The "No Evidence" Crowd Seems To Have Become Silent

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So you are against an illegal serving in the military, and against trans gender from serving because they get benefits after serving? Perhaps trans can serve faithfully? Our military is stronger than all others in the world combined. Today's young generations have such a devotion to work and nation.
Let's have audits and let the courts look at the results. And audit EVERY state, not just select ones chosen by either side. No announcing results until 6 months after the election.
Gee, those Bidenistas who laughed about the complaints about vote counts in those four or five swing states, seems to have become ominously quiet.

In fact, they seem be finger-crossing rather than gloating.

Oh, dear.....what could the matter be????

Maybe this?

"....while Biden supposedly won more votes than anyone in history (despite not being able to get out people to fill his circles in anemic events), he “won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008.” But supposedly had more total votes. What that says is the increase was where it needed to be, not across the board, in what one would have to say was very unusual.

As I’ve written before, the non-polling metrics had all been going to Trump including party registrations trends; the respective primary votes; candidate enthusiasm; social media followings; broadcast and digital media ratings; online searches; the number of (especially small) donors; and the number of individuals betting on each candidate. So you would have to believe that all these historically accurate measures all suddenly were wrong to believe that Trump lost.

Basham also points to a variety of different irregularities that require answers including:

1. Why late on election night did swing states stop counting votes when Trump was way ahead? Why were some observers stopped from getting to viably observe the counting?

2. Unusual vote counts coming in batches of hundreds of thousands with unusually high numbers for Biden.

3. “Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting.”

4. Witnesses reporting ballots in pristine condition (not folded), missing votes, invalid residential addresses.

5.In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simple human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happened."

At 9am election night with Trump comfortably ahead, I poured another Bloody Mary. 6 states or so left.

By 11pm I felt like I was transported to an episode of the Twilight Zone. Everything seemed wrong. Things weren't adding up. By midnight a foul stench like a libturds pussy began .

I knew this was a set up. Total set up.

The same feeling I had when the FBI inspired riots were happening

We appear to have reached our 'sell-by' date. More than once I have written that we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

I believe Providence elected Biden to expose what these absolute monsters are. How many Biden voters must be horrified with an alien invasion, and not from space either

Once all this AOC inspired nonsense is removed, we'll be greater than ever.

Think of it like a festering boil about to pop. So swollen and painful. Then it bursts and all the puss has to drain before healing. We're now in the about to burst phase now.

Liberals and boils are genetically linked

"I believe Providence elected Biden to expose what these absolute monsters are. "

I believe I can hear the Pontius Pilate tap water running.

The Left has worked assiduously to destroy Western Civilization.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
So you are against an illegal serving in the military, and against trans gender from serving because they get benefits after serving? Perhaps trans can serve faithfully? Our military is stronger than all others in the world combined. Today's young generations have such a devotion to work and nation.

Our military is fast deteriorating because they are not training for war. They are training for filthy wokeness shit.

They are also purging the military of Patriots that have always been the backbone and replacing them with stupid yes men, queers, unqualified minorities and women.

Our military may have the best hardware but it is becoming ineffective and is the joke of the world. For instance, the Navy is spending more time training on CRT than they are on qualifying watch officers nowadays. Stupid minorities and women are being promoting for affirmative action reasons rather than qualifications.

The Democrats screw up everything they touch. Now they are working hard to screw up the once great US military.

Anybody that voted for this Joe Dufus piece of shit and then ignored the fact he stole the election is a an idiot.
Let's have audits and let the courts look at the results. And audit EVERY state, not just select ones chosen by either side. No announcing results until 6 months after the election.

Tell that to those brave jurists.

“Rand Paul rejects claim courts ruled no election fraud occurred: They found 'excuse' to sit it out

Sen. Rand Paul rejected the idea that courts have "decided the facts" on the integrity of November's presidential election.

“The courts have not decided the facts,” Paul said Wednesday during a hearing on the integrity of the 2020 election. “The courts never looked at the facts. The courts don’t like elections, and they stayed out of it by finding an excuse.”

Paul pointed out while speaking with former special counsel Ken Starr that 60 court cases involving voter fraud claims in the election were thrown out for procedural reasons, which Starr agreed with, saying that the “vast majority” were thrown out for procedural reasons rather than merit.”
Gee, those Bidenistas who laughed about the complaints about vote counts in those four or five swing states, seems to have become ominously quiet.

In fact, they seem be finger-crossing rather than gloating.

Oh, dear.....what could the matter be????

Maybe this?

"....while Biden supposedly won more votes than anyone in history (despite not being able to get out people to fill his circles in anemic events), he “won a record low of 17 percent of counties; he only won 524 counties, as opposed to the 873 counties Obama won in 2008.” But supposedly had more total votes. What that says is the increase was where it needed to be, not across the board, in what one would have to say was very unusual.

As I’ve written before, the non-polling metrics had all been going to Trump including party registrations trends; the respective primary votes; candidate enthusiasm; social media followings; broadcast and digital media ratings; online searches; the number of (especially small) donors; and the number of individuals betting on each candidate. So you would have to believe that all these historically accurate measures all suddenly were wrong to believe that Trump lost.

Basham also points to a variety of different irregularities that require answers including:

1. Why late on election night did swing states stop counting votes when Trump was way ahead? Why were some observers stopped from getting to viably observe the counting?

2. Unusual vote counts coming in batches of hundreds of thousands with unusually high numbers for Biden.

3. “Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting.”

4. Witnesses reporting ballots in pristine condition (not folded), missing votes, invalid residential addresses.

5.In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simple human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happened."

At 9am election night with Trump comfortably ahead, I poured another Bloody Mary. 6 states or so left.

By 11pm I felt like I was transported to an episode of the Twilight Zone. Everything seemed wrong. Things weren't adding up. By midnight a foul stench like a libturds pussy began .

I knew this was a set up. Total set up.

The same feeling I had when the FBI inspired riots were happening

We appear to have reached our 'sell-by' date. More than once I have written that we are basking in the afterglow of a once great nation.

I believe Providence elected Biden to expose what these absolute monsters are. How many Biden voters must be horrified with an alien invasion, and not from space either

Once all this AOC inspired nonsense is removed, we'll be greater than ever.

Think of it like a festering boil about to pop. So swollen and painful. Then it bursts and all the puss has to drain before healing. We're now in the about to burst phase now.

Liberals and boils are genetically linked

"I believe Providence elected Biden to expose what these absolute monsters are. "

I believe I can hear the Pontius Pilate tap water running.

The Left has worked assiduously to destroy Western Civilization.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”

Lol...Aldo?????.......WTF is an Aldo? Is it like a dildo?

Yes the funny emotion is a sign it stung.

All these imbeciles that red neg and smiley never post an answer on why???

Cuz they kaint..................LOLOL

I'm happy with it. Keeps the Reaction Score fluffed
Another vote was stolen conspiracy thread.

Wow. Shocking. We haven’t had one of these in at least an hour.

Why so worried?

Well. I voted Republican in 2016. I didn’t vote for either steaming pile of shit disguised as a candidate in 2020. I’d like to see the Republicans competitive in 2022 and 2024. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen with embracing of full on crazy. It becomes a self fulfilling fantasy.

You claim the Democrats stole the election. You sound crazy. You have no proof after months of investigation. All the claims have been debunked. And still you maintain it happened.

So people avoid voting for crazy. And you scream it is proof that they are stealing the election.

Click on the vs. 2016 button. You’ll see this map.


That shows Democrats increased their voter percentage in 44 out of 50 states. Including Republican strongholds like Texas. Now Texas has investigated their own state to the insane level. They have found one case of fraud. One. Single. Case. Of. Fraud.

Nothing to explain the increase of voters versus 2016.

Now. If you were going to run a conspiracy. Would you do so in the stronghold of your enemy? Where the odds favor being found out and sent to prison?

Your insane conspiracy theories do not explain how it could happen in 44 states.

It is destroying your chances for electoral victory in future elections.

See. Here is the thing. If you are going to expose the magician. You have to explain how he did the trick.

We don’t put people on trial and say they must have killed their wife. If you didn’t kill her produce her alive and well. Aha. We knew you did it.

And so far none of the CT has explained it in one state much less 44.

I want the Republicans competitive. For that to happen you need to join the 70+% of Georgia Republicans who reject the CT.
Another vote was stolen conspiracy thread.

Wow. Shocking. We haven’t had one of these in at least an hour.

Why so worried?

Well. I voted Republican in 2016. I didn’t vote for either steaming pile of shit disguised as a candidate in 2020. I’d like to see the Republicans competitive in 2022 and 2024. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen with embracing of full on crazy. It becomes a self fulfilling fantasy.

You claim the Democrats stole the election. You sound crazy. You have no proof after months of investigation. All the claims have been debunked. And still you maintain it happened.

So people avoid voting for crazy. And you scream it is proof that they are stealing the election.

Click on the vs. 2016 button. You’ll see this map.

View attachment 512632

That shows Democrats increased their voter percentage in 44 out of 50 states. Including Republican strongholds like Texas. Now Texas has investigated their own state to the insane level. They have found one case of fraud. One. Single. Case. Of. Fraud.

Nothing to explain the increase of voters versus 2016.

Now. If you were going to run a conspiracy. Would you do so in the stronghold of your enemy? Where the odds favor being found out and sent to prison?

Your insane conspiracy theories do not explain how it could happen in 44 states.

It is destroying your chances for electoral victory in future elections.

See. Here is the thing. If you are going to expose the magician. You have to explain how he did the trick.

We don’t put people on trial and say they must have killed their wife. If you didn’t kill her produce her alive and well. Aha. We knew you did it.

And so far none of the CT has explained it in one state much less 44.

I want the Republicans competitive. For that to happen you need to join the 70+% of Georgia Republicans who reject the CT.

"I want the Republicans competitive.

I vote for policies, not persons.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

How can you say the Republicans aren't 'competitive'????
Another vote was stolen conspiracy thread.

Wow. Shocking. We haven’t had one of these in at least an hour.

Why so worried?

Well. I voted Republican in 2016. I didn’t vote for either steaming pile of shit disguised as a candidate in 2020. I’d like to see the Republicans competitive in 2022 and 2024. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen with embracing of full on crazy. It becomes a self fulfilling fantasy.

You claim the Democrats stole the election. You sound crazy. You have no proof after months of investigation. All the claims have been debunked. And still you maintain it happened.

So people avoid voting for crazy. And you scream it is proof that they are stealing the election.

Click on the vs. 2016 button. You’ll see this map.

View attachment 512632

That shows Democrats increased their voter percentage in 44 out of 50 states. Including Republican strongholds like Texas. Now Texas has investigated their own state to the insane level. They have found one case of fraud. One. Single. Case. Of. Fraud.

Nothing to explain the increase of voters versus 2016.

Now. If you were going to run a conspiracy. Would you do so in the stronghold of your enemy? Where the odds favor being found out and sent to prison?

Your insane conspiracy theories do not explain how it could happen in 44 states.

It is destroying your chances for electoral victory in future elections.

See. Here is the thing. If you are going to expose the magician. You have to explain how he did the trick.

We don’t put people on trial and say they must have killed their wife. If you didn’t kill her produce her alive and well. Aha. We knew you did it.

And so far none of the CT has explained it in one state much less 44.

I want the Republicans competitive. For that to happen you need to join the 70+% of Georgia Republicans who reject the CT.

"I want the Republicans competitive.

I vote for policies, not persons.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

How can you say the Republicans aren't 'competitive'????

So instead of campaigning on issues you screech and shout about a fictional stolen election. How is that competitive?

Reagan got people to vote for him. Clinton got people to vote for him. But in 2000 we saw the beginnings of the end of America. We stopped putting candidates up to vote for. We now only offered up a slightly less shitty alternative to give you someone to vote for. But all we scream is vote against.

Are Republicans voting or pushing for Research projects to stop China? Nope. We have to secure our elections against non existent fraud.

Are Republicans offering up offers of support to defend Taiwan? Nope. We have to secure our elections against non existent fraud.

Education? Nope. Public health? Nah. COVID is fake and Trump was awesome in getting us a vaccine that is going to kill anyone who takes it.

Justice reform? The only reform we need is securing the elections against nonexistent fraud.

The Democrats tried this path in 2002. They lost. They tried it in 2004. And lost.

All you and the rest of the nuts are doing is insuring Democrats win in 2022 and probably 2024.

Want to win? Put the hysterical crap on a shelf and start to focus on issues. And run candidates who are rational and sane.
Another vote was stolen conspiracy thread.

Wow. Shocking. We haven’t had one of these in at least an hour.

Why so worried?

Well. I voted Republican in 2016. I didn’t vote for either steaming pile of shit disguised as a candidate in 2020. I’d like to see the Republicans competitive in 2022 and 2024. Unfortunately that isn’t going to happen with embracing of full on crazy. It becomes a self fulfilling fantasy.

You claim the Democrats stole the election. You sound crazy. You have no proof after months of investigation. All the claims have been debunked. And still you maintain it happened.

So people avoid voting for crazy. And you scream it is proof that they are stealing the election.

Click on the vs. 2016 button. You’ll see this map.

View attachment 512632

That shows Democrats increased their voter percentage in 44 out of 50 states. Including Republican strongholds like Texas. Now Texas has investigated their own state to the insane level. They have found one case of fraud. One. Single. Case. Of. Fraud.

Nothing to explain the increase of voters versus 2016.

Now. If you were going to run a conspiracy. Would you do so in the stronghold of your enemy? Where the odds favor being found out and sent to prison?

Your insane conspiracy theories do not explain how it could happen in 44 states.

It is destroying your chances for electoral victory in future elections.

See. Here is the thing. If you are going to expose the magician. You have to explain how he did the trick.

We don’t put people on trial and say they must have killed their wife. If you didn’t kill her produce her alive and well. Aha. We knew you did it.

And so far none of the CT has explained it in one state much less 44.

I want the Republicans competitive. For that to happen you need to join the 70+% of Georgia Republicans who reject the CT.

"I want the Republicans competitive.

I vote for policies, not persons.

The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

How can you say the Republicans aren't 'competitive'????

So instead of campaigning on issues you screech and shout about a fictional stolen election. How is that competitive?

Reagan got people to vote for him. Clinton got people to vote for him. But in 2000 we saw the beginnings of the end of America. We stopped putting candidates up to vote for. We now only offered up a slightly less shitty alternative to give you someone to vote for. But all we scream is vote against.

Are Republicans voting or pushing for Research projects to stop China? Nope. We have to secure our elections against non existent fraud.

Are Republicans offering up offers of support to defend Taiwan? Nope. We have to secure our elections against non existent fraud.

Education? Nope. Public health? Nah. COVID is fake and Trump was awesome in getting us a vaccine that is going to kill anyone who takes it.

Justice reform? The only reform we need is securing the elections against nonexistent fraud.

The Democrats tried this path in 2002. They lost. They tried it in 2004. And lost.

All you and the rest of the nuts are doing is insuring Democrats win in 2022 and probably 2024.

Want to win? Put the hysterical crap on a shelf and start to focus on issues. And run candidates who are rational and sane.

" screech and shout about a fictional stolen election."

I neither screech nor shout.

I post facts, and document them.

Take the blinders off.

Here's why any ballot not received by close of business on election day should be tossed.
There is no basis for that extension in state law. The state supreme court made that up, and it is not allowed by the Constitution of the United States.

A state court authorized it, and it does not have the authority under the US Constitution.

Not only has it been decided in the US Supreme Court that only the state legislature, and not any court, may alter or set the dates, but this played an important role in the 2000 Gore v Bush case.

“U.S. Supreme Court

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

McPherson v. Blacker

Argued Oct. 11, 1892
Decided Oct. 17, 1892

“The validity of a state law
providing for the appointment of electors of President and Vice President having been drawn in question before the highest tribunal of a state as repugnant to the laws and Constitution of the United States, and that court having decided in favor of its validity, this Court has jurisdiction to review the judgment under Rev.Stat. § 709. Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.

Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.”

“McPherson v Blacker

Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several States have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed. Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature. If the terms of the clause left the question of power in doubt, contemporaneous and continuous subsequent practical construction has determined the question as above stated. The second clause of Article II of the Constitution was not amended by the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments, and they do not limit the power of appointment to the particular manner pursued at the time of the adoption of these amendments, or secure to every male inhabitant of a State, being a citizen of the United States, the right from the time of his majority to vote for presidential electors. A state law fixing a date for the meeting of electors, differing from that prescribed by the act of Congress, is not thereby wholly invalidated; but the date may be rejected and the law stand. “
McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 | Casetext Search + Citator

I owned you sans any screeching nor shouting.
Promote and protect and strengthen social security and medicare. Why not do that? The Dems don't want to. But there is a faction of the grand old for the wealthy Party who want those to go away.
Promote and protect and strengthen social security and medicare. Why not do that? The Dems don't want to. But there is a faction of the grand old for the wealthy Party who want those to go away.

"Promote and protect and strengthen social security and medicare. Why not do that?"

Because the Constitution gives the federal government no such authority.

The 'wealthy party' is she Democrat one.

“The New Leviathan,” David Horowitz and Jacob Laksin

  1. In the conventional wisdom, it is Republicans and the political right, with their corporate sponsors and big-money donors who make up the “party of the rich,” while progressives speak for the poor and powerless.
    1. And conservatives are agents of an economic “ruling class” organized to defend its social privileges.
    2. And Democrats are the party of “working Americans and their families.”
    3. They're for the powerful, we're for the people!” Al Gore,'re%20for%20the%20powerful%3B%20we're%20for%20the%20people&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&oq=Al+Gore:+They're+for+the+powerful%3B+we're+for+the+people&gs_l=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=708bd950daecd80b&biw=1152&bih=773
  2. This is standard progressive folklore. Provably false.
  3. As of 2009, the financial assets of the 115 major tax-exempt foundations of the Left add up to $104.56 billlion. Not only is this total not less than the financial assets of the 75 foundations of the Right, it was more than ten times greater! [p. 8]
    1. Bradley, Olin, Scaife, the “Big Three” conservative foundations, not one has assets exceeding $1 billion. (Olin has been defunct since 2005).
Scaife Foundation has assets totaling $244 million.

Bradley Foundation, $623 million.

  1. Fourteen progressive foundations do, including Gates, Ford, Robert Wood Johnson, Hewlett, Kellogg, Packard, MacArthur, Mellon, Rockefeller, Casey, Carnegie, Simons, Heinz, and the Open Society Institute.
Ford alone has 16 times what Bradley has.

Soros has claimed that he has donated over $7 billion to his Open Society organizations.

The leading Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, $33 billion.

  1. With over $100 billion in tax-exempt assets at their disposal, left-wing foundations have been able to invest massively greater amounts in their beneficiary groups. Ford gave more in one year than Scaife in 40!
    1. “By compiling a computerized record of nearly all his contributions over the last four decades, The Washington Post found that Scaife and his family's charitable entities have given at least $340 million to conservative causes and institutions… The Ford Foundation gave away $491 million in 1998 alone.”
Top Ten Donors, 2016 Campaign:

Fahr LLC, Renaissance Technologies, Paloma Partners, Newsweb Corp., NextGen Climate, Priorities USA, Soros … the Democrats: $311 million

Los Vegas Sands, Adelson Clinic, Elliott Management, Renaissance Technologies….to Republicans: $110 million

Organization Profiles

  1. Soros money supported and catalyzed theMcCain-Feingold Act, which banned ‘soft money,’ stripping the two major parties of their financial base. This allowed Soros to create a “Shadow Party,” designed to funnel massive amounts of capital into organizations that would assume the role that the political parties traditionally played.
    1. A 527 group is a private, tax-exempt political organization set up under Section 527 of the U.S. tax code. Such groups have been around for years but never took center stage until 2004, when they became major players. That's because McCain-Feingold shut the door on unlimited contributions (so-called "soft money") to political parties, so that many of the big-dollar donations began flowing to 527 groups instead. McCain-Feingold at Rest
So you are against social security and medicare? Imagine america without them. Total chaos. Most people who have worked their whole life wouldn't be able to suevive
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