The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Well I will say this... IF your premise is correct, there will never be another Republican president. If the current chasm in the GOP is not resolved in a way which leads to a decisive victory over the Socialists, we may not ever have another elected president. Our sovereignty is on the way to being lost due to illegal immigration.

The GOP is currently sharply divided between those who want to maintain status quo "moderatism" and avoid taking bold stands on principles and values, and those who have a clear conservative philosophy that is constantly under attack. It remains to be seen which "side" will ultimately prevail in the nomination process but if the GOP goes with another "moderate" like McCain or Romney, this will spell the demise of the GOP as a viable political party. They will simply go the way of the Whigs who suffered the same 'paralysis of thought' on the issues of the day.

Reagan said, we have to paint our message in bold colors and no pale pastels. The current top two front-runners in the GOP race are non-politician leaders who are not tied to the establishment GOP. That should be sounding alarm bells for the elite Republican establishment. The party is literally redefining itself.

Any preconceptions you have that the 2016 election will be a matter of Republicans winning over swing states from the last election, are simply goofy and ignorant of American politics and presidential election history.

The rebranding of Republicans will do even worse in the swing states which tend to go moderate. The "I'm more conservative than you" brinksmanship of the current GOP will turn off moderate voters. In the absence of a moderate Republican, a moderate Democrat will do

A moderate Republican will continue the policies that will lead to the One Party State.

I can see why you want that.

Actually, I can't.

I can't see why you would put your partisan interests over that of the nation as a whole.
Tell the Repub Party & its different manifestations (currently the Teapub Party) that. They been doing it for the last 30+ years :thup:

Would you like to defend the idea of Third World Immigration as a benefit for the US?
He has defined US as his enemy.
Correll and Redfish have declared they are the enemies of America. They are among the TP that make up about 15% of the electorate. Doesn't matter what they think: they are growing older as a group and are dying out. TP preaching is abhorred by millennials. Once again, the numbers condemn the far right.
anyone who refers to the President as "Obozo" is a mouth-breathing, rw hate media listening, hack as well

in your world of politically-correct, brainwashed lemmings and pussies of course anybody criticizing your Messiah is a hater
Countries with English as an Official Language and the Language of Instruction in Higher Education
Anguilla Ireland, Northern Singapore
Antigua and Barbuda Ireland, Republic of Solomon Islands
Australia Jamaica South Africa
Bahamas Kenya Swaziland
Barbados Lesotho Tanzania
15 more rows
English as Official Language
North Carolina State University

Would these liberal clowns go to Spain and demand that "press 2 for english" be mandated by law?

Government has an obligation to communicate with the people that it serves. They should communicate in the language that those people understand

Wrong, if you want to be an american, learn english. The early immigrants did just that and achieved success.
Tell that to all the Repub voters of Cuban descent in Fla dummy

the successful ones there that own businesses and vote for Republicans dont need to be told that you idiot; they already do speak English fluently
I think most republicans do NOT think that.

We have seen plenty of examples of black or hispanic republicans being ignored.

When we support black or hispanic candidates we do it because we like them as candidates, not because of skin color.

Can you point to a black or hispanic Republican who has advocated helping minority communities? They all embrace the callous Republican views of....Get a job, your struggles are not my problem

i can find dozens; as opposed to your asinine claim that Republicans oppose "ALL" OF those programs

Please do

Start with the 2012 Republican Party Platform and how many initiatives are targeted at helping the rich vs helping poor communities

the poor had more, the richest had less when Republicans ran things..

ironic isnt it?
reality is a bitch for left-wingers

30 year trends are a bitch aren't they?


Now...guess who took over in 1981 and 2001?

30 year trends you say huh moron????

than by your own logic 99% of the stupidity coming from the left ranting about anything the Republican Party has done or is doing is bullshit right??? i mean it all boils down to 30-year trends right moron?

i love it when you people make fools of yourselves and make the case for the other side!!
He has defined US as his enemy.
Correll and Redfish have declared they are the enemies of America. They are among the TP that make up about 15% of the electorate. Doesn't matter what they think: they are growing older as a group and are dying out. TP preaching is abhorred by millennials. Once again, the numbers condemn the far right.

The only reason the numbers are against us is because of the Democratic Policy of importing Third World voters.

Whites, who still vote based on policy instead of identity politics, have for generations been voting for the GOP.
I think most republicans do NOT think that.

We have seen plenty of examples of black or hispanic republicans being ignored.

When we support black or hispanic candidates we do it because we like them as candidates, not because of skin color.

Can you point to a black or hispanic Republican who has advocated helping minority communities? They all embrace the callous Republican views of....Get a job, your struggles are not my problem

i can find dozens; as opposed to your asinine claim that Republicans oppose "ALL" OF those programs

Please do

Start with the 2012 Republican Party Platform and how many initiatives are targeted at helping the rich vs helping poor communities

the poor had more, the richest had less when Republicans ran things..

ironic isnt it?
reality is a bitch for left-wingers

30 year trends are a bitch aren't they?


Now...guess who took over in 1981 and 2001?

guess what year it is idiot? more than 30 years after 1981 isnt it?

and if 30 year trends are what you're using to excuse failure under obama than doesnt the whole roaring clinton years fall under that era?
you're saying republicans are responsible for the success of those years then arent you??

can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?

yes simple; so tell us all what they are. you cant and you wont. because you will prove they are all pandering and almost none of them anything BUT pandering on the basis of race more than they are substantive

Policies such as affirmative action, head start, minority business initiatives, educational assistance, jobs programs directed at minority communities, safety net programs

ALL opposed and continually attacked by Republicans

maybe because they dont work idiot?

all those programs; why is Black unemployment about TWICE White unemployment for DECADES RUNNING now??

Of course they work

Affirmative action has been a major success, jobs and educational programs have helped millions of minorities....even Ben Carson

Affirmative Action is tearing this country apart.

Blacks and browns are being taught in the womb that they have the right to special treatment,

And whites are getting increasingly sick of it.
in the deluded minds of left-wing nutjobs no white person is responsible for their succcess ("you didnt do that"), and no person of color is responsible for their own actions

yet you idiots still scoff at the notion that you are panderers???
He has defined US as his enemy.
Correll and Redfish have declared they are the enemies of America. They are among the TP that make up about 15% of the electorate. Doesn't matter what they think: they are growing older as a group and are dying out. TP preaching is abhorred by millennials. Once again, the numbers condemn the far right.
The only reason the numbers are against us is because of the Democratic Policy of importing Third World voters. Whites, who still vote based on policy instead of identity politics, have for generations been voting for the GOP.
Reagan et al went right along with continuing immigration and not overturning the 1965 immigration law. Immigration has always changed America, and this wave will also. You are on the wrong side of history. Your silly racialist remarks mean nothing and have no power.
All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them

I think most republicans do NOT think that.

We have seen plenty of examples of black or hispanic republicans being ignored.

When we support black or hispanic candidates we do it because we like them as candidates, not because of skin color.

Can you point to a black or hispanic Republican who has advocated helping minority communities? They all embrace the callous Republican views of....Get a job, your struggles are not my problem

Soooo, wait. Are you agreeing that Republicans do NOT expect to win black and brown votes with running black and brown candidates?

Because that was what you just claimed and now you seemed to have dropped that and move on.

As to their policies, they are based on the same various ideologies and economic theories of the rest of the GOP, that is why they have been the gop.

The fact that you disagree is not really relevant.
Can you point to a black or hispanic Republican who has advocated helping minority communities? They all embrace the callous Republican views of....Get a job, your struggles are not my problem

i can find dozens; as opposed to your asinine claim that Republicans oppose "ALL" OF those programs

Please do

Start with the 2012 Republican Party Platform and how many initiatives are targeted at helping the rich vs helping poor communities

the poor had more, the richest had less when Republicans ran things..

ironic isnt it?
reality is a bitch for left-wingers

30 year trends are a bitch aren't they?


Now...guess who took over in 1981 and 2001?

30 year trends you say huh moron????

than by your own logic 99% of the stupidity coming from the left ranting about anything the Republican Party has done or is doing is bullshit right??? i mean it all boils down to 30-year trends right moron?

i love it when you people make fools of yourselves and make the case for the other side!!

Based on your unrelated rant, it seems I really got you

Now look at the graph and ask what happened

Starting in 1981 (Reagan tax cuts) the wealth of the top 1% and top 5% begin to take off. Then in 2001 with the Bush tax cuts they again go crazy to the advantage of the rich
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


The reason for the OP is demographic shift.

As RW discussed in the first post after the OP.

This is not derailing the thread, this is what the thread was about from the beginning.

You saying the African American birthrate demographic has shifted enough to make a diff for Repubs? :eusa_eh: Hispanics perhaps but not African Americans, which your racist rw friend is derailing the thread talking about because its all he does in any thread. :blahblah:

The African American bloc voting is a big part of the One Party State scenario RW describes in the OP and the rest of this thread, though for some reason he resists my accurate term for what he is describing.

Discussing the coming marginalization of the GOP without discussing the ethnic voting patterns that are the cause of it would be stupid.
Stop running interference for Conservative65 & other racists kiddo :eusa_hand: I specifically addressed the insignificance of the African American voting block due to marginal birth rates :bang3:

Hispanics OTOH are a demographic that has possibilities to influence elections

Go away, you're bothering me kid :bye1:
He has defined US as his enemy.
Correll and Redfish have declared they are the enemies of America. They are among the TP that make up about 15% of the electorate. Doesn't matter what they think: they are growing older as a group and are dying out. TP preaching is abhorred by millennials. Once again, the numbers condemn the far right.
The only reason the numbers are against us is because of the Democratic Policy of importing Third World voters. Whites, who still vote based on policy instead of identity politics, have for generations been voting for the GOP.
Reagan et al went right along with continuing immigration and not overturning the 1965 immigration law. Immigration has always changed America, and this wave will also. You are on the wrong side of history. Your silly racialist remarks mean nothing and have no power.

you're still making moronic allegations of racism and "racialist" remarks(whatever that is) that you cant back up with facts.

you're simply an idiot Jake. and history is AGAINST YOU. you know why? because the Right-wing notion of what immigration is is what changed America for the better and the Progressive notion of it today is what is destructive.
George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them

I think most republicans do NOT think that.

We have seen plenty of examples of black or hispanic republicans being ignored.

When we support black or hispanic candidates we do it because we like them as candidates, not because of skin color.

Can you point to a black or hispanic Republican who has advocated helping minority communities? They all embrace the callous Republican views of....Get a job, your struggles are not my problem

Soooo, wait. Are you agreeing that Republicans do NOT expect to win black and brown votes with running black and brown candidates?

Because that was what you just claimed and now you seemed to have dropped that and move on.

As to their policies, they are based on the same various ideologies and economic theories of the rest of the GOP, that is why they have been the gop.

The fact that you disagree is not really relevant.

Which does nothing to help Republicans to retake the White House in the next 50 years

They have maneuvered themselves into irrelevance
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


The reason for the OP is demographic shift.

As RW discussed in the first post after the OP.

This is not derailing the thread, this is what the thread was about from the beginning.

You saying the African American birthrate demographic has shifted enough to make a diff for Repubs? :eusa_eh: Hispanics perhaps but not African Americans, which your racist rw friend is derailing the thread talking about because its all he does in any thread. :blahblah:

The African American bloc voting is a big part of the One Party State scenario RW describes in the OP and the rest of this thread, though for some reason he resists my accurate term for what he is describing.

Discussing the coming marginalization of the GOP without discussing the ethnic voting patterns that are the cause of it would be stupid.
Stop running interference for Conservative65 & other racists kiddo :eusa_hand: I specifically addressed the insignificance of the African American voting block due to marginal birth rates :bang3:

Hispanics OTOH are a demographic that has possibilities to influence elections

Go away, you're bothering me kid :bye1:
i love it when a leftard accidently tells the truth. hispanics passing black Americans in numbers is exactly why Dems are throwing them under the bus.
i can find dozens; as opposed to your asinine claim that Republicans oppose "ALL" OF those programs

Please do

Start with the 2012 Republican Party Platform and how many initiatives are targeted at helping the rich vs helping poor communities

the poor had more, the richest had less when Republicans ran things..

ironic isnt it?
reality is a bitch for left-wingers

30 year trends are a bitch aren't they?


Now...guess who took over in 1981 and 2001?

30 year trends you say huh moron????

than by your own logic 99% of the stupidity coming from the left ranting about anything the Republican Party has done or is doing is bullshit right??? i mean it all boils down to 30-year trends right moron?

i love it when you people make fools of yourselves and make the case for the other side!!

Based on your unrelated rant, it seems I really got you

Now look at the graph and ask what happened

Starting in 1981 (Reagan tax cuts) the wealth of the top 1% and top 5% begin to take off. Then in 2001 with the Bush tax cuts they again go crazy to the advantage of the rich

you're too stupid to realize and too cowardly to acknowledge if you could realize that the only conclusion that can be made from your post and graph is that Progressives are irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
i'm giving you idiots more credit than you give y ourselves
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! nothing i've done or tried to do has had an effect!!!!

vote for me next election please; cuz i really care!!!

lol what an idiot
out of one side of your mouth you try to brag about the success of Progressive programs; out of the other you cry that "30-year trends" of things Republicans set in motion decades ago have negated everything

what a moron
The only way the GOP can take the WH is that it must reach out solidly to women and minorities.

The white vote is split enough between the two parties that women and minorities are the swing constituentcies, and the GOP has been failing in even increasing numbers the last several presidential elections.
hillary is losing support among women

tis strange times; and left-wing morons would be wise not to count their chickens..................

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