The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

"the current leading GOP candidates are doing very well with minorities and women (women are not a minority by the way)" are opinions, but are not factual.

look at the most recent polls, fool. I am not a big fan of polls, but they do show what i said.
Only among the females of the far right wing, and almost every last one of them would favor Carson over Trump. In the mainstream of the party, the polls go way down. In a national election, Carson will do a bit better with both than Trump, who will do very badly.
I understand that that is your dream, but it may very well become a nightmare for you. Can you say President Trump?
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
"the current leading GOP candidates are doing very well with minorities and women (women are not a minority by the way)" are opinions, but are not factual.

look at the most recent polls, fool. I am not a big fan of polls, but they do show what i said.
Only among the females of the far right wing, and almost every last one of them would favor Carson over Trump. In the mainstream of the party, the polls go way down. In a national election, Carson will do a bit better with both than Trump, who will do very badly.
I understand that that is your dream, but it may very well become a nightmare for you. Can you say President Trump?
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
:lol: That type of post is evidence of what I mean: you live in other world. OK.
look at the most recent polls, fool. I am not a big fan of polls, but they do show what i said.
Only among the females of the far right wing, and almost every last one of them would favor Carson over Trump. In the mainstream of the party, the polls go way down. In a national election, Carson will do a bit better with both than Trump, who will do very badly.
I understand that that is your dream, but it may very well become a nightmare for you. Can you say President Trump?
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
:lol: That type of post is evidence of what I mean: you live in other world. OK.

Nope, I live in the real world. The one where anyone who dares disagree with the kenyan messiah is demonized and trashed by the left wing media. The same media that put on that sham of a debate last night.

But let me ask you again. Do you really think that obama considers himself as the president of all americans, even the ones that disagree with him? Has he done anything to look for common ground with the other side? Has he tried to compromise on any of the major issues facing the country? The answers are No, and if you are honest you will admit that. If you are dishonest, then---------------------------------
Only among the females of the far right wing, and almost every last one of them would favor Carson over Trump. In the mainstream of the party, the polls go way down. In a national election, Carson will do a bit better with both than Trump, who will do very badly.
I understand that that is your dream, but it may very well become a nightmare for you. Can you say President Trump?
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
:lol: That type of post is evidence of what I mean: you live in other world. OK.

Nope, I live in the real world. The one where anyone who dares disagree with the kenyan messiah is demonized and trashed by the left wing media. The same media that put on that sham of a debate last night.

But let me ask you again. Do you really think that obama considers himself as the president of all americans, even the ones that disagree with him? Has he done anything to look for common ground with the other side? Has he tried to compromise on any of the major issues facing the country? The answers are No, and if you are honest you will admit that. If you are dishonest, then---------------------------------
You say you are normal, then you use woo woo language. You are birfer and a crazy. Chatter all you want. It affects nothing.
Only among the females of the far right wing, and almost every last one of them would favor Carson over Trump. In the mainstream of the party, the polls go way down. In a national election, Carson will do a bit better with both than Trump, who will do very badly.
I understand that that is your dream, but it may very well become a nightmare for you. Can you say President Trump?
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
:lol: That type of post is evidence of what I mean: you live in other world. OK.

Nope, I live in the real world. The one where anyone who dares disagree with the kenyan messiah is demonized and trashed by the left wing media. The same media that put on that sham of a debate last night.

But let me ask you again. Do you really think that obama considers himself as the president of all americans, even the ones that disagree with him? Has he done anything to look for common ground with the other side? Has he tried to compromise on any of the major issues facing the country? The answers are No, and if you are honest you will admit that. If you are dishonest, then---------------------------------

The GOP is doomed with posters like this defending it
I understand that that is your dream, but it may very well become a nightmare for you. Can you say President Trump?
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
:lol: That type of post is evidence of what I mean: you live in other world. OK.

Nope, I live in the real world. The one where anyone who dares disagree with the kenyan messiah is demonized and trashed by the left wing media. The same media that put on that sham of a debate last night.

But let me ask you again. Do you really think that obama considers himself as the president of all americans, even the ones that disagree with him? Has he done anything to look for common ground with the other side? Has he tried to compromise on any of the major issues facing the country? The answers are No, and if you are honest you will admit that. If you are dishonest, then---------------------------------
You say you are normal, then you use woo woo language. You are birfer and a crazy. Chatter all you want. It affects nothing.

so attack the messenger rather than deal with the issues. you are a liberal sheep, and so is your sock rightwinger.
I understand that that is your dream, but it may very well become a nightmare for you. Can you say President Trump?
Sure, but I don't think that will happen. If he becomes president, he is our president. Can you do the same for any of the Dems if one becomes president?

sure, but I don't think that will happen. Does obama consider himself as "our president" ? We both know that he doesn't.
:lol: That type of post is evidence of what I mean: you live in other world. OK.

Nope, I live in the real world. The one where anyone who dares disagree with the kenyan messiah is demonized and trashed by the left wing media. The same media that put on that sham of a debate last night.

But let me ask you again. Do you really think that obama considers himself as the president of all americans, even the ones that disagree with him? Has he done anything to look for common ground with the other side? Has he tried to compromise on any of the major issues facing the country? The answers are No, and if you are honest you will admit that. If you are dishonest, then---------------------------------

The GOP is doomed with posters like this defending it

The truth will set you free. try it sometime.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


The reason for the OP is demographic shift.

As RW discussed in the first post after the OP.

This is not derailing the thread, this is what the thread was about from the beginning.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Well I will say this... IF your premise is correct, there will never be another Republican president. If the current chasm in the GOP is not resolved in a way which leads to a decisive victory over the Socialists, we may not ever have another elected president. Our sovereignty is on the way to being lost due to illegal immigration.

The GOP is currently sharply divided between those who want to maintain status quo "moderatism" and avoid taking bold stands on principles and values, and those who have a clear conservative philosophy that is constantly under attack. It remains to be seen which "side" will ultimately prevail in the nomination process but if the GOP goes with another "moderate" like McCain or Romney, this will spell the demise of the GOP as a viable political party. They will simply go the way of the Whigs who suffered the same 'paralysis of thought' on the issues of the day.

Reagan said, we have to paint our message in bold colors and no pale pastels. The current top two front-runners in the GOP race are non-politician leaders who are not tied to the establishment GOP. That should be sounding alarm bells for the elite Republican establishment. The party is literally redefining itself.

Any preconceptions you have that the 2016 election will be a matter of Republicans winning over swing states from the last election, are simply goofy and ignorant of American politics and presidential election history.

Very good, except that legal immigration is as much a source of the issue as illegal.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Well I will say this... IF your premise is correct, there will never be another Republican president. If the current chasm in the GOP is not resolved in a way which leads to a decisive victory over the Socialists, we may not ever have another elected president. Our sovereignty is on the way to being lost due to illegal immigration.

The GOP is currently sharply divided between those who want to maintain status quo "moderatism" and avoid taking bold stands on principles and values, and those who have a clear conservative philosophy that is constantly under attack. It remains to be seen which "side" will ultimately prevail in the nomination process but if the GOP goes with another "moderate" like McCain or Romney, this will spell the demise of the GOP as a viable political party. They will simply go the way of the Whigs who suffered the same 'paralysis of thought' on the issues of the day.

Reagan said, we have to paint our message in bold colors and no pale pastels. The current top two front-runners in the GOP race are non-politician leaders who are not tied to the establishment GOP. That should be sounding alarm bells for the elite Republican establishment. The party is literally redefining itself.

Any preconceptions you have that the 2016 election will be a matter of Republicans winning over swing states from the last election, are simply goofy and ignorant of American politics and presidential election history.

The rebranding of Republicans will do even worse in the swing states which tend to go moderate. The "I'm more conservative than you" brinksmanship of the current GOP will turn off moderate voters. In the absence of a moderate Republican, a moderate Democrat will do

A moderate Republican will continue the policies that will lead to the One Party State.

I can see why you want that.

Actually, I can't.

I can't see why you would put your partisan interests over that of the nation as a whole.
The next Republican President hasn't been born yet

How can that be possible?

Right now, Republicans have an extremely low chance of getting 270 electoral votes when Dems start with 242 and Repubs start at 179. Republicans have to pitch a perfect game and I don't think they have it in them

But why would they not be able to elect a President for the next 40-50 years?

Because demographics are leaving them behind. Rather than moving to take back swing states, they will be fighting to retain Red States, Surging Hispanic populations and Republicans abandoning the Hispanic vote will cost them Florida within the next decade. Georgia and North Carolina with large black populations could go blue also within the next decade
Texas and Arizona will take longer. Texas will be over 50% Hispanic within ten years but will probably take 20-25 years to go blue ....same with Arizona

When that happens, Dems will not start with 242 electoral votes, they will start with 325-350 and the race will be over before it begins

All true, except that republicans did not "abandon" the HIspanic vote.

We just can't compete for Third World votes against the party of Third World policies.

We have tried and will continue to try, but as already demonstrated, actions and policies don't matter.

George W Bush got 40% of the Hispanic vote
McCain and Romney got less than 30%

It is the tilt of the Republican Party and anti-immigrant/anti- hispanic rhetoric that is driving them away
Now, Correll, you just babble about a one party state. You are party your ideology ahead of the country generally, the GOP particularly.

After the shellacking the GOP will get next year, the mainstream GOP will dump your group overboard.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Well I will say this... IF your premise is correct, there will never be another Republican president. If the current chasm in the GOP is not resolved in a way which leads to a decisive victory over the Socialists, we may not ever have another elected president. Our sovereignty is on the way to being lost due to illegal immigration.

The GOP is currently sharply divided between those who want to maintain status quo "moderatism" and avoid taking bold stands on principles and values, and those who have a clear conservative philosophy that is constantly under attack. It remains to be seen which "side" will ultimately prevail in the nomination process but if the GOP goes with another "moderate" like McCain or Romney, this will spell the demise of the GOP as a viable political party. They will simply go the way of the Whigs who suffered the same 'paralysis of thought' on the issues of the day.

Reagan said, we have to paint our message in bold colors and no pale pastels. The current top two front-runners in the GOP race are non-politician leaders who are not tied to the establishment GOP. That should be sounding alarm bells for the elite Republican establishment. The party is literally redefining itself.

Any preconceptions you have that the 2016 election will be a matter of Republicans winning over swing states from the last election, are simply goofy and ignorant of American politics and presidential election history.

The rebranding of Republicans will do even worse in the swing states which tend to go moderate. The "I'm more conservative than you" brinksmanship of the current GOP will turn off moderate voters. In the absence of a moderate Republican, a moderate Democrat will do

A moderate Republican will continue the policies that will lead to the One Party State.

I can see why you want that.

Actually, I can't.

I can't see why you would put your partisan interests over that of the nation as a whole.

I am very happy with a two party state when you have parties that will work together for the good of the country

However, if Republicans are losing votes through their own actions, I have no sympathy for them
I see conservatard65 has derailed this thread into one about race. Surprised. :doubt: I think I'll start referring to him as "Tank II"


Teapubs inability to field an electable Presidential candidate.


Interesting that what you call a derailed thread began when JakeStarkey played the race card. I had mentioned nothing about race until he brought it up.

I doubt you'll address that but I do suspect you pucker up to his ass and kiss it.

I'll refer to you as Vaseline since your chapped lips need some. Pucker up.
That is a typical racialist response since he mentioned AA and race, then blames everyone else. The fact is that a successful GOP run is going to have to address minorities, including, women, to be successful.

I've already addressed how you were the first to mention race. In fact, it included that very term.

For a Democrat to be successful they have to pander to minorities, fags, freaks, and the like. Key word being pander.
You inferred race, and I pointed it out. We are not worried about how Dems will do, but how Pubs will do. We will not win your way.

The trends from the OP are caused by bloc voting by race,and RW discussed it in his second post.

We will not win no matter what we do.

RW was kind enough to present his best guess at how the GOP would have to "address" minorities in order to win, and I cited historical example of the GOP doing that and it not mattering to voting by blacks.

For you to attack people for discussing racial voting patterns is ridiculous.
Now, Correll, you just babble about a one party state. You are party your ideology ahead of the country generally, the GOP particularly.

After the shellacking the GOP will get next year, the mainstream GOP will dump your group overboard.

Nope. The GOP is a means to an end, conservatism is a means to the end.

The end is the interests of the me and mine, and the rest of America.

There is nothing overboard about discussing bloc voting pattern by race, or the effect that demographic shift will have, (as RW and dems do all the time), nor wanting to enforce our democratically enacted laws.

Your path is nothing but abject surrender.
Sounds like flippant Democratic bragging

But the current breakout of Red States/Blue States gives the Democrats a huge advantage. Bush struggled to reach 270 EVs and needed to nearly sweep swing states to make it
Both sides do not start the election with a clean slate. The Dems start with 242 EV while the Republicans only control 192. To win, Democrats only need to get 28 EVs out of the remaining swing state votes
Even the swing states are starting to lean blue.

I doubt if I will ever see another Republican President in my lifetime

Well I will say this... IF your premise is correct, there will never be another Republican president. If the current chasm in the GOP is not resolved in a way which leads to a decisive victory over the Socialists, we may not ever have another elected president. Our sovereignty is on the way to being lost due to illegal immigration.

The GOP is currently sharply divided between those who want to maintain status quo "moderatism" and avoid taking bold stands on principles and values, and those who have a clear conservative philosophy that is constantly under attack. It remains to be seen which "side" will ultimately prevail in the nomination process but if the GOP goes with another "moderate" like McCain or Romney, this will spell the demise of the GOP as a viable political party. They will simply go the way of the Whigs who suffered the same 'paralysis of thought' on the issues of the day.

Reagan said, we have to paint our message in bold colors and no pale pastels. The current top two front-runners in the GOP race are non-politician leaders who are not tied to the establishment GOP. That should be sounding alarm bells for the elite Republican establishment. The party is literally redefining itself.

Any preconceptions you have that the 2016 election will be a matter of Republicans winning over swing states from the last election, are simply goofy and ignorant of American politics and presidential election history.

The rebranding of Republicans will do even worse in the swing states which tend to go moderate. The "I'm more conservative than you" brinksmanship of the current GOP will turn off moderate voters. In the absence of a moderate Republican, a moderate Democrat will do

A moderate Republican will continue the policies that will lead to the One Party State.

I can see why you want that.

Actually, I can't.

I can't see why you would put your partisan interests over that of the nation as a whole.

I am very happy with a two party state when you have parties that will work together for the good of the country

However, if Republicans are losing votes through their own actions, I have no sympathy for them

You were brave enough to back up your opinion that the GOP could win minority votes by a change in policy.

I demonstrated with historical examples that the GOP had done that and that there was no significant effect.

So, please stop repeating that claim as it has been shown to be false.

If you like a two party state instead of an One Party State, then you should be complaining to the Dems for their policies that are creating the One Party State.
Of course you can never predict what the Republican party of the future will be like

- They could embrace a path towards citizenship for illegals
- They could modify their rhetoric towards women
- They could tell the rightwing media to stop with the racist demagoguery
- They could make inroads in minority communities and convince them of the value of Republicanism

Sorry, just kidding
The GOP is doomed

You just described McCain, except that it didn't make any inroads.

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