The North Pole could melt this year

Evidence... of what? Yes there is a lot of CO2 in the atmosphere, what in the world does that prove?

GLOBAL WARMING: The Rise of CO2 & Warming

The time series shows the combined global land and marine surface temperature record from 1856 to 2001. Data from Jones et al., 1998; and from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia (; compilation by Phil Jones).
The Earth has been warming since 1910, with a temperature maximum reached in the 1990’s. (The year 2001 is now the second warmest year on record, according to the World Meteorological Organization.)

The scientific conclusion reached is that warming is real.

But is this warming man-made? Carbon dioxide has been rising since the time of James Watt (1736 – 1819), inventor of the auto-controlled steam engine that helped jump-start the industrial revolution. Since then, coal, oil and natural gas have powered our economies. Hydro-power and nuclear power are comparatively minor contributors to energy needs (excepting certain countries such as Norway and France).

Today the amount of carbon dumped globally into the atmosphere corresponds, on average, to one ton per person on the planet, each year. In the United States, carbon-based energy is especially important. The average American per capita emission is 5 tons of carbon annually. In Sweden (with a similar standard of living as the US) the carbon output is less than two tons of carbon per person per year.

James Tyndall (Courtesy: NASA)
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas – it traps heat radiation that is attempting to escape from Earth. The physics of this process was established by the Irish physicist John Tyndall (1820 – 1891) and the effect was calculated by Swedish chemist Svante Arrhenius (1859 – 1927).

The basic argument (that is, that greenhouse gases keep the Earth comfortably warm) has never been challenged, and it follows that an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere undoubtedly produces a rise in temperature at ground level.

More information on the greenhouse effect.

Given this background, we next need to ask:

How much of the observed warming in this last century can be ascribed to the observed loading of the atmosphere with greenhouse gases by human activities?

Svante Arrhenius (Courtesy:
First, we turn to the reconstruction of the rise of carbon dioxide since the time of James Watt. The early part of the series is derived from extracting air in polar ice, and measuring its carbon dioxide content. The later part is based on the measurements of Charles D. Keeling, since 1957, on Mauna Loa.

The overall rise is from just below 280 ppm (the “pre-industrial” value) to the present values above 360 ppm, an increase of a factor of 1.3. The logarithm of 1.3 is 0.11, that of 2 is 0.30. Thus, we are a little more than one third of the way to a doubling of carbon dioxide, on a log scale. If doubling of carbon dioxide produces a temperature rise of between 1.5 and 5 degrees Celsius (as found in numerical experiments using climate models), we should see a warming of between 0.5 and 1.7 degrees Celsius. We do see the lower number of this range, but this does not prove that the rise upon doubling of carbon dioxide is in fact 1.5 degrees. The reason is that we are in a “transient”, that is, the change is too fast to allow equilibrium to establish itself.

Graph showing rise of CO2, from measurements in ice cores (Siple, Antarctica) and measurements from Mauna Loa, Hawaii (Keeling curve) since James Watt, inventor of the steam engine. (Pre-1990 data in: B. Moore & D. Schimel, 1992. Trace Gases and the Biosphere. UCAR, Boulder CO)
In fact, the answer is not known with a high degree of certainty, not only because of the lack-of-equlibrium problem (which involves uptake of heat by the ocean), but also because of additional complexities arising from air pollution, trace gases other than carbon dioxide, possible changes in the brightness of the Sun, and effects from volcanic activity.

Thus, in answer to the above question: Estimates vary from “little” to “much” to “most”, with the latter answer being the more credible one.

One way to obtain a quick estimate answer is by doing some simple calculations, based on the work of Svante Arrhenius, assuming a 2 degree Celsius rise in temperature per doubling of carbon dioxide (Arrhenius proposed a somewhat greater effect, neglecting compensating factors). The result is the graph below, showing that CO2 forcing can explain the temperature rise. That said, there may also be a role for the Sun in modifying the temperature rise driven by greenhouse gases. The minor drops in temperature right after 1900 and after 1960 coincide with reduced solar activity. To be sure, while this simple calculation may be enough to explain the observations, it is not a mathematical proof that the warming that has occurred since the days of James Watt is entirely due to human activity. It merely represents the simplest possible explanation.

Another way of stating the situation is this:

There is no compelling evidence that the observed overall warming in the 20th Century is anything but man-made.

The burden of proof is on those who would have us think that natural causes are solely or mainly responsible for this trend.

Graph showing that the observed temperature rise can easily result from the observed rise of CO2 , based on simple numerical experiment. (Smoothed temperature data in Jones et al., 1998; CO2 forcing data from CO2 history, and calculated expected rise in temperature assuming 2 degree Celsius rise for CO2 doubling; sunspot abundance from J.Lean, NASA)
Of course, showing that the observed warming entirely agrees with reasonable expectations for the rise in carbon dioxide does not exclude the possibility that some of this warming would have occurred anyway, without human help. But the warming of the past 30 years, from 1970 to the present, is unexplainable by any known natural cause. In any case, considerable further warming is very likely if emissions continue as in the past.
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Miniscule amount? We have increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by one third in the last 200 years. We are adding 8 billion metric tons of CO2 each year, and the rate of production is increasing.

Yes, compared to the massive amounts of CO2 released into the atmosphere from volcanic activity, the oceans, soil, vegetation, that produced by humankind is relatively small. Further the average mean temperatures on Earth and ocean temperatures have stabilized and even decreased since the late 1990's though CO2 levels continue to increase. If there is a significant correlation between human generated CO2 and global warming, this can only be demonstrated through manipulation of data fed into computer models and it cannot be replicated by the actual observable and verifiable climate trends. Further there have been periods on Earth in which the CO2 levels were significantly higher while the average mean temperatures were much lower.

All this has to be factored into any conclusions that we humans simply living our lives are causing any lasting harm to Planet Earth.
Yes, compared to the massive amounts of CO2 released into the atmosphere from volcanic activity, the oceans, soil, vegetation, that produced by humankind is relatively small. Further the average mean temperatures on Earth and ocean temperatures have stabilized and even decreased since the late 1990's though CO2 levels continue to increase. If there is a significant correlation between human generated CO2 and global warming, this can only be demonstrated through manipulation of data fed into computer models and it cannot be replicated by the actual observable and verifiable climate trends. Further there have been periods on Earth in which the CO2 levels were significantly higher while the average mean temperatures were much lower.

All this has to be factored into any conclusions that we humans simply living our lives are causing any lasting harm to Planet Earth.

Almost everything is your post is false. The temperature of the earth has continued to rise in this decade, and that is why the pole is melting. Mankind has caused the CO2 level to rise by one third which is a very significant amount. We are releasing 1 ton of CO2 for every person on earth per year. CO2 in the atmosphere is at the highest level ever recorded, and the ice core record goes back 600,000 years.
Well, I showed you where droughts aren't on the rise,

do you believe your own BS or are you a corporation that knows it is doing wrong but doesn't want to admit it because then it will dip into your profits?

only 2 choices. I think you are a sheeple swallowing what you are being told. spin. I know 10 people that would make you sound foolish. i'm no expert, but i've hearf enough to know you are just spinning.

even newt admitted this.

Sure it's spin when I lay out facts, either put up or shut up. Maybe thats your problem you haven't hearf enough to know that man made global warming is a myth.
Actually scientists have recently announced we are entering a period of short term cooling.

See unlike some of you kids, I was around when these same "experts" were telling us all we were heading for another Ice age. I think the only thing that is certain in this whole debate is that we do not really know what is going to happen.

Stop looking at the Climate models so much. as I already pointed out, NEARLY ALL of them operate on the premise that CO2 levels will double. If they do not double, then all the models to date are wholly inaccurate.

I do not doubt the earth is warming myself, I simply doubt how much we as humans contribute to it, and how much we can really do to stop it.

Actually scientists have recently announced we are entering a period of short term cooling.

See unlike some of you kids, I was around when these same "experts" were telling us all we were heading for another Ice age. I think the only thing that is certain in this whole debate is that we do not really know what is going to happen.

Stop looking at the Climate models so much. as I already pointed out, NEARLY ALL of them operate on the premise that CO2 levels will double. If they do not double, then all the models to date are wholly inaccurate.

I do not doubt the earth is warming myself, I simply doubt how much we as humans contribute to it, and how much we can really do to stop it.


CO2 in the atmosphere has already gone up by one third and the amount we are releasing is accelerating because of the industrialization of China and India. Plus, when the permafrost melts, which will be soon, it will release methane which is a greenhouse gas that is 20 times more powerful than CO2.
Well What IS? I cannot believe that we don't believe that we are not having a significant impact on the environment.

Geologists are only one small part of the equation. I also have friends that are PHD's in various sciences. To say that we are not having an impact is suicide.
global warming is a topic the gop loves to debate because it distracts us from talking about pollution. corporate pollution, styrophome,plastics,nuke waste, the pacific ocean is a toilet bowl. more plastic in it than wildlife, by weight.

chinas pollution comes to los angeles.

bush deregulated policing corporations on pollution.
Well What IS? I cannot believe that we don't believe that we are not having a significant impact on the environment.

Geologists are only one small part of the equation. I also have friends that are PHD's in various sciences. To say that we are not having an impact is suicide.

I believe humans do have an impact on the environment...but I do not believe they are causing global warming. Humans burning fossil fuels on earth are not causing the warming of every planet in our solar system.
global warming is a topic the gop loves to debate because it distracts us from talking about pollution. corporate pollution, styrophome,plastics,nuke waste, the pacific ocean is a toilet bowl. more plastic in it than wildlife, by weight.

chinas pollution comes to los angeles.

bush deregulated policing corporations on pollution.

So your brain came out of the Pacific Ocean?...It all makes sense now.
newt gingrich already conceded that corportion know they are causing global warming. they just don't want regulations and taxes and going green will cost money.

I say its worth it.
newt gingrich already conceded that corportion know they are causing global warming. they just don't want regulations and taxes and going green will cost money.

I say its worth it.

Who gives a rat's ass what Gingrich says, facts are facts. Until you can show me that man made CO2 is causing climate changes your scurrying around proves nothing.
CO2 is measured in parts per million, and atmospheric CO2 makes up 384 parts per million.

That's .038%, not 4%.

You are correct.

My error.

Composition of
dry atmosphere, by volume
[5]ppmv: parts per million by volumeGasVolumeNitrogen (N2)780,840 ppmv (78.084%)Oxygen (O2)209,460 ppmv (20.946%)Argon (Ar)9,340 ppmv (0.9340%)Carbon dioxide (CO2)383 ppmv (0.0383%)Neon (Ne)18.18 ppmv (0.001818%)Helium (He)5.24 ppmv (0.000524%)Methane (CH4)1.745 ppmv (0.0001745%)Krypton (Kr)1.14 ppmv (0.000114%)Hydrogen (H2)0.55 ppmv (0.000055%)Not included in above dry atmosphere:Water vapor (H2O)~0.40% over full atmosphere, typically 1% to 4% near surfaceMinor components of air not listed above include[citation needed]GasVolumenitrous oxide0.3 ppmv (0.00005%)xenon0.09 ppmv (9x10-6%)ozone0.0 to 0.07 ppmv (0%-7x10-6%)nitrogen dioxide0.02 ppmv (2x10-6%)iodine0.01 ppmv (1x10-6%)carbon monoxidetraceammoniatrace
Volcanoes under the ice?


Yes, I guess they are causing all the glaciers in the world to recede as well.[/QUOTE]

Proven wrong on this point also. Moving onto the next subject.....

The above chart depicts global temperature anomaly. As of April 2008, temperatures were below the 1979-2008 average.


The above chart shows measured temperature (the blue and red lines) and CO2 levels in the atmosphere. But while CO2 concentrations increase at a fairly constant rate, temperatures have fluctuated a lot. It would seem that CO2 levels have very little explanatory power when it comes to predicting temperature changes - the two trends are loosely correlated at best.

Correlation (and a weak one at that) is not causation. Just because you plug in a nightlight every evening, and the boogeyman hasn't shown up - IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT YOUR NIGHTLIGHT IS KEEPING HIM AWAY.

Maybe I'm a foolish denier, but I will believe empirical data over untested and unprovable theory 100% of the time.

Another way of stating the situation is this: There is no compelling evidence that the observed overall warming in the 20th Century is anything but man-made.

In other words, "it must be man, because we don't understand what else might be causing the warming." There's also no compelling evidence that anything but the nightlight is keeping the boogeyman away. You call that "science?" HA!
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arguing with these Global Warming Alarmist is like clapping with one hand. They are fully brainwashed by Al Gore. They could care less about facts :)

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