? Do you believe that women would no longer have the right to abortion?

If Roe was overturned- which is never going to happen, BTW, making this discussion kind of pointless - then the issue would go back to the states. Now, a lot of the Red states would ban it and the blue states would allow it.

But pretty much at that point, you are going to have the state legislatures in a panic to legalize abortion.
Romney can't overturn Roe, Twatty Arbuckle. But he could appoint a Conservative justice or two and they'd take care of the rest. I love how Si Modo and others are trying to paint CandyCorn as some crazy loon just because she, like MANY on both sides of the aisle, sees that the next President will likely be nominating someone to take a vacated seat on the court. There's a grassroots movement underway right now to drum up support for impeaching Clarence Thomas for not recusing himself from the ACA decision.

Having been raised in the Conservative Faith, I can remember Rush and all the other talking/flapping heads saying that it's important to have Conservatives in the White House to get Conservatives on the Court. This isn't some fucking straw man that Candy brought up; it's a legit consideration for who you put in the Oval Office.

And considering some of the absolute Right Wing Teabag Conspiracy shit we see on this board, and from other posters IN THIS FUCKING THREAD, it's really laughable that you'd call one of the most even-tempered and intellectual people on this board a nutter for starting this thread.

Thanks for making me even more proud to be a Progressive, you dumb, dumb twats.

(Twats provided by Freedombecki's Twat-O-Rama: Where a Twat Can Be A Twat)

In case you haven't noticed, we've had a majority of conservative judges for a while now. They haven't overturned Roe yet have they??

This is an absolutely ridiculous thread.
It's the boogeyman, and he is vewy, vewy, scawy.

Been spending time with Willow and Steph???
In case you haven't noticed, we've had a majority of conservative judges for a while now. They haven't overturned Roe yet have they??

This is an absolutely ridiculous thread.
It's the boogeyman, and he is vewy, vewy, scawy.

Been spending time with Willow and Steph???
Are you afraid of the boogeyman, too? It wouldn't surprise me at all. Hacks always are, especially hacks who are morons. :)
Wow... fucking bizzaroworld here.

Fisking the fisking it seems is in order.

No Dummy. I'm not referring to the Right's newest History Revision Buzzword. I'm talking about the actual definition of Liberalism.

Liberalism | Define Liberalism at

lib·er·al·ism   [lib-er-uh-liz-uhm, lib-ruh-] Show IPA
1.the quality or state of being liberal, as in behavior or attitude.
2.a political or social philosophy advocating the freedom of the individual, parliamentary systems of government, nonviolent modification of political, social, or economic institutions to assure unrestricted development in all spheres of human endeavor, and governmental guarantees of individual rights and civil liberties.
3.( sometimes initial capital letter ) the principles and practices of a liberal party in politics.
4.a movement in modern Protestantism that emphasizes freedom from tradition and authority, the adjustment of religious beliefs to scientific conceptions, and the development of spiritual capacities.

Argue with the dictionary if you want, but you just got your first lesson. Let's move on to lesson two, shall we?
So explain to me how the modern democrat party and their allied association of collectivist ideologues is any of those definitions. I've provided FACTUAL examples of what is done in the name of modern Liberalism that is directly contrary to those definitions save for it being applied to a group CLAIMING to be a liberal party. Spin spin spin and the only one dizzy is you. The rest of the world sees you as the idiot you are.

Liberals perverted the idea of Liberalism known by our Founding Fathers by co-opting the ideas of marxism, collectivism and progressivism. Our founding fathers were specifically against collective rights, but for individual rights. Nothing of the democrat platform, save for sexual perversion is for individual rights. Since the founding fathers were the ones who forged what was liberalism, it has come to a group to CONSERVE those ideals against the increasing corruption of what has become known as modern Liberalism as you practice it.

#2, failed.

So you say nobody has private property rights? Okay, what's your bank account number, fuckball? I want some money and you're it. So fork it over. Your house too while you're at it. And I'll be taking your wages as well since you don't have a right to it either. That's how absurd your re-definition for political short-sightedness is. The abuse of Eminant Domain has actually caused Chief Justice Kennedy to have his very home threatened, because a private developer demanded it be ceded to them for hotel development. I'm sure he regrets that vote now.

You desire to eliminate individual private ownership as exemplified in collectivism and modern liberalism is on full display. Just because it's now legal, does not make it ethical or right. Or do you agree with the 3/5ths compromise and Jim Crow? How about Sedition laws? They were once legal too, you know. Existence is now being taxed. Our nation rebelled over a 1 penny tax on tea. How well do you think THIS is going over and how does it expand freedom?

Level 3, Failed. Restart? Yes/No?

If I make too much, I cannot get them. That's economic discrimination.
If I am unable to get pregnant, no child assistance, sexism defined discrimination.
If I am too young, I can't get social security. Age discrimination.
If I am not disabled, I cannot get many grants or assistance. That's discrimination.
If I am not of a particular race, I cannot get special treatment for quotas in government work or education.

A government program is not supposed to discriminate yet liberal policies make it the norm. You've too much hate for those who succeed and condesention for those you see needing help to see it.

#4, needs editing.

Fucking hypocritical racist sexist bigoted heterophobe prick? Why do you hate white straight Christian men?

Sensitivity is a bullshit standard with no credibility or basis for existing. Life's a bitch. If you can't get used to it, blow your brains out and save us the whining. You whine about the hard times other races have had? Yeah, life's a bitch. I'm oppressing no one, but liberals want to oppress me because an ancestor (and which you don't have the slightest fucking clue when mine came here, so shove those assumptions up your ass sideways lubed in turpentine) of someone oppressed another because they were another color. The Native Americans are a conquered people and it's over. The war's are done, and reparations are bullshit. Merit is what matters. Cold hard achievement, sympathy and sensitivity doesn't feed the bulldog.

"The world doesn't owe you anything. It was here first." Mark Twain

#5, failed... to give a fuck.

Hey kid. Try this crack. Sure have a free hit. Come back later, bring a friend. Government handouts, since the Great Society proved do NOTHING to improve the lives and welfare of those on it. In fact, the opposite has shown to be true. Why get married when you can fuck a woman, leave her and the kids and let Uncle Sugar take care of them and pay to be daddy? Why get a job when you can apply for EBT, WIC, Foodstamps, Welfare of ALL sorts? Why achieve? Who the fuck cares? Deal some on the side and hang out with the hoochies all you want because nobody thinks you can do shit.

Welfare destroys by eroding the family. It enables bad behavior and criminal enterprise. Ben Franklin said that we should always have poverty uncomfortable enough as a force to drive people to achieve and get out of poverty. Since the 60's, we forgot that, got rid of the safety net and created the safety hammock.

Empty Rhetoric my ass.

#6 Oh shit that didn't work, did it?

#7 Swing and a miss!

Talk about a red herring. Who the fuck is talking about vigilante justice? I'm talking about telling parents how to discipline their children and 'empowering' children into thinking their parents are their servants, turning the relationship upside down because they can run to the government to punish the parent for being responsible. It perverts the family unit and destroys society.

You and your fish packed ass doesn't seem to get that. Then again, it's plain to see you hate American culture.

That level of medication and delusion must make anyone feel great. You didn't even come close to the topic. You just say I'm racist for pointing out treating people by their skin color as a group is racist identity politics.

#9 here the whine.

So Obamacare does not tell women what they can and can't do with their bodies? really? :rofl: :lmao:

You keep thinking that till the day they decide it's time to start eugenics to control population growth for the sake of the planet. Progressives have done it before, they will again.

#10 fail.

As the Thompson Twins said "Lies lies lies yeah... They're going to get you."

More than enough evidence and news stories of lawsuits from atheists suing to keep Christianity out of sight. Valedictorians and athletes sued for praying, school prayer banned. Yet we're to go out of our way to tolerate celebrating Islam at ground zero. Sorry, the factual news is against you. Deny it all you want, but there are thousands of stories otherwise.

Whoops. Why's heaven on fire?

Pelosi’s Obamacare: Pay up or pay fines, jail time | You Decide Politics

Then why do they fight against waivers for property tax used to support public schools for those who do not use it?

Why do they want to prevent parents from homeschooling?

Why do they fight against privatizing public school that has become unaffordable for the community?

Politics and power. They want union teachers so they can maintain political power in voting blocks and lots of money in a corrupt system of public sector unions creating an untouchable government class.

#12, yes you do suck at this.

CAFE standards call you a fucking liar. New demands for impossible standards have been put out on efficiency using technology that doesn't exist. You can find that in the last few energy bills. Mandates for energy that is just as damaging if not more so than proven methods while being unable to meet the needs of the nation even if we spot it 40 years. Of course we can't have what has worked and still works traditionally. That doesn't advance the political cause and keeps capitalism first world nation status going. Successful prosperous people don't need your kind.

Talk about rhetorical bullshit. Basic law of economics. If it is not profitable it cannot be sustained. If the profit cannot be high enough to protect the company from a downturn, it will fail catastrophically sooner or later (often sooner). If you can't grasp basic econ, you need to educate yourself in reality.

Dynamite? Try wet party popper.

So people cannot be trusted to make what you consider 'good choices' so you must take away their freedom lest they hurt themselves? Thank you mommy. Can I run with scissors now? So much for being a 'freedom loving liberal'. And guess what! If you didn't have government paying for health care, their health issues would be their own and not affect you AT ALL! WOW! What a concept. Apparently privatizing the health industry saves you from having to be responsible for another human being while providing more freedom and all you have to do is pay your own way! Who knew!?!

And with that, my IQ is considerably higher than yours.

Gotcha. More "you can't be trusted to" totalitarianism. What are you running for? King? You got nothing. Here's your dunce cap.


Oh.... OH! :lol: You think the founding fathers said "Separation of Church and State"? BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!! I'll give you 20 bucks if you can find that stated EXPLICITLY in the constitution. But to save you the stroke from thinking too hard, I'll 'splain it to you.

The first amendment prevents the creation of a state religion and forbids the infringement of religious speech by government. By allowing religious speech the government is not endorsing anything except a person's right to express that religion. (Something Obamatax is trying to eliminate by forcing abortion regs down religious hospitals). The concept of a separation between church and state comes from Federalist 40 wherein there is ONE paragraph that warns against creating a state religion that the government can force people to worship at.

Church of fail, party of one?

Find me the "Right to not be offended" in the constitution. You cannot legislate away people's right to be assholes. Sorry, Dr. Cocteau.

Failure is worth it? Okie dokie. I forgot I was addressing a liberal.

Why you, my dear fool! You have exemplified every last one of these things in your innane babblings here on USMB since you arrived. The news tells me every day (and yes I watch the network news and not FNC) all these virtues and taboos of modern liberalism. You cannot run away from the very nature of your Orwellian double think philosophy where War is Peace, Ignorance is Strength and Slavery is Freedom.

Words with no meaning is fun: Parblizgowoo! Schmingy! Fharaxcaxc!

Lesson 19: SCHMNINGY!

he biggest threat in your life is one who is aware of your real goals and desires for them for they cannot be controlled but must be eliminated.

You know nothing of our movement's real goals, as evidenced by this tripe I've just surgically dissected.

Lesson 20-You're an idiot.

So, in an effort to make you fee more comfortable facing the truth of your philosophy, Seig heil Derpiepoo.


Thanks for that. It was fun proving what a fucking sycophant and ignorant buffoon you are point-by-point.
Yep, Derpiepoo, you certainly faded to black. Rarely have I seen a collection of fail so deep as to cover the top of someone's head like you did. But congrats, you managed.


(Too long; didn't read; I already schooled your ass; All You Got is Rhetoric And Bullshit)

Seriously, FezFuck, I have no desire to get into this further. You're a drone, and that's cool and all, but not my thing. Just know that to anyone observing this exchange you got schooled on point after point and all you did is come back with more of the same bullshit I already schooled you on.

You're seriously not worth my time, or really anyone's time. So toodles, noodles.
You flung feces right and left, he answered you point by point, and its' "too long?"


(Too long; didn't read; I already schooled your ass; All You Got is Rhetoric And Bullshit)

Seriously, FezFuck, I have no desire to get into this further. You're a drone, and that's cool and all, but not my thing. Just know that to anyone observing this exchange you got schooled on point after point and all you did is come back with more of the same bullshit I already schooled you on.

You're seriously not worth my time, or really anyone's time. So toodles, noodles.
[ame=""]Brave Sir Robin Fled - YouTube[/ame]

Don't forget to declare victo... oops you already did.

And here I took all that time to answer every one of your blitherings. Well that's a craven liberal for you.

<you must spread some reputation around before giving it to Big Fitz again>
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