The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

I'm still wondering why people think Trump deserves a peace prize.

The first meeting with N. Korea, all he got was a piece of paper saying that N. Korea would think about getting rid of their weapons. In return, he stopped scheduled military exercises that were supposed to be with S. Korea and the USA. A normally scheduled exercise I might add.

Second meeting, Trump didn't even get a piece of paper. Un decided to walk out of the talks, and then Trump decided to permanently cancel the drills between USA and S. Korea.

N. Korea got exercises between the US and S. Korea that they considered to be aggressive completely stopped.

All Trump got was bupkis. Probably because he's such a crappy negotiator.
I'm still wondering why people think Trump deserves a peace prize.

The first meeting with N. Korea, all he got was a piece of paper saying that N. Korea would think about getting rid of their weapons. In return, he stopped scheduled military exercises that were supposed to be with S. Korea and the USA. A normally scheduled exercise I might add.

Second meeting, Trump didn't even get a piece of paper. Un decided to walk out of the talks, and then Trump decided to permanently cancel the drills between USA and S. Korea.

N. Korea got exercises between the US and S. Korea that they considered to be aggressive completely stopped.

All Trump got was bupkis. Probably because he's such a crappy negotiator.
Nope....because the Chinese got to Kim and told him they were going to help Kim decided to play hardball.
Trump recognized it and walked away.

Obama would have taken the deal, just like he did with Iran.
I'm still wondering why people think Trump deserves a peace prize.

The first meeting with N. Korea, all he got was a piece of paper saying that N. Korea would think about getting rid of their weapons. In return, he stopped scheduled military exercises that were supposed to be with S. Korea and the USA. A normally scheduled exercise I might add.

Second meeting, Trump didn't even get a piece of paper. Un decided to walk out of the talks, and then Trump decided to permanently cancel the drills between USA and S. Korea.

N. Korea got exercises between the US and S. Korea that they considered to be aggressive completely stopped.

All Trump got was bupkis. Probably because he's such a crappy negotiator.
Nope....because the Chinese got to Kim and told him they were going to help Kim decided to play hardball.
Trump recognized it and walked away.

Obama would have taken the deal, just like he did with Iran.

Playing hardball? Their stance has always been the same. Trump is like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football.
I'm still wondering why people think Trump deserves a peace prize.

The first meeting with N. Korea, all he got was a piece of paper saying that N. Korea would think about getting rid of their weapons. In return, he stopped scheduled military exercises that were supposed to be with S. Korea and the USA. A normally scheduled exercise I might add.

Second meeting, Trump didn't even get a piece of paper. Un decided to walk out of the talks, and then Trump decided to permanently cancel the drills between USA and S. Korea.

N. Korea got exercises between the US and S. Korea that they considered to be aggressive completely stopped.

All Trump got was bupkis. Probably because he's such a crappy negotiator.
Nope....because the Chinese got to Kim and told him they were going to help Kim decided to play hardball.
Trump recognized it and walked away.

Obama would have taken the deal, just like he did with Iran.

you have a wonderful imagination

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
So this erases the fact that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, is that what you're trying to say?

BTW, we expect tricks like this from the left. Hoaxes, and forgeries, and fraud...OH MY!!!!
"But...but... but... Obama!!"

Pathetic response.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
So this erases the fact that Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for doing nothing, is that what you're trying to say?

BTW, we expect tricks like this from the left. Hoaxes, and forgeries, and fraud...OH MY!!!!
"But...but... but... Obama!!"

Pathetic response.

what most of the Trump sheep do not understand is that every time they bring up Obama in defense of Trump, they just prove how alike the two are

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
So. Are you trying to say Trump did it ? Rhetorical question. Given the fact that the committee gave Obama one for no other reason than skin pigment, the prize is a fucking joke.

Tell tRumPutin it's a joke so he stops sending in forged papers! My God his Obama envy is strong!
Yeah.....I'm sure Trump forged a Nobel nomination. LOL

I wonder if you know how a person gets nominated for the Nobel Prize.
Obviously not.
All you have to do is write a letter to the Nobel Committee.
Rush Limbaugh fans have sent letters to them numerous times.
It doesn't mean they'll consider it.
The nomination process is merely a formality that has nothing to do with being selected.
Anyone can nominate ANYONE for the Nobel Prize.....ANYONE.
You don't have to be a member of an exclusive club to nominate someone.

So how does one go about forging something that anyone could do?

Wrong. As usual for you.

Who may nominate candidates for the Peace Prize?
According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation, a nomination is considered valid if it is submitted by a person who falls within one of the following categories:

• Members of national assemblies and governments of states

• Members of international courts

• University rectors; professors of social sciences, history, philosophy, law and theology; directors of peace research institutes and foreign policy institutes

• Persons who have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

• Board members of organizations that have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize

• Active and former members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee; (proposals by members of the Committee to be submitted no later than at the first meeting of the Committee after February 1)

• Former advisers to the Norwegian Nobel Committee

Facts from . Unknown cat_id:
Are you stating that these nominations were forged?
President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian Lawmakers
As well as these?
Trump is still a contender for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Last week, a number of his allies in the U.S. House of Representatives announced that they had formally nominated him for the prize next year. Foreign politicians, including South Korean President Moon Jae-in and British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, also have suggested publicly that Trump could merit the prize.

Because some jerk they can’t seem to locate supposedly forged a nomination, doesn’t mean he hasn’t been nominated by legitimate people.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Yes, it does.

The "European socialists" nominated him!
Just the ones that are also Aryan nationalists. Let's be clear.

And North Korea has a history of empty promises. He is not going to get anything for a promise to denuclearize, just as those before him to whom they told the same lie didn't win anything.

Maybe, in 10 or 15 years or more, if it bears out, he will win. He will be teleconferencing from his prison cell to accept, haha

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
So. Are you trying to say Trump did it ? Rhetorical question. Given the fact that the committee gave Obama one for no other reason than skin pigment, the prize is a fucking joke.

Tell tRumPutin it's a joke so he stops sending in forged papers! My God his Obama envy is strong!
Yeah.....I'm sure Trump forged a Nobel nomination. LOL

I wonder if you know how a person gets nominated for the Nobel Prize.
Obviously not.
All you have to do is write a letter to the Nobel Committee.
Rush Limbaugh fans have sent letters to them numerous times.
It doesn't mean they'll consider it.
The nomination process is merely a formality that has nothing to do with being selected.
Anyone can nominate ANYONE for the Nobel Prize.....ANYONE.
You don't have to be a member of an exclusive club to nominate someone.

So how does one go about forging something that anyone could do?


Oh meatwhistle, you are so wrong. First off if anyone could nominate someone then why would they have to forge another's name? Think you moron,never mind your a tRumPutiner it is way above you.
The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?

More butt hurt from the left wing idiot. Needing attention? You are such a victim.

Lol! Thanks for the laughs.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Washington redskin,
The Noble peace prize is a fucking joke… Obama got it for no reason at all other than politically correct shit stains like yourself thinking he deserved it
The average citizen on a message board has zero influence with Nobel prize disbursements.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Washington redskin,
The Noble peace prize is a fucking joke… Obama got it for no reason at all other than politically correct shit stains like yourself thinking he deserved it
The average citizen on a message board has zero influence with Nobel prize disbursements.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Washington redskin,
The Noble peace prize is a fucking joke… Obama got it for no reason at all other than politically correct shit stains like yourself thinking he deserved it
The average citizen on a message board has zero influence with Nobel prize disbursements.
You shouldn’t have such a low self image moonglow. You’re an average citizen on lots of forums

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Washington redskin,
The Noble peace prize is a fucking joke… Obama got it for no reason at all other than politically correct shit stains like yourself thinking he deserved it
The average citizen on a message board has zero influence with Nobel prize disbursements.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Washington redskin,
The Noble peace prize is a fucking joke… Obama got it for no reason at all other than politically correct shit stains like yourself thinking he deserved it
The average citizen on a message board has zero influence with Nobel prize disbursements.

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Washington redskin,
The Noble peace prize is a fucking joke… Obama got it for no reason at all other than politically correct shit stains like yourself thinking he deserved it
The average citizen on a message board has zero influence with Nobel prize disbursements.
You shouldn’t have such a low self image moonglow. You’re an average citizen on lots of forums
Humble pie is what they call me..When they are not banning me..

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
Doesn't surprise me in the least. And, I think that Trump has a snowball's chance in hell of getting a Nobel.

O got one and then proceeded to war it up as his predecessor.

Trump hasn't started any wars so it makes sense that the Nobel committee wouldn't award him anything. They give peace awards to neocon war types, terrorists ie arafat, obama, etc .

The Norwegian Nobel Committee which awards the much-coveted prize keeps the identities of those being considered for the honor under wraps. But on Tuesday, the organization deviated from their time-honored protocol for a very odd reason. The New York Times reports that the committee announced on Tuesday that they’ve discovered a forged Nobel Prize nomination for Donald Trump. The issue has been referred to authorities in Oslo, Norway for further investigation.

To make matters even stranger, this is the second of two forged attempts. Henrik Pryser Libell writes in The Times:

“Moreover, the forgery appears to have occurred twice: Olav Njolstad, the secretary of the five-member committee, said it appeared that a forged nomination of Mr. Trump for the prize was also submitted last year — and was also referred to the police. (The earlier forgery was not disclosed to the public at the time.)”

Inspector Rune Skjold, the man in charge of the Oslo police’s economic crimes division, revealed that investigators have been cooperating with the F.B.I since last fall, which seems to imply that the forgeries were created and sent from the United States. Skjold also revealed that authorities suspect the same person is behind both attempted fake nominations.

Olav Njolstad refused to give too many details about the forgeries or investigation, but he did seem to indicate that the person whose name was forged on the documents — that is to say an individual eligible to submit nominations for the prize— was contacted and confirmed that he/she did not submit the documents nominating Donald Trump.

The New York Times further explains that the forged name could belong to anyone from a head of state, to an individual lawmaker or cabinet minister, to a respected university professor or a prominent member of any number of prestigious international organizations.

One of the forgeries has already undergone extensive forensic examination and the second is slated to undergo the same. While it’s as yet unclear who’s behind this pathetic attempt to snag a Nobel Peace Prize for the worst president in American history, it seems likely that the full truth will eventually emerge.

The Nobel Committee just revealed that Trump’s nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize was forged

Forged? Why am I not surprised? What do you think?
So. Are you trying to say Trump did it ? Rhetorical question. Given the fact that the committee gave Obama one for no other reason than skin pigment, the prize is a fucking joke.

Tell tRumPutin it's a joke so he stops sending in forged papers! My God his Obama envy is strong!
Yeah.....I'm sure Trump forged a Nobel nomination. LOL

I wonder if you know how a person gets nominated for the Nobel Prize.
Obviously not.
All you have to do is write a letter to the Nobel Committee.
Rush Limbaugh fans have sent letters to them numerous times.
It doesn't mean they'll consider it.
The nomination process is merely a formality that has nothing to do with being selected.
Anyone can nominate ANYONE for the Nobel Prize.....ANYONE.
You don't have to be a member of an exclusive club to nominate someone.

So how does one go about forging something that anyone could do?


Oh meatwhistle, you are so wrong. First off if anyone could nominate someone then why would they have to forge another's name? Think you moron,never mind your a tRumPutiner it is way above you.
Why would they want to forge a name, Shitforbrains???
The truth is, none of this makes any sense....unless your job is trashing Trump....then it makes perfect sense.

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