The NRA vs "Me Too" Corporations

I've answered your question and anyone with a brain can see that. I suspect that you just want to bump your own thread.

She just likes to repeat herself ad nauseam and declare victory, it's her schtick.

But I AM always proven by the fact that my three points above left you speechless.

Speechless? No. I just don't care to debate your strawmen, I made that pretty clear before, but hey there you are again declaring an empty victory.

Are you lying to yourself, to assuage how wounded you are by the information I've provided????

There's no debate possible.

I've proven that guns are simply a red herring.....

This is the earlier poster found as well.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950ā€™s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€˜assault weaponsā€™ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: Weā€™ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€œassault weaponsā€ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Councilā€™s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data ā€œdid not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.ā€ The Justice Departmentā€™s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that werenā€™t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. ā€¦ the data shows that all mass shooting are in ā€˜Gun Free Zones,ā€™ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugsā€¦..
ā€œAt least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the ā€¦ cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been takingā€”though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatristā€™s ā€œcareā€.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.ā€
Columbine | CCHR International

So...."I just don't care to debate your strawmen"

This is a you.

Nothing there has addressed anything I've said. So, go back to my post and start over.

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings
Since I've proven that the two documented causes of mass shootings are
Gun Free Zones...
Psychotropic Drugs....

And 'Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings'...
let's look further into the cause....

Itā€™s the changes in the culture, and the change is the lesser value placed on human life.

Which political perspective gets the blame for that??????

Of courseā€¦..the Left: communists, socialists, Liberals, Progressives, Nazis and Fascists.
ā€œA single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.ā€

"You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs"
Various Leftists...comparing the slaughter of other human beings to breaking eggs.
She just likes to repeat herself ad nauseam and declare victory, it's her schtick.

But I AM always proven by the fact that my three points above left you speechless.

Speechless? No. I just don't care to debate your strawmen, I made that pretty clear before, but hey there you are again declaring an empty victory.

Are you lying to yourself, to assuage how wounded you are by the information I've provided????

There's no debate possible.

I've proven that guns are simply a red herring.....

This is the earlier poster found as well.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950ā€™s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€˜assault weaponsā€™ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: Weā€™ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€œassault weaponsā€ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Councilā€™s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data ā€œdid not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.ā€ The Justice Departmentā€™s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that werenā€™t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. ā€¦ the data shows that all mass shooting are in ā€˜Gun Free Zones,ā€™ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugsā€¦..
ā€œAt least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the ā€¦ cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been takingā€”though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatristā€™s ā€œcareā€.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.ā€
Columbine | CCHR International

So...."I just don't care to debate your strawmen"

This is a you.

Nothing there has addressed anything I've said. So, go back to my post and start over.

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

There is a connection. The Florida mass shooter bought a gun from Dick's. Dick's probably doesn't like that so they decided to do something so they don't end up actually selling the murder weapon next time. But, here you are a small government conservative who is upset when a business makes their own decisions.
But I AM always proven by the fact that my three points above left you speechless.

Speechless? No. I just don't care to debate your strawmen, I made that pretty clear before, but hey there you are again declaring an empty victory.

Are you lying to yourself, to assuage how wounded you are by the information I've provided????

There's no debate possible.

I've proven that guns are simply a red herring.....

This is the earlier poster found as well.

a."Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows"
According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, from the 1950ā€™s through July 10th of 2016, 98.4 percent of mass shootings have occurred on gun-free zones, with just 1.6 percent occurring where citizens are allowed to have firearms with them."
Over 98% of mass shootings occurred on gun-free zones, research shows

b. "From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€˜assault weaponsā€™ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: Weā€™ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€œassault weaponsā€ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Councilā€™s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data ā€œdid not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.ā€ The Justice Departmentā€™s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that werenā€™t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

c. ā€¦ the data shows that all mass shooting are in ā€˜Gun Free Zones,ā€™ and when nearly all mass shooters are on prescribed psychotropic drugsā€¦..
ā€œAt least fourteen recent school shootings were committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs.

It is important to note the ā€¦ cases where the information about the shooters psychiatric drug use was made public. To give an example, although it is known that James Holmes, suspected perpetrator of the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting, was seeing psychiatry-ist Lynne Fenton, there has been no mention of what psychiatric drugs he may have been takingā€”though it is highly probably he was taking psychiatric drugs considering he was under a psychiatristā€™s ā€œcareā€.

Of these 14, seven were seeing either a psychiatrist (5 of them) or psychologist (2 of them). It is not known whether or not the other half were seeing a psychiatrist, as it has not been published.

There have been 22 international drug regulatory warnings issued on psychiatric drugs causing violence, mania, hostility, aggression, psychosis, and other violent type reactions. These warnings have been issued in the United States, European Union, Japan, United Kingdom, Australia and Canada.ā€
Columbine | CCHR International

So...."I just don't care to debate your strawmen"

This is a you.

Nothing there has addressed anything I've said. So, go back to my post and start over.

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

There is a connection. The Florida mass shooter bought a gun from Dick's. Dick's probably doesn't like that so they decided to do something so they don't end up actually selling the murder weapon next time. But, here you are a small government conservative who is upset when a business makes their own decisions.

No, you dunce: no Gun Free Zone, no shooting.
No psychotropic drugs in this shooting.;

And ability to process the facts I've posted, hence the posts you've authored.
Last edited:
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!

The NRA was behind the refusal of Republicans to renew the assault rifle ban in 2004.

They have blood on their hands as well as any member that supports the terrorist organization.
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. Thereā€™s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
Reminder, the Texas killer used an assault type rife to kill 27 peoople youn stupid shit.
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!

The NRA was behind the refusal of Republicans to renew the assault rifle ban in 2004.

They have blood on their hands as well as any member that supports the terrorist organization.'re here to support the ban????


"From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€˜assault weaponsā€™ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: Weā€™ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€œassault weaponsā€ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Councilā€™s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data ā€œdid not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.ā€ The Justice Departmentā€™s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that werenā€™t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review

Can we agree that you're not very bright, RealDumb????
"REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
That was only three months ago. How quickly they forget.

Since the high school shooting in Florida, the anti-gun rhetoric has been flying fast and furious across the leftist media. Thereā€™s no responsibility attached to the shooter who killed 17 people; only the NRA and an AR-15 are to blame, apparently.

But just three short months ago, the NRA and an AR-15 were used to stop the Sutherland Springs church massacre in Texas thanks to a brave and well-armed citizen, Stephen Willeford."
REMINDER: Former NRA Instructor Armed with AR-15 Stopped TX Church Shooting
Reminder, the Texas killer used an assault type rife to kill 27 peoople youn stupid shit.

Watch your're not speaking to your family.
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!

Had nothing to do with it!? Are you kidding ?

NRA controls fla law . You can buy a firearm in Florida WITHOUT a license!!!

You reap what you sow Florida .

Perhaps you've heard of the Constitution.

Clearly, you haven't read it.....or had it read to you.

Whatā€™s your point? Many states have constitutional gun control laws . Florida does not . Any old psycho can buy a gun without a license .

Here's my point, you dunce:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

Iā€™ve explained many times how Cruz would not have been licensed or able to buy an AR in tough gun law states .

The school had an armed resource officer so it wasnā€™t ā€œgun free zone ā€œ.

You continue to ignore reality.
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!

Had nothing to do with it!? Are you kidding ?

NRA controls fla law . You can buy a firearm in Florida WITHOUT a license!!!

You reap what you sow Florida .

Perhaps you've heard of the Constitution.

Clearly, you haven't read it.....or had it read to you.

Whatā€™s your point? Many states have constitutional gun control laws . Florida does not . Any old psycho can buy a gun without a license .

Here's my point, you dunce:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

Iā€™ve explained many times how Cruz would not have been licensed or able to buy an AR in tough gun law states .

The school had an armed resource officer so it wasnā€™t ā€œgun free zone ā€œ.

You continue to ignore reality.

Actually, what you have been trained to ignore are the facts:

If there were no Gun Free Zones, he wouldn't have had a target

If he hadn't been on prescribed psychotropic drugs, he wouldn't have had the homicidal desires.

True story, you dope.
Had nothing to do with it!? Are you kidding ?

NRA controls fla law . You can buy a firearm in Florida WITHOUT a license!!!

You reap what you sow Florida .

Perhaps you've heard of the Constitution.

Clearly, you haven't read it.....or had it read to you.

Whatā€™s your point? Many states have constitutional gun control laws . Florida does not . Any old psycho can buy a gun without a license .

Here's my point, you dunce:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

Iā€™ve explained many times how Cruz would not have been licensed or able to buy an AR in tough gun law states .

The school had an armed resource officer so it wasnā€™t ā€œgun free zone ā€œ.

You continue to ignore reality.

Actually, what you have been trained to ignore are the facts:

If there were no Gun Free Zones, he wouldn't have had a target

If he hadn't been on prescribed psychotropic drugs, he wouldn't have had the homicidal desires.

True story, you dope.

Gun free zones like the CPAC convention?
Perhaps you've heard of the Constitution.

Clearly, you haven't read it.....or had it read to you.

Whatā€™s your point? Many states have constitutional gun control laws . Florida does not . Any old psycho can buy a gun without a license .

Here's my point, you dunce:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

Iā€™ve explained many times how Cruz would not have been licensed or able to buy an AR in tough gun law states .

The school had an armed resource officer so it wasnā€™t ā€œgun free zone ā€œ.

You continue to ignore reality.

Actually, what you have been trained to ignore are the facts:

If there were no Gun Free Zones, he wouldn't have had a target

If he hadn't been on prescribed psychotropic drugs, he wouldn't have had the homicidal desires.

True story, you dope.

Gun free zones like the CPAC convention?

Every gun free zone is a target.

The concept is counter-intuitive.....have someone explain to you what that means.
Whatā€™s your point? Many states have constitutional gun control laws . Florida does not . Any old psycho can buy a gun without a license .

Here's my point, you dunce:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

Iā€™ve explained many times how Cruz would not have been licensed or able to buy an AR in tough gun law states .

The school had an armed resource officer so it wasnā€™t ā€œgun free zone ā€œ.

You continue to ignore reality.

Actually, what you have been trained to ignore are the facts:

If there were no Gun Free Zones, he wouldn't have had a target

If he hadn't been on prescribed psychotropic drugs, he wouldn't have had the homicidal desires.

True story, you dope.

Gun free zones like the CPAC convention?

Every gun free zone is a target.

The concept is counter-intuitive.....have someone explain to you what that means.

Then why would CPAC be a gun free zone ? Since they are against gun free zones ?

Why donā€™t you explain that oh wise one!
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!
You're accusing a mega-corporation of belonging to the left? Bwahahaha!!!

You have to be oblivious not to recognize it.

Maybe this is easier for you to process: Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Gates.

Wise up.
Iā€™m glad u mentioned Gates.
Guess why the multitude of charges against Gates have been dropped.
Heā€™s now in Muellerā€™s corner and singing like a bird. Flynn, Gates and Papadopolous are giving Mueller enough information to put your criminal president away for life.
Interesting.....not a single disagreement with this post:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

Clearly, I hit the nail on the head.

You are clearly brainwashed .. They had a ban on your assault weapons that expired in 2004, this kid probably would not have been able to get a gun that would kill so many in such a short time.
Your crooked NRA paid off congress to not renew it..

The NRA is not the 2nd amendment.. they are a big money making machine that is corrupt as hell..and people like you are enabling them.


Let's agree that you couldn't be 'brainwashed' because, have no brain.,

"From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€˜assault weaponsā€™ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

We have a unique advantage in judging calls for a ban on so-called assault weapons: Weā€™ve done it before. From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€œassault weaponsā€ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime. The independent Task Force on Community Preventative Services found no evidence that the assault-weapon ban prevented any violence. The National Research Councilā€™s review of the academic literature on the question found that the data ā€œdid not reveal any clear impacts on gun violence.ā€ The Justice Departmentā€™s own study suggested that any effects of the law were too small to be statistically measured. Indeed, the only statistically significant outcome that could be detected was a steep rise in prices for various firearms that werenā€™t banned. Political realities being what they are, it is no surprise that Smith & Wesson shares went up almost 7 percent after the Orlando murders."
Assault-Weapon Ban: No | National Review this down:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings.

The only thing youā€™re consistent with is always being wrong.

"Assault weapons bans reduced the number of school shooting victims by 54.4 percent," Mark Gius of Quinnipiac University writes in the journal Applied Economics Letters.

Here's More Evidence That an Assault Weapons Ban Would Decrease School-Shooting Deaths
I'm never wrong.

"From 1994 through 2004, a federal ban on ā€˜assault weaponsā€™ was in place, and it had no detectable effect on crime.

No, you are usualy wrong. Also, you really need to stop repeating whatever shit you hear on hate radio and trying to pass it off as an original idea.

Actually, as always, I am correct.

A hint....the vulgarity is never a substitute for either knowledge or acuity.
Here's my point, you dunce:

Since there is no connection, in any way or degree, with the massacre at the Florida begins to wonder why Democrats/Liberals would not acknowledge two simple changes that would, essentially, end mass shooting.

Outlaw Gun Free Zones


Restrict the use of and the prescribing of psychotropic drugs.

Neither the NRA nor the AR-15 are the cause of such shootings

Iā€™ve explained many times how Cruz would not have been licensed or able to buy an AR in tough gun law states .

The school had an armed resource officer so it wasnā€™t ā€œgun free zone ā€œ.

You continue to ignore reality.

Actually, what you have been trained to ignore are the facts:

If there were no Gun Free Zones, he wouldn't have had a target

If he hadn't been on prescribed psychotropic drugs, he wouldn't have had the homicidal desires.

True story, you dope.

Gun free zones like the CPAC convention?

Every gun free zone is a target.

The concept is counter-intuitive.....have someone explain to you what that means.

Then why would CPAC be a gun free zone ? Since they are against gun free zones ?

Why donā€™t you explain that oh wise one!

Was there a mass shooting at CPAC?
Although the NRA had not a thing to do with the horrible shooting of school children in Florida, a number of corporations have withdrawn their association with the NRA, no longer offering their discounts to NRA members.

As is so often the case with Liberal-associated decisions, there is no association with realty in these decisions.
In it, we see the usual collectivist actions of the Left.

The Left has boycotts, walk-outs, marches, organized riots, etcā€¦.while we on the Right are more individualistic, and so appear smaller in number. The Left has the sort of noise machine that the Right canā€™t match.

But the NRA sent out a letter that represents Americanism, that Leftists eschew.


"FAIRFAX, VA ā€“ The more than five million law-abiding members of the National Rifle Association have enjoyed discounts and cost-saving programs from many American corporations that have partnered with the NRA to expand member benefits.

Since the tragedy in Parkland, Florida, a number of companies have decided to sever their relationshipwith the NRA, in an effort to punish our members who are doctors, farmers, law enforcement officers, fire fighters, nurses, shop owners and school teachers that live in every American community. We are men and women who represent every American ethnic group, every one of the worldā€™s religions and every form of political commitment.

The law-abiding members of the NRA had nothing at all to do with the failure of that schoolā€™s security preparedness, the failure of Americaā€™s mental health system, the failure of the National Instant Check System or the cruel failures of both federal and local law enforcement.

Despite that, some corporations have decided to punish NRA membership in a shameful display of political and civic cowardice. In time, these brands will be replaced by others who recognize that patriotism and determined commitment to Constitutional freedoms are characteristics of a marketplace they very much want to serve.

Let it be absolutely clear. The loss of a discount will neither scare nor distract one single NRA member from our mission to stand and defend the individual freedoms that have always made America the greatest nation in the world."

That's a great big 'Amen'!
You're accusing a mega-corporation of belonging to the left? Bwahahaha!!!

You have to be oblivious not to recognize it.

Maybe this is easier for you to process: Zuckerberg, Bezos, and Gates.

Wise up.
Iā€™m glad u mentioned Gates.
Guess why the multitude of charges against Gates have been dropped.
Heā€™s now in Muellerā€™s corner and singing like a bird. Flynn, Gates and Papadopolous are giving Mueller enough information to put your criminal president away for life. View attachment 179630

That's Bill Gates, you dunce.

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