The not-so-veiled threat to non-Muslims in Tennessee

And nowhere in that post was there an indication that Katz believed anything to the contrary;

He seems under the impression that every single refugee that would be transplanted here from Syria would be a Muslim. Statistically speaking that doesn't make much sense.

but even if there had been such an indication, given that 87% of Syrians are Muslims, it would have been an understandable and forgivable overlooking of a minor statistical blip on the scope.

I disagree, the fact that he is unaware of the diversity that exists within Syria means that he doesn't know what he is talking about when it comes to Syria and its peoples. If he can't even get the basics right, how are we to trust that he can comprehend the nuances?
Generally speaking, Americans don't do 'subtle'... ditto for 'nuances'... with respect to foreign policy.

This is doubly-true for populations in the thrall of an alien political-religious belief-system such as Islam.

But, even though we don't pay much attention to nuances, our B52s tend to smooth things over.

As may very well happen in Syria in the not-too-distant future.
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Generally speaking, Americans don't do 'subtle'... ditto for 'nuances'... with respect to foreign policy.

Which is a mistake and historically has lead to poor policy formulation both domestically and overseas. So it really isn't something that I try to practice.

But, even though we don't pay attention to nuances, our B52s tend to smooth things over.

Or make things worse, aka war in Iraq, bombing Somalia, etc.
There aren't 120 million Muslims trying to kill us

1% is 12 million, I slipped a decimal.

And there are probably closer to 70 million actively engaged in lesser Jihad.

Poll reveals 40pc of Muslims want sharia law in UK - Telegraph

A Year After Iraq War | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

unless you have some sort of hard data to prove that you didn't just make it up. Simply saying 1% may sound nice to you, but it is pretty meaningless without supporting evidence.

The 1% if from you appeasers - the constant refrain that "99% of Muslims want to live in peace."
Generally speaking, Americans don't do 'subtle'... ditto for 'nuances'... with respect to foreign policy.

This is doubly-true for populations in the thrall of an alien political-religious belief-system such as Islam.

But, even though we don't pay much attention to nuances, our B52s tend to smooth things over.

As may very well happen in Syria in the not-too-distant future.

Too true. We're reminded of that every time a thread like this comes along.

I'd have to observe, B52s don't really do "subtle" or "nuances" either.

Mistrusting the US and wanting shariah law isn't the same as "OMG they want to kill us all!".

Try again.

The 1% if from you appeasers - the constant refrain that "99% of Muslims want to live in peace."

So in other words, you've got nothing. Noted.
You didn't even know that Shiites generally don't consider the bukhari and Muslim collections to be authoritative, or even that there were different schools of jurisprudence within Islam. That's a pretty big gap.

False on both accounts.

Most Shiites do considere al-Bukhari to be authoritative. That there are differing views of how to apply Sharia, I never said otherwise - I merely said it was irrelevant.
Most Shiites do considere al-Bukhari to be authoritative.

Most shiiites don't hold ANY collection to be authoritative. They don't utilize the Sahih (authoritative) title. They have their own collections of works (to be general) but usually do not claim complete perfection of any of them, even the ones they tend to utilize the most.

But to keep it simple:

List of Shia books - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you see the Sahih Bukhari or Sahih Muslim anywhere on that list?

Now, the list is hardly exhaustive, and there are so many different branches that it is near impossible to talk about them so generally like this, but some hadiths that shias may choose to follow (it is the individual's choice) may match up with some found in Bukhari or Muslim, but that doesn't mean they consider the entire collection authoritative.

Just because Bukhari was Persian doesn't mean that his collection of hadiths is authoritative to Shiites. Bukhari was a Sunni scholar.
Doesn't "alter" it, no. The word is "contradict".

I realize that you of the radical left have allied yourselves with radical Islam in your war on civil liberties, but the absurdity of your claims are beyond the pale.

You're trying to have it both ways. On one hand, Islam is evil and ergo inescabably makes its adherents evil. On the other hand "90%" are not evil, but "decent people".

You are a drone, and thinking is not permitted for you. The party does your thinking and assigns to you any thoughts you may have.

But if you COULD think, then you might ponder what I wrote about the Nazis.

Yes, in your cartoon world, all whites are Nazis, and all Nazis are evil villains. But the fact was that the overwhelming majority of those sucked into the Nazi party held no malice - they were the pliable masses - not unlike you - who served the party because it was expected of them.

Most of the Nazis in Germany were good people, that is a fact. Nazism was and evil creed - that is a fact.

That you lack the intellectual acumen to grasp such a dichotomy, in no way alters the facts.

Apparently the evil isn't working 90% of the time -- even in the vast comic book of your head.

Even simple concepts are too much for you to fathom, I see.

Even sillier, you're trying to compare a political movement with a lifespan of a decade in a single central European country with a multicontinental religion of 1400 years. There's no basis for that comparison except as a stretch to trigger a harebrained hair-on-fire conspiracy theory fueled on nothing but vague emotion.

Islam is far more than a religion - civic life is ruled by Islam as fully as ecumenical life is.

Of course, you're but a drone, spewing bullshit in hopes of distracting. Islam is the ally of the left, so you spew what you do to cover for Islam. Such is your way.

Honest discourse and critical examination are not features that one of your level is permitted or capable of engaging in.

There is an instructive parallel with the NSDAP and Islamophobia, but it's got nothing do inherent character. It has everything to do with the dishonest demagoguery tactic of identifying a scapegoat group (Jews, Muslims, name your poison) and proceeding to demonize it. With exactly the kind of swill you just spilled here.


A poor attempt, but then, you have a poor intellect.

It's been spilled before. Trying economic times tend to grease that process. We saw this movie before; we already know how it ends.

You are agenda driven.
The problem that we have here is that you keep referring to Islam as a singular thing, when it has already been established that it isn't.

The fundamental assumption of your model is incorrect.

But let's delve into the specifics of it: What exactly do you see in Islam itself that is incompatible with being an American, and what do you base that belief on (aka source it please)?

While your tact is dishonest, it is at least not as jaw-droppingly stupid as the approach that Pogo and the other termites are programmed to take.
Depends on the beliefs of the individual Muslim. Muhammad himself had allies who were unbelievers though.

So, please cite from one of the many versions of the Koran where the Kafirum are to be left in peace to rule their own lands as they please?
The problem that we have here is that you keep referring to Islam as a singular thing, when it has already been established that it isn't.

The fundamental assumption of your model is incorrect.

But let's delve into the specifics of it: What exactly do you see in Islam itself that is incompatible with being an American, and what do you base that belief on (aka source it please)?

While your tact is dishonest, it is at least not as jaw-droppingly stupid as the approach that Pogo and the other termites are programmed to take.

How is it in any way dishonest? I'm not the one casually throwing differences out the way you guys are with the different jurisprudential sets within Islam.

Noticed that, did'ja? Yeah, I formed a similar impression, and fairly quickly.

I was tempted to add Westerners and/or Americans to the List, but decided to hold off 'cause the jury's still out on that one - barely.

BIK is American.

As I recall, he is a convert.

One of the many problems with the prison industrial complex in this nation is that the prisons are a breeding ground for Islam. Most American converts to Islam, convert in prison.
Generally speaking, Americans don't do 'subtle'... ditto for 'nuances'... with respect to foreign policy.

This is doubly-true for populations in the thrall of an alien political-religious belief-system such as Islam.

But, even though we don't pay much attention to nuances, our B52s tend to smooth things over.

As may very well happen in Syria in the not-too-distant future.

Too true. We're reminded of that every time a thread like this comes along.

I'd have to observe, B52s don't really do "subtle" or "nuances" either.

To some on this board, my support of Israel may makes me an Asshole.

But I DO try to the best of my ability to be an HONEST Asshole.
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He seems under the impression that every single refugee that would be transplanted here from Syria would be a Muslim. Statistically speaking that doesn't make much sense.

What percent of Syrians are not Muslim, sparky?

You play fast and loose with the truth on every subject, doncha?
So, please cite from one of the many versions of the Koran where the Kafirum are to be left in peace to rule their own lands as they please?

The Quran doesn't advocate the wholesale slaughter of all non-Muslims. Some people love to cite verses from say Sura 9, that say "slay the polythesists wherever you find them" but often ignore the fact that such verses refer to specific groups of persons (in sura 9 it is the Byzantine armies that are supposed to be near Tabuk). And almost always ignore the fact that at the same time Muhammad has alliances with non-believing tribes and towns and says that if you have understandings of non-aggression with them (we translate it as treaties) that believers are to honor them.

Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term [has ended]. Indeed, Allah loves the righteous [who fear Him].

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