The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?
To suggest we have seriously "that the GOP had done that and that there was no significant effect" (reached out to women and minorities) is twaddle. Both groups have long demonstrated they do not trust your sort of "conservatism".
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
:lol: That type of post is evidence of what I mean: you live in other world. OK.

Nope, I live in the real world. The one where anyone who dares disagree with the kenyan messiah is demonized and trashed by the left wing media. The same media that put on that sham of a debate last night.

But let me ask you again. Do you really think that obama considers himself as the president of all americans, even the ones that disagree with him? Has he done anything to look for common ground with the other side? Has he tried to compromise on any of the major issues facing the country? The answers are No, and if you are honest you will admit that. If you are dishonest, then---------------------------------

The GOP is doomed with posters like this defending it

The truth will set you free. try it sometime.

Aw, fakey jakey thinks my post was funny, isn't that just wonderful :dunno:
it's just so sad when left-wing idiots cant admit they are on the Left. if you're dishonest about your very being why should anybody take stock in anything you post here???
To suggest we have seriously "that the GOP had done that and that there was no significant effect" (reached out to women and minorities) is twaddle. Both groups have long demonstrated they do not trust your sort of "conservatism".

wrong again, fakey. you have been listening to MSNBC too much. that left wing talking point is refuted by the recent polls. 60% of women and minorities think hillary is a liar and cannot be trusted. Your corrupt lying leaders (obama and clinton) have lost the female and minority vote. Women and minorities are not as stupid as you dems think they are.
We are talking about the GOP, so the deflection about HRC is immaterial.

If we do not reach out honestly to women and minorities, our GOP will get hammered next year.
The National Review wrote "There was also a strong gender gap among Trump’s supporters, even before the Megyn Kelly debate dustup. Men typically support Trump by at least three points more than his overall total, while women back him by two to six points less. Men also view Trump much more favorably than do women: Men tend to view him positively by a ten- to 20-point net margin, whereas women either split evenly or view him negatively by up to a ten-point net margin."

Read more at:<
We are talking about the GOP, so the deflection about HRC is immaterial.

If we do not reach out honestly to women and minorities, our GOP will get hammered next year.

i'm willing to bet when you ask this loon what reaching out to minorities and women actually entails you will realize what side of the political aisle he's really on. ^^^^^^^^
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them

which policies? give us a list of republican "policies" that are hostile to blacks and hispanics.

no talking points or liberal bullshit, give us a specific list of policies supported by the republican candidates for president that are hostile to those groups.
if your presmise is the next republican president hasnt been born yet than it isnt a deflection to try to see where the OP arrives at this conclusion by comparing and contrasting Republicans to Democrats, everything is relative.

but speaking of non-stellar support from women, look how the would-be first female President is faring:

Why Are Women Ditching Hillary? - The Daily Beast
The Daily Beast
Sep 13, 2015 - Earlier this year Hillary Clinton seemed to have the female vote locked ... 9 in N.H., Gains in Iowa: Poll, which showed Clinton losing to Sanders by nine ... Clinton's support among Democratic women nationally dropped to 51
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them

but you cant and wont say how. Yes take that as a challenge so maybe we can get you enlightened today! ;)
The National Review wrote "There was also a strong gender gap among Trump’s supporters, even before the Megyn Kelly debate dustup. Men typically support Trump by at least three points more than his overall total, while women back him by two to six points less. Men also view Trump much more favorably than do women: Men tend to view him positively by a ten- to 20-point net margin, whereas women either split evenly or view him negatively by up to a ten-point net margin."

Read more at:<

so what, I am quite sure that a similar poll on hillary would show that her favorabliity with women is higher than with men.

It means absolutely nothing.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them


can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them

which policies? give us a list of republican "policies" that are hostile to blacks and hispanics.

no talking points or liberal bullshit, give us a specific list of policies supported by the republican candidates for president that are hostile to those groups.

Where are your papers laws, English as an official language laws, blocking the Dream act, stonewalling immigration reform

Above that is the rhetoric coming out of not only Republican leaders, but the rightwing media and even those who post on boards like this

A black or Hispanic would ask....why would I want to be in the same party as THOSE people?
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
From Gallup.

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them


can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
From Gallup.

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%

Good stat

And how do Conservatives treat the other 62% who are not conservative?
Last edited:
All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away

The republican party is NOT anti-immigration or anti-hispanic. It is anti-ILLEGAL immigration and pro-hispanic. You do realize that Rubio and Cruz are hispanic don't you.

Which of the 5 dem candidates is hispanic, black, young, or in any way diverse?

Republicans just don't get it

They think if they run a black man, they will get the black vote
They think if they run a hispanic, they will get the hispanic vote

Blacks and Hispanics are not fools, they know Republican policies are hostile to them


can you beleve what this idiot just posted??????????????????????????????

these are the people whose very own Party ideology INSISTS the the only way to really see "progress" on race matters is by MORE MINORITY REPRESENTATION.

BUT NOW that they offer only old, rich White people for candidates for President this idiot mindlessly and breathlessly ignores HIS OWN PARTY'S IDEOLOGY IN PLACE FOR DECADES!

there is nothing, no position brainwashed left-wing HYPOCRITES wont change with the wind.

Until Republicans actually support policies that help minority communities, they will lose the minority vote

Simple isn't it?

yes simple; so tell us all what they are. you cant and you wont. because you will prove they are all pandering and almost none of them anything BUT pandering on the basis of race more than they are substantive
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime
From Gallup.

  • Conservatives remain largest ideological group, at 38%

Good stat

And how do Conservatives treat the other 62% who are not conservative

Speaking as one who is not conservative, they treat me a hell of a lot better than the "liberals" do since at least they aren't constantly trying to stick their hands in my wallet.......

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