The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

He has defined US as his enemy.
Correll and Redfish have declared they are the enemies of America. They are among the TP that make up about 15% of the electorate. Doesn't matter what they think: they are growing older as a group and are dying out. TP preaching is abhorred by millennials. Once again, the numbers condemn the far right.
Countries with English as an Official Language and the Language of Instruction in Higher Education
Anguilla Ireland, Northern Singapore
Antigua and Barbuda Ireland, Republic of Solomon Islands
Australia Jamaica South Africa
Bahamas Kenya Swaziland
Barbados Lesotho Tanzania
15 more rows
English as Official Language
North Carolina State University

Would these liberal clowns go to Spain and demand that "press 2 for english" be mandated by law?

Government has an obligation to communicate with the people that it serves. They should communicate in the language that those people understand

Wrong, if you want to be an american, learn english. The early immigrants did just that and achieved success.
youjust provided proof your progams dont work moron.

all those programs; where's the "change"?????

isnt your next post predictable rightwinger? you're going to cry that "things would have been worse" right????
He has defined US as his enemy.
Correll and Redfish have declared they are the enemies of America. They are among the TP that make up about 15% of the electorate. Doesn't matter what they think: they are growing older as a group and are dying out. TP preaching is abhorred by millennials. Once again, the numbers condemn the far right.

more stupidity you cant back up with ANYTHING resembling a fact.
He has defined US as his enemy.
Correll and Redfish have declared they are the enemies of America. They are among the TP that make up about 15% of the electorate. Doesn't matter what they think: they are growing older as a group and are dying out. TP preaching is abhorred by millennials. Once again, the numbers condemn the far right.

Wrong again, snakey. we are the majority. your liberal ideas have failed and are being rejected by young americans. we tried liberalism for 60 or more years and it failed. the people know that. Time to return to sanity.
24% identify as liberals so your op is not valid.
Conservatism is bigger than liberalism.
If the liberals are treating the other 38% of the non-libs better than the cons, they do just fine. Five of the last six presidential popular votes reflect that. And the swing states tend to purples and bluish.
It's hard to compete with "libs promise to give everyone free shit with taxpayer money. Look how nice they are."

But without hard working Americans who strive to earn a good living there wouldn't be any tax money to give away under the guise of liberals are better because they take money from earners and give it to none earners.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
From Gallup.

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%

Good stat

And how do Conservatives treat the other 62% who are not conservative
24% identify as liberals so your op is not valid.

Conservatism is bigger than liberalism.

Yes it is

But that leaves 38% who are moderate. When Conservatives use terms like RINO to describe moderate republicans and chase them out of the party, where does that leave the moderate vote?

In the absence of a moderate republican, they will choose a moderate democrat
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

Perhaps. GW was pretty pro-immigrant and wanted amnesty.

Then again so was McCain.

On the other hand, if we as Americans are going to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans, we HAVE TO reduce immigration and especially Third World immigration.

If the HIspanic vote and the Balance of Power in our society has become such that wanting to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans, means that you cannot win elections,

Then we, as a nation are screwed.

And I agree, that is where we are at.

Good for the Democratic Party, bad for everyone else.

We got to this point, btw, because we were never able to have a serious and honest discussion on what the immigration policy meant for the interests of Americans.

Thanks to the constant use of the Race Card by the Left.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
From Gallup.

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%

Good stat

And how do Conservatives treat the other 62% who are not conservative
24% identify as liberals so your op is not valid.

Conservatism is bigger than liberalism.

Yes it is

But that leaves 38% who are moderate. When Conservatives use terms like RINO to describe moderate republicans and chase them out of the party, where does that leave the moderate vote?

In the absence of a moderate republican, they will choose a moderate democrat

this is coming from an idiot who supports a Party that has driven nearly ALL it's moderates out.

how many pro-life democrats are there dummy??
Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them


can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?

yes simple; so tell us all what they are. you cant and you wont. because you will prove they are all pandering and almost none of them anything BUT pandering on the basis of race more than they are substantive

Policies such as affirmative action, head start, minority business initiatives, educational assistance, jobs programs directed at minority communities, safety net programs

ALL opposed and continually attacked by Republicans

maybe because they dont work idiot?

all those programs; why is Black unemployment about TWICE White unemployment for DECADES RUNNING now??

Of course they work

Affirmative action has been a major success, jobs and educational programs have helped millions of minorities....even Ben Carson
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
They'll adapt. Maybe Trump will win the whitehouse and do what Bill Clinton did to the democrats. God willing, this will leave many years of competitive politics and balance in our lifetime. With the dems moving left, I argue they imperil this domination of yours.

can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?

yes simple; so tell us all what they are. you cant and you wont. because you will prove they are all pandering and almost none of them anything BUT pandering on the basis of race more than they are substantive

Policies such as affirmative action, head start, minority business initiatives, educational assistance, jobs programs directed at minority communities, safety net programs

ALL opposed and continually attacked by Republicans

maybe because they dont work idiot?

all those programs; why is Black unemployment about TWICE White unemployment for DECADES RUNNING now??

Of course they work

Affirmative action has been a major success, jobs and educational programs have helped millions of minorities....even Ben Carson

Carson is in his 60s.

amazing how the "forward" crowd only looks backward
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
From Gallup.

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%

Good stat

And how do Conservatives treat the other 62% who are not conservative
24% identify as liberals so your op is not valid.

Conservatism is bigger than liberalism.

Yes it is

But that leaves 38% who are moderate. When Conservatives use terms like RINO to describe moderate republicans and chase them out of the party, where does that leave the moderate vote?

In the absence of a moderate republican, they will choose a moderate democrat

this is coming from an idiot who supports a Party that has driven nearly ALL it's moderates out.

how many pro-life democrats are there dummy??

They didn't drive Joe Lieberman out. Didn't drive out Joe Manchin a moderate Dem from West Virginia

How are Republicans treating Colin Powell?

can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?

yes simple; so tell us all what they are. you cant and you wont. because you will prove they are all pandering and almost none of them anything BUT pandering on the basis of race more than they are substantive

Policies such as affirmative action, head start, minority business initiatives, educational assistance, jobs programs directed at minority communities, safety net programs

ALL opposed and continually attacked by Republicans

maybe because they dont work idiot?

all those programs; why is Black unemployment about TWICE White unemployment for DECADES RUNNING now??

Of course they work

Affirmative action has been a major success, jobs and educational programs have helped millions of minorities....even Ben Carson

i'll ask again. if they worked so well why are you idiots demanding so much more of the same? why are you insisting nothing's really changed and people of color still cant get a break??
To suggest we have seriously "that the GOP had done that and that there was no significant effect" (reached out to women and minorities) is twaddle. Both groups have long demonstrated they do not trust your sort of "conservatism".

RW suggested "JOBS" as a way for the GOP to reach out to minorities.

I cited historical examples of the GOP policies and economic growth benefiting blacks and it having no impact on voting.

The fact that our outreach attempts have failed is not evidence they have not happened.
From Gallup.

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%

Good stat

And how do Conservatives treat the other 62% who are not conservative
24% identify as liberals so your op is not valid.

Conservatism is bigger than liberalism.

Yes it is

But that leaves 38% who are moderate. When Conservatives use terms like RINO to describe moderate republicans and chase them out of the party, where does that leave the moderate vote?

In the absence of a moderate republican, they will choose a moderate democrat

this is coming from an idiot who supports a Party that has driven nearly ALL it's moderates out.

how many pro-life democrats are there dummy??

They didn't drive Joe Lieberman out. Didn't drive out Joe Mancin a moderate Dem from West Virginia

great dullard!! then what DID make people like leiberman leave? and the others????

can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?

yes simple; so tell us all what they are. you cant and you wont. because you will prove they are all pandering and almost none of them anything BUT pandering on the basis of race more than they are substantive

Policies such as affirmative action, head start, minority business initiatives, educational assistance, jobs programs directed at minority communities, safety net programs

ALL opposed and continually attacked by Republicans

maybe because they dont work idiot?

all those programs; why is Black unemployment about TWICE White unemployment for DECADES RUNNING now??

Of course they work

Affirmative action has been a major success, jobs and educational programs have helped millions of minorities....even Ben Carson

so do you admit we have an affirmative action president then leftard????

inquiring minds want to know!
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them

I think most republicans do NOT think that.

We have seen plenty of examples of black or hispanic republicans being ignored.

When we support black or hispanic candidates we do it because we like them as candidates, not because of skin color.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

Perhaps. GW was pretty pro-immigrant and wanted amnesty.

Then again so was McCain.

On the other hand, if we as Americans are going to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans, we HAVE TO reduce immigration and especially Third World immigration.

If the HIspanic vote and the Balance of Power in our society has become such that wanting to craft policy to serve the interests of Americans, means that you cannot win elections,

Then we, as a nation are screwed.

And I agree, that is where we are at.

Good for the Democratic Party, bad for everyone else.

We got to this point, btw, because we were never able to have a serious and honest discussion on what the immigration policy meant for the interests of Americans.

Thanks to the constant use of the Race Card by the Left.

I disagree with your fear of immigration

This country has always had immigrants and Conservatives always fear mongered about each wave of Irish, Chinese, Polish, Italian or eastern European immigrants

They will take jobs from "real" Americans
They are all criminals
They bring disease
They don't speak the language

Some things never change
All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them


can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?

I already demonstrated that that wasn't true with the 88 and 92 presidential elections.

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