The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

If you knew more about Americans-or just people in general-you'd know that that is exactly what has, will, and should happen. Don't Muslims divide people into people who follow Islam and everyone else as two distinct and separate groups?

Is that really fair? No. But we aren't being attacked by just one tribe (gang, sect, clan, division, or whatever) either. People who use terror tactics have no bitch coming when it comes to "fairness" anyway. If you fight nasty it should come as no surprise if you are dealt with in a similar fashion. Nor do you as a group deserve anything better.

There may well have been Nazis who were wonderful people as well as kind and innocent German women and children. We bombed them all. There is very little that is "fair" in war and jihadists who target civilians are due no complaint.

Less than 1% of Nazi party members were involved in the Holocaust.

1% of Muslims ia 120 MILLION people. The appeasers and the apologists say that since most Muslims live in relative peace, we should ignore those 120 million actively fighting to kill us.

There aren't 120 million Muslims trying to kill us unless you have some sort of hard data to prove that you didn't just make it up. Simply saying 1% may sound nice to you, but it is pretty meaningless without supporting evidence.
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Nice attempt at a deflection, but a poor defense for the fact that you got the basic tenants of so many Islamic sects so very wrong.

I got nothing wrong. You are an appeaser and apologist, with an agenda.

You didn't even know that Shiites generally don't consider the bukhari and Muslim collections to be authoritative, or even that there were different schools of jurisprudence within Islam. That's a pretty big gap.
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All Syrians aren't Muslim. Just FYI.

one reason why they're leaving...just FYI...

is this supposed to be some sort of retort to any of the arguments I've made? :confused:

all you claim is that some muslims are good people....which i'm sure is basically true.....yet you have no position on the anti-American nature of Islam and sharia....the ideology by which they live....even here in the U.S....

the same ideology which was behind this meeting in TN....which was circling around the muslim push to make criticism of Islam a 'hate crime'...
I don't view them only as Muslims. I view them as individual people, and no I don't think being a Muslim makes one better than someone else.

Islam is very similar to Nazism. I don't just mean the desire to murder Jews. I mean in the way that both are misjudged.

90% of Nazis were decent people who ignored the evil of Nazism, going along due to fear, national pride, culture, etc.

Likewise, 90% of Muslims are decent people who just want to live their lives.

So, according to the modern left, this makes Nazism peaceful. The Holocaust truly was the act of a radical minority - Most Germans had no idea it was going on. So this means that Nazism was a way of peace - using the logic of the modern left.

Except of course the minor, nagging fact that Nazism was evil. Regardless of the goodness of the majority of Nazis, it was a foul and rotten fruit. The foundation of Mein Kampf spelled out the evil of the system and the good people deluded themselves that the words of evil would not become acts of evil. Adolf Hitler was an evil man with malice toward human kind.

The same is true of Islam. The fact that 90% of Muslims are good people doesn't alter the FACT that Islam is evil. That some delude themselves that the evil of the Koran will not be used to fuel evil acts does nothing to change reality. Muhammad was an evil man, a Warlord with a message of violence, rape, and murder.

I'm an atheist.

What is it that Muslims are to do with Kafirum?

Well don't you sound like a nice little radical.

In the age of universal deceit, speaking the truth is a radical act.
The fact that 90% of Muslims are good people doesn't alter the FACT that Islam is evil.

Doesn't "alter" it, no. The word is "contradict".

You're trying to have it both ways. On one hand, Islam is evil and ergo inescabably makes its adherents evil. On the other hand "90%" are not evil, but "decent people".

Apparently the evil isn't working 90% of the time -- even in the vast comic book of your head.

Even sillier, you're trying to compare a political movement with a lifespan of a decade in a single central European country with a multicontinental religion of 1400 years. There's no basis for that comparison except as a stretch to trigger a harebrained hair-on-fire conspiracy theory fueled on nothing but vague emotion.

There is an instructive parallel with the NSDAP and Islamophobia, but it's got nothing do inherent character. It has everything to do with the dishonest demagoguery tactic of identifying a scapegoat group (Jews, Muslims, name your poison) and proceeding to demonize it. With exactly the kind of swill you just spilled here.

It's been spilled before. Trying economic times tend to grease that process. We saw this movie before; we already know how it ends.
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one reason why they're leaving...just FYI...

is this supposed to be some sort of retort to any of the arguments I've made? :confused:

all you claim is that some muslims are good people....which i'm sure is basically true.....yet you have no position on the anti-American nature of Islam and sharia....the ideology by which they live....even here in the U.S....

the same ideology which was behind this meeting in TN....which was circling around the muslim push to make criticism of Islam a 'hate crime'...

The problem that we have here is that you keep referring to Islam as a singular thing, when it has already been established that it isn't.

The fundamental assumption of your model is incorrect.

But let's delve into the specifics of it: What exactly do you see in Islam itself that is incompatible with being an American, and what do you base that belief on (aka source it please)?
LOL....oh those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat. :lol:

Dude, seriously, breathe into reality a little bit, go out and live your life and have fun in our diverse society.


Yeah, you've got far more serious enemies to worry about...

The Tea Party
The attempted snow job by the American Muslim Advisory Council (AMAC) of Tennessee which sponsored the joint Department of Justice/FBI event, "Public Disclosure in a Diverse Society," Tuesday night in Manchester, Tennessee, did not work with the 2,000 attendees. Claims that American Muslims are loyal citizens, partners in counterterrorism investigations, part of radicalization prevention efforts, and an integral part of American society for centuries fell flat, especially coming from the host organization that was formed only two years ago in response to anti-shariah legislation in the Volunteer State.

A well-informed crowd responded with calls of "taqiyyah" when members of AMAC, a group that bills itself as "a bridge between the Muslim community and law enforcement," touted Muslim contributions to U.S. society and their dedication to upholding American values. (Taqiyyah doctrine obligates Muslims to deceive infidels as part the required effort or jihad to institute Islamic doctrine or shariah). In actuality, Muslim organizations have specifically instructed Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement and have demanded that all counterterrorism-training materials be expunged of critical references to Islam and Muslims, as well the training instructors fired or retrained who fail to follow along.

As for government officials, they ostensibly conducted an informational session on legal statutes related to offensive statements and reassured the crowd that arrests would not take place. But the covert message was clear: This event was held to reinforce the supremacy of Muslims and their civil rights as no other group has been afforded this level of deference or accommodation. It was a veiled threat to non-Muslims that Muslims and Muslims alone will receive special protection by the government and hate crime prosecutions are on the table at some future point. Americans beware.

Read more: Articles: The Not-So-Veiled Threat to Non-Muslims in Tennessee
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how come the government doesn't speak up in the same way for Christians.....?

A couple of comments from me:

1.) The source strikes me as a rather hate filled one. Particularly given its presentation of the Islamic concept of taqiyya. simply put it was being dishonest it what Taqiyya actually is. Under no school of Islamic Jurisprudence is taqiyya an obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims as part of a greater jihad. The concept of taqiyya allows Muslims to lie about their religious affiliation under the circumstance of heavy persecution or torture. (Aka renouncing your religion under torture is forgivable in Islam; or saying that you aren't a Muslim to persons should it mean your death is also forgivable). In fact Taqiyya is mostly our term for it, under Islamic jurisprudence sets it is generally reference as something that you are coerced to do under direct threat of violence from others. Even then under mainstream Sunni jurisprudence sets the higher path is to take death over lying.

2.) Minorities are often what are known as "vulnerable populations" it makes sense to work with vulnerable populations to make sure that they are protected and taken care of since they are historically so prone to abuse by majorities. This also safeguards societies from larger sectarian or ethnic based violence and encourages integration over division.

If your definition is accurate then explain why those attending used that term.

It would not have been used at all unless the word has more than one meaning.
how come the government doesn't speak up in the same way for Christians.....?

A couple of comments from me:

1.) The source strikes me as a rather hate filled one. Particularly given its presentation of the Islamic concept of taqiyya. simply put it was being dishonest it what Taqiyya actually is. Under no school of Islamic Jurisprudence is taqiyya an obligation for Muslims to lie to non-Muslims as part of a greater jihad. The concept of taqiyya allows Muslims to lie about their religious affiliation under the circumstance of heavy persecution or torture. (Aka renouncing your religion under torture is forgivable in Islam; or saying that you aren't a Muslim to persons should it mean your death is also forgivable). In fact Taqiyya is mostly our term for it, under Islamic jurisprudence sets it is generally reference as something that you are coerced to do under direct threat of violence from others. Even then under mainstream Sunni jurisprudence sets the higher path is to take death over lying.

2.) Minorities are often what are known as "vulnerable populations" it makes sense to work with vulnerable populations to make sure that they are protected and taken care of since they are historically so prone to abuse by majorities. This also safeguards societies from larger sectarian or ethnic based violence and encourages integration over division.

If your definition is accurate then explain why those attending used that term.

It would not have been used at all unless the word has more than one meaning.

I'd be happy to. Link to said incident?
obama is letting all these Syrians in to help the Chechens that are already here. Terrorists lost two operatives when the "refugee" Tsarnaev brothers came to an end. obama needs to replentish those ranks quickly.
LOL....oh those scary damned Muslims, they're such a huge threat. :lol:

Dude, seriously, breathe into reality a little bit, go out and live your life and have fun in our diverse society.


Yeah, you've got far more serious enemies to worry about...

The Tea Party



Noticed that, did'ja? Yeah, I formed a similar impression, and fairly quickly.

I was tempted to add Westerners and/or Americans to the List, but decided to hold off 'cause the jury's still out on that one - barely.
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Tennessee will change as soon as obama adds 70,000 Syrian muslims to the state.

All Syrians aren't Muslim. Just FYI.
And nowhere in that post was there an indication that Katz believed anything to the contrary; but even if there had been such an indication, given that 87% of Syrians are Muslims, it would have been an understandable and forgivable overlooking of a minor statistical blip on the scope.

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